Package com.sun.jini.test.spec.constraint.constrainttrustverifier

Source Code of com.sun.jini.test.spec.constraint.constrainttrustverifier.VerifyObjectTrustTest

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package com.sun.jini.test.spec.constraint.constrainttrustverifier;

import java.util.logging.Level;

// java

// javax

// net.jini
import net.jini.core.constraint.ClientAuthentication;
import net.jini.core.constraint.ClientMaxPrincipalType;
import net.jini.core.constraint.ClientMinPrincipalType;
import net.jini.core.constraint.Confidentiality;
import net.jini.core.constraint.DelegationAbsoluteTime;
import net.jini.core.constraint.DelegationRelativeTime;
import net.jini.core.constraint.Delegation;
import net.jini.core.constraint.Integrity;
import net.jini.core.constraint.ServerAuthentication;
import net.jini.core.constraint.ClientMinPrincipal;
import net.jini.core.constraint.ClientMaxPrincipal;
import net.jini.core.constraint.ServerMinPrincipal;
import net.jini.core.constraint.ConstraintAlternatives;
import net.jini.core.constraint.InvocationConstraints;
import net.jini.core.constraint.InvocationConstraint;
import net.jini.constraint.ConstraintTrustVerifier;
import net.jini.constraint.BasicMethodConstraints;

// com.sun.jini
import com.sun.jini.test.spec.constraint.util.TrueTrustVerifierContext;
import com.sun.jini.test.spec.constraint.util.FalseTrustVerifierContext;
import com.sun.jini.test.spec.constraint.util.PrincipalTrustVerifierContext;
import com.sun.jini.test.spec.constraint.util.ConstraintTrustVerifierContext;
import com.sun.jini.test.spec.constraint.util.ICTrustVerifierContext;
import com.sun.jini.test.spec.constraint.util.TestPrincipal;
import com.sun.jini.test.spec.constraint.util.TestConstraint;

* <pre>
* Purpose
*   This test verifies the following:
*     'isTrustedObject' method of ConstraintTrustVerifier returns true if the
*     specified object is known to be trusted to correctly implement its
*     contract; returns false otherwise. Returns true if any of the following
*     conditions holds, and returns false otherwise:
*     - The object is an instance of any of the following classes:
*       ClientAuthentication, ClientMaxPrincipalType, ClientMinPrincipalType,
*       Confidentiality, DelegationAbsoluteTime, DelegationRelativeTime,
*       Delegation, Integrity, ServerAuthentication
*     - The object is an instance of any of the following classes:
*       ClientMinPrincipal, ClientMaxPrincipal, ServerMinPrincipal
*       and all of the principals in that object are trusted (determined by
*       calling the isTrustedObject method on the specified context
*       with each principal)
*     - The object is an instance of ConstraintAlternatives and all
*       of the constraint alternatives in that object are trusted (determined
*       by calling the isTrustedObject method on the specified context with
*       each constraint alternative)
*     - The object is an instance of BasicMethodConstraints and all
*       the InvocationConstraints instances in that object are trusted
*       (determined by calling the isTrustedObject method on the
*       specified context with each instance)
*     - The object is an instance of InvocationConstraints and
*       all of the constraints (both requirements and preferences) in that
*       object are trusted (determined by calling the
*       isTrustedObject method on the specified context with each constraint)
*     - The object is an instance of X500Principal or KerberosPrincipal
* Infrastructure
*   This test requires the following infrastructure:
*     TrueTrustVerifierContext - class implementing TrustVerifier.Context
*             interface whose 'isTrustedObject' method of this class always
*             returns true
*     FalseTrustVerifierContext - class implementing TrustVerifier.Context
*             interface whose 'isTrustedObject' method of this class always
*             returns false
*     PrincipalTrustVerifierContext - class implementing TrustVerifier.Context
*             interface. 'isTrustedObject' method of this class returns true
*             if parameter is an instance of TestPrincipal and it's
*             'isTrusted' method return true
*     ConstraintTrustVerifierContext - class implementing TrustVerifier.Context
*             interface. 'isTrustedObject' method of this class returns true
*             if parameter is an instance of ClientAuthentication,
*             Delegation, Integrity or ServerAuthentication and false otherwise
*     ICTrustVerifierContext - class implementing TrustVerifier.Context
*             interface. 'isTrustedObject' method of this class returns true
*             if parameter is an instance of InvocationConstraints and
*             all constraints returned by it's 'requirements' method are
*             instances of ClientAuthentication, Delegation, Integrity or
*             ServerAuthentication and false otherwise
*     TestPrincipal - class implementing Principal interface having
*             constructor with boolean parameter. This value is returned
*             by it's 'isTrusted' method.
*     TestConstraint - class implementing InvocationConstraint interface
* Action
*   The test performs the following steps:
*     1) construct ConstraintTrustVerifier
*     2) construct ClientAuthentication, Confidentiality, Delegation,
*        Integrity, ServerAuthentication with both true/false parameters for
*        constructors, ClientMaxPrincipalType and ClientMinPrincipalType with
*        any class as a parameter for constructors, DelegationAbsoluteTime and
*        DelegationRelativeTime with valid minStart, maxStart, minStop &
*        maxStop parameters for constructors
*     3) call 'isTrustedObject' method of constructed ConstraintTrustVerifier
*        with each of constructed constraints and FalseTrustVerifierContext
*     4) assert that true will be returned
*     5) construct TestPrincipal1 with true parameter for constructor
*     6) construct TestPrincipal2 with true parameter for constructor
*     7) construct ClientMinPrincipal, ClientMaxPrincipal, ServerMinPrincipal
*        with array of principals containing only TestPrincipal1 &
*        TestPrincipal2
*     8) call 'isTrustedObject' method of constructed ConstraintTrustVerifier
*        with each of constructed constraints and PrincipalTrustVerifierContext
*     9) assert that 'isTrustedObject' method will return true each time
*     10) construct TestPrincipal3 with false parameter for constructor
*     11) construct ClientMinPrincipal, ClientMaxPrincipal, ServerMinPrincipal
*         with array of principals containing TestPrincipal1, TestPrincipal2
*         and TestPrincipal3
*     12) call 'isTrustedObject' method of constructed ConstraintTrustVerifier
*         with each of constructed constraints and
*         PrincipalTrustVerifierContext
*     13) assert that 'isTrustedObject' method will return false
*     14) construct ConstraintAlternatives1 with the following array of
*         constraints: Delegation, Integrity and
*         ClientAuthentication
*     15) call 'isTrustedObject' method of constructed ConstraintTrustVerifier
*         with constructed ConstraintAlternatives1 and
*         ConstraintTrustVerifierContext
*     16) assert that 'isTrustedObject' method will return true
*     17) construct ConstraintAlternatives2 with the following array of
*         constraints: Delegation, Confidentiality and
*         ClientAuthentication
*     18) call 'isTrustedObject' method of constructed ConstraintTrustVerifier
*         with constructed ConstraintAlternatives2 and
*         ConstraintTrustVerifierContext
*     19) assert that 'isTrustedObject' method will return false
*     20) construct InvocationConstraints1 with ClientAuthentication and
*         Delegation as requirements constraints
*     21) construct InvocationConstraints2 with ClientAuthentication and
*         Integrity as requirements constraints
*     22) construct InvocationConstraints3 with ClientAuthentication,
*         Confidentiality and Delegation as requirements
*         constraints
*     23) construct BasicMethodConstraints.MethodDesc1 with
*         InvocationConstraints1
*     24) construct BasicMethodConstraints.MethodDesc2 with
*         InvocationConstraints2
*     25) construct BasicMethodConstraints.MethodDesc3 with
*         InvocationConstraints3
*     26) construct BasicMethodConstraints1 with array containing constructed
*         MethodDesc1 and MethodDesc2
*     27) call 'isTrustedObject' method of constructed ConstraintTrustVerifier
*         with constructed BasicMethodConstraints1 and ICTrustVerifierContext
*     28) asserth that 'isTrustedObject' method will return true
*     29) construct BasicMethodConstraints2 with array containing constructed
*         MethodDesc1, MethodDesc3 and MethodDesc2
*     30) call 'isTrustedObject' method of constructed ConstraintTrustVerifier
*         with constructed BasicMethodConstraints2 and ICTrustVerifierContext
*     31) asserth that 'isTrustedObject' method will return false
*     32) construct InvocationConstraints4 with ClientAuthentication and
*         Delegation as requirements constraints and Integrity
*         and ServerAuthentication as preferences constraints
*     33) call 'isTrustedObject' method of constructed ConstraintTrustVerifier
*         with constructed InvocationConstraints4 and
*         ConstraintTrustVerifierContext
*     34) assert that 'isTrustedObject' method will return true
*     35) construct InvocationConstraints5 with ClientAuthentication and
*         Delegation as requirements constraints and Integrity,
*         Confidentiality and ServerAuthentication as preferences constraints
*     36) call 'isTrustedObject' method of constructed ConstraintTrustVerifier
*         with constructed InvocationConstraints5 and
*         ConstraintTrustVerifierContext
*     37) assert that 'isTrustedObject' method will return false
*     38) construct InvocationConstraints6 with ClientAuthentication,
*         Confidentiality and  Delegation as requirements
*         constraints and Integrity and ServerAuthentication as preferences
*         constraints
*     39) call 'isTrustedObject' method of constructed ConstraintTrustVerifier
*         with constructed InvocationConstraints6 and
*         ConstraintTrustVerifierContext
*     40) assert that 'isTrustedObject' method will return false
*     41) call 'isTrustedObject' method of constructed ConstraintTrustVerifier
*         with X500Principal and FalseTrustVerifierContext
*     42) assert that 'isTrustedObject' method will return true
*     43) call 'isTrustedObject' method of constructed ConstraintTrustVerifier
*         with KerberosPrincipal and FalseTrustVerifierContext
*     44) assert that 'isTrustedObject' method will return true
*     45) call 'isTrustedObject' method of constructed ConstraintTrustVerifier
*         with TestPrincipal and TrueTrustVerifierContext
*     46) assert that 'isTrustedObject' method will return false
*     47) call 'isTrustedObject' method of constructed ConstraintTrustVerifier
*         with TestConstraint and TrueTrustVerifierContext
*     48) assert that 'isTrustedObject' method will return false
* </pre>
public class VerifyObjectTrustTest extends QATest {

     * This method performs all actions mentioned in class description.
    public void run() throws Exception {
        TrustVerifier.Context falseTvc = new FalseTrustVerifierContext();
        TrustVerifier.Context trueTvc = new TrueTrustVerifierContext();
        TrustVerifier.Context prinTvc = new PrincipalTrustVerifierContext();
        TrustVerifier.Context conTvc = new ConstraintTrustVerifierContext();
        TrustVerifier.Context icTvc = new ICTrustVerifierContext();
        TestPrincipal tp1 = new TestPrincipal("true TP", true);
        TestPrincipal tp2 = new TestPrincipal("true TP1", true);
        TestPrincipal tp3 = new TestPrincipal("false TP", false);
        BasicMethodConstraints.MethodDesc md1 =
                new BasicMethodConstraints.MethodDesc("Foo",
                    new InvocationConstraints(
                        new InvocationConstraint[] {
                            Delegation.YES }, null));
        BasicMethodConstraints.MethodDesc md2 =
                new BasicMethodConstraints.MethodDesc("Foo1",
                    new InvocationConstraints(
                        new InvocationConstraint[] {
                            Integrity.YES }, null));
        BasicMethodConstraints.MethodDesc md3 =
                new BasicMethodConstraints.MethodDesc("Foo2",
                    new InvocationConstraints(
                        new InvocationConstraint[] {
                            Delegation.YES }, null));
        Object[] testObjs = new Object[] {
            new ClientMaxPrincipalType(TestPrincipal.class),
            new ClientMinPrincipalType(TestPrincipal.class),
            new DelegationRelativeTime(1000, 2000, 3000, 4000),
            new DelegationAbsoluteTime(1000, 2000, 3000, 4000),
            new ClientMinPrincipal(new Principal[] { tp1, tp2 }),
            new ClientMaxPrincipal(new Principal[] { tp1, tp2 }),
            new ServerMinPrincipal(new Principal[] { tp1, tp2 }),
            new ClientMinPrincipal(new Principal[] { tp1, tp3, tp2 }),
            new ClientMaxPrincipal(new Principal[] { tp1, tp3, tp2 }),
            new ServerMinPrincipal(new Principal[] { tp1, tp3, tp2 }),
            new ConstraintAlternatives(new InvocationConstraint[] {
                ClientAuthentication.YES }),
            new ConstraintAlternatives(new InvocationConstraint[] {
                ClientAuthentication.YES }),
            new BasicMethodConstraints(
                    new BasicMethodConstraints.MethodDesc[] { md1, md2 }),
            new BasicMethodConstraints(
                    new BasicMethodConstraints.MethodDesc[] { md1, md3, md2 }),
            new InvocationConstraints(
                new InvocationConstraint[] {
                    ClientAuthentication.YES, Delegation.YES },
                new InvocationConstraint[] {
                    Integrity.YES, ServerAuthentication.YES }),
            new InvocationConstraints(
                new InvocationConstraint[] {
                    ClientAuthentication.YES, Delegation.YES },
                new InvocationConstraint[] {
                    Integrity.YES, Confidentiality.YES,
                    ServerAuthentication.YES }),
            new InvocationConstraints(
                new InvocationConstraint[] {
                    ClientAuthentication.YES, Confidentiality.YES,
                    Delegation.YES },
                new InvocationConstraint[] {
                    Integrity.YES, ServerAuthentication.YES }),
            new X500Principal("CN=Test, OU=JINI, O=Sun Microsystems, C=US"),
            new KerberosPrincipal(""),
            new TestPrincipal("TEST", true),
            new TestConstraint()
        TrustVerifier.Context[] testCtxs = new TrustVerifier.Context[] {
            falseTvc, falseTvc, falseTvc, falseTvc, falseTvc, falseTvc,
            falseTvc, falseTvc, falseTvc, falseTvc, falseTvc, falseTvc,
            falseTvc, falseTvc,
            prinTvc, prinTvc, prinTvc, prinTvc, prinTvc, prinTvc,
            conTvc, conTvc, icTvc, icTvc,
            conTvc, conTvc, conTvc,
            falseTvc, falseTvc, trueTvc, trueTvc
        boolean[] expRes = new boolean[] {
            true, true, true, true, true, true,
            true, true, true, true, true, true,
            true, true,
            true, true, true, false, false, false,
            true, false, true, false,
            true, false, false,
            true, true, false, false
        ConstraintTrustVerifier ctv = new ConstraintTrustVerifier();
        boolean res;

        for (int i = 0; i < testObjs.length; ++i) {
            logger.fine("Calling 'isTrustedObject' method with the "
                    + "following parameters:");
            logger.fine("  object: " + testObjs[i]);
            logger.fine("  context: " + testCtxs[i]);
            res = ctv.isTrustedObject(testObjs[i], testCtxs[i]);

            if (res != expRes[i]) {
                // FAIL
                throw new TestException(
                        "'isTrustedObject' method returned " + res
                        + " while " + expRes[i] + " was expected.");
            } else {
                // PASS
                logger.fine("'isTrustedObject' method returned " + res
                        + " as expected.");

Related Classes of com.sun.jini.test.spec.constraint.constrainttrustverifier.VerifyObjectTrustTest

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