Package org.apache.pig.test

Source Code of org.apache.pig.test.TestStreaming

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.pig.test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.pig.ExecType;
import org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException;
import org.apache.pig.builtin.PigStorage;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;

public class TestStreaming extends PigExecTestCase {
    private TupleFactory tf = DefaultTupleFactory.getInstance();

  private static final String simpleEchoStreamingCommand;
        static {
            if (System.getProperty("").toUpperCase().startsWith("WINDOWS"))
                simpleEchoStreamingCommand = "perl -ne 'print \\\"$_\\\"'";
                simpleEchoStreamingCommand = "perl -ne 'print \"$_\"'";

    private Tuple[] setupExpectedResults(Object[] firstField, Object[] secondField) throws ExecException {
    Assert.assertEquals(firstField.length, secondField.length);
    Tuple[] expectedResults = new Tuple[firstField.length];
    for (int i=0; i < expectedResults.length; ++i) {
      expectedResults[i] = tf.newTuple(2);
      expectedResults[i].set(0, firstField[i]);
      expectedResults[i].set(1, secondField[i]);
    return expectedResults;
  public void testSimpleMapSideStreaming()
  throws Exception {
    File input = Util.createInputFile("tmp", "",
                                  new String[] {"A,1", "B,2", "C,3", "D,2",
                                                "A,5", "B,5", "C,8", "A,8",
                                                "D,8", "A,9"});

    // Expected results
    String[] expectedFirstFields = new String[] {"A", "B", "C", "A", "D", "A"};
    Integer[] expectedSecondFields = new Integer[] {5, 5, 8, 8, 8, 9};
    boolean[] withTypes = {true, false};
        for (int i = 0; i < withTypes.length; i++) {
        Tuple[] expectedResults = null;
            if(withTypes[i] == true) {
                expectedResults =
                    setupExpectedResults(expectedFirstFields, expectedSecondFields);
            } else {
                expectedResults =
                    setupExpectedResults(Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedFirstFields), Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedSecondFields));
        // Pig query to run
        pigServer.registerQuery("IP = load 'file:" + Util.encodeEscape(input.toString()) + "' using " +
                            PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',');");
        pigServer.registerQuery("FILTERED_DATA = filter IP by $1 > '3';");
            pigServer.registerQuery("S1 = stream FILTERED_DATA through `" +
                                    simpleEchoStreamingCommand + "`;");
            if(withTypes[i] == true) {
                pigServer.registerQuery("OP = stream S1 through `" +
                        simpleEchoStreamingCommand + "` as (f0:chararray, f1:int);");
            } else {
                pigServer.registerQuery("OP = stream S1 through `" +
                            simpleEchoStreamingCommand + "`;");
        // Run the query and check the results
        Util.checkQueryOutputs(pigServer.openIterator("OP"), expectedResults);
  public void testSimpleMapSideStreamingWithOutputSchema()
  throws Exception {
    File input = Util.createInputFile("tmp", "",
                                  new String[] {"A,1", "B,2", "C,3", "D,2",
                                                "A,5", "B,5", "C,8", "A,8",
                                                "D,8", "A,9"});

    // Expected results
    Object[] expectedFirstFields = new String[] {"C", "A", "D", "A"};
    Object[] expectedSecondFields = new Integer[] {8, 8, 8, 9};
    boolean[] withTypes = {true, false};
    for (int i = 0; i < withTypes.length; i++) {
        Tuple[] expectedResults = null;
        if(withTypes[i] == true) {
            expectedResults =
                  setupExpectedResults(expectedFirstFields, expectedSecondFields);
        } else {
            expectedResults =
                    setupExpectedResults(Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedFirstFields), Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedSecondFields));
          // Pig query to run
          pigServer.registerQuery("IP = load 'file:" + Util.encodeEscape(input.toString()) + "' using " +
                                  PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',');");
          pigServer.registerQuery("FILTERED_DATA = filter IP by $1 > '3';");
          if(withTypes[i] == true) {
              pigServer.registerQuery("STREAMED_DATA = stream FILTERED_DATA through `" +
                        simpleEchoStreamingCommand + "` as (f0:chararray, f1:int);");
          } else {
              pigServer.registerQuery("STREAMED_DATA = stream FILTERED_DATA through `" +
                                  simpleEchoStreamingCommand + "` as (f0, f1);");
          pigServer.registerQuery("OP = filter STREAMED_DATA by f1 > 6;");
          // Run the query and check the results
          Util.checkQueryOutputs(pigServer.openIterator("OP"), expectedResults);

  public void testSimpleReduceSideStreamingAfterFlatten()
  throws Exception {
    File input = Util.createInputFile("tmp", "",
                                  new String[] {"A,1", "B,2", "C,3", "D,2",
                                                "A,5", "B,5", "C,8", "A,8",
                                                "D,8", "A,9"});

    // Expected results
    String[] expectedFirstFields = new String[] {"A", "A", "A", "B", "C", "D"};
    Integer[] expectedSecondFields = new Integer[] {5, 8, 9, 5, 8, 8};
    boolean[] withTypes = {true, false};
        for (int i = 0; i < withTypes.length; i++) {
            Tuple[] expectedResults = null;
            if(withTypes[i] == true) {
                expectedResults =
                    setupExpectedResults(expectedFirstFields, expectedSecondFields);
            } else {
                expectedResults =
                    setupExpectedResults(Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedFirstFields), Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedSecondFields));

        // Pig query to run
        pigServer.registerQuery("IP = load 'file:" + Util.encodeEscape(input.toString()) + "' using " +
                            PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',');");
        pigServer.registerQuery("FILTERED_DATA = filter IP by $1 > '3';");
        pigServer.registerQuery("GROUPED_DATA = group FILTERED_DATA by $0;");
        pigServer.registerQuery("FLATTENED_GROUPED_DATA = foreach GROUPED_DATA " +
                            "generate flatten($1);");
            pigServer.registerQuery("S1 = stream FLATTENED_GROUPED_DATA through `" +
                                    simpleEchoStreamingCommand + "`;");
            if(withTypes[i] == true) {
                pigServer.registerQuery("OP = stream S1 through `" +
                        simpleEchoStreamingCommand + "` as (f0:chararray, f1:int);");
            } else {
                pigServer.registerQuery("OP = stream S1 through `" +
                                    simpleEchoStreamingCommand + "`;");
        // Run the query and check the results
        Util.checkQueryOutputs(pigServer.openIterator("OP"), expectedResults);

  public void testSimpleOrderedReduceSideStreamingAfterFlatten() throws Exception {
    File input = Util.createInputFile("tmp", "",
                                  new String[] {"A,1,2,3", "B,2,4,5",
                                                "C,3,1,2", "D,2,5,2",
                                                "A,5,5,1", "B,5,7,4",
                                                "C,8,9,2", "A,8,4,5",
                                                "D,8,8,3", "A,9,2,5"}

    // Expected results
    String[] expectedFirstFields =
      new String[] {"A", "A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "C", "D", "D"};
    Integer[] expectedSecondFields = new Integer[] {1, 9, 8, 5, 2, 5, 3, 8, 2, 8};
    Integer[] expectedThirdFields = new Integer[] {2, 2, 4, 5, 4, 7, 1, 9, 5, 8};
    Integer[] expectedFourthFields = new Integer[] {3, 5, 5, 1, 5, 4, 2, 2, 2, 3};
    Tuple[] expectedResults = new Tuple[10];
    for (int i = 0; i < expectedResults.length; ++i) {
      expectedResults[i] = tf.newTuple(4);
      expectedResults[i].set(0, expectedFirstFields[i]);
      expectedResults[i].set(1, expectedSecondFields[i]);
      expectedResults[i].set(2, expectedThirdFields[i]);
      expectedResults[i].set(3, expectedFourthFields[i]);
      //setupExpectedResults(expectedFirstFields, expectedSecondFields);

    // Pig query to run
    pigServer.registerQuery("IP = load 'file:" + Util.encodeEscape(input.toString()) + "' using " +
                        PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',');");
    pigServer.registerQuery("FILTERED_DATA = filter IP by $1 > '3';");
        pigServer.registerQuery("S1 = stream FILTERED_DATA through `" +
                                simpleEchoStreamingCommand + "`;");
        pigServer.registerQuery("S2 = stream S1 through `" +
                                simpleEchoStreamingCommand + "`;");
    pigServer.registerQuery("GROUPED_DATA = group IP by $0;");
    pigServer.registerQuery("ORDERED_DATA = foreach GROUPED_DATA { " +
                        "  D = order IP BY $2, $3;" +
                                "  generate flatten(D);" +
        pigServer.registerQuery("S3 = stream ORDERED_DATA through `" +
                                simpleEchoStreamingCommand + "`;");
    pigServer.registerQuery("OP = stream S3 through `" +
                        simpleEchoStreamingCommand + "` as (f0:chararray, f1:int, f2:int, f3:int);");
    // Run the query and check the results
    Util.checkQueryOutputs(pigServer.openIterator("OP"), expectedResults);

    public void testInputShipSpecs() throws Exception {
        // FIXME : this should be tested in all modes
        if(execType == ExecType.LOCAL)
        File input = Util.createInputFile("tmp", "",
                                          new String[] {"A,1", "B,2", "C,3",
                                                        "D,2", "A,5", "B,5",
                                                        "C,8", "A,8", "D,8",

        // Perl script
        String[] script =
            new String[] {
                          "open(INFILE,  $ARGV[0]) or die \"Can't open \".$ARGV[0].\"!: $!\";",
                          "while (<INFILE>) {",
                          "  chomp $_;",
                          "  print STDOUT \"$_\n\";",
                          "  print STDERR \"STDERR: $_\n\";",
        File command1 = Util.createInputFile("script", "pl", script);
        File command2 = Util.createInputFile("script", "pl", script);
        // Expected results
        String[] expectedFirstFields =
            new String[] {"A", "B", "C", "A", "D", "A"};
        Integer[] expectedSecondFields = new Integer[] {5, 5, 8, 8, 8, 9};
        Tuple[] expectedResults =
                setupExpectedResults(Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedFirstFields), Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedSecondFields));

        // Pig query to run
                "define CMD1 `" + command1.getName() + " foo` " +
                "ship ('" + Util.encodeEscape(command1.toString()) + "') " +
                "input('foo' using " + PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',')) " +
                "output(stdout using " + PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',')) " +
                "define CMD2 `" + command2.getName() + " bar` " +
                "ship ('" + Util.encodeEscape(command2.toString()) + "') " +
                "input('bar' using " + PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',')) " +
                "output(stdout using " + PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',')) " +       
        pigServer.registerQuery("IP = load 'file:" + Util.encodeEscape(input.toString()) + "' using " +
                                PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',');");
        pigServer.registerQuery("FILTERED_DATA = filter IP by $1 > 3;");
        pigServer.registerQuery("STREAMED_DATA = stream FILTERED_DATA " +
                            "through CMD1;");
        pigServer.registerQuery("OP = stream STREAMED_DATA through CMD2;");
        String output = "/pig/out";
        pigServer.deleteFile(output);"OP", output, PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',')");
        InputStream op =, pigServer.getPigContext());
        PigStorage ps = new PigStorage(",");
        ps.bindTo("", new BufferedPositionedInputStream(op), 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
        List<Tuple> outputs = new ArrayList<Tuple>();
        Tuple t;
        while ((t = ps.getNext()) != null) {

        // Run the query and check the results
        Util.checkQueryOutputs(outputs.iterator(), expectedResults);

    public void testInputShipSpecsWithUDFDefine() throws Exception {
        // FIXME : this should be tested in all modes
        if(execType == ExecType.LOCAL)
        File input = Util.createInputFile("tmp", "",
                                          new String[] {"A,1", "B,2", "C,3",
                                                        "D,2", "A,5", "B,5",
                                                        "C,8", "A,8", "D,8",

        // Perl script
        String[] script =
            new String[] {
                          "open(INFILE,  $ARGV[0]) or die \"Can't open \".$ARGV[0].\"!: $!\";",
                          "while (<INFILE>) {",
                          "  chomp $_;",
                          "  print STDOUT \"$_\n\";",
                          "  print STDERR \"STDERR: $_\n\";",
        File command1 = Util.createInputFile("script", "pl", script);
        File command2 = Util.createInputFile("script", "pl", script);
        // Expected results
        String[] expectedFirstFields =
            new String[] {"A", "B", "C", "A", "D", "A"};
        Integer[] expectedSecondFields = new Integer[] {5, 5, 8, 8, 8, 9};
        Tuple[] expectedResults =
                setupExpectedResults(Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedFirstFields), Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedSecondFields));

        // Pig query to run
                "define PS " + PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',');");
                "define CMD1 `" + command1.getName() + " foo` " +
                "ship ('" + Util.encodeEscape(command1.toString()) + "') " +
                "input('foo' using PS ) " +
                "output(stdout using PS ) " +
                "define CMD2 `" + command2.getName() + " bar` " +
                "ship ('" + Util.encodeEscape(command2.toString()) + "') " +
                "input('bar' using PS ) " +
                "output(stdout using PS ) " +       
        pigServer.registerQuery("IP = load 'file:" + Util.encodeEscape(input.toString()) + "' using PS ;");
        pigServer.registerQuery("FILTERED_DATA = filter IP by $1 > 3;");
        pigServer.registerQuery("STREAMED_DATA = stream FILTERED_DATA " +
                            "through CMD1;");
        pigServer.registerQuery("OP = stream STREAMED_DATA through CMD2;");
        String output = "/pig/out";
        pigServer.deleteFile(output);"OP", output, PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',')");
        InputStream op =, pigServer.getPigContext());
        PigStorage ps = new PigStorage(",");
        ps.bindTo("", new BufferedPositionedInputStream(op), 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
        List<Tuple> outputs = new ArrayList<Tuple>();
        Tuple t;
        while ((t = ps.getNext()) != null) {

        // Run the query and check the results
        Util.checkQueryOutputs(outputs.iterator(), expectedResults);

    public void testInputCacheSpecs() throws Exception {
        // Can't run this without HDFS
        if(execType == ExecType.LOCAL)
        File input = Util.createInputFile("tmp", "",
                                          new String[] {"A,1", "B,2", "C,3",
                                                        "D,2", "A,5", "B,5",
                                                        "C,8", "A,8", "D,8",

        // Perl script
        String[] script =
            new String[] {
                          "open(INFILE,  $ARGV[0]) or die \"Can't open \".$ARGV[0].\"!: $!\";",
                          "while (<INFILE>) {",
                          "  chomp $_;",
                          "  print STDOUT \"$_\n\";",
                          "  print STDERR \"STDERR: $_\n\";",
        // Copy the scripts to HDFS
        File command1 = Util.createInputFile("script", "pl", script);
        File command2 = Util.createInputFile("script", "pl", script);
        String c1 = FileLocalizer.hadoopify(command1.toString(),
        String c2 = FileLocalizer.hadoopify(command2.toString(),
        // Expected results
        String[] expectedFirstFields =
            new String[] {"A", "B", "C", "A", "D", "A"};
        Integer[] expectedSecondFields = new Integer[] {5, 5, 8, 8, 8, 9};
        Tuple[] expectedResults =
                setupExpectedResults(Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedFirstFields), Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedSecondFields));

        // Pig query to run
                "define CMD1 ` foo` " +
                "cache ('" + c1 + "') " +
                "input('foo' using " + PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',')) " +
                "define CMD2 ` bar` " +
                "cache ('" + c2 + "') " +
                "input('bar' using " + PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',')) " +
        pigServer.registerQuery("IP = load 'file:" + Util.encodeEscape(input.toString()) + "' using " +
                                PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',');");
        pigServer.registerQuery("FILTERED_DATA = filter IP by $1 > 3;");
        pigServer.registerQuery("STREAMED_DATA = stream FILTERED_DATA " +
                                "through CMD1;");
        pigServer.registerQuery("OP = stream STREAMED_DATA through CMD2;");               

        String output = "/pig/out";
        pigServer.deleteFile(output);"OP", output, PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',')");
        InputStream op =, pigServer.getPigContext());
        PigStorage ps = new PigStorage(",");
        ps.bindTo("", new BufferedPositionedInputStream(op), 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
        List<Tuple> outputs = new ArrayList<Tuple>();
        Tuple t;
        while ((t = ps.getNext()) != null) {

        // Run the query and check the results
        Util.checkQueryOutputs(outputs.iterator(), expectedResults);

  public void testOutputShipSpecs() throws Exception {
        // FIXME : this should be tested in all modes
        if(execType == ExecType.LOCAL)
      File input = Util.createInputFile("tmp", "",
                                        new String[] {"A,1", "B,2", "C,3",
                                                      "D,2", "A,5", "B,5",
                                                      "C,8", "A,8", "D,8",

      // Perl script
      String[] script =
          new String[] {
                          "open(OUTFILE, \">\", $ARGV[0]) or die \"Can't open \".$ARGV[1].\"!: $!\";",
                          "open(OUTFILE2, \">\", $ARGV[1]) or die \"Can't open \".$ARGV[2].\"!: $!\";",
                          "while (<STDIN>) {",
                          "  print OUTFILE \"$_\n\";",
                          "  print STDERR \"STDERR: $_\n\";",
                          "  print OUTFILE2 \"A,10\n\";",
      File command = Util.createInputFile("script", "pl", script);

        // Expected results
        String[] expectedFirstFields =
            new String[] {"A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A"};
        Integer[] expectedSecondFields = new Integer[] {10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10};
        Tuple[] expectedResults =
                setupExpectedResults(Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedFirstFields), Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedSecondFields));

        // Pig query to run
                "define CMD `" + command.getName() + " foo bar` " +
                "ship ('" + Util.encodeEscape(command.toString()) + "') " +
            "output('foo' using " + PigStorage.class.getName() + "(','), " +
            "'bar' using " + PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',')) " +
        pigServer.registerQuery("IP = load 'file:" + Util.encodeEscape(input.toString()) + "' using " +
                                PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',');");
        pigServer.registerQuery("FILTERED_DATA = filter IP by $1 > 3;");
        pigServer.registerQuery("OP = stream FILTERED_DATA through CMD;");               
        String output = "/pig/out";
        pigServer.deleteFile(output);"OP", output, PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',')");
        InputStream op ="/bar",
        PigStorage ps = new PigStorage(",");
        ps.bindTo("", new BufferedPositionedInputStream(op), 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
        List<Tuple> outputs = new ArrayList<Tuple>();
        Tuple t;
        while ((t = ps.getNext()) != null) {

        // Run the query and check the results
        Util.checkQueryOutputs(outputs.iterator(), expectedResults);

  public void testOutputShipSpecsWithUDFDefine() throws Exception {
        // FIXME : this should be tested in all modes
        if(execType == ExecType.LOCAL)
      File input = Util.createInputFile("tmp", "",
                                        new String[] {"A,1", "B,2", "C,3",
                                                      "D,2", "A,5", "B,5",
                                                      "C,8", "A,8", "D,8",

      // Perl script
      String[] script =
          new String[] {
                          "open(OUTFILE, \">\", $ARGV[0]) or die \"Can't open \".$ARGV[1].\"!: $!\";",
                          "open(OUTFILE2, \">\", $ARGV[1]) or die \"Can't open \".$ARGV[2].\"!: $!\";",
                          "while (<STDIN>) {",
                          "  print OUTFILE \"$_\n\";",
                          "  print STDERR \"STDERR: $_\n\";",
                          "  print OUTFILE2 \"A,10\n\";",
      File command = Util.createInputFile("script", "pl", script);

        // Expected results
        String[] expectedFirstFields =
            new String[] {"A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A"};
        Integer[] expectedSecondFields = new Integer[] {10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10};
        Tuple[] expectedResults =
                setupExpectedResults(Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedFirstFields), Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedSecondFields));

        // Pig query to run
                "define PS " + PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',');");
                "define CMD `" + command.getName() + " foo bar` " +
                "ship ('" + Util.encodeEscape(command.toString()) + "') " +
            "output('foo' using PS, " +
            "'bar' using PS) " +
        pigServer.registerQuery("IP = load 'file:" + Util.encodeEscape(input.toString()) + "' using PS;");
        pigServer.registerQuery("FILTERED_DATA = filter IP by $1 > 3;");
        pigServer.registerQuery("OP = stream FILTERED_DATA through CMD;");               
        String output = "/pig/out";
        pigServer.deleteFile(output);"OP", output, PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',')");
        InputStream op ="/bar",
        PigStorage ps = new PigStorage(",");
        ps.bindTo("", new BufferedPositionedInputStream(op), 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
        List<Tuple> outputs = new ArrayList<Tuple>();
        Tuple t;
        while ((t = ps.getNext()) != null) {

        // Run the query and check the results
        Util.checkQueryOutputs(outputs.iterator(), expectedResults);
    public void testInputOutputSpecs() throws Exception {
        // FIXME : this should be tested in all modes
        if(execType == ExecType.LOCAL)
        File input = Util.createInputFile("tmp", "",
                                          new String[] {"A,1", "B,2", "C,3",
                                                        "D,2", "A,5", "B,5",
                                                        "C,8", "A,8", "D,8",

        // Perl script
        String[] script =
            new String[] {
                          "open(INFILE,  $ARGV[0]) or die \"Can't open \".$ARGV[0].\"!: $!\";",
                          "open(OUTFILE, \">\", $ARGV[1]) or die \"Can't open \".$ARGV[1].\"!: $!\";",
                          "open(OUTFILE2, \">\", $ARGV[2]) or die \"Can't open \".$ARGV[2].\"!: $!\";",
                          "while (<INFILE>) {",
                          "  chomp $_;",
                          "  print OUTFILE \"$_\n\";",
                          "  print STDERR \"STDERR: $_\n\";",
                          "  print OUTFILE2 \"$_\n\";",
        File command = Util.createInputFile("script", "pl", script);

        // Expected results
        String[] expectedFirstFields =
            new String[] {"A", "B", "C", "A", "D", "A"};
        Integer[] expectedSecondFields = new Integer[] {5, 5, 8, 8, 8, 9};
        Tuple[] expectedResults =
                setupExpectedResults(Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedFirstFields), Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedSecondFields));
        // Pig query to run
                "define CMD `" + command.getName() + " foo bar foobar` " +
                "ship ('" + Util.encodeEscape(command.toString()) + "') " +
                "input('foo' using " + PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',')) " +
                "output('bar', " +
                "'foobar' using " + PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',')) " +
        pigServer.registerQuery("IP = load 'file:" + Util.encodeEscape(input.toString()) + "' using " +
                                PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',');");
        pigServer.registerQuery("FILTERED_DATA = filter IP by $1 > 3;");
        pigServer.registerQuery("OP = stream FILTERED_DATA through CMD;");               
        String output = "/pig/out";
        pigServer.deleteFile(output);"OP", output, PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',')");
        InputStream op ="/foobar",
        PigStorage ps = new PigStorage(",");
        ps.bindTo("", new BufferedPositionedInputStream(op), 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
        List<Tuple> outputs = new ArrayList<Tuple>();
        Tuple t;
        while ((t = ps.getNext()) != null) {

        // Run the query and check the results
        Util.checkQueryOutputs(outputs.iterator(), expectedResults);
        // Cleanup

    public void testSimpleMapSideStreamingWithUnixPipes()
    throws Exception {
        File input = Util.createInputFile("tmp", "",
                                          new String[] {"A,1", "B,2", "C,3", "D,2",
                                                        "A,5", "B,5", "C,8", "A,8",
                                                        "D,8", "A,9"});

        // Expected results
        String[] expectedFirstFields =
            new String[] {"A", "B", "C", "D", "A", "B", "C", "A", "D", "A"};
        Integer[] expectedSecondFields = new Integer[] {1, 2, 3, 2, 5, 5, 8, 8, 8, 9};
        boolean[] withTypes = {true, false};
        for (int i = 0; i < withTypes.length; i++) {
            Tuple[] expectedResults = null;
            if(withTypes[i] == true) {
                expectedResults =
                    setupExpectedResults(expectedFirstFields, expectedSecondFields);
            } else {
                expectedResults =
                    setupExpectedResults(Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedFirstFields), Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedSecondFields));

            // Pig query to run
            pigServer.registerQuery("define CMD `" + simpleEchoStreamingCommand +
                                    " | " + simpleEchoStreamingCommand + "`;");
            pigServer.registerQuery("IP = load 'file:" + Util.encodeEscape(input.toString()) + "' using " +
                                    PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',');");
            if(withTypes[i] == true) {
                pigServer.registerQuery("OP = stream IP through CMD as (f0:chararray, f1:int);");
            } else {
                pigServer.registerQuery("OP = stream IP through CMD;");               
            // Run the query and check the results
            Util.checkQueryOutputs(pigServer.openIterator("OP"), expectedResults);

    public void testLocalNegativeLoadStoreOptimization() throws Exception {
    public void testMRNegativeLoadStoreOptimization() throws Exception {
    private void testNegativeLoadStoreOptimization(ExecType execType)
    throws Exception {
        File input = Util.createInputFile("tmp", "",
                                          new String[] {"A,1", "B,2", "C,3", "D,2",
                                                        "A,5", "B,5", "C,8", "A,8",
                                                        "D,8", "A,9"});

        // Expected results
        String[] expectedFirstFields = new String[] {"A", "B", "C", "A", "D", "A"};
        Integer[] expectedSecondFields = new Integer[] {5, 5, 8, 8, 8, 9};
        boolean[] withTypes = {true, false};
        for (int i = 0; i < withTypes.length; i++) {
            Tuple[] expectedResults = null;
            if(withTypes[i] == true) {
                expectedResults =
                    setupExpectedResults(expectedFirstFields, expectedSecondFields);
            } else {
                expectedResults =
                    setupExpectedResults(Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedFirstFields), Util.toDataByteArrays(expectedSecondFields));

            // Pig query to run
            pigServer.registerQuery("define CMD `"+ simpleEchoStreamingCommand +
                                    "` input(stdin using PigDump);");
            pigServer.registerQuery("IP = load 'file:" + Util.encodeEscape(input.toString()) + "' using " +
                                    PigStorage.class.getName() + "(',') " +
                                    "split by 'file';");
            pigServer.registerQuery("FILTERED_DATA = filter IP by $1 > '3';");
            if(withTypes[i] == true) {
                pigServer.registerQuery("OP = stream FILTERED_DATA through `" +
                                    simpleEchoStreamingCommand + "` as (f0:chararray, f1:int);");
            } else {
                pigServer.registerQuery("OP = stream FILTERED_DATA through `" +
                                    simpleEchoStreamingCommand + "`;");               
            // Run the query and check the results
            Util.checkQueryOutputs(pigServer.openIterator("OP"), expectedResults);

Related Classes of org.apache.pig.test.TestStreaming

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