Package com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl

Source Code of com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl.ModelReifier

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package com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.*;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.*;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.*;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.compose.*;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.impl.GraphBase;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.*;

    This class impedance-matches the reification requests of Model[Com] to the operations
    supplied by it's Graph's Reifier.
    @author kers
public class ModelReifier
    private ModelCom model;
    public Reifier reifier;
        DEVEL. setting this _true_ means that nodes that reify statements
        will drag their reification quads into other nodes when they are
        added to them inside statements.
    private static boolean copyingReifications = false;
        establish the internal state of this ModelReifier: the associated
        Model[Com] and its graph's Reifier.
    public ModelReifier( ModelCom model )
        this.model = model;
        this.reifier = model.asGraph().getReifier();
    public ReificationStyle getReificationStyle()
        { return reifier.getStyle(); }
        Answer a version of the model, but with all its reifiying statements
        @param m a model that may have reified statements
        @return a new model, the union of m and the reification statements of m
    public static Model withHiddenStatements( Model m )
        Graph mGraph = m.getGraph();
        Graph hiddenTriples = getHiddenTriples( m );
        return new ModelCom( new DisjointUnion( mGraph, hiddenTriples ) );
      @param mGraph
    protected static Graph getHiddenTriples( Model m )
        Graph mGraph = m.getGraph();
        final Reifier r = mGraph.getReifier();
        return new GraphBase()
            @Override public ExtendedIterator<Triple> graphBaseFind( TripleMatch m )
                { return r.findEither( m, true ); }

        Answer a model that consists of the hidden reification statements of this model.
        @return a new model containing the hidden statements of this model
    public Model getHiddenStatements()
        { return new ModelCom( getHiddenTriples( model ) ); }
        Answer a fresh reification of a statement associated with a fresh bnode.
        @param s a Statement to reifiy
        @return a reified statement object who's name is a new bnode
    public ReifiedStatement createReifiedStatement( Statement s )
        { return createReifiedStatement( null, s ); }

        Answer a reification of  a statement with a given uri. If that uri
        already reifies a distinct Statement, throw an AlreadyReifiedException.
        @param uri the URI of the resource which will reify <code>s</code>
        @param s the Statement to reify
        @return a reified statement object associating <code>uri</code> with <code>s</code>.
        @throws AlreadyReifiedException if uri already reifies something else.
    public ReifiedStatement createReifiedStatement( String uri, Statement s )
        { return ReifiedStatementImpl.create( model, uri, s ); }
        Find any existing reified statement that reifies a givem statement. If there isn't one,
        create one.
        @param s a Statement for which to find [or create] a reification
        @return a reification for s, re-using an existing one if possible
    public Resource getAnyReifiedStatement( Statement s )
        RSIterator it = listReifiedStatements( s );
        if (it.hasNext())
            try { return it.nextRS(); } finally { it.close(); }
            return createReifiedStatement( s );
        Answer true iff a given statement is reified in this model
        @param s the statement for which a reification is sought
        @return true iff s has a reification in this model
    public boolean isReified( FrontsTriple s )
        { return reifier.hasTriple( s.asTriple() ); }

        Remove all the reifications of a given statement in this model, whatever
        their associated resources.
        @param s the statement whose reifications are to be removed
    public void removeAllReifications( FrontsTriple s )
        { reifier.remove( s.asTriple() ); }
        Remove a given reification from this model. Other reifications of the same statement
        are untouched.
        @param rs the reified statement to be removed
    public void removeReification( ReifiedStatement rs )
        { reifier.remove( rs.asNode(), rs.getStatement().asTriple() ); }
        Answer an iterator that iterates over all the reified statements
        in this model.
        @return an iterator over all the reifications of the model.
    public RSIterator listReifiedStatements()
        { return new RSIteratorImpl( findReifiedStatements() ); }
        Answer an iterator that iterates over all the reified statements in
        this model that reify a given statement.
        @param s the statement whose reifications are sought.
        @return an iterator over the reifications of s.
    public RSIterator listReifiedStatements( FrontsTriple s )
        { return new RSIteratorImpl( findReifiedStatements( s.asTriple() ) ); }     
        the triple (s, p, o) has been asserted into the model. Any reified statements
        among them need to be added to this model.
    public void noteIfReified( RDFNode s, RDFNode p, RDFNode o )
        if (copyingReifications)
            noteIfReified( s );
            noteIfReified( p );
            noteIfReified( o );
        If _n_ is a ReifiedStatement, create a local copy of it, which
        will force the underlying reifier to take note of the mapping.
    private void noteIfReified( RDFNode n )
        if (n.canAs( ReifiedStatement.class ))
            ReifiedStatement rs = ReifiedStatement.class );
            createReifiedStatement( rs.getURI(), rs.getStatement() );
        A mapper that maps modes to their corresponding ReifiedStatement objects. This
        cannot be static: getRS cannot be static, because the mapping is model-specific.
    protected final Map1<Node, ReifiedStatement> mapToRS = new Map1<Node, ReifiedStatement>()
        public ReifiedStatement map1( Node node ) { return getRS( node ); }

    private ExtendedIterator<ReifiedStatement> findReifiedStatements()
        { return reifier .allNodes() .mapWith( mapToRS ); }

    private ExtendedIterator<ReifiedStatement> findReifiedStatements( Triple t )
        { return reifier .allNodes( t ) .mapWith( mapToRS ); }
        Answer a ReifiedStatement that is based on the given node.
        @param n the node which represents the reification (and is bound to some triple t)
        @return a ReifiedStatement associating the resource of n with the statement of t.   
    private ReifiedStatement getRS( Node n )
        return ReifiedStatementImpl.createExistingReifiedStatement( model, n );

Related Classes of com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl.ModelReifier

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