Package org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc

Source Code of org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedPreparedStatement


   Derby - Class org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedPreparedStatement

   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
   The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.


package org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc;


import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.VariableSizeDataValue;

import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.PreparedStatement;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.execute.ExecPreparedStatement;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.Activation;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.ParameterValueSet;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.ResultDescription;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataTypeDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.DataValueDescriptor;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.RawToBinaryFormatStream;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.ReaderToUTF8Stream;

import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;

import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.JDBC40Translation;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Vector;

We would import these, but have name-overlap
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.Blob;

import java.sql.Types;

import org.apache.derby.iapi.jdbc.BrokeredConnectionControl;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.jdbc.EngineParameterMetaData;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.jdbc.EnginePreparedStatement;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.sql.dictionary.DataDictionary;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.types.StringDataValue;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.util.InterruptStatus;

* EmbedPreparedStatement is a local JDBC statement.
   <LI> JSR169
public abstract class EmbedPreparedStatement
  extends EmbedStatement
  implements EnginePreparedStatement

  //Moving jdbc2.0 batch related code in this class because callableStatement in jdbc 20 needs
  //this code too and it doesn't derive from prepared statement in jdbc 20 in our implementation.

  protected ResultSetMetaData rMetaData;
  //bug 4579-If the prepared statement was revalidated after doing getMetaData(), we
  //should get the metadata info again on next getMetaData(). We store the generated
  //class name in following variable during getMetaData() call. If it differs from the
  //current generated class name, then that indicates a refetch of metadata is required.
  private String      gcDuringGetMetaData;

  protected PreparedStatement  preparedStatement;
  private Activation      activation;
     * Tells which header format to use when writing CLOBs into the store.
     * <p>
     * This is lazily set if we need it, and there are currently only two
     * valid header formats to choose between.
     * @see #usePreTenFiveHdrFormat()
    private Boolean usePreTenFiveHdrFormat;
        private BrokeredConnectionControl bcc=null;

    Constructor assumes caller will setup context stack
    and restore it.
  public EmbedPreparedStatement (EmbedConnection conn, String sql, boolean forMetaData,
                    int resultSetType, int resultSetConcurrency,
                    int resultSetHoldability,
                    int autoGeneratedKeys,
                    int[] columnIndexes,
                    String[] columnNames)
    throws SQLException {

    super(conn, forMetaData, resultSetType, resultSetConcurrency, resultSetHoldability);
    // PreparedStatement is poolable by default
    isPoolable = true;

    // if the sql string is null, raise an error
    if (sql == null)
        throw newSQLException(SQLState.NULL_SQL_TEXT);

      // set up the SQLText in EmbedStatement
      SQLText = sql;

      try {
          preparedStatement = lcc.prepareInternalStatement
        (lcc.getDefaultSchema(), sql,
                        resultSetConcurrency == java.sql.ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY,

          activation = preparedStatement.getActivation(lcc,
                        resultSetType == java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE);


      //bug 4838 - save the auto-generated key information in activation. keeping this
      //information in lcc will not work work as it can be tampered by a nested trasaction
          if (autoGeneratedKeys == Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS)
            activation.setAutoGeneratedKeysResultsetInfo(columnIndexes, columnNames);

            } catch (Throwable t) {
                throw handleException(t);


    JDBC states that a Statement is closed when garbage collected.

    @exception Throwable Allows any exception to be thrown during finalize
  protected void finalize() throws Throwable {

    ** We mark the activation as not being used and
     ** that is it.  We rely on the connection to sweep
    ** through the activations to find the ones that
    ** aren't in use, and to close them.  We cannot
     ** do a activation.close() here because there are
    ** synchronized methods under close that cannot
    ** be called during finalization.
    if (activation != null)

   * Statement interface
    we override all Statement methods that take a SQL
    string as they must thrown an exception in a PreparedStatement.
    See the JDBC 3.0 spec.
  public final boolean execute(String sql) throws SQLException {
    throw newSQLException(SQLState.NOT_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT, "execute(String)");
  public final boolean execute(String sql, int autoGenKeys) throws SQLException {
    throw newSQLException(SQLState.NOT_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT, "execute(String, int)");
  public final boolean execute(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) throws SQLException {
    throw newSQLException(SQLState.NOT_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT, "execute(String, int[])");
  public final boolean execute(String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException {
    throw newSQLException(SQLState.NOT_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT, "execute(String, String[])");
  public final java.sql.ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) throws SQLException {
    throw newSQLException(SQLState.NOT_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT, "executeQuery(String)");
  public final int executeUpdate(String sql) throws SQLException {
    throw newSQLException(SQLState.NOT_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT, "executeUpdate(String)");
  public final int executeUpdate(String sql, int autoGenKeys) throws SQLException {
    throw newSQLException(SQLState.NOT_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT, "executeUpdate(String, int)");
  public final int executeUpdate(String sql, int[] columnIndexes) throws SQLException {
    throw newSQLException(SQLState.NOT_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT, "executeUpdate(String, int[])");
  public final int executeUpdate(String sql, String[] columnNames) throws SQLException {
    throw newSQLException(SQLState.NOT_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT, "executeUpdate(String, String[])");
  public final void addBatch(String sql) throws SQLException {
    throw newSQLException(SQLState.NOT_FOR_PREPARED_STATEMENT, "addBatch(String)");

   * Additional close to close our activation.
   * In the case that a XAConnection is involved in the creation of this
   * PreparedStatement for e.g in the following case
   *      <code>
   *      XAConnection xaconn = xadatasource.getXAConnection();//where xadatasource is an object of XADataSource
   *      Connection conn = xaconnection.getConnection();
   *      PreparedStatement ps = conn.preparedStatement("values 1");
   *      </code>
   * In the above case the PreparedStatement will actually be a
   * BrokeredPreparedStatement40 object. Hence when we call
   * bcc.onStatementClose and pass the PreparedStatement that caused it
   * applicationStatement will be the appropriate choice since it will
   * contain the appropriate instance of PreparedStatement in each case
   * @throws SQLException upon failure
  void closeActions() throws SQLException {

    if (bcc!=null) {
      java.sql.PreparedStatement ps_app =
    //we release the resource for preparedStatement
    preparedStatement = null;

    } catch (SQLException se) {
      //we may have already committed the transaction in which case
      //setupContextStack will fail, the close should just return
      activation = null;

    } catch (Throwable t)
      throw handleException(t);
    } finally {
   * PreparedStatement interface; we have inherited from
   * EmbedStatement to get the Statement interface for
   * EmbedPreparedStatement (needed by PreparedStatement)
   * These are the JDBC interface comments, so we know
   * what to do.

     * A prepared SQL query is executed and its ResultSet is returned.
     * @return a ResultSet that contains the data produced by the
     * query; never null
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
  public final java.sql.ResultSet executeQuery() throws SQLException {
            try {
                executeStatement(activation, true, false);
            } catch(SQLException sqle) {
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                if (results == null)
                    SanityManager.THROWASSERT("no results returned on executeQuery()");
            return results;

     * Execute a SQL INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement. In addition,
     * SQL statements that return nothing such as SQL DDL statements
     * can be executed.
     * @return either the row count for INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE; or 0
     * for SQL statements that return nothing
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
        public final int executeUpdate() throws SQLException {
            try {
                executeStatement(activation, false, true);
            } catch(SQLException sqle) {
            return updateCount;

     * Set a parameter to SQL NULL.
     * <P><B>Note:</B> You must specify the parameter's SQL type.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param sqlType SQL type code defined by java.sql.Types
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public void setNull(int parameterIndex, int sqlType) throws SQLException {


    int jdbcTypeId = getParameterJDBCType(parameterIndex);
    if (!DataTypeDescriptor.isJDBCTypeEquivalent(jdbcTypeId, sqlType)) {

      throw dataTypeConversion(parameterIndex, Util.typeName(sqlType));
    try {
      /* JDBC is one-based, DBMS is zero-based */
      getParms().getParameterForSet(parameterIndex - 1).setToNull();
    } catch (StandardException t) {
      throw EmbedResultSet.noStateChangeException(t);


     * Set a parameter to a Java boolean value.  According to the JDBC API spec,
   * the driver converts this to a SQL BIT value when it sends it to the
   * database. But we don't have to do this, since the database engine
   * supports a boolean type.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the parameter value
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public void setBoolean(int parameterIndex, boolean x) throws SQLException {
    try {
      /* JDBC is one-based, DBMS is zero-based */
      getParms().getParameterForSet(parameterIndex - 1).setValue(x);

    } catch (StandardException t) {
      throw EmbedResultSet.noStateChangeException(t);

     * Set a parameter to a Java byte value.  The driver converts this
     * to a SQL TINYINT value when it sends it to the database.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the parameter value
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public void setByte(int parameterIndex, byte x) throws SQLException {

    try {

      getParms().getParameterForSet(parameterIndex - 1).setValue(x);

    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw EmbedResultSet.noStateChangeException(t);

     * Set a parameter to a Java short value.  The driver converts this
     * to a SQL SMALLINT value when it sends it to the database.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the parameter value
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public void setShort(int parameterIndex, short x) throws SQLException {

    try {
      /* JDBC is one-based, DBMS is zero-based */
      getParms().getParameterForSet(parameterIndex - 1).setValue(x);

    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw EmbedResultSet.noStateChangeException(t);

     * Set a parameter to a Java int value.  The driver converts this
     * to a SQL INTEGER value when it sends it to the database.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the parameter value
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public void setInt(int parameterIndex, int x) throws SQLException {

    try {
      /* JDBC is one-based, DBMS is zero-based */
      getParms().getParameterForSet(parameterIndex - 1).setValue(x);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw EmbedResultSet.noStateChangeException(t);

     * Set a parameter to a Java long value.  The driver converts this
     * to a SQL BIGINT value when it sends it to the database.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the parameter value
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public void setLong(int parameterIndex, long x) throws SQLException {
    try {
      /* JDBC is one-based, DBMS is zero-based */
      getParms().getParameterForSet(parameterIndex - 1).setValue(x);

    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw EmbedResultSet.noStateChangeException(t);


  ** Methods using BigDecimal, moved back into EmbedPreparedStatement
  ** since our small device implementation now requires CDC/FP 1.1, which
    ** supports BigDecimal.
     * Set a parameter to a java.lang.BigDecimal value. 
     * The driver converts this to a SQL NUMERIC value when
     * it sends it to the database.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the parameter value
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public final void setBigDecimal(int parameterIndex, BigDecimal x) throws SQLException {
    try {
      /* JDBC is one-based, DBMS is zero-based */
      getParms().getParameterForSet(parameterIndex - 1).setBigDecimal(x);

    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw EmbedResultSet.noStateChangeException(t);

     * Set a parameter to a Java float value.  The driver converts this
     * to a SQL FLOAT value when it sends it to the database.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the parameter value
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public void setFloat(int parameterIndex, float x) throws SQLException {
    try {
      /* JDBC is one-based, DBMS is zero-based */
      getParms().getParameterForSet(parameterIndex - 1).setValue(x);

    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw EmbedResultSet.noStateChangeException(t);


     * Set a parameter to a Java double value.  The driver converts this
     * to a SQL DOUBLE value when it sends it to the database.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the parameter value
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public void setDouble(int parameterIndex, double x) throws SQLException {

    try {
      /* JDBC is one-based, DBMS is zero-based */
      getParms().getParameterForSet(parameterIndex - 1).setValue(x);

    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw EmbedResultSet.noStateChangeException(t);


     * Set a parameter to a Java String value.  The driver converts this
     * to a SQL VARCHAR or LONGVARCHAR value (depending on the arguments
     * size relative to the driver's limits on VARCHARs) when it sends
     * it to the database.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the parameter value
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public void setString(int parameterIndex, String x) throws SQLException {
    try {
      /* JDBC is one-based, DBMS is zero-based */
      getParms().getParameterForSet(parameterIndex - 1).setValue(x);

    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw EmbedResultSet.noStateChangeException(t);

     * Set a parameter to a Java array of bytes.  The driver converts
     * this to a SQL VARBINARY or LONGVARBINARY (depending on the
     * argument's size relative to the driver's limits on VARBINARYs)
     * when it sends it to the database.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the parameter value
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public void setBytes(int parameterIndex, byte x[]) throws SQLException {

    try {
      /* JDBC is one-based, DBMS is zero-based */
      getParms().getParameterForSet(parameterIndex - 1).setValue(x);

    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw EmbedResultSet.noStateChangeException(t);


     * Set a parameter to a java.sql.Date value.  The driver converts this
     * to a SQL DATE value when it sends it to the database.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the parameter value
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public void setDate(int parameterIndex, Date x) throws SQLException {
        setDate( parameterIndex, x, (Calendar) null);

     * Set a parameter to a java.sql.Time value.  The driver converts this
     * to a SQL TIME value when it sends it to the database.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the parameter value
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public void setTime(int parameterIndex, Time x) throws SQLException {
        setTime( parameterIndex, x, (Calendar) null);

     * Set a parameter to a java.sql.Timestamp value.  The driver
     * converts this to a SQL TIMESTAMP value when it sends it to the
     * database.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the parameter value
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public void setTimestamp(int parameterIndex, Timestamp x)
      throws SQLException {
        setTimestamp( parameterIndex, x, (Calendar) null);

   * We do this inefficiently and read it all in here. The target type
   * is assumed to be a String.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the java input stream which contains the ASCII parameter value
     * @param length the number of bytes in the stream
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public final void setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, long length)
      throws SQLException {
        checkAsciiStreamConditions(parameterIndex); r = null;

    if (x != null)
      // Use ISO-8859-1 and not US-ASCII as JDBC seems to define
      // ASCII as 8 bits. US-ASCII is 7.
      try {
        r = new, "ISO-8859-1");
      } catch ( uee) {
        throw new SQLException(uee.getMessage());

        setCharacterStreamInternal(parameterIndex, r, false, length);

     * We do this inefficiently and read it all in here. The target type
     * is assumed to be a String.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the java input stream which contains the ASCII parameter value
     * @param length the number of bytes in the stream
     * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.

    public final void setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, int length)
    throws SQLException {

    Deprecated in JDBC 3.0
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the java input stream which contains the
     * UNICODE parameter value
     * @param length the number of bytes in the stream
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
     * @deprecated
    public void setUnicodeStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, int length)
      throws SQLException
    throw Util.notImplemented("setUnicodeStream");

     * When a very large UNICODE value is input to a LONGVARCHAR
     * parameter, it may be more practical to send it via a
     * JDBC will read the data from the stream
     * as needed, until it reaches end-of-file.  The JDBC driver will
     * do any necessary conversion from UNICODE to the database char format.
     * <P><B>Note:</B> This stream object can either be a standard
     * Java stream object or your own subclass that implements the
     * standard interface.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param reader the java reader which contains the UNICODE data
     * @param length the number of characters in the stream
     * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs.
    public final void setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex,
        long length) throws SQLException {
        setCharacterStreamInternal(parameterIndex, reader, false, length);

     * When a very large UNICODE value is input to a LONGVARCHAR
     * parameter, it may be more practical to send it via a
     * JDBC will read the data from the stream
     * as needed, until it reaches end-of-file.  The JDBC driver will
     * do any necessary conversion from UNICODE to the database char format.
     * <P><B>Note:</B> This stream object can either be a standard
     * Java stream object or your own subclass that implements the
     * standard interface.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param reader the java reader which contains the UNICODE data
     * @param length the number of characters in the stream
     * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs.
    public final void setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, reader,
        int length) throws SQLException {

     * Check general preconditions for setCharacterStream methods.
     * @param parameterIndex 1-based index of the parameter.
    private final void checkCharacterStreamConditions(int parameterIndex)
            throws SQLException {
        int jdbcTypeId = getParameterJDBCType(parameterIndex);
        if (!DataTypeDescriptor.isCharacterStreamAssignable(jdbcTypeId)) {
            throw dataTypeConversion(parameterIndex, "");

     * Check general preconditions for setAsciiStream methods.
     * @param parameterIndex 1-based index of the parameter.
    private final void checkAsciiStreamConditions(int parameterIndex)
            throws SQLException {
        int jdbcTypeId = getParameterJDBCType(parameterIndex);
        if (!DataTypeDescriptor.isAsciiStreamAssignable(jdbcTypeId)) {
            throw dataTypeConversion(parameterIndex,

     * Set the given character stream for the specified parameter.
     * If <code>lengthLess</code> is <code>true</code>, the following
     * conditions are either not checked or verified at the execution time
     * of the prepared statement:
     * <ol><li>If the stream length is negative.
     *     <li>If the stream's actual length equals the specified length.</ol>
     * The <code>lengthLess</code> variable was added to differentiate between
     * streams with invalid lengths and streams without known lengths.
     * @param parameterIndex the 1-based index of the parameter to set.
     * @param reader the data.
     * @param lengthLess tells whether we know the length of the data or not.
     * @param length the length of the data. Ignored if <code>lengthLess</code>
     *          is <code>true</code>.
    private void setCharacterStreamInternal(int parameterIndex,
                                            Reader reader,
                                            final boolean lengthLess,
                                            long length)
      throws SQLException
        // Check for negative length if length is specified.
        if (!lengthLess && length < 0)
            throw newSQLException(SQLState.NEGATIVE_STREAM_LENGTH);

      int jdbcTypeId = getParameterJDBCType(parameterIndex);

        if (reader == null)  {
             setNull(parameterIndex, jdbcTypeId);

           The value stored should not exceed the maximum value that can be
           stored in an integer
           This checking needs to be done because currently derby does not
           support Clob sizes greater than 2G-1
        if (!lengthLess && length > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
               throw newSQLException(SQLState.LANG_OUTSIDE_RANGE_FOR_DATATYPE,

        try {
            ReaderToUTF8Stream utfIn;
            final StringDataValue dvd = (StringDataValue)
                    getParms().getParameter(parameterIndex -1);
            // Need column width to figure out if truncation is needed
            DataTypeDescriptor dtd[] = preparedStatement
            int colWidth = dtd[parameterIndex - 1].getMaximumWidth();
            // Holds either UNKNOWN_LOGICAL_LENGTH or the exact logical length.
            int usableLength = DataValueDescriptor.UNKNOWN_LOGICAL_LENGTH;

            if (!lengthLess) {
                // We cast the length from long to int. This wouldn't be
                // appropriate if the limit of 2G-1 is decided to be increased
                // at a later stage.
                usableLength = (int)length;
                int truncationLength = 0;

                // Currently long varchar does not allow for truncation of
                // trailing blanks.
                // For char and varchar types, current mechanism of
                // materializing when using streams seems fine given their max
                // limits.
                // This change is fix for DERBY-352: Insert of clobs using
                // streams should not materialize the entire stream into memory
                // In case of clobs, the truncation of trailing blanks is
                // factored in when reading from the stream without
                // materializing the entire stream, and so the special casing
                // for clob below.
                if (jdbcTypeId == Types.CLOB)

                    // It is possible that the length of the stream passed in
                    // is greater than the column width, in which case the data
                    // from the stream needs to be truncated.
                    // usableLength is the length of the data from stream that
                    // can be inserted which is min(colWidth,length) provided
                    // length - colWidth has trailing blanks only
                    if (usableLength > colWidth) {
                        truncationLength = usableLength - colWidth;
                        usableLength = colWidth;
                // Create a stream with truncation.
                utfIn = new ReaderToUTF8Stream(reader, usableLength,
                        truncationLength, getParameterSQLType(parameterIndex),
            } else {
                // Create a stream without exactness checks,
                // but with a maximum limit.
                utfIn = new ReaderToUTF8Stream(reader, colWidth,

            // JDBC is one-based, DBMS is zero-based.
            // Note that for lengthless stream, usableLength will be
            // the maximum length for the column.
            // This is okay, based on the observation that
            // setValue does not use the value for anything at all.
            getParms().getParameterForSet(parameterIndex - 1).
                    setValue(utfIn, usableLength);

    } catch (StandardException t) {
      throw EmbedResultSet.noStateChangeException(t);

     * Determines which header format to use for CLOBs when writing them to
     * the store.
     * @return {@code true} if the pre Derby 10.5 header format is to be used,
     *      {@code false} if the new header format can be used (10.5 or newer)
     * @throws StandardException if obtaining the access mode fails
    private Boolean usePreTenFiveHdrFormat()
            throws StandardException {
        // Determine the version of the database we are accessing.
        // This is required to write the correct stream header format for Clobs.
        if (usePreTenFiveHdrFormat == null) {
            usePreTenFiveHdrFormat = Boolean.valueOf(
                    DataDictionary.DD_VERSION_DERBY_10_5, null));
        return usePreTenFiveHdrFormat;

     * Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream.
     * When a very large binary value is input to a <code>LONGVARBINARY</code>
     * parameter, it may be more practical to send it via a
     * <code></code> object. The data will be read from the
     * stream as needed until end-of-file is reached.
     * <em>Note:</em> This stream object can either be a standard Java stream
     * object or your own subclass that implements the standard interface.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the java input stream which contains the binary parameter value
     * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs or this method is
     *      called on a closed <code>PreparedStatement</code>
    public void setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x)
            throws SQLException {
        setBinaryStreamInternal(parameterIndex, x, true, -1);

     * sets the parameter to the Binary stream
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the java input stream which contains the binary parameter value
     * @param length the number of bytes in the stream
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public final void setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, long length)
      throws SQLException {
        setBinaryStreamInternal(parameterIndex, x, false, length);

     * sets the parameter to the binary stream
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the java input stream which contains the binary parameter value
     * @param length the number of bytes in the stream
     * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public final void setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x, int length)
    throws SQLException {

     * Set the given stream for the specified parameter.
     * If <code>lengthLess</code> is <code>true</code>, the following
     * conditions are either not checked or verified at the execution time
     * of the prepared statement:
     * <ol><li>If the stream length is negative.
     *     <li>If the stream's actual length equals the specified length.</ol>
     * The <code>lengthLess</code> variable was added to differentiate between
     * streams with invalid lengths and streams without known lengths.
     * @param parameterIndex the 1-based index of the parameter to set.
     * @param x the data.
     * @param lengthLess tells whether we know the length of the data or not.
     * @param length the length of the data. Ignored if <code>lengthLess</code>
     *          is <code>true</code>.
    private void setBinaryStreamInternal(int parameterIndex, InputStream x,
                                         final boolean lengthLess, long length)
      throws SQLException

        if ( !lengthLess && length < 0 )
            throw newSQLException(SQLState.NEGATIVE_STREAM_LENGTH);
    int jdbcTypeId = getParameterJDBCType(parameterIndex);
    if (x == null) {
      setNull(parameterIndex, jdbcTypeId);
        // max number of bytes that can be set to be inserted
        // in Derby is 2Gb-1 (ie Integer.MAX_VALUE).
        // (e.g into a blob column).
        // For now, we cast the length from long to int as a result.
        // If we ever decide to increase these limits for lets say blobs,
        // in that case the cast to int would not be appropriate.
        if ( !lengthLess && length > Integer.MAX_VALUE ) {
            throw newSQLException(SQLState.LANG_OUTSIDE_RANGE_FOR_DATATYPE,

        try {
            RawToBinaryFormatStream rawStream;
            if (lengthLess) {
                // Indicate that we don't know the logical length of the stream.
                length = DataValueDescriptor.UNKNOWN_LOGICAL_LENGTH;
                DataTypeDescriptor dtd[] =
                rawStream = new RawToBinaryFormatStream(x,
                        dtd[parameterIndex -1].getMaximumWidth(),
                        dtd[parameterIndex -1].getTypeName());
            } else {
                rawStream = new RawToBinaryFormatStream(x, (int)length);
            getParms().getParameterForSet(parameterIndex - 1).setValue(
                    rawStream, (int)length);

    } catch (StandardException t) {
      throw EmbedResultSet.noStateChangeException(t);

     * Check general preconditions for setBinaryStream methods.
     * @param parameterIndex 1-based index of the parameter.
    private final void checkBinaryStreamConditions(int parameterIndex)
            throws SQLException {
        int jdbcTypeId = getParameterJDBCType(parameterIndex);
        if (!DataTypeDescriptor.isBinaryStreamAssignable(jdbcTypeId)) {
            throw dataTypeConversion(parameterIndex, "");

  //  JDBC 2.0  -  New public methods

     * JDBC 2.0
     * Sets the designated parameter to SQL <code>NULL</code>.
     * This version of the method <code>setNull</code> should
     * be used for user-defined types and REF type parameters.  Examples
     * of user-defined types include: STRUCT, DISTINCT, JAVA_OBJECT, and
     * named array types.
     * @param paramIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param sqlType a value from <code>java.sql.Types</code>
     * @param typeName the fully-qualified name of an SQL user-defined type;
     *  ignored if the parameter is not a user-defined type or REF
     * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs or
     * this method is called on a closed <code>PreparedStatement</code>
     * @exception SQLFeatureNotSupportedException if <code>sqlType</code> is
     * a <code>ARRAY</code>, <code>BLOB</code>, <code>CLOB</code>,
     * <code>DATALINK</code>, <code>JAVA_OBJECT</code>, <code>NCHAR</code>,
     * <code>NCLOB</code>, <code>NVARCHAR</code>, <code>LONGNVARCHAR</code>,
     *  <code>REF</code>, <code>ROWID</code>, <code>SQLXML</code>
     * or  <code>STRUCT</code> data type and the JDBC driver does not support
     * this data type or if the JDBC driver does not support this method
    public void setNull(int paramIndex,
        int sqlType,
        String typeName)
        throws SQLException {

     * JDBC 2.0
     * Add a set of parameters to the batch.
     * @exception SQLException if a database-access error occurs.
    public void addBatch() throws SQLException {

    // need to synchronized to ensure that two threads
    // don't both create a Vector at the same time. This
    // would lead to one of the set of parameters being thrown
    // away
      synchronized (getConnectionSynchronization()) {
        if (batchStatements == null)
          batchStatements = new Vector();

          //get a clone of the parameterValueSet and save it in the vector
          //which will be used later on at the time of batch execution.
          //This way we will get a copy of the current statement's parameter
          //values rather than a pointer to the statement's parameter value
          //set which will change with every new statement in the batch.

  boolean executeBatchElement(Object batchElement) throws SQLException, StandardException {
    ParameterValueSet temp = (ParameterValueSet) batchElement;

    int numberOfParameters = temp.getParameterCount();

    for (int j=0; j<numberOfParameters; j++) {
      temp.getParameter(j).setInto(this, j + 1);

    return super.executeStatement(activation, false, true);

     * <P>In general, parameter values remain in force for repeated use of a
     * Statement. Setting a parameter value automatically clears its
     * previous value.  However, in some cases it is useful to immediately
     * release the resources used by the current parameter values; this can
     * be done by calling clearParameters.
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public void clearParameters() throws SQLException {

    ParameterValueSet pvs = getParms();
    if (pvs != null)

   * JDBC 2.0
     * The number, types and properties of a ResultSet's columns
     * are provided by the getMetaData method.
     * @return the description of a ResultSet's columns
     * @exception SQLException Feature not implemented for now.
    public java.sql.ResultSetMetaData getMetaData() throws SQLException
    synchronized (getConnectionSynchronization())
      //reason for casting is getActivationClass is not available on PreparedStatement
      ExecPreparedStatement execp = (ExecPreparedStatement)preparedStatement;

      setupContextStack(); // make sure there's context

      try {
        //bug 4579 - gcDuringGetMetaData will be null if this is the first time
        //getMetaData call is made.
        //Second check - if the statement was revalidated since last getMetaData call,
        //then gcDuringGetMetaData wouldn't match with current generated class name

                GeneratedClass currAc = null;
                ResultDescription resd = null;

                synchronized(execp) {
                    // DERBY-3823 Some other thread may be repreparing
                    do {
                        while (!execp.upToDate()) {

                        currAc = execp.getActivationClass();
                        resd = execp.getResultDescription();
                    } while (currAc == null);

                if (gcDuringGetMetaData == null ||
                        !gcDuringGetMetaData.equals(currAc.getName())) {
                    rMetaData = null;
                    gcDuringGetMetaData = currAc.getName();

                if (rMetaData == null && resd != null) {
                    // Internally, the result description has information
                    // which is used for insert, update and delete statements
                    // Externally, we decided that statements which don't
                    // produce result sets such as insert, update and delete
                    // should not return ResultSetMetaData.  This is enforced
                    // here
                    String statementType = resd.getStatementType();
                    if (statementType.equals("INSERT") ||
                            statementType.equals("UPDATE") ||
                        rMetaData = null;
                        rMetaData = newEmbedResultSetMetaData(resd);

      } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw handleException(t);
      finally {
    return rMetaData;

    // Advanced features:

   * The interface says that the type of the Object parameter must
   * be compatible with the type of the targetSqlType. We check that,
   * and if it flies, we expect the underlying engine to do the
   * required conversion once we pass in the value using its type.
   * So, an Integer converting to a CHAR is done via setInteger()
   * support on the underlying CHAR type.
     * <p>If x is null, it won't tell us its type, so we pass it on to setNull
     * @param parameterIndex The first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x The object containing the input parameter value
     * @param targetSqlType The SQL type (as defined in java.sql.Types) to be
     * sent to the database. The scale argument may further qualify this type.
     * @param scale For java.sql.Types.DECIMAL or java.sql.Types.NUMERIC types
     *          this is the number of digits after the decimal.  For all other
     *          types this value will be ignored,
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public final void setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x, int targetSqlType, int scale)
            throws SQLException {

    if (x == null) {
      setNull(parameterIndex, targetSqlType);


    int paramJDBCType = getParameterJDBCType(parameterIndex);

    if (paramJDBCType != java.sql.Types.JAVA_OBJECT) {
      if (!DataTypeDescriptor.isJDBCTypeEquivalent(paramJDBCType, targetSqlType)) {
        throw dataTypeConversion(parameterIndex, Util.typeName(targetSqlType));

    setObject(parameterIndex, x);
    * If the parameter type is DECIMAL or NUMERIC, then
    * we need to set the correct scale  or set it
    * to the default which is zero for setObject.
    if ((paramJDBCType == Types.DECIMAL) ||
       (paramJDBCType == Types.NUMERIC))
      setScale(parameterIndex, scale);

      * This method is like setObject above, but assumes a scale of zero.
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public final void setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x, int targetSqlType)
    throws SQLException {
    setObject(parameterIndex, x, targetSqlType, 0);

     * <p>Set the value of a parameter using an object; use the
     * java.lang equivalent objects for integral values.
     * <p>The JDBC specification specifies a standard mapping from
     * Java Object types to SQL types.  The given argument java object
     * will be converted to the corresponding SQL type before being
     * sent to the database.
     * <p>Note that this method may be used to pass datatabase
     * specific abstract data types, by using a Driver specific Java
     * type.
     * @param parameterIndex The first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x The object containing the input parameter value
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    public final void setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x) throws SQLException {

    int colType = getParameterJDBCType(parameterIndex);

    // JDBC Tutorial and Reference books states in the PreparedStatement
    // overview, that passing a untyped null into setObject() is not allowed.
    // JCC disallows this, basically SQL can not handle a untyped NULL.
    // Section 25.1.6 (Third edition), 24.1.5 (Second Edition)
        // However, the following update was made to the JDBC API:
        // "Note: Not all databases allow for a non-typed Null to be sent to
        // the backend. For maximum portability, the setNull or the
        // setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x, int sqlType) method should
        // be used instead of setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x)."
        // Based on the above sentence, passing null is now allowed by Derby.
        // See DERBY-1938 for details.

    if (x == null) {
            setNull(parameterIndex, colType);
    if (colType == Types.JAVA_OBJECT) {
      try {
        /* JDBC is one-based, DBMS is zero-based */
        getParms().setParameterAsObject(parameterIndex - 1, x);

      } catch (Throwable t) {
        throw EmbedResultSet.noStateChangeException(t);

    // Need to do instanceof checks here so that the behaviour
    // for these calls is consistent with the matching setXXX() value.

    // These are the supported setObject conversions from JDBC 3.0 table B5
    // Byte and Short were added to the table in JDBC 4.0.

    if (x instanceof String) {
      setString(parameterIndex, (String) x);

    if (x instanceof Boolean) {
      setBoolean(parameterIndex, ((Boolean) x).booleanValue());
    if (x instanceof Byte) {
      setByte(parameterIndex, ((Byte) x).byteValue());
    if (x instanceof Short) {
      setShort(parameterIndex, ((Short) x).shortValue());
    if (x instanceof Integer) {
      setInt(parameterIndex, ((Integer) x).intValue());
    if (x instanceof Long) {
      setLong(parameterIndex, ((Long) x).longValue());

    if (x instanceof Float) {
      setFloat(parameterIndex, ((Float) x).floatValue());
    if (x instanceof Double) {
      setDouble(parameterIndex, ((Double) x).doubleValue());

    if (x instanceof byte[]) {
      setBytes(parameterIndex, (byte[]) x);

    if (x instanceof Date) {
      setDate(parameterIndex, (Date) x);
    if (x instanceof Time) {
      setTime(parameterIndex, (Time) x);
    if (x instanceof Timestamp) {
      setTimestamp(parameterIndex, (Timestamp) x);

    if (x instanceof Blob) {
      setBlob(parameterIndex, (Blob) x);
    if (x instanceof Clob) {
      setClob(parameterIndex, (Clob) x);
    if (x instanceof java.util.Date) {
      setTimestamp(parameterIndex, new Timestamp(  ((java.util.Date) x).getTime() ) );
    if (x instanceof java.util.Calendar) {
      setTimestamp(parameterIndex, new Timestamp(  ((java.util.Calendar) x).getTime().getTime() ) );
    if (x instanceof BigDecimal) {
      setBigDecimal(parameterIndex, (BigDecimal) x);
    if (x instanceof BigInteger) {
      setBigDecimal(parameterIndex, new BigDecimal( (BigInteger) x ) );

    throw dataTypeConversion(parameterIndex, x.getClass().getName());

     * @see java.sql.Statement#execute
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
        public final boolean execute() throws SQLException {
            boolean ret=false;
                ret = executeStatement(activation, false, false);
            } catch(SQLException sqle) {
            return ret;
     * Set a parameter to a java.sql.Date value.  The driver converts this
     * to a SQL DATE value when it sends it to the database.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the parameter value
     * @exception SQLException Feature not implemented for now.
    public final void setDate(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Date x, Calendar cal)
      throws SQLException
    try {
      /* JDBC is one-based, DBMS is zero-based */
      getParms().getParameterForSet(parameterIndex - 1).setValue(x, cal);

    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw EmbedResultSet.noStateChangeException(t);

     * Set a parameter to a java.sql.Time value.  The driver converts this
     * to a SQL TIME value when it sends it to the database.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the parameter value
     * @exception SQLException Feature not implemented for now.
    public final void setTime(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Time x, Calendar cal)
      throws SQLException
    try {
      /* JDBC is one-based, DBMS is zero-based */
      getParms().getParameterForSet(parameterIndex - 1).setValue(x, cal);

    } catch (Throwable t) {
      throw EmbedResultSet.noStateChangeException(t);

     * Set a parameter to a java.sql.Timestamp value.  The driver
     * converts this to a SQL TIMESTAMP value when it sends it to the
     * database.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the parameter value
     * @exception SQLException Feature not implemented for now.
    public final void setTimestamp(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Timestamp x, Calendar cal)
      throws SQLException
    try {
      /* JDBC is one-based, DBMS is zero-based */
      getParms().getParameterForSet(parameterIndex - 1).setValue(x, cal);

    } catch (StandardException t) {
      throw EmbedResultSet.noStateChangeException(t);

     * JDBC 2.0
     * Set a BLOB parameter.
     * @param i the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x an object representing a BLOB
    public void setBlob (int i, Blob x)
        throws SQLException
    if (x == null)
      setNull(i, Types.BLOB);
            // Note, x.length() needs to be called before retrieving the
            // stream using x.getBinaryStream() because EmbedBlob.length()
            // will read from the stream and drain some part of the stream
            // Hence the need to declare this local variable - streamLength
            long streamLength = x.length();
            setBinaryStreamInternal(i, x.getBinaryStream(), false,

     * Check general (pre)conditions for setClob methods.
     * @param parameterIndex 1-based index of the parameter.
    private final void checkClobConditions(int parameterIndex)
            throws SQLException {
        if (getParameterJDBCType(parameterIndex) != Types.CLOB) {
            throw dataTypeConversion(parameterIndex, "java.sql.Clob");

     * JDBC 2.0
     * Set a CLOB parameter.
     * @param i the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x an object representing a CLOB
    public void setClob (int i, Clob x)
        throws SQLException
    if (x == null)
      setNull(i, Types.CLOB);
            // 1. max number of characters that can be inserted into a clob column
            // is 2Gb-1 which is Integer.MAX_INT.
            // This means that we do not allow any inserts of clobs where
            // clob.length() > Integer.MAX_INT. For now, we cast the x.length()
            // to int as a result. This will work ok for valid clob values that
            // derby supports. If we ever decide to increase these limits for clobs, in that
            // case the cast of x.Length() to int would not be appropriate.
            // 2. Note, x.length() needs to be called before retrieving the
            // stream using x.getCharacterStream() because EmbedClob.length()
            // will read from the stream and drain the stream.
            // Hence the need to declare this local variable - streamLength
            long streamLength = x.length();

            setCharacterStreamInternal(i, x.getCharacterStream(),
                                       false, streamLength);

   * Get the ParameterValueSet from the activation.
   * The caller of this method should be aware that the
   * activation associated with a Statement can change
   * and hence the ParameterValueSet returned by this
   * call should not be hold onto. An example of this
   * can be seen in EmbedCallableStatement.executeStatement
   * where at the beginning of the method, we check the
   * validity of the parameters. But we donot keep the
   * parameters in a local variable to use later. The reason
   * for this is that the next call in the method,
   * super.executeStatement can recompile the statement and
   * create a new activation if the statement plan has been
   * invalidated. To account for this possibility,
   * EmbedCallableStatement.executeStatement makes
   * another call to get the ParameterValueSet before stuffing
   * the output parameter value into the ParameterValueSet
   * object.
   * @return  The ParameterValueSet for the activation
  public final ParameterValueSet getParms() {

    return activation.getParameterValueSet();

    Check the parameterINdex is in range and return the
    array of type descriptors.

    @exception SQLException parameter is out of range
  protected final DataTypeDescriptor[] getTypes(int parameterIndex)
    throws SQLException {

    DataTypeDescriptor[] types = preparedStatement.getParameterTypes();

    if (types == null) {
      throw newSQLException(SQLState.NO_INPUT_PARAMETERS);

    /* Check that the parameterIndex is in range. */
    if (parameterIndex < 1 ||
        parameterIndex > types.length) {

      /* This message matches the one used by the DBMS */
      throw newSQLException(SQLState.LANG_INVALID_PARAM_POSITION,
            new Integer(parameterIndex), new Integer(types.length));
    return types;

    Get the target JDBC type for a parameter. Will throw exceptions
    if the parameter index is out of range

    @exception SQLException parameter is out of range
  protected int getParameterJDBCType(int parameterIndex)
    throws SQLException {

    DataTypeDescriptor[] types = getTypes(parameterIndex);

    int type = types[parameterIndex -1] == null ?
      Types.OTHER :
      types[parameterIndex - 1].getTypeId().getJDBCTypeId();

    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
      //int pmType = getEmbedParameterSetMetaData().getParameterType(parameterIndex);
      //if (type != pmType) {
        //SanityManager.THROWASSERT("MISMATCH PARAMETER META DATA param " + parameterIndex + " types " + type + " != " + pmType + "\n" + SQLText);

    return type;

     * Return the SQL type name for the parameter.
     * @param parameterIndex the 1-based index of the parameter
     * @return SQL name of the parameter
     * @throws SQLException if parameter is out of range
    protected final String getParameterSQLType(int parameterIndex)
            throws SQLException {
        DataTypeDescriptor[] pTypes = getTypes(parameterIndex);
        return pTypes[parameterIndex-1].getTypeName();

     * Set the scale of a parameter.
     * @param parameterIndex The first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param scale  The scale
   * @exception SQLException thrown on failure.
    private void setScale(int parameterIndex, int scale)
    throws SQLException

    if (scale < 0)
      throw newSQLException(SQLState.BAD_SCALE_VALUE, new Integer(scale));
    try {

      ParameterValueSet pvs = getParms();

      /* JDBC is one-based, DBMS is zero-based */
      DataValueDescriptor value = pvs.getParameter(parameterIndex - 1);

      int origvaluelen = value.getLength();

      if (value.getLength() < origvaluelen)
        activation.addWarning(StandardException.newWarning(SQLState.LANG_VALUE_TRUNCATED, value.getString()));

    } catch (StandardException t) {
      throw EmbedResultSet.noStateChangeException(t);

    * Immitate the function in JDBC 3.0
    * Retrieves the number, types and properties of this PreparedStatement
    * object's parameters.
    * @return a EngineParameterMetaData object that contains information about the
    * number, types and properties of this PreparedStatement object's parameters.
    * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
  private EngineParameterMetaData getEmbedParameterSetMetaData()
      throws SQLException
    return new EmbedParameterSetMetaData(
        getParms(), preparedStatement.getParameterTypes());

    * JDBC 3.0
    * Sets the designated parameter to the given value. The driver
    * converts this to an SQL DATALINK value when it sends it to the database.
    * @param parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
    * @param x - the object to be set
    * @exception SQLException Feature not implemented for now.
  public final void setURL(int parameterIndex, x)
    throws SQLException
    throw Util.notImplemented();

  // methods to be overridden in subimplementations
  // that want to stay within their subimplementation.
  protected EmbedResultSetMetaData newEmbedResultSetMetaData(ResultDescription resultDesc) {

    return factory.newEmbedResultSetMetaData(resultDesc.getColumnInfo());

  public String toString() {

    if (activation != null)
      return activation.getPreparedStatement().getObjectName();
    return super.toString();

  public void transferParameters(EmbedPreparedStatement newStatement) throws SQLException {

    try {
      newStatement.activation.setParameters(getParms(), preparedStatement.getParameterTypes());
    } catch (StandardException se) {
      throw EmbedResultSet.noStateChangeException(se);

  boolean executeStatement(Activation a,
                     boolean executeQuery, boolean executeUpdate)
                     throws SQLException {

    return super.executeStatement(a, executeQuery, executeUpdate);

  final SQLException dataTypeConversion(int column, String sourceType)
    throws SQLException {
    SQLException se = newSQLException(SQLState.LANG_DATA_TYPE_GET_MISMATCH, getEmbedParameterSetMetaData().getParameterTypeName(column),
    return se;
         * This method is used to initialize the BrokeredConnectionControl
         * variable with its implementation. This method will be called in the 
         * BrokeredConnectionControl class
         * @param control used to call the onStatementClose and
         * onStatementErrorOccurred methods that have logic to
         * raise StatementEvents for the close and error events
         * on the PreparedStatement
        public void setBrokeredConnectionControl(BrokeredConnectionControl control) {
            bcc = control;
         * Method calls onStatementError occurred on the
         * BrokeredConnectionControl class after checking the
         * SQLState of the SQLException thrown.
         * In the case that a XAConnection is involved in the creation of this
         * PreparedStatement for e.g in the following case
         *      <code>
         *      XAConnection xaconn = xadatasource.getXAConnection();//where xadatasource is an object of XADataSource
         *      Connection conn = xaconnection.getConnection();
         *      PreparedStatement ps = conn.preparedStatement("values 1");
         *      </code>
         * In the above case the PreparedStatement will actually be a
         * BrokeredPreparedStatement40 object. Hence when we call
         * bcc.onStatementClose and pass the PreparedStatement that caused it
         * applicationStatement will be the appropriate choice since it will
         * contain the appropriate instance of PreparedStatement in each case
        private void checkStatementValidity(SQLException sqle) throws SQLException {
             * Check if the exception has occurred because the connection
             * associated with the PreparedStatement has been closed
            if(bcc != null && isClosed()) {
                //call the BrokeredConnectionControl interface method
            throw sqle;

     * Checks whether a data type is supported for
     * <code>setObject(int, Object, int)</code> and
     * <code>setObject(int, Object, int, int)</code>.
     * @param dataType the data type to check
     * @exception SQLException if the type is not supported
    private void checkForSupportedDataType(int dataType) throws SQLException {

        // JDBC 4.0 javadoc for setObject() says:
        // Throws: (...) SQLFeatureNotSupportedException - if
        // targetSqlType is a ARRAY, BLOB, CLOB, DATALINK,
        // ROWID, SQLXML or STRUCT data type and the JDBC driver does
        // not support this data type
        // Of these types, we only support BLOB, CLOB and
        // (sort of) JAVA_OBJECT.

        switch (dataType) {
        case Types.ARRAY:
        case Types.DATALINK:
        case JDBC40Translation.NCHAR:
        case JDBC40Translation.NCLOB:
        case JDBC40Translation.NVARCHAR:
        case JDBC40Translation.LONGNVARCHAR:
        case Types.REF:
        case JDBC40Translation.ROWID:
        case JDBC40Translation.SQLXML:
        case Types.STRUCT:
            throw newSQLException(SQLState.DATA_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED,

   //jdbc 4.0 methods

     * Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream.
     * When a very large ASCII value is input to a <code>LONGVARCHAR</code>
     * parameter, it may be more practical to send it via a
     * <code></code>. Data will be read from the stream as
     * needed until end-of-file is reached. The JDBC driver will do any
     * necessary conversion from ASCII to the database char format.
     * <em>Note:</em> This stream object can either be a standard Java stream
     * object or your own subclass that implements the standard interface.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param x the Java input stream that contains the ASCII parameter value
     * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs or this method is
     *      called on a closed <code>PreparedStatement</code>
    public void setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex, InputStream x)
            throws SQLException {
        checkAsciiStreamConditions(parameterIndex); asciiStream = null;

        if (x != null) {
            // Use ISO-8859-1 and not US-ASCII as JDBC seems to define
            // ASCII as 8 bits. US-ASCII is 7.
            try {
                asciiStream = new, "ISO-8859-1");
            } catch ( uee) {
                throw new SQLException(uee.getMessage());

        setCharacterStreamInternal(parameterIndex, asciiStream, true, -1);

     * Sets the designated parameter to the given <code>Reader</code> object.
     * When a very large UNICODE value is input to a LONGVARCHAR parameter, it
     * may be more practical to send it via a <code></code>
     * object. The data will be read from the stream as needed until
     * end-of-file is reached. The JDBC driver will do any necessary conversion
     * from UNICODE to the database char format.
     * <em>Note:</em> This stream object can either be a standard Java stream
     * object or your own subclass that implements the standard interface.
     * Using this lengthless overload is not less effective than using one
     * where the stream length is specified, but since there is no length
     * specified, the exact length check will not be performed.
     * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param reader the <code></code> object that contains the
     *      Unicode data
     * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs or this method is
     *      called on a closed <code>PreparedStatement</code>
    public void setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex, Reader reader)
            throws SQLException {
        setCharacterStreamInternal(parameterIndex, reader,
                                   true, -1);

     * Sets the designated parameter to a <code>Reader</code> object.
     * This method differs from the <code>setCharacterStream(int,Reader)</code>
     * method because it informs the driver that the parameter value should be
     * sent to the server as a <code>CLOB</code>. When the
     * <code>setCharacterStream</code> method is used, the driver may have to
     * do extra work to determine whether the parameter data should be sent to
     * the server as a <code>LONGVARCHAR</code> or a <code>CLOB</code>.
     * @param parameterIndex index of the first parameter is 1, the second is
     *      2, ...
     * @param reader an object that contains the data to set the parameter
     *      value to.
     * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs, this method is
     *      called on a closed PreparedStatementor if parameterIndex does not
     *      correspond to a parameter marker in the SQL statement
    public void setClob(int parameterIndex, Reader reader)
            throws SQLException {
        setCharacterStreamInternal(parameterIndex, reader, true, -1);

     * Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object.
     * @param parameterIndex index of the first parameter is 1, the second is 2, ...
     * @param reader An object that contains the data to set the parameter value to.
     * @param length the number of characters in the parameter data.
     * @throws SQLException if parameterIndex does not correspond to a parameter
     * marker in the SQL statement, or if the length specified is less than zero.

    public void setClob(int parameterIndex, Reader reader, long length)
    throws SQLException{
        setCharacterStreamInternal(parameterIndex, reader, false, length);

     * Sets the designated parameter to a <code>InputStream</code> object.
     * This method differs from the <code>setBinaryStream(int, InputStream)
     * </code>  method because it informs the driver that the parameter value
     * should be sent to the server as a <code>BLOB</code>. When the
     * <code>setBinaryStream</code> method is used, the driver may have to do
     * extra work to determine whether the parameter data should be sent to the
     * server as a <code>LONGVARBINARY</code> or a <code>BLOB</code>
     * @param parameterIndex index of the first parameter is 1, the second is
     *      2, ...
     * @param inputStream an object that contains the data to set the parameter
     *      value to.
     * @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs, this method is
     *      called on a closed <code>PreparedStatement</code> or if
     *      <code>parameterIndex</code> does not correspond to a parameter
     *      marker in the SQL statement
    public void setBlob(int parameterIndex, InputStream inputStream)
            throws SQLException {
        setBinaryStreamInternal(parameterIndex, inputStream, true, -1);

     * Sets the designated parameter to a InputStream object.
     * @param parameterIndex index of the first parameter is 1,
     * the second is 2, ...
     * @param inputStream An object that contains the data to set the parameter
     * value to.
     * @param length the number of bytes in the parameter data.
     * @throws SQLException if parameterIndex does not correspond
     * to a parameter marker in the SQL statement,  if the length specified
     * is less than zero or if the number of bytes in the inputstream does not match
     * the specfied length.

    public void setBlob(int parameterIndex, InputStream inputStream, long length)
    throws SQLException{
        setBinaryStreamInternal(parameterIndex, inputStream, false, length);

     * Check general (pre)conditions for setBlob methods.
     * @param parameterIndex 1-based index of the parameter.
    private final void checkBlobConditions(int parameterIndex)
            throws SQLException {
        if (getParameterJDBCType(parameterIndex) != Types.BLOB) {
            throw dataTypeConversion(parameterIndex, "java.sql.Blob");

    public final long getVersionCounter() throws SQLException {
        return preparedStatement.getVersionCounter();

Related Classes of org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedPreparedStatement

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