Package org.apache.cassandra.db

Source Code of org.apache.cassandra.db.CommitLog

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.db;

import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FileUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

* Commit Log tracks every write operation into the system. The aim
* of the commit log is to be able to successfully recover data that was
* not stored to disk via the Memtable. Every Commit Log maintains a
* header represented by the abstraction CommitLogHeader. The header
* contains a bit array and an array of longs and both the arrays are
* of size, #column families for the Table, the Commit Log represents.
* Whenever a ColumnFamily is written to, for the first time its bit flag
* is set to one in the CommitLogHeader. When it is flushed to disk by the
* Memtable its corresponding bit in the header is set to zero. This helps
* track which CommitLogs can be thrown away as a result of Memtable flushes.
* Additionally, when a ColumnFamily is flushed and written to disk, its
* entry in the array of longs is updated with the offset in the Commit Log
* file where it was written. This helps speed up recovery since we can seek
* to these offsets and start processing the commit log.
* Every Commit Log is rolled over everytime it reaches its threshold in size;
* the new log inherits the "dirty" bits from the old.
* Over time there could be a number of commit logs that would be generated.
* To allow cleaning up non-active commit logs, whenever we flush a column family and update its bit flag in
* the active CL, we take the dirty bit array and bitwise & it with the headers of the older logs.
* If the result is 0, then it is safe to remove the older file.  (Since the new CL
* inherited the old's dirty bitflags, getting a zero for any given bit in the anding
* means that either the CF was clean in the old CL or it has been flushed since the
* switch in the new.)
* The CommitLog class itself is "mostly a singleton."  open() always returns one
* instance, but log replay will bypass that.
public class CommitLog
    private static volatile int SEGMENT_SIZE = 128*1024*1024; // roll after log gets this big
    private static volatile CommitLog instance_;
    private static Lock lock_ = new ReentrantLock();
    private static Logger logger_ = Logger.getLogger(CommitLog.class);
    private static Map<String, CommitLogHeader> clHeaders_ = new HashMap<String, CommitLogHeader>();

    private ExecutorService executor;

    public static final class CommitLogContext
        static CommitLogContext NULL = new CommitLogContext(null, -1L);
        /* Commit Log associated with this operation */
        public final String file;
        /* Offset within the Commit Log where this row as added */
        public final long position;

        public CommitLogContext(String file, long position)
            this.file = file;
            this.position = position;

        boolean isValidContext()
            return (position != -1L);

        public String toString()
            return "CommitLogContext(" +
                   "file='" + file + '\'' +
                   ", position=" + position +

    public static class CommitLogFileComparator implements Comparator<String>
        public int compare(String f, String f2)
            return (int)(getCreationTime(f) - getCreationTime(f2));

    public static void setSegmentSize(int size)
        SEGMENT_SIZE = size;

    static int getSegmentCount()
        return clHeaders_.size();

    static long getCreationTime(String file)
        String[] entries = FBUtilities.strip(file, "-.");
        return Long.parseLong(entries[entries.length - 2]);

    private static BufferedRandomAccessFile createWriter(String file) throws IOException
        return new BufferedRandomAccessFile(file, "rw");

    static CommitLog open() throws IOException
        if ( instance_ == null )

                if ( instance_ == null )
                    instance_ = new CommitLog(false);
        return instance_;

    /* Current commit log file */
    private String logFile_;
    /* header for current commit log */
    private CommitLogHeader clHeader_;
    private BufferedRandomAccessFile logWriter_;

     * Generates a file name of the format CommitLog-<table>-<timestamp>.log in the
     * directory specified by the Database Descriptor.
    private void setNextFileName()
        logFile_ = DatabaseDescriptor.getLogFileLocation() + File.separator +
                   "CommitLog-" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".log";

     * param @ table - name of table for which we are maintaining
     *                 this commit log.
     * param @ recoverymode - is commit log being instantiated in
     *                        in recovery mode.
    CommitLog(boolean recoveryMode) throws IOException
        if (!recoveryMode)
            executor = new CommitLogExecutorService();
            logWriter_ = CommitLog.createWriter(logFile_);

            if (DatabaseDescriptor.getCommitLogSync() == DatabaseDescriptor.CommitLogSync.periodic)
                final Runnable syncer = new Runnable()
                    public void run()
                        catch (IOException e)
                            throw new RuntimeException(e);

                new Thread(new Runnable()
                    public void run()
                        while (true)
                            catch (InterruptedException e)
                                throw new RuntimeException(e);
                }, "PERIODIC-COMMIT-LOG-SYNCER").start();

     * This ctor is currently used only for debugging. We
     * are now using it to modify the header so that recovery
     * can be tested in as many scenarios as we could imagine.
     * param @ logFile - logfile which we wish to modify.
    CommitLog(File logFile) throws IOException
        logFile_ = logFile.getAbsolutePath();
        logWriter_ = CommitLog.createWriter(logFile_);

    String getLogFile()
        return logFile_;
    private CommitLogHeader readCommitLogHeader(BufferedRandomAccessFile logReader) throws IOException
        int size = (int)logReader.readLong();
        byte[] bytes = new byte[size];;
        ByteArrayInputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
        return CommitLogHeader.serializer().deserialize(new DataInputStream(byteStream));

     * This is invoked on startup via the ctor. It basically
     * writes a header with all bits set to zero.
    private void writeCommitLogHeader() throws IOException
        int cfSize = Table.TableMetadata.getColumnFamilyCount();
        clHeader_ = new CommitLogHeader(cfSize);
        writeCommitLogHeader(logWriter_, clHeader_.toByteArray());

    /** writes header at the beginning of the file, then seeks back to current position */
    private void seekAndWriteCommitLogHeader(byte[] bytes) throws IOException
        long currentPos = logWriter_.getFilePointer();;

        writeCommitLogHeader(logWriter_, bytes);;

    private static void writeCommitLogHeader(RandomAccessFile logWriter, byte[] bytes) throws IOException

    void recover(File[] clogs) throws IOException
        DataInputBuffer bufIn = new DataInputBuffer();

        for (File file : clogs)
            int bufferSize = (int)Math.min(file.length(), 32 * 1024 * 1024);
            BufferedRandomAccessFile reader = new BufferedRandomAccessFile(file.getAbsolutePath(), "r", bufferSize);
            CommitLogHeader clHeader = readCommitLogHeader(reader);
            /* seek to the lowest position where any CF has non-flushed data */
            int lowPos = CommitLogHeader.getLowestPosition(clHeader);
            if (lowPos == 0)

            if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
                logger_.debug("Replaying " + file + " starting at " + lowPos);

            Set<Table> tablesRecovered = new HashSet<Table>();

            /* read the logs populate RowMutation and apply */
            while (!reader.isEOF())
                if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger_.debug("Reading mutation at " + reader.getFilePointer());

                byte[] bytes;
                    bytes = new byte[(int) reader.readLong()]; // readlong can throw EOFException too
                    if ( < bytes.length)
                        throw new EOFException();
                catch (EOFException e)
                    // last CL entry didn't get completely written.  that's ok.
                bufIn.reset(bytes, bytes.length);

                /* read the commit log entry */
                Row row = Row.serializer().deserialize(bufIn);
                if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger_.debug(String.format("replaying mutation for %s.%s: %s",
                                                "{" + StringUtils.join(row.getColumnFamilies(), ", ") + "}"));
                Table table =;
                Collection<ColumnFamily> columnFamilies = new ArrayList<ColumnFamily>(row.getColumnFamilies());
                /* remove column families that have already been flushed */
                for (ColumnFamily columnFamily : columnFamilies)
                    int id = table.getColumnFamilyId(;
                    if (!clHeader.isDirty(id) || reader.getFilePointer() < clHeader.getPosition(id))
                if (!row.isEmpty())
            /* apply the rows read -- success will result in the CL file being discarded */
            for (Table table : tablesRecovered)

     * Update the header of the commit log if a new column family
     * is encountered for the first time.
    private void maybeUpdateHeader(Row row) throws IOException
        Table table =;
        for (ColumnFamily columnFamily : row.getColumnFamilies())
            int id = table.getColumnFamilyId(;
            if (!clHeader_.isDirty(id))
                clHeader_.turnOn(id, logWriter_.getFilePointer());
    CommitLogContext getContext() throws IOException
        Callable<CommitLogContext> task = new Callable<CommitLogContext>()
            public CommitLogContext call() throws Exception
                return new CommitLogContext(logFile_, logWriter_.getFilePointer());
            return executor.submit(task).get();
        catch (InterruptedException e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        catch (ExecutionException e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

     * Adds the specified row to the commit log. This method will reset the
     * file offset to what it is before the start of the operation in case
     * of any problems. This way we can assume that the subsequent commit log
     * entry will override the garbage left over by the previous write.
    CommitLogContext add(final Row row) throws IOException
        Callable<CommitLogContext> task = new LogRecordAdder(row);

            return executor.submit(task).get();
        catch (InterruptedException e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        catch (ExecutionException e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

     * This is called on Memtable flush to add to the commit log
     * a token indicating that this column family has been flushed.
     * The bit flag associated with this column family is set in the
     * header and this is used to decide if the log file can be deleted.
    void onMemtableFlush(final String tableName, final String cf, final CommitLog.CommitLogContext cLogCtx) throws IOException
        Callable task = new Callable()
            public Object call() throws IOException
                Table table =;
                int id = table.getColumnFamilyId(cf);
                discardCompletedSegments(cLogCtx, id);
                return null;
        catch (InterruptedException e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        catch (ExecutionException e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

     * Delete log segments whose contents have been turned into SSTables.
     * param @ cLogCtx The commitLog context .
     * param @ id id of the columnFamily being flushed to disk.
    private void discardCompletedSegments(CommitLog.CommitLogContext cLogCtx, int id) throws IOException
        if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
            logger_.debug("discard completed log segments for " + cLogCtx + ", column family " + id + ". CFIDs are " + Table.TableMetadata.getColumnFamilyIDString());
        /* retrieve the commit log header associated with the file in the context */
        if (clHeaders_.get(cLogCtx.file) == null)
            if (logFile_.equals(cLogCtx.file))
                /* this means we are dealing with the current commit log. */
                clHeaders_.put(cLogCtx.file, clHeader_);
                logger_.error("Unknown commitlog file " + cLogCtx.file);

         * log replay assumes that we only have to look at entries past the last
         * flush position, so verify that this flush happens after the last.
         * (Currently Memtables are flushed on a single thread so this should be fine.)
        assert cLogCtx.position >= clHeaders_.get(cLogCtx.file).getPosition(id);

        /* Sort the commit logs based on creation time */
        List<String> oldFiles = new ArrayList<String>(clHeaders_.keySet());
        Collections.sort(oldFiles, new CommitLogFileComparator());

         * Loop through all the commit log files in the history. Now process
         * all files that are older than the one in the context. For each of
         * these files the header needs to modified by resetting the dirty
         * bit corresponding to the flushed CF.
        for (String oldFile : oldFiles)
            CommitLogHeader header = clHeaders_.get(oldFile);
            if (oldFile.equals(cLogCtx.file))
                // we can't just mark the segment where the flush happened clean,
                // since there may have been writes to it between when the flush
                // started and when it finished. so mark the flush position as
                // the replay point for this CF, instead.
                if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger_.debug("Marking replay position " + cLogCtx.position + " on commit log " + oldFile);
                header.turnOn(id, cLogCtx.position);
                if (oldFile.equals(logFile_))
                    writeOldCommitLogHeader(oldFile, header);

            if (header.isSafeToDelete())
    if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
      logger_.debug("Deleting commit log:" + oldFile);
    if (logger_.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger_.debug("Not safe to delete commit log " + oldFile + "; dirty is " + header.dirtyString());
                writeOldCommitLogHeader(oldFile, header);

    private void writeOldCommitLogHeader(String oldFile, CommitLogHeader header) throws IOException
        BufferedRandomAccessFile logWriter = CommitLog.createWriter(oldFile);
        writeCommitLogHeader(logWriter, header.toByteArray());

    private boolean maybeRollLog() throws IOException
        if (logWriter_.length() >= SEGMENT_SIZE)
            /* Rolls the current log file over to a new one. */
            String oldLogFile = logWriter_.getPath();

            /* point reader/writer to a new commit log file. */
            logWriter_ = CommitLog.createWriter(logFile_);
            /* squirrel away the old commit log header */
            clHeaders_.put(oldLogFile, new CommitLogHeader(clHeader_));
            writeCommitLogHeader(logWriter_, clHeader_.toByteArray());
            return true;
        return false;

    void sync() throws IOException

    class LogRecordAdder implements Callable<CommitLog.CommitLogContext>
        Row row;

        LogRecordAdder(Row row)
            this.row = row;

        public CommitLog.CommitLogContext call() throws Exception
            long currentPosition = -1L;
            DataOutputBuffer cfBuffer = new DataOutputBuffer();
                /* serialize the row */
                Row.serializer().serialize(row, cfBuffer);
                currentPosition = logWriter_.getFilePointer();
                CommitLogContext cLogCtx = new CommitLogContext(logFile_, currentPosition);
                /* Update the header */
                logWriter_.write(cfBuffer.getData(), 0, cfBuffer.getLength());
                return cLogCtx;
            catch (IOException e)
                if ( currentPosition != -1 )
                throw e;

Related Classes of org.apache.cassandra.db.CommitLog

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