Package org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle

Source Code of org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.RestoreViewExecutor

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.el.MethodExpression;
import javax.faces.FacesException;
import javax.faces.FactoryFinder;
import javax.faces.application.Application;
import javax.faces.application.ProjectStage;
import javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException;
import javax.faces.application.ViewHandler;
import javax.faces.component.UIViewParameter;
import javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.event.PhaseEvent;
import javax.faces.event.PhaseId;
import javax.faces.event.PostAddToViewEvent;
import javax.faces.lifecycle.Lifecycle;
import javax.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleFactory;
import javax.faces.view.ViewDeclarationLanguage;
import javax.faces.view.ViewMetadata;
import javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet;

import org.apache.myfaces.renderkit.ErrorPageWriter;

* Implements the Restore View Phase (JSF Spec 2.2.1)
* @author Nikolay Petrov (latest modification by $Author: struberg $)
* @author Bruno Aranda (JSF 1.2)
* @version $Revision: 1189247 $ $Date: 2011-10-26 16:41:42 +0200 (Wed, 26 Oct 2011) $
class RestoreViewExecutor extends PhaseExecutor

    //private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(RestoreViewExecutor.class);
    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RestoreViewExecutor.class.getName());
    private RestoreViewSupport _restoreViewSupport;
    public void doPrePhaseActions(FacesContext facesContext)
        // Call initView() on the ViewHandler.
        // This will set the character encoding properly for this request.
        // Note that we are doing this here, because we need the character encoding
        // to be set as early as possible (before any PhaseListener is executed).

    public boolean execute(FacesContext facesContext)
        if (facesContext == null)
            throw new FacesException("FacesContext is null");

        // get some required Objects
        Application application = facesContext.getApplication();
        ViewHandler viewHandler = application.getViewHandler();
        UIViewRoot viewRoot = facesContext.getViewRoot();
        RestoreViewSupport restoreViewSupport = getRestoreViewSupport();

        // Examine the FacesContext instance for the current request. If it already contains a UIViewRoot
        if (viewRoot != null)
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
                log.finest("View already exists in the FacesContext");
            // Set the locale on this UIViewRoot to the value returned by the getRequestLocale() method on the
            // ExternalContext for this request
            restoreViewSupport.processComponentBinding(facesContext, viewRoot);
            // invoke the afterPhase MethodExpression of UIViewRoot
            return false;
        String viewId = restoreViewSupport.calculateViewId(facesContext);

        // Determine if the current request is an attempt by the
        // servlet container to display an error page.
        // If the request is an error page request, the servlet container
        // is required to set the request parameter "javax.servlet.error.message".
        final boolean errorPageRequest = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestMap()
                                                 .get("javax.servlet.error.message") != null;
        // Determine if this request is a postback or an initial request.
        // But if it is an error page request, do not treat it as a postback (since 2.0)
        if (!errorPageRequest && restoreViewSupport.isPostback(facesContext))
        { // If the request is a postback
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
                log.finest("Request is a postback");

                // call ViewHandler.restoreView(), passing the FacesContext instance for the current request and the
                // view identifier, and returning a UIViewRoot for the restored view.
                viewRoot = viewHandler.restoreView(facesContext, viewId);
                if (viewRoot == null)
                    // If the return from ViewHandler.restoreView() is null, throw a ViewExpiredException with an
                    // appropriate error message.
                    throw new ViewExpiredException("No saved view state could be found for the view identifier: "
                                                   + viewId, viewId);
                // Store the restored UIViewRoot in the FacesContext.
            // Restore binding
            // See
            restoreViewSupport.processComponentBinding(facesContext, viewRoot);
        { // If the request is a non-postback
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
                log.finest("Request is not a postback. New UIViewRoot will be created");
            //viewHandler.deriveViewId(facesContext, viewId)
            //restoreViewSupport.deriveViewId(facesContext, viewId)
            ViewDeclarationLanguage vdl = viewHandler.getViewDeclarationLanguage(facesContext,
                    viewHandler.deriveLogicalViewId(facesContext, viewId));
            // viewHandler.deriveLogicalViewId() could trigger an InvalidViewIdException, which
            // it is handled internally sending a 404 error code set the response as complete.
            if (facesContext.getResponseComplete())
                return true;
            if (vdl != null)
                ViewMetadata metadata = vdl.getViewMetadata(facesContext, viewId);
                Collection<UIViewParameter> viewParameters = null;
                if (metadata != null)
                    viewRoot = metadata.createMetadataView(facesContext);
                    if (viewRoot != null)
                        viewParameters = ViewMetadata.getViewParameters(viewRoot);
                    else if(facesContext.getResponseComplete())
                        // this can happen if the current request is a debug request,
                        // in this case no further processing is necessary
                        return true;
                // If viewParameters is not an empty collection DO NOT call renderResponse
                if ( !(viewParameters != null && !viewParameters.isEmpty()) )
                    // Call renderResponse() on the FacesContext.
                // Call renderResponse
            // viewRoot can be null here, if ...
            //   - we don't have a ViewDeclarationLanguage (e.g. when using facelets-1.x)
            //   - there is no view metadata or metadata.createMetadataView() returned null
            if (viewRoot == null)
                // call ViewHandler.createView(), passing the FacesContext instance for the current request and
                // the view identifier
                viewRoot = viewHandler.createView(facesContext, viewId);
            // Subscribe the newly created UIViewRoot instance to the AfterAddToParent event, passing the
            // UIViewRoot instance itself as the listener.
            // -= Leonardo Uribe =- This line it is not necessary because it was
            // removed from jsf 2.0 section 2.2.1 when pass from EDR2 to Public Review
            // viewRoot.subscribeToEvent(PostAddToViewEvent.class, viewRoot);
            // Store the new UIViewRoot instance in the FacesContext.
            // Publish an AfterAddToParent event with the created UIViewRoot as the event source.
            application.publishEvent(facesContext, PostAddToViewEvent.class, viewRoot);

        // add the ErrorPageBean to the view map to fully support
        // facelet error pages, if we are in ProjectStage Development
        // and currently generating an error page
        if (errorPageRequest && facesContext.isProjectStage(ProjectStage.Development))
                    .put(ErrorPageWriter.ERROR_PAGE_BEAN_KEY, new ErrorPageWriter.ErrorPageBean());
        // invoke the afterPhase MethodExpression of UIViewRoot
        return false;
     * Invoke afterPhase MethodExpression of UIViewRoot.
     * Note: In this phase it is not possible to invoke the beforePhase method, because we
     * first have to restore the view to get its attributes. Also it is not really possible
     * to call the afterPhase method inside of UIViewRoot for this phase, thus it was decided
     * in the JSF 2.0 spec rev A to put this here.
     * @param facesContext
    private void _invokeViewRootAfterPhaseListener(FacesContext facesContext)
        // get the UIViewRoot (note that it must not be null at this point)
        UIViewRoot root = facesContext.getViewRoot();
        MethodExpression afterPhaseExpression = root.getAfterPhaseListener();
        if (afterPhaseExpression != null)
            PhaseEvent event = new PhaseEvent(facesContext, getPhase(), _getLifecycle(facesContext));
                afterPhaseExpression.invoke(facesContext.getELContext(), new Object[] { event });
            catch (Throwable t)
                log.log(Level.SEVERE, "An Exception occured while processing " +
                        afterPhaseExpression.getExpressionString() +
                        " in Phase " + getPhase(), t);
     * Gets the current Lifecycle instance from the LifecycleFactory
     * @param facesContext
     * @return
    private Lifecycle _getLifecycle(FacesContext facesContext)
        LifecycleFactory factory = (LifecycleFactory) FactoryFinder.getFactory(FactoryFinder.LIFECYCLE_FACTORY);
        String id = facesContext.getExternalContext().getInitParameter(FacesServlet.LIFECYCLE_ID_ATTR);
        if (id == null)
            id = LifecycleFactory.DEFAULT_LIFECYCLE;
        return factory.getLifecycle(id)
    protected RestoreViewSupport getRestoreViewSupport()
        if (_restoreViewSupport == null)
            _restoreViewSupport = new DefaultRestoreViewSupport();
        return _restoreViewSupport;

     * @param restoreViewSupport
     *            the restoreViewSupport to set
    public void setRestoreViewSupport(RestoreViewSupport restoreViewSupport)
        _restoreViewSupport = restoreViewSupport;

    public PhaseId getPhase()
        return PhaseId.RESTORE_VIEW;

Related Classes of org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.RestoreViewExecutor

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