Package org.apache.harmony.awt.wtk.linux

Source Code of org.apache.harmony.awt.wtk.linux.LinuxWindow

*  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
*  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
*  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
*  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
*  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
*  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
*  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
*  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
*  limitations under the License.
* @author Michael Danilov
* @version $Revision$
package org.apache.harmony.awt.wtk.linux;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

import org.apache.harmony.awt.nativebridge.CLongPointer;
import org.apache.harmony.awt.nativebridge.Int32Pointer;
import org.apache.harmony.awt.nativebridge.NativeBridge;
import org.apache.harmony.awt.nativebridge.PointerPointer;
import org.apache.harmony.awt.nativebridge.VoidPointer;
import org.apache.harmony.awt.nativebridge.linux.X11;
import org.apache.harmony.awt.nativebridge.linux.X11Defs;
import org.apache.harmony.awt.wtk.CreationParams;
import org.apache.harmony.awt.wtk.NativeWindow;

class LinuxWindow implements NativeWindow {

    private static final int DEFAULT_MASK = X11Defs.StructureNotifyMask
            | X11Defs.ExposureMask | X11Defs.FocusChangeMask
            | X11Defs.KeyPressMask | X11Defs.KeyReleaseMask
            | X11Defs.ButtonPressMask | X11Defs.ButtonReleaseMask
            | X11Defs.PointerMotionMask | X11Defs.OwnerGrabButtonMask
            | X11Defs.LeaveWindowMask | X11Defs.EnterWindowMask
            | X11Defs.PropertyChangeMask;

    private static final int DISABLED_MASK = X11Defs.ExposureMask | X11Defs.StructureNotifyMask
            | X11Defs.PropertyChangeMask | X11Defs.FocusChangeMask;

    private static final int MOUSE_GRAB_MASK = X11Defs.PointerMotionMask
            | X11Defs.ButtonPressMask | X11Defs.ButtonReleaseMask;

    private final static Insets DEFAULT_INSETS =
        new Insets(25, 5, 5, 5); // initial "guessed" insets

    // Window size limits
    public final static int MIN_WINDOW_WIDTH = 1;
    public final static int MAX_WINDOW_WIDTH = Short.MAX_VALUE;
    public final static int MIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT = 1;
    public final static int MAX_WINDOW_HEIGHT = Short.MAX_VALUE;

    static boolean manualGrabActive = false;
    static boolean autoGrabActive = false;
    static LinuxWindow grabWindow = null;

    private final boolean child;

    private final long display;

    private final long windowID;

    private long parentID;

    private boolean visible;

    private boolean enabled;

    private boolean resizable;

    private boolean popup;

    private Dimension requestedSize;

    private Rectangle windowRect;

    private static final X11 x11 = X11.getInstance();
    private static final NativeBridge bridge = NativeBridge.getInstance();

    private final LinuxWindowFactory factory;

    private final WindowManager wm;

    boolean moved, resized;

    private boolean iconified = false;
    private boolean maximized = false;
    private int currentState = 0;
    boolean alwaysOnTop = false;

    Insets savedInsets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);

    private boolean undecorated = true;

    private boolean focusable = true;

    private Insets oldInsets;

    private boolean packed;

    private ContentWindow contentWindow;

    private boolean insetsChanged;

    LinuxWindow(LinuxWindowFactory factory, CreationParams p) {

        display = factory.getDisplay();
        visible = p.visible;
        enabled = !p.disabled;
        resizable = p.resizable;
        this.factory = factory;
        wm = factory.wm;
        child = p.child;
        popup = (p.decorType == CreationParams.DECOR_TYPE_POPUP);
        undecorated = (p.decorType == CreationParams.DECOR_TYPE_UNDECOR)
                || p.undecorated || popup;
        if (p.maximizedState == p.MAXIMIZED) {
            currentState |= Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH;
        if (p.iconified) {
            currentState |= Frame.ICONIFIED;

        parentID = p.child ? p.parentId : x11.XDefaultRootWindow(display);
        long ownerID = p.child ? 0 : p.parentId;
        //X can't create windows with zero size
        p.w = adjustedWidth(p.w);
        p.h = adjustedHeight(p.h);
        if (child) {
            windowRect = new Rectangle(p.x, p.y, p.w, p.h);

        XGraphicsConfiguration xgcfg =
                (XGraphicsConfiguration) GraphicsEnvironment.

        X11.XSetWindowAttributes setAttrs = x11.createXSetWindowAttributes(false);

        windowID = x11.XCreateWindow(
                display, parentID,
                p.x, p.y, p.w, p.h, 0,
                (long) (X11Defs.CWColormap),

        windowID = x11.XCreateWindow(display, parentID, p.x, p.y, p.w, p.h, 0,
                                     X11Defs.CopyFromParent, 0, 0);
        String title = ( != null) ? : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
        x11.Xutf8SetWMProperties(display, windowID, title, title, null, 0,
                null, null, null);
        x11.XSelectInput(display, windowID, enabled ? DEFAULT_MASK : DISABLED_MASK);

        if (!popup) {
            if (!child && ownerID != 0) {
                x11.XSetTransientForHint(display, windowID, ownerID);
            wm.setDecorType(windowID, p.decorType, p.undecorated);
            wm.setInputAllowed(windowID, !p.disabled);
        } else {

        if (child) {
            //windowRect = new Rectangle(p.x, p.y, p.w, p.h);
            x11.XLowerWindow(display, windowID);
        } else {
            if (!popup) {
                wm.setResizableHint(windowID, resizable, p.x, p.y, p.w, p.h);
                // Override the window position set by Window Manager
                windowRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, p.w, p.h);
                setBounds(p.x, p.y, p.w, p.h, 0);
            } else {
                windowRect = new Rectangle(p.x, p.y, p.w, p.h);
            //A Client whose window has not yet been mapped can request of the
            //Window Manager an estimate of the frame extents it will be given
            //upon mapping
            if (!child && !undecorated) {
                savedInsets = DEFAULT_INSETS;
            x11.XRaiseWindow(display, windowID);
        if (visible) {
            x11.XMapWindow(display, windowID);

    // for EmbeddedWindow
    LinuxWindow(long nativeWindowId, LinuxWindowFactory factory) {

        this.factory = factory;
        windowID = nativeWindowId;
        display = factory.getDisplay();
        visible = true;
        enabled = true;
        resizable = false;
        undecorated = true;
        wm = factory.wm;
        child = true;
        popup = false;

    public void setVisible(boolean v) {
        if (visible != v) {
            visible = v;
            if (visible) {
                if (!isChild()) {
                    // update state hints before the window is mapped:
                    // wm removes the property upon window withdrawal
                x11.XMapWindow(display, windowID);
            } else {
                x11.XWithdrawWindow(display, windowID, factory.getScreen());

    public long getId() {
        return windowID;

    Rectangle onBoundsChange(Rectangle newBounds) {

        moved = resized = false;
        Rectangle oldRect = (Rectangle) windowRect.clone();


        if (!resizable && requestedSize != null &&
                newBounds.width == requestedSize.width && newBounds.height == requestedSize.height) {
            wm.setResizableHint(windowID, false, newBounds.x, newBounds.y, newBounds.width, newBounds.height);
            requestedSize = null;
        Point loc = windowRect.getLocation(), oldLoc = oldRect.getLocation();
        if (!loc.equals(oldLoc)) {
            moved = true;
        Dimension size = windowRect.getSize(), oldSize = oldRect.getSize();
        if (!size.equals(oldSize)) {
            resized = true;
        return oldRect;

    public void setBounds(int x, int y, int w, int h, int boundsMask) {

        int newWidth = adjustedWidth(w);
        int newHeight = adjustedHeight(h);

        windowRect = getBounds(); // TODO: check if windowRect field can be removed
        boolean willMove = (x != windowRect.x || y != windowRect.y) &&
                (boundsMask & BOUNDS_NOMOVE) == 0;
        boolean willResize = (newWidth != windowRect.width || newHeight != windowRect.height) &&
                (boundsMask & BOUNDS_NOSIZE) == 0;

        if (!willMove && !willResize) {


        if (willMove) {
            x11.XMoveWindow(display, windowID, x, y);
        if (willResize) {
            //            if (!resizable) {
            requestedSize = new Dimension(newWidth, newHeight);
            //            }
            int wasOverrideRedirect = -1;
            if (!child && !resizable) {
                // allow program(not user) resizing of a non-resizable window
                X11.XWindowAttributes winAttr = x11.createXWindowAttributes(false);
                x11.XGetWindowAttributes(display, windowID, winAttr);
                wasOverrideRedirect = winAttr.get_override_redirect();
            x11.XResizeWindow(display, windowID, newWidth, newHeight);

            if (wasOverrideRedirect >= 0) {



    private void setOverrideRedirect(int on) {
        X11.XSetWindowAttributes winAttr = x11.createXSetWindowAttributes(true);
        long mask = X11Defs.CWOverrideRedirect;
        x11.XChangeWindowAttributes(display, windowID, mask, winAttr);

     * Query window size and position from X server
    public Rectangle getBounds() {
        Int32Pointer x = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);
        Int32Pointer y = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);
        Int32Pointer w = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);
        Int32Pointer h = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);
        CLongPointer root = bridge.createCLongPointer(1, false);
        Int32Pointer border = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);
        Int32Pointer depth = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);

        x11.XGetGeometry(display, windowID, root, x, y, w, h, border, depth);
        long rootID = root.get(0);
        if (!child || (this instanceof ContentWindow)) {
            CLongPointer childWindow = bridge.createCLongPointer(1, false);
            x11.XTranslateCoordinates(display, getParentID(), rootID,
                                      x.get(0), y.get(0), x, y, childWindow);
        Rectangle r = new Rectangle(x.get(0), y.get(0), w.get(0), h.get(0));

        return r;

    public Insets updateInsets() {
        Insets insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0);
        if (!child && !undecorated) {
            Int32Pointer x = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);
            Int32Pointer y = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);
            Int32Pointer w = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);
            Int32Pointer h = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);
            CLongPointer root = bridge.createCLongPointer(1, false);
            Int32Pointer border = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);
            Int32Pointer depth = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);

            x11.XGetGeometry(display, windowID, root, x, y, w, h, border, depth);
            long rootID = root.get(0);
            long frameID = getFrameID(windowID, rootID);

            if (frameID != 0 && frameID != rootID && parentID == rootID) {
                int width = w.get(0), height = h.get(0);
                CLongPointer childWindow = bridge.createCLongPointer(1, false);

                //get window coordinates relative to WM's frame
                x11.XTranslateCoordinates(display, getParentID(), frameID,
                                        x.get(0), y.get(0), x, y, childWindow);
       = y.get(0);
                insets.left = x.get(0);
                x11.XGetGeometry(display, frameID, root, x, y, w, h, border, depth);
                int frameW = w.get(0);
                int frameH = h.get(0);
                insets.right = frameW - width - insets.left;
                insets.bottom = frameH - height -;
            } else {
                // Suggested insets, just to have some
       = 25;
                insets.bottom = insets.left = insets.right = 5;
        return (Insets) insets.clone();

    public Insets getInsets() {
        return (Insets) savedInsets.clone();

    public void setEnabled(boolean value) {
        if (enabled != value) {
            enabled = value;
            x11.XSelectInput(display, windowID, enabled ? DEFAULT_MASK : DISABLED_MASK);

    public void dispose() {
        x11.XDestroyWindow(display, windowID);

    public void placeAfter(NativeWindow w) {
        if (w == null) {
        CLongPointer params = bridge.createCLongPointer(2, false);
        params.set(0, w.getId());
        params.set(1, windowID);
        x11.XRestackWindows(display, params, 2);

    public void toFront() {
        x11.XRaiseWindow(display, windowID);

    public void toBack() {
        x11.XLowerWindow(display, windowID);

    Point queryPointer() {
        CLongPointer rootReturned = bridge.createCLongPointer(1, false);
        CLongPointer childReturned = bridge.createCLongPointer(1, false);
        Int32Pointer rootX = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);
        Int32Pointer rootY = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);
        Int32Pointer windowX = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);
        Int32Pointer windowY = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);
        Int32Pointer mask = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);

        x11.XQueryPointer(display, windowID,
                rootReturned, childReturned,
                rootX, rootY, windowX,  windowY,

        return new Point(windowX.get(0), windowY.get(0));

    public boolean setFocus(boolean focus) {

        if (!isFocusable()) {
            return false;
        // avoid focus request loops:
        if (wm.getFocusedWindow() == getId()) {
            return true;

        boolean isViewable = (getMapState() == X11Defs.IsViewable);
        // try to set input focus only if window is mapped
        // [and all ancestor windows are mapped]
        // , clear focus otherwise
        boolean setFocus = isViewable && focus;
        long id = setFocus ? windowID : X11Defs.None;

        x11.XSetInputFocus(display, id, X11Defs.RevertToParent,

        return setFocus;

    int getMapState() {
        X11.XWindowAttributes winAttr = x11.createXWindowAttributes(false);
        x11.XGetWindowAttributes(display, windowID, winAttr);

        return winAttr.get_map_state();

    public void setTitle(String title) {
        if (title == null) {
            title = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
        x11.Xutf8SetWMProperties(display, windowID, title, title, null, 0,
                null, null, null);

    public void setResizable(boolean value) {
        if (value != resizable) {
            resizable = value;
            wm.setResizableHint(windowID, resizable, windowRect.x, windowRect.y,
                                requestedSize.width, requestedSize.height);

     * Start manual mouse grab
    public void grabMouse() {
        manualGrabActive = true;
        grabWindow = this;

        x11.XGrabPointer(display, windowID, X11Defs.True, MOUSE_GRAB_MASK,
                X11Defs.GrabModeAsync, X11Defs.GrabModeAsync,
                X11Defs.None, X11Defs.None, X11Defs.CurrentTime);

     * End manual mouse grab. If automatic grab is still active,
     * the ungrab is postponed until all mouse buttons are released.
    public void ungrabMouse() {
        manualGrabActive = false;

        if (!autoGrabActive) {

     * Actually end the mouse grab
    private void ungrabMouseImpl() {
        x11.XUngrabPointer(display, X11Defs.CurrentTime);

        grabWindow = null;

     * Notify that mouse button was pressed. If there was no manual grab
     * the automatic mouse grab is activated implicitly. Cancel manual grab
     * if it was active and mouse was clicked outside of application windows
     * @param winId - window that got the event
     * @param x - x mouse position in window coordinates
     * @param y - x mouse position in window coordinates
     * @return false if explicit grab was canceled; true otherwise
    static boolean startAutoGrab(long winId, int x, int y) {
        // If the click was outside of any LinuxWindow it was reported to grabWindow
        if (grabWindow != null && grabWindow.getId() == winId &&
                !grabWindow.isInside(winId, x, y)) {

            autoGrabActive = false;
            return false;

        autoGrabActive = true;
        return true;

     * Notify that all mouse buttons were released and automatic grab has to be ended.
     * If the manual ungrab was postponed, do it now.
    static void endAutoGrab() {
        autoGrabActive = false;
        if (!manualGrabActive && grabWindow != null) {

    private boolean isInside(long winId, int x, int y) {
        return (winId == windowID && x >= 0 && x < windowRect.width &&
                y >= 0 && y < windowRect.height);

    private void setPopupAttributes() {
        X11.XSetWindowAttributes winAttr = x11.createXSetWindowAttributes(false);
        long mask = X11Defs.CWOverrideRedirect | X11Defs.CWSaveUnder;
        x11.XChangeWindowAttributes(display, windowID, mask, winAttr);

    boolean isInputAllowed() {
        return wm.isInputAllowed(windowID);

    void setInputAllowed(boolean value) {
        wm.setInputAllowed(windowID, value);

    boolean isChild() {
        return child;

    static final int adjustedWidth(int width) {
        return Math.min(Math.max(MIN_WINDOW_WIDTH, width), MAX_WINDOW_WIDTH);

    static final int adjustedHeight(int height) {
        return Math.min(Math.max(MIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT, height), MAX_WINDOW_HEIGHT);

    public void setFocusable(boolean value) {
        focusable = value;

    public boolean isFocusable() {
        return focusable;//isInputAllowed();

     * @return actual native parent of a window
     * (for a top-level this maybe a WM frame window)
    long getParentID() {
        return getParentID(windowID);

    long getFrameID() {
        return getFrameID(windowID, factory.getRootWindow());

     * @return actual native parent of a window
     * (for a top-level this maybe a WM frame window)
    private long getParentID(long windowID) {
        if (windowID == 0) {
            return 0;

        CLongPointer root = bridge.createCLongPointer(1, false);
        CLongPointer parent = bridge.createCLongPointer(1, false);
        PointerPointer children = bridge.createPointerPointer(1, true);
        Int32Pointer count = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);

        if (x11.XQueryTree(display, windowID, root, parent, children, count) != 0) {
            final VoidPointer data = children.get(0);
            if (data != null) {
            return parent.get(0);
        return 0;

    private long getFrameID(long windowId, long rootID) {
        long frameID = getParentID(windowId);

        if (frameID != 0 && frameID != rootID) {

            while (getParentID(frameID) != rootID) {
                frameID = getParentID(frameID);

        return frameID != rootID ? frameID : 0;

     * @return display of the current window
    long getDisplay() {
        return display;
     * @return saved requested window bounds
    Rectangle getWindowRect() {
        return windowRect;

    LinuxWindow getParent() {
        if (factory.validWindowId(parentID)) {
            return (LinuxWindow) factory.getWindowById(parentID);
        return null;

    boolean isIconified() {
        return iconified;

    private int setBits(int n, int bits, boolean set) {
        return (set ? (n | bits) : (n & ~bits));

    void setIconified(boolean iconified) {
        this.iconified = iconified;
        currentState = setBits(currentState, Frame.ICONIFIED, iconified);

    void setMaximized(boolean maximized) {
        this.maximized = maximized;
        currentState = setBits(currentState, Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH, maximized);

    boolean isMaximized() {
        return maximized;

    int getState() {
        int state = 0;

        if (maximized) {
            state |= Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH;
        if (iconified) {
            state |= Frame.ICONIFIED;

        return state;

    int getCurrentState() {
        return currentState;

    public void setState(int state) {
        currentState = state;
        if (iconified) {
            if ((state & Frame.ICONIFIED) == 0) {
                x11.XMapRaised(display, windowID);
        } else {
            if ((state & Frame.ICONIFIED) > 0) {
                x11.XIconifyWindow(display, windowID, factory.getScreen());

        if ((maximized && ((state & Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) == 0)) ||
                (!maximized && ((state & Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) > 0)))
            long[] states = new long[] {wm.NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ,
            wm.changeWindowState(this, maximized ? 0 : 1, states);

     * @see org.apache.harmony.awt.wtk.NativeWindow#setIconImage(java.awt.Image)
    public void setIconImage(Image image) {
        long pixmap = 0;
        if (image != null) {
            BufferedImage bufImg = Utils.getBufferedImage(image);
            if (bufImg == null) {
            pixmap = createPixmap(image);
        wm.setIcon(windowID, pixmap, 0);

    private long createPixmap(Image image) {
        int w = image.getWidth(null);
        int h = image.getHeight(null);
        XVolatileImage xvi = (XVolatileImage) GraphicsEnvironment.
            getDefaultConfiguration().createCompatibleVolatileImage(w, h);
        Graphics g = xvi.getGraphics();
        g.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
        g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);
        return xvi.getPixmap();

     * @see org.apache.harmony.awt.wtk.NativeWindow#setMaximizedBounds(java.awt.Rectangle)
    public void setMaximizedBounds(Rectangle bounds) {
        final int MAX = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        if (bounds == null) {
        int w = bounds.width;
        int h = bounds.height;
        int screen = factory.getScreen();

        if (w == MAX) {
            w = x11.XDisplayWidth(display, screen);

        if (h == MAX) {
            h = x11.XDisplayHeight(display, screen);
        //TODO: call adjustRect(bounds, 0, -1) to decrease requested from WM
        //size on insets size
        wm.setResizableHint(windowID, true, true,
                            bounds.x, bounds.y,
                            w, h);


    boolean isUndecorated() {
        return undecorated;

     * @see org.apache.harmony.awt.wtk.NativeWindow#getScreenPos()
    public Point getScreenPos() {

        Int32Pointer x = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);
        Int32Pointer y = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);
        Int32Pointer w = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);
        Int32Pointer h = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);
        CLongPointer root = bridge.createCLongPointer(1, false);
        Int32Pointer border = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);
        Int32Pointer depth = bridge.createInt32Pointer(1, false);

        x11.XGetGeometry(display, windowID, root, x, y, w, h, border, depth);
        long rootID = root.get(0);

        CLongPointer childWindow = bridge.createCLongPointer(1, false);
        x11.XTranslateCoordinates(display, getParentID(), rootID,
                x.get(0), y.get(0), x, y, childWindow);

        Point pos = new Point(x.get(0), y.get(0));
        return pos;

     * @see org.apache.harmony.awt.wtk.NativeWindow#setAlwaysOnTop(boolean)
    public void setAlwaysOnTop(boolean value) {
        wm.changeWindowState(this, value ? 1 : 0,
                             new long[] { wm.NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE,
                                         wm.NET_WM_STATE_STAYS_ON_TOP, 0l });
        alwaysOnTop = value;


    void setInsets(Insets newInsets) {
        if ((newInsets == null) || newInsets.equals(savedInsets)) {
        oldInsets = (insetsChanged ? savedInsets : new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0));
        insetsChanged = true;
        savedInsets = (Insets) newInsets.clone();

        if (contentWindow != null) {
//            Rectangle contentRect = contentWindow.getBounds();
            x11.XMoveWindow(getDisplay(), contentWindow.getId(),

            Rectangle rect = getBounds();

            int dx = savedInsets.left - oldInsets.left;
            int dy = -;
            int dw = dx + (savedInsets.right - oldInsets.right);
            int dh = dy + (savedInsets.bottom - oldInsets.bottom);

            if (contentWindow.isPacked()) {
                // don't adjust client area size if
                // the window is packed
                int w = adjustedWidth(/*contentRect*/rect.width + dw);
                int h = adjustedHeight(/*contentRect*/rect.height + dh);
                x11.XResizeWindow(display, contentWindow.getId(), w, h);
            } else {
                // adjust client area size to match
                // new insets
                int newWidth = adjustedWidth(rect.width - dw);
                int newHeight = adjustedHeight(rect.height - dh);
                 // update WM hints to resize "frame" window
                wm.setResizableHint(windowID, resizable, rect.x, rect.y,
                        newWidth, newHeight);
                x11.XResizeWindow(display, windowID, newWidth, newHeight);



     * @return Returns the contentWindow.
    ContentWindow getContentWindow() {
        return contentWindow;
     * @param contentWindow The contentWindow to set.
    void setContentWindow(ContentWindow contentWindow) {
        this.contentWindow = contentWindow;

     * @see org.apache.harmony.awt.wtk.NativeWindow#setPacked(boolean)
    public void setPacked(boolean packed) {
        this.packed = true;

     * @return Returns the packed flag.
    boolean isPacked() {
        return packed;

    public MultiRectArea getObscuredRegion(Rectangle part) {
        return null;

    public void setIMStyle() {

Related Classes of org.apache.harmony.awt.wtk.linux.LinuxWindow

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