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   Derby - Class

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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Set;


import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;

import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.BaseJDBCTestCase;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.NetworkServerTestSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.SecurityManagerSetup;
import org.apache.derbyTesting.junit.TestConfiguration;

* Class that provided utility methods for the
* testing of Derby's MBeans. Requires J2SE 5.0 or higher (platform management).
* Subclasses may require JDBC access for verifying values returned by the
* MBeans, which is why this class extends BaseJDBCTestCase instead of
* BaseTestCase.
abstract class MBeanTest extends BaseJDBCTestCase {
     * JMX connection to use throughout the instance.
    private MBeanServerConnection jmxConnection;
    public MBeanTest(String name) {
    protected static Test suite(Class<? extends MBeanTest> testClass, String suiteName) {
        TestSuite outerSuite = new TestSuite(suiteName);
        Test platform = new TestSuite(testClass,  suiteName + ":platform");
        // Start the network server to ensure Derby is running and
        // all the MBeans are running.
        platform = TestConfiguration.clientServerDecorator(platform);
        platform = JMXConnectionDecorator.platformMBeanServer(platform);
        // Set of tests that run within the same virtual machine using
        // the platform MBeanServer directly.
        // Create a suite of all "test..." methods in the class.
        Test suite = new TestSuite(testClass,  suiteName + ":client");
        // Set up to get JMX connections using remote JMX
        suite = JMXConnectionDecorator.remoteNoSecurity(suite);

        /* Connecting to an MBean server using a URL requires setting up remote
         * JMX in the JVM to which we want to connect. This is usually done by
         * setting a few system properties at JVM startup.
         * A quick solution is to set up a new network server JVM with
         * the required jmx properties.
         * A future improvement could be to fork a new JVM for embedded (?).
         * This requires that the default security policy of the network server
         * includes the permissions required to perform the actions of these
         * tests. Otherwise, we'd probably have to supply a custom policy file
         * and specify this using additional command line properties at server
         * startup.
        NetworkServerTestSetup networkServerTestSetup =
                new NetworkServerTestSetup (
                        suite, // run all tests in this class in the same setup
                        getCommandLineProperties(false), // need to set up JMX in JVM
                        new String[0], // no server arguments needed
                        true   // wait for the server to start properly

        /* Since the server will be started in a new process we need "execute"
         * FilePermission on all files (at least Java executables)...
         * Will run without SecurityManager for now, but could probably add a
         * JMX specific policy file later. Or use the property trick reported
         * on derby-dev 2008-02-26 and add the permission to the generic
         * policy.
         * Note that the remote server will be running with a security
         * manager (by default) if testing with jars.
        Test testSetup =
        // this decorator makes sure the suite is empty if this configration
        // does not support the network server:
        return outerSuite;
    // ---------- UTILITY METHODS ------------
     * Returns a set of startup properties suitable for VersionMBeanTest.
     * These properties are used to configure JMX in a different JVM.
     * Will set up remote JMX using the port defined by the current test
     * configuration, and with JMX security (authentication & SSL) disabled.
     * @return a set of Java system properties to be set on the command line
     *         when starting a new JVM in order to enable remote JMX.
    protected static String[] getCommandLineProperties(boolean authentication)
        ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
                + TestConfiguration.getCurrent().getJmxPort());
        list.add("" +
        if (authentication) {
            list.add("" +
            list.add("" +
        String[] result = new String[list.size()];
        return result;
     * Setup code to be run before each test fixture. This method will make
     * sure that JMX Management is enabled in Derby, so that the test fixtures
     * can access Derby's MBeans without problems.
     * @throws java.lang.Exception if an unexpected Exception occurs
    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
    protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
        if (jmxConnection != null) {
           jmxConnection = null;
     * Obtains a connection to an MBean server with
     * no user name or password,
     * opens a single connection for the lifetime
     * of the fixture
     * @return a plain connection to an MBean server
    protected MBeanServerConnection getMBeanServerConnection()
            throws Exception {
        if (jmxConnection == null)
            jmxConnection =
                .getMBeanServerConnection(null, null);
        return jmxConnection;
     * Obtains a connection to an MBean server with
     * a user name or password. A new connection is
     * returned for each call.
    protected MBeanServerConnection getMBeanServerConnection(
            String user, String password) throws Exception {

        return JMXConnectionGetter.mbeanServerConnector.get()
                    .getMBeanServerConnection(user, password);
     * Is the JMX connecting using platform JMX.
     * @return True jmx connections via the platform server, false remote connections.
    protected boolean isPlatformJMXClient() {
        return JMXConnectionGetter.mbeanServerConnector.get()
            instanceof PlatformConnectionGetter;
     * Enables Derby's MBeans in the MBeanServer by accessing Derby's
     * ManagementMBean. If Derby JMX management has already been enabled, no
     * changes will be made. The test fixtures in some subclasses require that
     * JMX Management is enabled in Derby, hence this method.
     * @throws Exception JMX-related exceptions if an unexpected error occurs.
    protected void enableManagement() throws Exception {
        ObjectName mgmtObjName = getApplicationManagementMBean();
        // check the status of the management service
        Boolean active = (Boolean)
                getAttribute(mgmtObjName, "ManagementActive");

        if (!active.booleanValue()) {
            // JMX management is not active, so activate it by invoking the
            // startManagement operation.
            invokeOperation(mgmtObjName, "startManagement");

            active = (Boolean)
                    getAttribute(mgmtObjName, "ManagementActive");
        assertTrue("Failed to activate Derby's JMX management", active);
     * Get all MBeans registered in Derby's domain.
     * @return Set of ObjectNames for all of Derby's registered MBeans.
     * @throws Exception
    protected Set<ObjectName> getDerbyDomainMBeans() throws Exception
        final ObjectName derbyDomain = new ObjectName("org.apache.derby:*");
        final MBeanServerConnection serverConn = getMBeanServerConnection();
        return  (Set<ObjectName>) AccessController.doPrivileged(
            new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
                public Object run() throws IOException {
                    return serverConn.queryNames(derbyDomain, null);
     * Get the ObjectName for the application
     * created ManagementMBean. The MBean will be
     * created if it is not already registered.
     * @throws Exception
    protected ObjectName getApplicationManagementMBean() throws Exception
        /* prepare the Management mbean, which is (so far) the only MBean that
         * can be created/registered from a JMX client, and without knowing the
         * system identifier */
        final ObjectName mgmtObjName
                = new ObjectName("org.apache.derby", "type", "Management");
        // create/register the MBean. If the same MBean has already been
        // registered with the MBeanServer, that MBean will be referenced.
        //ObjectInstance mgmtObj =
        final MBeanServerConnection serverConn = getMBeanServerConnection();
        if (!serverConn.isRegistered(mgmtObjName))
                new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
                    public Object run() throws InstanceAlreadyExistsException, MBeanRegistrationException, NotCompliantMBeanException, ReflectionException, MBeanException, IOException {
                        return null;
        return mgmtObjName;
     * Get the ObjectName for an MBean registered by Derby for a set of
     * key properties. The ObjectName has the domain org.apache.derby, and
     * the key property <code>system</code> will be set to the system identifier
     * for the Derby system under test (if Derby is running).
     * @param keyProperties Set of key properties, may be modified by this call.
     * @return ObjectName to access MBean.
    protected ObjectName getDerbyMBeanName(Hashtable<String,String> keyProperties)
        throws Exception
        String systemIdentifier = (String)
                  getAttribute(getApplicationManagementMBean(), "SystemIdentifier");
        if (systemIdentifier != null)
            keyProperties.put("system", systemIdentifier);
        return new ObjectName("org.apache.derby", keyProperties);
     * Invokes an operation with no arguments.
     * @param objName MBean to operate on
     * @param name Operation name.
     * @return the value returned by the operation being invoked, or
     *         <code>null</code> if there is no return value.
    protected Object invokeOperation(ObjectName objName, String name)
            throws Exception
        return invokeOperation(objName, name, new Object[0], new String[0]);
     * Invokes an operation with arguments.
     * @param objName MBean to operate on
     * @param name Operation name.
     * @param params An array containing the parameters to be set when the
     *        operation is invoked.
     * @param sign An array containing the signature of the operation, i.e.
     *        the types of the parameters.
     * @return the value returned by the operation being invoked, or
     *         <code>null</code> if there is no return value.
    protected Object invokeOperation(final ObjectName objName,
                                     final String name,
                                     final Object[] params,
                                     final String[] sign)
            throws Exception
        final MBeanServerConnection jmxConn = getMBeanServerConnection();
        return AccessController.doPrivileged(
            new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
                public Object run() throws InstanceNotFoundException, MBeanException, ReflectionException, IOException  {
                    return jmxConn.invoke(objName, name,
                            params, sign);
     * Gets the value of a given attribute that is exposed by the MBean
     * represented by the given object name.
     * @param objName the object name defining a specific MBean instance
     * @param name the name of the attribute
     * @return the value of the attribute
     * @throws java.lang.Exception if an unexpected error occurs
    protected Object getAttribute(final ObjectName objName, final String name)
            throws Exception {
        final MBeanServerConnection jmxConn = getMBeanServerConnection();
        return AccessController.doPrivileged(
            new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Object>() {
                public Object run() throws AttributeNotFoundException, InstanceNotFoundException, MBeanException, ReflectionException, IOException {
                    return jmxConn.getAttribute(objName, name);
    protected void assertBooleanAttribute(boolean expected,
            ObjectName objName, String name) throws Exception
        Boolean bool = (Boolean) getAttribute(objName, name);
        assertEquals(expected, bool.booleanValue());
    protected void assertIntAttribute(int expected,
            ObjectName objName, String name) throws Exception
        Integer integer = (Integer) getAttribute(objName, name);
        assertEquals(expected, integer.intValue());
    protected void assertLongAttribute(int expected,
            ObjectName objName, String name) throws Exception
        Long longNumber = (Long) getAttribute(objName, name);
        assertEquals(expected, longNumber.longValue());
    protected void assertStringAttribute(String expected,
            ObjectName objName, String name) throws Exception
        String str = (String) getAttribute(objName, name);
        assertEquals(expected, str);
     * Checks the readability and type of an attribute value that is supposed
     * to be a boolean.
     * @param objName the object name representing the MBean instance from which
     *        the attribute value will be retreived
     * @param name the name of the attribute
     * @throws java.lang.Exception if an unexpected error occurs
    protected void checkBooleanAttributeValue(ObjectName objName, String name)
            throws Exception {
        Object value = getAttribute(objName, name);
        boolean unboxedValue = ((Boolean)value).booleanValue();
        println(name + " = " + unboxedValue); // for debugging
     * Checks the readability and type of an attribute value that is supposed
     * to be an int.
     * @param objName the object name representing the MBean instance from which
     *        the attribute value will be retreived
     * @param name the name of the attribute
     * @throws java.lang.Exception if an unexpected error occurs
    protected void checkIntAttributeValue(ObjectName objName, String name)
            throws Exception {
        Object value = getAttribute(objName, name);
        int unboxedValue = ((Integer)value).intValue();
        println(name + " = " + unboxedValue); // for debugging
     * Checks the readability and type of an attribute value that is supposed
     * to be a long.
     * @param objName the object name representing the MBean instance from which
     *        the attribute value will be retreived
     * @param name the name of the attribute
     * @throws java.lang.Exception if an unexpected error occurs
    protected void checkLongAttributeValue(ObjectName objName, String name)
            throws Exception {
        Object value = getAttribute(objName, name);
        long unboxedValue = ((Long)value).longValue();
        println(name + " = " + unboxedValue); // for debugging
     * Checks the readability and type of an attribute value that is supposed
     * to be a String.
     * @param objName the object name representing the MBean instance from which
     *        the attribute value will be retreived
     * @param name the name of the attribute
     * @throws java.lang.Exception if an unexpected error occurs
    protected void checkStringAttributeValue(ObjectName objName, String name)
            throws Exception {
        String value = (String)getAttribute(objName, name);
        println(name + " = " + value); // for debugging

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