Package org.apache.derbyPreBuild

Source Code of org.apache.derbyPreBuild.PropertySetter


   Derby - Class org.apache.derbyPreBuild.PropertySetter

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package org.apache.derbyPreBuild;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;


* <p>
* This tool tries to set the classpath properties if they are not already
* set:
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>java14compile.classpath</li>
* <li>java15compile.classpath</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* If the following library properties are set, they may influence how we set the
* corresponding classpath properties:
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>j14lib</li>
* <li>j15lib</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* This tool behaves as follows:
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>If the classpath properties are set, nothing happens and we simply exit.</li>
* <li>Otherwise, if a library property is set, we attempt to set the
* corresponding classpath property to be a list of all the jars in the
* directory pointed to by the library property.</li>
* <li>Otherwise we try to set the classpath properties to values
* specific to the vendor of the running vm.</li>
* <li>Otherwise, if we don't recognize the vm vendor, we abort the build.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* This tool has been tested for the setting of jdk1.4 and Java 5 compiler
* properties in the following environments:
* </p>
* <ul>
* <li>Apple JDKs on Mac OS X</li>
* <li>Sun and IBM JDKs on Linux</li>
* <li>Sun and IBM JDKs on Windows/Cygwin</li>
* <li>Sun JDKs on Solaris</li>
* </ul>
public class PropertySetter extends Task

    private static  final   String  J14LIB = "j14lib";
    private static  final   String  J14CLASSPATH = "java14compile.classpath";
    private static  final   String  J15LIB = "j15lib";
    private static  final   String  J15CLASSPATH = "java15compile.classpath";

    private static  final   String  JDK_VENDOR = "java.vendor";
    private static  final   String  JAVA_HOME = "java.home";

    private static  final   String  JAVA_VERSION = "java.version";
    private static  final   String  OPERATING_SYSTEM = "";

    private static  final   String  JDK_APPLE = "Apple ";
    private static  final   String  JDK_IBM = "IBM Corporation";
    private static  final   String  JDK_SUN = "Sun Microsystems Inc.";

    private static  final   String  APPLE_JAVA_ROOT = "/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions";

    //  STATE

    private Hashtable   _propertiesSnapshot;

     * <p>
     * File filter to select jar files in a directory.
     * </p>
    public  static  final   class   JarFilter   implements  FileFilter
        public  JarFilter() {}

        public  boolean accept( File candidate )
            return candidate.getName().endsWith( ".jar" );
     * <p>
     * File filter to select child directories whose names contain a string.
     * </p>
    public  static  final   class   DirContainsStringFilter   implements  FileFilter
        private String  _substring;
        public  DirContainsStringFilter( String substring ) { _substring = substring; }

        public  boolean accept( File candidate )
            if ( !candidate.isDirectory() ) { return false; }

            return ( candidate.getName().contains( _substring ) );

     * <p>
     * Let Ant conjure us out of thin air.
     * </p>
    public PropertySetter()
    //  Task BEHAVIOR

     * <p>
     * Set properties based on the existing build environment. If, at the end of
     * this method, the compiler properties are still not set, then we raise an
     * error and the build aborts.
     * </p>
    public  void    execute()
        throws BuildException

        try {
            // There's nothing to do if the classpath properties are already set.
            if ( isSet( J14CLASSPATH ) && isSet( J15CLASSPATH ) ) { return; }
            // If the library properties are set, then use them to set the
            // classpath properties.
            String  j14lib = getProperty( J14LIB );
            String  j15lib = getProperty( J15LIB );

            if ( j14lib != null ) { setClasspathFromLib(J14CLASSPATH, j14lib ); }
            if ( j15lib != null ) { setClasspathFromLib(J15CLASSPATH, j15lib ); }

            // If the library properties were not set, the following
            // logic will try to figure out how to set the
            // classpath properties based on the JDK vendor.
            // This is where you plug in vendor-specific logic.
            String  jdkVendor = getProperty( JDK_VENDOR );

            if ( jdkVendor == null ) { jdkVendor = ""; }

            if jdkVendor.startsWith( JDK_APPLE ) ) { setForAppleJDKs(); }
            else if ( JDK_IBM.equals( jdkVendor ) ) { setForIbmJDKs(); }
            else if ( JDK_SUN.equals( jdkVendor ) ) { setForSunJDKs(); }
        } catch (Throwable t)
            echoThrowable( t );

            if ( t instanceof BuildException) { throw (BuildException) t; }
            else { throw new BuildException( t ); }

        // Refresh our snapshot of the properties now that we have set
        // some additional ones.

        // Require that these be set now.
        requireProperty( J14CLASSPATH );
        requireProperty( J15CLASSPATH );


     * <p>
     * Set the properties needed to compile using the Apple-supplied JDKs
     * </p>
    private void    setForAppleJDKs()
        throws BuildException
        defaultSetter( APPLE_JAVA_ROOT + "/1.4/Classes", APPLE_JAVA_ROOT + "/1.5/Classes" );

     * <p>
     * Set the properties needed to compile using the IBM JDKs
     * </p>
    private void    setForIbmJDKs()
        throws Exception
        setForMostJDKs( "142", "50" );

     * <p>
     * Set the properties needed to compile using the Sun JDKs. This
     * has been tested on Linux and SunOS.
     * </p>
    private void    setForSunJDKs()
        throws Exception
        setForMostJDKs( "1.4.", "1.5." );

     * <p>
     * Set the properties needed to compile using most JDKs
     * </p>
    private void    setForMostJDKs( String seed14, String seed15)
        throws Exception
        List<File> jdkParents = getJdkSearchPath();
        String  default_j14lib = getProperty( J14LIB );
        String  default_j15lib = getProperty( J15LIB );
        if ( default_j14lib == null )
        { default_j14lib = searchForJreLib(jdkParents, seed14); }

        if ( default_j15lib == null )
        { default_j15lib = searchForJreLib(jdkParents, seed15); }

        defaultSetter( default_j14lib, default_j15lib );

     * Search for a library directory in some likely locations.
     * @param parents list of potential JDK parent directories
     * @param seed search string which identifies a given JDK version
     * @return a library directory, or <code>null</code> if not found
    private String searchForJreLib(List<File> parents, String seed) {
        for (File parent : parents) {
            String jreLib = getJreLib(parent, seed);
            if (jreLib != null) {
                return jreLib;
        return null;

     * Get a list of potential JDK parent directories. These include the parent
     * directory of JAVA_HOME, and possibly some system dependent directories.
     * @return a list of potential JDK parent directories
    private List<File> getJdkSearchPath() throws Exception {
        ArrayList<File> searchPath = new ArrayList<File>();

        // Add parent of JAVA_HOME

        String osName = System.getProperty("");

        if ("SunOS".equals(osName)) {
            // On Solaris, JDK 1.4.2 is installed under /usr/jdk, whereas JDK
            // 5.0 and later are placed under /usr/jdk/instances. If we don't
            // find JDK 1.4.2 in the parent of JAVA_HOME, it's worth taking a
            // look at /usr/jdk before giving up.
            searchPath.add(new File("/usr/jdk"));

        return searchPath;

     * <p>
     * Get the parent directory of JAVA_HOME
     * </p>
    private File    getJdkParentDirectory()
        throws Exception
        String  javaHome = getProperty( JAVA_HOME );
        // slice off the jdk1.5.0_u13/jre. ant seems to tack the "/jre" onto
        // the end of what the shell thinks $JAVA_HOME is:
        File    javaHomeDir = new File( javaHome );
        File    ancestor = getParent( getParent( javaHomeDir ) );

        if ( ancestor == null )
            echo( "JAVA_HOME directory '" + javaHome + "' does not have a grandparent directory sitting above all of the JDKs." );
        return ancestor;
     * <p>
     * Get a file's parent directory. Return null if there is no parent directory.
     * </p>
    private File    getParent( File file )
        throws Exception
        if ( file == null ) { return null; }
        if ( !file.exists() ) { return null; }
        return file.getParentFile();

     * <p>
     * Get the path name of the library directory in the latest version of this jre
     * </p>
    private String    getJreLib( File jdkParentDirectory, String jdkName )
        throws BuildException
        if ( jdkParentDirectory == null ) { return null; }
        File[]      versions = jdkParentDirectory.listFiles( new DirContainsStringFilter( jdkName ) );
        int         count = versions.length;

        if ( count <= 0 )
            echo( "Directory '" + jdkParentDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "' does not have any child directories containing the string '" + jdkName + "'." );
            return null;

        Arrays.sort( versions );

        File        javadir = versions[ count - 1 ];
        String      libStub = "";

        // If the selected java dir is a JDK rather than a JRE, then it
        // will have a jre subdirectory
        File        jreSubdirectory = new File( javadir, "jre" );
        if ( jreSubdirectory.exists() ) { libStub = libStub + File.separator + "jre"; }

        libStub = libStub + File.separator + "lib";

        return javadir.getAbsolutePath() + libStub;


     * <p>
     * Default property setter. Sets the lib properties to the passed-in values
     * and sets the classpath properties to the lists of jars in the lib
     * directories. If the library properties are already set, the already-set
     * values will override the defaults that are passed in to this method.
     * </p>
    private void    defaultSetter( String default_j14lib, String default_j15lib )
        throws  BuildException
        String  j14lib = getProperty( J14LIB, default_j14lib );
        String  j15lib = getProperty( J15LIB, default_j15lib );

        setClasspathFromLib( J14CLASSPATH, j14lib );
        setClasspathFromLib( J15CLASSPATH, j15lib );
     * <p>
     * Set a classpath property to all of the jars in a directory.
     * If the classpath property is already set, then it is not overridden.
     * Throws a BuildException if there's a problem.
     * </p>
    private void    setClasspathFromLib( String classpathProperty, String libraryDirectory )
        throws BuildException
        String      classpath = getProperty( classpathProperty );

        // nothing to do if the property is already set. we can't override it.
        if ( classpath != null ) { return; }

        String      jars = listJars( libraryDirectory );

        if ( jars == null )
            throw couldntSetProperty( classpathProperty );

        setProperty( classpathProperty, jars );

     * <p>
     * List all of the jars in a directory in lexicographical order of
     * filenames in a format suitable for using in a classpath.
     * Returns null if the directory string does not identify
     * a valid directory.
     * </p>
    private String    listJars( String dirName )
        if ( dirName == null ) { return null; }

        File    dir = new File( dirName );

        if ( !dir.exists() )
            echo( "Directory " + dirName + " does not exist." );
            return null;
        if ( !dir.isDirectory() )
            echo( dirName + " is not a directory." );
            return null;

        File[]  jars = dir.listFiles( new JarFilter() );

        Arrays.sort( jars );

        int             count = jars.length;
        StringBuffer    buffer = new StringBuffer();

        for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            if ( i > 0 ) { buffer.append( File.pathSeparatorChar ); }
            buffer.append( jars[ i ].getAbsolutePath() );

        return buffer.toString();

     * <p>
     * Return true if a property is set.
     * </p>
    private boolean    isSet( String name )
        String  value = getProperty( name );

        if ( value == null ) { return false; }
        else { return true; }

     * <p>
     * Print a property.
     * </p>
    private void    printProperty( String name )
        String  value = getProperty( name );

        if ( value == null ) { value = "NULL"; }

        echo( "${" + name + "} = " + value );

     * <p>
     * Gets a property. If it is not already set, defaults it to a value.
     * </p>
    private String  getProperty( String name, String defaultValue )
        String  value = getProperty( name );

        if ( value == null ) { value = defaultValue; }

        return value;
     * <p>
     * Refresh the known properties.
     * </p>
    private void  refreshProperties()
        PropertyHelper  helper = PropertyHelper.getPropertyHelper( getProject() );
        _propertiesSnapshot = helper.getProperties();
     * <p>
     * Get a property value. Returns null if the property is not set.
     * </p>
    private String  getProperty( String name )
        return (String) _propertiesSnapshot.get( name );
     * <p>
     * Set an ant property.
     * </p>
    private void    setProperty( String name, String value )
        throws BuildException
        log( "Setting property " + name + " to " + value, Project.MSG_INFO );
        Property    property = new Property();

        property.setName( name );
        property.setValue( value );

        property.setProject( getProject() );

     * <p>
     * Echo a Throwable to the console.
     * </p>
    private void    echoThrowable( Throwable t )
        echo ( t.getMessage() );

        StringWriter    sw = new StringWriter();
        PrintWriter     pw = new PrintWriter( sw );

        t.printStackTrace( pw );

        echo ( sw.toString() );

     * <p>
     * Echo a message to the console.
     * </p>
    private void    echo( String text )
        log( text, Project.MSG_WARN );

     * <p>
     * Require that a property be set.
     * </p>
    private void  requireProperty( String property )
        throws BuildException
        if ( getProperty( property ) == null ) { throw couldntSetProperty( property ); }

     * <p>
     * Object that we couldn't set a property.
     * </p>
    private BuildException  couldntSetProperty( String property )
        StringBuffer    buffer = new StringBuffer();

        buffer.append( "Don't know how to set " + property );
        buffer.append( " using this environment:\n\n" );
        appendProperty( buffer, JDK_VENDOR );
        appendProperty( buffer, JAVA_HOME );
        appendProperty( buffer, JAVA_VERSION );
        appendProperty( buffer, OPERATING_SYSTEM );
        appendProperty( buffer, J14LIB );
        appendProperty( buffer, J15LIB );
        buffer.append( "\nPlease consult BUILDING.txt for instructions on how to set the jdk-library and compiler-classpath properties." );
        return new BuildException( buffer.toString() );

     * <p>
     * Append the value of a property to an evolving string buffer.
     * </p>
    private void    appendProperty( StringBuffer buffer, String propertyName )
        buffer.append( propertyName );
        buffer.append( " = " );
        buffer.append( getProperty( propertyName ) );
        buffer.append( "\n" );


Related Classes of org.apache.derbyPreBuild.PropertySetter

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