Package flex2.compiler.mxml.builder

Source Code of flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.AbstractBuilder$InvalidItemCreationPolicyUsage

*  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
*  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
*  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
*  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package flex2.compiler.mxml.builder;

import flex2.compiler.CompilationUnit;
import flex2.compiler.SymbolTable;
import flex2.compiler.util.CompilerMessage.CompilerError;
import flex2.compiler.util.CompilerMessage.CompilerWarning;
import flex2.compiler.mxml.MXMLNamespaces;
import flex2.compiler.mxml.MxmlConfiguration;
import flex2.compiler.mxml.dom.*;
import flex2.compiler.mxml.lang.*;
import flex2.compiler.mxml.reflect.*;
import flex2.compiler.mxml.rep.*;
import flex2.compiler.util.MxmlCommentUtil;
import flex2.compiler.util.NameFormatter;
import flex2.compiler.util.QName;
import flex2.compiler.util.ThreadLocalToolkit;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;

* This base class contains code common to all the builders.
* @author Clement Wong
public abstract class AbstractBuilder extends AnalyzerAdapter
    protected TypeTable typeTable;
    protected MxmlDocument document;

    protected NodeTypeResolver nodeTypeResolver;
    protected TextValueParser textParser;
    protected RValueNodeHandler rvalueNodeHandler;

  AbstractBuilder(CompilationUnit unit, TypeTable typeTable, MxmlConfiguration mxmlConfiguration, MxmlDocument document)
    super(unit, mxmlConfiguration);

        this.typeTable = typeTable;
        this.document = document;

        this.nodeTypeResolver = new NodeTypeResolver(typeTable);
        this.textParser = new TextValueParser(typeTable);
        this.rvalueNodeHandler = new RValueNodeHandler();

     * AbstractBuilder-generic text value parser. Uses AbstractBuilder members for e.g. document access, error reporting.
     * <p/>Also, importantly, implements some universal side-effects for certain parsed values, including:
     * <li/>- parsed binding expressions are turned into BindingExpression objects, and added to the builder's MxmlDocument
     * <li/>- parsed @Embed expressions are turned into AtEmbed objects, and added to the builder's document
     * <li/>- parsed values for Class-typed properties (i.e., class names) are added as imports to the builder's document
     * <p/>Subclasses may provide custom entry points and handlers.
    protected class TextValueParser extends TextParser
        protected String lvalueName;
        protected int line;
        protected String desc;
        protected boolean wasPercentage;

        TextValueParser(TypeTable typeTable)
            super(typeTable, mxmlConfiguration.getCompatibilityVersion());

        public Object parseValue(String text, Type type, int flags, int line, String desc)
            return parseValue(text, type, typeTable.objectType, flags, line, desc);

        public Object parseValue(String text, Type type, Type elementType, int flags, int line, String desc)
            this.line = line;
            this.desc = desc;
            this.wasPercentage = false;

            // We ignore binding syntax in FXG values
            if (document != null && MXMLNamespaces.FXG_2008_NAMESPACE.equals(document.getLanguageNamespace()))
                flags = flags | TextParser.FlagIgnoreBinding;
                flags = flags | TextParser.FlagIgnoreArraySyntax;
                flags = flags | TextParser.FlagIgnoreAtFunctionEscape;

            return super.parse(text, type, elementType, flags);

         * prevent subclasses from inadvertantly calling super utility routine
        protected Object parse(String text, Type type, Type elementType, int flags)
            assert false : "internal parse() called";
            return null;
         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see flex2.compiler.mxml.lang.TextParser#parseBindingExpression(String, int)
        protected BindingExpression parseBindingExpression(String text, int line)
            this.line = line;
            this.desc = null;
            return super.parseBindingExpression(text);
        public boolean wasPercentage()
            return wasPercentage;
        //  TextParser impl

    public String contextRoot(String text)
      String contextRoot = mxmlConfiguration.getContextRoot();
      if (contextRoot == null)
        error(ErrUndefinedContextRoot, text, null, null);
        return null;
        return text.replaceAll("@ContextRoot\\(\\)", contextRoot);

         * Handles an @Clear() directive.
        public Object clear()
            AtClear atClear = new AtClear(unit.getSource(), line);
            return atClear;
        public Object embed(String text, Type type)
            boolean strType = type.isAssignableTo(typeTable.stringType);
            AtEmbed atEmbed = AtEmbed.create(typeTable.getPerCompileData(), unit.getSource(), line, text, strType);
            if (atEmbed != null)

                if (standardDefs.isIFactory(type))
                    return factoryFromClass(atEmbed.getPropName(), line);
                else if (standardDefs.isIDeferredInstance(type))
                    return instanceFromClass(atEmbed.getPropName(), line, false);

                return atEmbed;
                return null;

         * Handles an @Resource() directive.
         * @param text The @Resource() directive that was parsed as the attribute value,
         * such as "@Resource(bundle='MyResources', key='OPEN')"
         * @param type Specifies the type (e.g., a String or an int) for the MXML attribute
        public Object resource(String text, Type type)
            AtResource atResource = AtResource.create(typeTable, unit.getSource(), line, text, type);
            if (atResource != null)
                return atResource;
                return null;

        public Object bindingExpression(String converted)
            return bindingExpression(converted, false);

       public Object bindingExpression(String converted, boolean isTwoWay)
           BindingExpression be = new BindingExpression(converted, line, document);

           return be;

         * set was-percentage flag and return percentage as Integer. Subclasses might do prop-name swapping, etc.
        public Object percentage(String pct)
            this.wasPercentage = true;
            return Double.valueOf(pct.substring(0, pct.indexOf('%')));

        public Object array(Collection entries, Type elementType)
            Array array = new Array(document, line, elementType);
            array.addEntries(entries, line);
            return array;

        public Object functionText(String text)
            return text;

        public Object className(String name, Type lvalueType)
            document.addImport(name, line);
            if (standardDefs.isIFactory(lvalueType))
                return factoryFromClass(name, line);
            else if (standardDefs.isIDeferredInstance(lvalueType))
                return instanceFromClass(name, line, true);
                assert lvalueType.equals(typeTable.classType);
                return name;

        public void error(int err, String text, Type type, Type elementType)
                case ErrTypeNotContextRootable:
                    log(line, new TypeNotContextRootable(desc, NameFormatter.toDot(type.getName())));

                case ErrUndefinedContextRoot:
                    log(line, new UndefinedContextRoot());

                case ErrTypeNotEmbeddable:
                    log(line, new TypeNotEmbeddable(desc, NameFormatter.toDot(type.getName())));

                case ErrInvalidTextForType:
                    log(line, new InvalidTextForType(desc,
                                                     (type.equals(typeTable.arrayType) ? "[" + NameFormatter.toDot(elementType.getName()) + "]" : ""),

                case ErrInvalidPercentage:
                    log(line, new InvalidPercentage(desc, text));

                case ErrTypeNotSerializable:
                    log(line, new TypeNotSerializable(desc, NameFormatter.toDot(type.getName())));

                case ErrPercentagesNotAllowed:
                    log(line, new PercentagesNotAllowed(desc));

                case ErrUnrecognizedAtFunction:
                    log(line, new UnrecognizedAtFunction(desc));

                case ErrInvalidTwoWayBind:
                    if (desc != null)
                        log(line, new InvalidTwoWayBindingInitializer(desc, text));
                        log(line, new InvalidTwoWayBinding(text));                      
                    assert false : "unhandled text parse error, code = " + err;

     * distinguish between different kinds of MXML text - affects parse flags
    public static class TextOrigin
        public static int FROM_ATTRIBUTE = 0;
        public static int FROM_CHILD_TEXT = 1;
        public static int FROM_CHILD_CDATA = 2;

        public static int fromChild(boolean cdata) { return cdata ? FROM_CHILD_CDATA : FROM_CHILD_TEXT; }

    protected boolean processPropertyText(Property property, String text, int origin, int line, Model model)
        String name = property.getName();

        ensureSingleInitializer(model, name, line, property.getStateName());

        if (!checkPropertyUsage(property, text, line))
            return false;

        int flags =
                ((origin == TextOrigin.FROM_CHILD_CDATA) ? TextParser.FlagInCDATA : 0) |
                (getIsColor(property) ? TextParser.FlagConvertColorNames : 0) |
                ((origin != TextOrigin.FROM_ATTRIBUTE && property.collapseWhiteSpace()) ? TextParser.FlagCollapseWhiteSpace : 0) |
                (getPercentProxy(model.getType(), property, line) != null ? TextParser.FlagAllowPercentages : 0) |
                (property.richTextContent() ? TextParser.FlagRichTextContent : 0);

        Object value = textParser.parseValue(text, property.getType(), property.getElementType(), flags, line, name);

        if (value != null)
            postProcessBindingExpression(value, model, name);

            if (textParser.wasPercentage())
                property = getPercentProxy(model.getType(), property, line);
            else if ((value instanceof AtClear) && !property.isStateSpecific())
              log(line, new ClearNotAllowed());
              return false;

            model.setProperty(property, value, line);
            return true;
            return false;

    protected void processPropertySyntheticArray(Property property, int line, Model model)
        String name = property.getName();
        ensureSingleInitializer(model, name, line, property.getStateName());
        ArrayBuilder builder = new ArrayBuilder(unit, typeTable, mxmlConfiguration, document);
        model.setProperty(property, builder.array, line);
    protected boolean processDynamicPropertyText(String name, String text, int origin, int line, Model model, String state)
        ensureSingleInitializer(model, name, line, state);

        int flags = (origin == TextOrigin.FROM_CHILD_CDATA) ? TextParser.FlagInCDATA : 0;

        Object value = textParser.parseValue(text, typeTable.objectType, typeTable.objectType, flags, line, name);

        if (value != null)
            postProcessBindingExpression(value, model, name);

            model.setDynamicProperty(typeTable.objectType, name, value, state, line);

            return true;
            return false;

     * includeIn and excludeFrom helper. Used to detect state-specific
     * document nodes.
    protected boolean processStateAttributes(Node node, Model model)
        String includedStates = (String)getLanguageAttributeValue(node, StandardDefs.PROP_INCLUDE_STATES);
        String excludedStates = (String)getLanguageAttributeValue(node, StandardDefs.PROP_EXCLUDE_STATES);
        String itemCreationPolicy = (String)getLanguageAttributeValue(node, StandardDefs.PROP_ITEM_CREATION_POLICY);
        String itemDestructionPolicy = (String)getLanguageAttributeValue(node, StandardDefs.PROP_ITEM_DESTRUCTION_POLICY);

        // Check that there isn't a binding expression in the string.
        if (includedStates != null && TextParser.isBindingExpression(includedStates))
            log(node, new BindingNotAllowedInitializer(StandardDefs.PROP_INCLUDE_STATES, includedStates));               

        if (excludedStates != null && TextParser.isBindingExpression(excludedStates))
            log(node, new BindingNotAllowedInitializer(StandardDefs.PROP_EXCLUDE_STATES, excludedStates));               
        if (includedStates != null || excludedStates != null)
            Collection<String> includes = TextParser.parseStringList(includedStates);
            Collection<String> excludes = TextParser.parseStringList(excludedStates);

            // Register our state specific node with the document's stateful model.
            document.registerStateSpecificNode(model, node, includes, excludes);
            // Register optional creation policy.
            if (itemCreationPolicy != null)
              if (itemCreationPolicy.equals("immediate"))
              else if (!itemCreationPolicy.equals("deferred"))
                log(model.getXmlLineNumber(), new InvalidItemCreationPolicy());
            // Register optional destruction policy.
            if (itemDestructionPolicy != null)
              if (itemDestructionPolicy.equals("auto"))
              else if (!itemDestructionPolicy.equals("never"))
                log(model.getXmlLineNumber(), new InvalidItemDestructionPolicy());
            return true;
        if (itemCreationPolicy != null)
          log(model.getXmlLineNumber(), new InvalidItemCreationPolicyUsage());
        if (itemDestructionPolicy != null)
          log(model.getXmlLineNumber(), new InvalidItemDestructionPolicyUsage());
        return false;
     * TODO move this to TypeTable.PropertyHelper?
    protected boolean getIsColor(Property property)
        Inspectable inspectable = property.getInspectable();
        if (inspectable != null)
            String type = inspectable.getFormat();
            if (type != null)
                return type.equals(StandardDefs.MDPARAM_INSPECTABLE_FORMAT_COLOR);
        return false;

     * TODO move this to TypeTable.PropertyHelper?
    protected Property getPercentProxy(Type type, Property property, int line)
        String percentProxyName = property.getPercentProxy();
        if (percentProxyName != null)
            Property percentProxy = type.getProperty(percentProxyName);
            if (percentProxy != null)
                return percentProxy;
                log(line, new PercentProxyWarning(percentProxyName,
                return null;
            return null;

    private void postProcessBindingExpression(Object value, Model model, String name)
        if (value instanceof BindingExpression)
            BindingExpression bindingExpression = (BindingExpression)value;

    private void ensureSingleInitializer(Model model, String name, int line, String state)
        // Ensure single initialization for non state-specific properties only.
        // State-specific properties validated elsewhere.
        if (model.hasProperty(name) && (state == null))
            //  presence of default property can make error nonobvious, so put out some extra text in that case
            Type type = model.getType();
            Property dp = type.getDefaultProperty();
            if (dp != null && dp.getName().equals(name))
                log(line, new MultiplePropertyInitializerWithDefaultError(name, NameFormatter.toDot(type.getName())));
                log(line, new MultiplePropertyInitializerError(name));

    protected void processEventText(Event event, String text, int line, Model model)
        //  TODO check for multiple initializers of event.

        if (text.length() > 0)
            //  register Event type as import
            Type eventType = event.getType();
            if (eventType == null)
                log(line, new EventTypeUnavailable(event.getTypeName()));
            document.addImport(NameFormatter.toDot(eventType.getName()), line);

            // Ensure user only utilizes the @Clear directive for state-specific
            // event properties.
            if (text.equals("@Clear()") && !event.isStateSpecific())
              log(line, new ClearNotAllowed());
            // preilly: Don't check for binding expressions,
            // because they are not supported inside event
            // values.  Using curly braces are allowed,
            // because event values are just ActionScript
            // snippets and curly braces are part of the language.
            model.setEvent(event, text, line);
            log(line, new EventHandlerEmpty());

    public boolean processStyleText(Style style, String text, int origin, int line, Model model)
        String name = style.getName();
        Type type = style.getType();

        if (!style.isStateSpecific() && model.hasStyle(name))
            log(line, new MultipleStyleInitializerError(name));
        if (!checkStyleUsage(style, text, line))
            return false;

        int flags =
                ((origin == TextOrigin.FROM_CHILD_CDATA) ? TextParser.FlagInCDATA : 0) |
                (getIsColor(style) ? TextParser.FlagConvertColorNames : 0);

        Object value = textParser.parseValue(text, type, flags, line, name);
        if (value != null)
            if (value instanceof BindingExpression)
                BindingExpression bindingExpression = (BindingExpression)value;
                // two-way data binding expression not allowed here
                if (bindingExpression.isTwoWayPrimary())
                    log(line, new TwoWayBindingNotAllowedInitializer(name, text));
                    return false;
            else if (value instanceof AtClear)
              if (!style.isStateSpecific())
                log(line, new AtClearNotAllowed());
                return false;

            model.setStyle(style, value, line);
            return true;
            return false;

     * TODO move this to TypeTable.StyleHelper?
    protected boolean getIsColor(Style style)
        String format = style.getFormat();
        return format != null && format.equals(StandardDefs.MDPARAM_STYLE_FORMAT_COLOR);

    protected boolean processEffectText(Effect effect, String text, int origin, int line, Model model)
        String name = effect.getName();

        if (!effect.isStateSpecific() && model.hasEffect(name))
            log(line, new MultipleEffectInitializerError(name));

        int flags = (origin == TextOrigin.FROM_CHILD_CDATA) ? TextParser.FlagInCDATA : 0;
        Object value = textParser.parseValue(text, typeTable.stringType, flags, line, name);

        if (value != null)
            if (value instanceof BindingExpression)
                BindingExpression bindingExpression = (BindingExpression)value;
                // two-way data binding expression not allowed here
                if (bindingExpression.isTwoWayPrimary())
                    log(line, new TwoWayBindingNotAllowedInitializer(name, text));
                    return false;
                if (FrameworkDefs.isBuiltinEffectName(text))
                    // for 1.5 compatibility
                    document.addTypeRef(standardDefs.getEffectsPackage() + "." + text, line);

            model.setEffect(effect, value, typeTable.stringType, line);
            return true;
            return false;

    protected boolean processPropertyNodes(Node parent, Property property, Model model)
        return processPropertyNodes(parent.getChildren(), property, model, parent.beginLine);

     * Note: nodes must not be empty
    protected boolean processPropertyNodes(Collection nodes, Property property, Model model, int line)
        CDATANode cdata = getTextContent(nodes, true);
        if (cdata != null)
            return processPropertyText(property, cdata.image, TextOrigin.fromChild(cdata.inCDATA), cdata.beginLine, model);
            String name = property.getName();

            //  check for multiple inits to this property
            ensureSingleInitializer(model, name, line, property.getStateName());

            //  check other usage constraints
            //  TODO replace ""-passing approach with something that results in a better errmsg for enum violation
            if (!checkPropertyUsage(property, "", ((Node)nodes.iterator().next()).beginLine))
                return false;

            //  process
            Object rvalue = processRValueNodes(property, nodes, model);
            if (rvalue != null)
                model.setProperty(property, rvalue, line);
                return true;
                return false;

     * Note: nodes must not be empty
    protected boolean processDynamicPropertyNodes(Node parent, DynamicProperty property, Model model)
        Collection nodes = parent.getChildren();
        String name = property.getName();
        String state = property.getStateName();

        CDATANode cdata = getTextContent(nodes, true);
        if (cdata != null)
            return processDynamicPropertyText(name, cdata.image, TextOrigin.fromChild(cdata.inCDATA), cdata.beginLine, model, state);
            if ((state == null) && model.hasProperty(name))
                log(parent, new MultiplePropertyInitializerError(name));

            Object rvalue = processRValueNodes(property, nodes, model);
            if (rvalue != null)
                model.setDynamicProperty(typeTable.objectType, name, rvalue, state, parent.beginLine);
                return true;
                return false;

     * Note: nodes must not be empty
    protected boolean processStyleNodes(Node parent, Style style, Model model)
        Collection nodes = parent.getChildren();

        CDATANode cdata = getTextContent(nodes, true);
        if (cdata != null)
            return processStyleText(style, cdata.image, TextOrigin.fromChild(cdata.inCDATA), cdata.beginLine, model);
            String name = style.getName();
            if (!style.isStateSpecific() && model.hasStyle(name))
                log(parent, new MultipleStyleInitializerError(name));

            //  TODO replace ""-passing approach with something that results in a better errmsg for enum violation
            if (!checkStyleUsage(style, "", ((Node)nodes.iterator().next()).beginLine))
                return false;

            //  lvalue type - initializers to IDeferredInstance-typed styles are values to be returned by the generated factory.
            Type lvalueType = style.getType();
            if (standardDefs.isIDeferredInstance(lvalueType))
                lvalueType = typeTable.objectType;

            Object rvalue = processRValueNodes(style, nodes, model);
            if (rvalue != null)
                model.setStyle(style, rvalue, parent.beginLine);
                return true;
                return false;

     * Note: nodes must not be empty
    protected boolean processEffectNodes(Node parent, Effect effect, Model model)
        Collection nodes = parent.getChildren();

        CDATANode cdata = getTextContent(nodes, true);
        if (cdata != null)
            return processEffectText(effect, cdata.image, TextOrigin.fromChild(cdata.inCDATA), cdata.beginLine, model);
            String name = effect.getName();

            if (!effect.isStateSpecific() && model.hasEffect(name))
                log(parent, new MultipleEffectInitializerError(name));

            Object rvalue = processRValueNodes(effect, nodes, model);
            if (rvalue != null)
                model.setEffect(effect, rvalue, effect.getType(), parent.beginLine);
                return true;
                return false;

     * Note: if type is Array, then elementStoreType is the type of element actually stored to the array, and
     * elementParseType is the type which elements specified in MXML need to be compatible with. They are equal
     * unless elementStoreType is (assignable to) a factory interface, in which case elementParseType is the
     * instance type which the factory is required to produce (Object unless specified by [InstanceType]).
     * The two-type scheme is a bit clumsy, but both types are needed here currently because the 'storage' element type
     * must be passed into ArrayBuilder, while the 'result' element type is used to verify type compatibility.
     * TODO refactor backwards from codegen in such a way that the storage type is directly available from reflection
     * objects at codegen time. This is impossible currently because ArrayBuilder and the Array VO obscure higher-level
     * reflection info (Property, Style, etc.)
    protected Object processRValueNodes(Assignable assignable, Collection nodes, Model model)
        Type type = assignable.getLValueType();
        String name = assignable.getName();
        Type elementStoreType = assignable.getElementType();
        Type elementParseType = elementStoreType;

        if (assignable instanceof Property)
            Property property = (Property)assignable;

            // element parse type - initializers to
            // Array<IDeferredInstance>-typed properties are values to
            // be returned by the generated factory.
            if (standardDefs.isIDeferredInstance(elementStoreType))
                elementParseType = property.getInstanceType();

        boolean isDefaultProperty = false;
        Property defaultProperty = model.getType().getDefaultProperty();

        if (defaultProperty != null)
            isDefaultProperty = defaultProperty.getName().equals(name);

        switch (checkTypeCompatibility(nodes, type, elementParseType, name, isDefaultProperty))
            case TypeCompatibility.Ok:
                //  nodes represents an rvalue that is directly assignable to (lvalue) type
                return rvalueNodeHandler.process(assignable, (Node)nodes.iterator().next(), model);

      case TypeCompatibility.OkCoerceToArray:
        //  nodes is a sequence of rvalues that can be coerced to an array that's assignable to (lvalue) type.
          ArrayBuilder arrayBuilder = new ArrayBuilder(unit, typeTable,
                      mxmlConfiguration, document, model, assignable, false);
        return arrayBuilder.array;

      case TypeCompatibility.OkCoerceToVector:
        //  nodes is a sequence of rvalues that can be coerced to a vector that's assignable to (lvalue) type.
               VectorBuilder vectorBuilder = new VectorBuilder(unit, typeTable,
                       mxmlConfiguration, document, model, assignable, false);
        return vectorBuilder.vector;

                return null;

    protected class RValueNodeHandler extends ValueNodeHandler
        protected Model model;
        protected Object result;

        protected Object process(Assignable property, Node node, Model model)
            this.model = model;
            invoke(property, node, document);
            return result;

        protected void componentNode(Assignable property, Node node, MxmlDocument document)
            ComponentBuilder builder = new ComponentBuilder(unit, typeTable, mxmlConfiguration, document, model, getName(property), getStateName(property), false, null);
      result = builder.component;

        protected void arrayNode(Assignable property, ArrayNode node)
            ArrayBuilder builder = new ArrayBuilder(unit, typeTable, mxmlConfiguration, document, model, property, false);
      result = builder.array;

        protected void vectorNode(Assignable property, VectorNode node)
            String typeAttributeValue = (String) node.getAttribute(StandardDefs.PROP_TYPE).getValue();
            Type elementType = typeTable.getType(NameFormatter.toColon(typeAttributeValue));
            VectorBuilder builder = new VectorBuilder(unit, typeTable, mxmlConfiguration, document,
                    model, property, elementType, false);
            result = builder.vector;

        protected void primitiveNode(Assignable property, PrimitiveNode node)
            PrimitiveBuilder builder = new PrimitiveBuilder(unit, typeTable, mxmlConfiguration, document, model, false, property, null);
      result = builder.value;

        protected void xmlNode(Assignable property, XMLNode node)
      XMLBuilder builder = new XMLBuilder(unit, typeTable, mxmlConfiguration, document, model);
      XML xml = builder.xml;
      xml.setParentIndex(getName(property), getStateName(property));
            result = xml;

          // Fix for SDK-28286. Ensure <XML> models with ids are registered
            // with the MXML document.
          if (xml.getId() != null)

        protected void xmlListNode(Assignable property, XMLListNode node)
            XMLListBuilder builder = new XMLListBuilder(unit, typeTable, mxmlConfiguration, document, model);
            builder.xmlList.setParentIndex(getName(property), getStateName(property));
            result = builder.xmlList;

        protected void modelNode(Assignable property, ModelNode node)
      ModelBuilder builder = new ModelBuilder(unit, typeTable, mxmlConfiguration, document, model);
      result = builder.graph;

        protected void inlineComponentNode(Assignable property, InlineComponentNode node)
            InlineComponentBuilder builder = new InlineComponentBuilder(unit, typeTable, mxmlConfiguration, document, false);
            result = builder.getRValue();
        protected void reparentNode(Assignable property, ReparentNode node)
            ComponentBuilder builder = new ComponentBuilder(unit, typeTable, mxmlConfiguration, document, model, getName(property), getStateName(property), false, null);
            result = builder.component;

        protected void cdataNode(Assignable property, CDATANode node)
            PrimitiveBuilder builder = new PrimitiveBuilder(unit, typeTable, mxmlConfiguration, document, model, false, property, null);
            result = builder.value;
        protected void stateNode(Assignable property, StateNode node)
            ComponentBuilder builder = new ComponentBuilder(unit, typeTable, mxmlConfiguration, document, model, getName(property), getStateName(property), false, null);
            result = builder.component;
        protected void unknown(Assignable property, Node node)
            assert false : "Unexpected node class in processRValueNode: " + node.getClass();
            result = null;
        private String getName(Assignable property)
            return property != null ? property.getName() : null;

        private String getStateName(Assignable property)
            return property != null ? property.getStateName() : null;

     * Note: callers can opt out of class checking, due to use-cases involving late-gen classes e.g. @Embed
    protected final Model instanceFromClass(String className, int line, boolean checkClass)
        if (checkClass)
            Type classType = typeTable.getType(NameFormatter.toColon(className));
            if (classType == null)
                log(line, new ClassNotAvailable(className));
        return new Primitive(document, typeTable.classType, className, line);

     * Note: expects dot (not colon) delimited className. See note in NameFormaterr for notes on
     * string-formatted classname migration.
    protected final Model factoryFromClass(String className, int line)
        Type classFactoryType = typeTable.getType(standardDefs.CLASS_CLASSFACTORY);
        if (classFactoryType == null)
            log(line, new TypeNotAvailable(standardDefs.CLASS_CLASSFACTORY));
            return new Model(document, typeTable.objectType, line); //  fail semi-gracefully

        Model model = new Model(document, classFactoryType, line);

        //  generator
                new Primitive(document, typeTable.classType, className, line));

        //  introspect the classdef for property sites that match things we can auto-set
        //  NOTE: if className is unqualified, this code will not reach it.
        //  TODO either add support to introspect unqualified classNames via imports, or document its absence
        Type classType = typeTable.getType(NameFormatter.toColon(className));
        if (classType != null)
            //  prop object will carry one or more properties to set on the newInstance()
            Model propObject = null;

            //  outerDocument
            Property outerDocumentProperty = classType.getProperty(DocumentInfo.OUTER_DOCUMENT_PROP);
            if (outerDocumentProperty != null)
                //  check type agreement between outerDocument and our document type
                String qualName = document.getQName().toString();
                Type selfType = typeTable.getType(qualName);
                assert selfType != null : "skeleton type for class '" + NameFormatter.toDot(qualName) + "' not available";

                if (selfType.isAssignableTo(outerDocumentProperty.getType()))
                    propObject = new Model(document, typeTable.objectType, line);

                    //  HACK: using classType here simply to bypass codegen formatting machinery.
                    //  TODO: add Reference rvalue type - will need for <PropertyRef/> etc.
                    propObject.setProperty(outerDocumentProperty, new Primitive(document, typeTable.classType, "this", line), line);

            //  if we picked anything up, attach properties initializer
            if (propObject != null)
                model.setProperty(StandardDefs.PROP_CLASSFACTORY_PROPERTIES, propObject);

        return model;

    private int checkTypeCompatibility(Collection<Node> nodes, Type lvalueType, Type lvalueArrayElemType,
                                       String lvalueDesc, boolean isDefaultProperty)
        switch (nodes.size())
            case 0:
                assert false;   //  empty collection is illegal argument
                return TypeCompatibility.ErrRTypeNotAssignableToLType;

            case 1:
                return checkTypeCompatibility(nodes.iterator().next(), lvalueType, lvalueArrayElemType,
                                              lvalueDesc, true, isDefaultProperty);

                int compat = TypeCompatibility.Ok;
                for (Node node : nodes)
                    int elementCompat = checkTypeCompatibility(node, lvalueType, lvalueArrayElemType,
                                                               lvalueDesc, false, isDefaultProperty);

                    // Overwrite the last result if it wasn't an error.
                    if (compat == TypeCompatibility.Ok ||
                        compat == TypeCompatibility.OkCoerceToArray ||
                        compat == TypeCompatibility.OkCoerceToVector)
                        compat = elementCompat;
                return compat;

    protected int checkTypeCompatibility(Node node,
                                         Type lvalueType,
                                         Type lvalueArrayElementType,
                                         String lvalueDescription,
                                         boolean rvalueIsSingleton,
                                         boolean isDefaultProperty)
        Type rtype = nodeTypeResolver.resolveType(node, document);

        // Determine type compatibility. We account for the possibility of
        // incorrectly nested language or service tags. 
        String rvalueTypeName = (rtype != null) ? rtype.getName() : node.getLocalPart();
        int compat = TypeCompatibility.check(lvalueType, lvalueArrayElementType, rtype, rvalueIsSingleton, standardDefs);
        compat = coerceStatefulNodes(node, lvalueType, compat);
        switch (compat)
            case TypeCompatibility.Ok:
            case TypeCompatibility.OkCoerceToArray:
            case TypeCompatibility.OkCoerceToVector:
                return compat;
            case TypeCompatibility.ErrRTypeNotAssignableToLType:
                if (isDefaultProperty)
                    log(node.beginLine, new TypeNotAssignableToDefaultProperty(lvalueDescription,
                    log(node.beginLine, new TypeNotAssignableToLType(lvalueDescription,
                return compat;
            case TypeCompatibility.ErrLTypeNotMultiple:
                if (isDefaultProperty)
                    log(node.beginLine, new DefaultPropertyNotMultiple(lvalueDescription,
                    log(node.beginLine, new TypeNotMultiple(lvalueDescription,
                return compat;
            case TypeCompatibility.ErrSingleRValueNotArrayOrArrayElem:
                log(node.beginLine, new SingleRValueNotTargetTypeOrTargetElementType(lvalueDescription,
                return compat;
            case TypeCompatibility.ErrMultiRValueNotArrayElem:
                log(node.beginLine, new MultiRValueNotElementType(lvalueDescription,
                return compat;
                assert false;
                return compat;

     * In some circumstances stateful nodes need to be coerced to an Array.
    protected int coerceStatefulNodes(Node node, Type lvalueType, int compat)
      // Special case of reparent node.
        if (node instanceof ReparentNode) return TypeCompatibility.OkCoerceToArray;
        // In the special case of lvalueType being Object or * we need to coerce to
      // array if the rvalue is state-specific.
      if (compat == TypeCompatibility.Ok && (lvalueType.getName().equals(SymbolTable.NOTYPE) ||
        if (getLanguageAttribute(node, StandardDefs.PROP_INCLUDE_STATES) != null ||
          getLanguageAttribute(node, StandardDefs.PROP_EXCLUDE_STATES) != null)
          return TypeCompatibility.OkCoerceToArray;
      return compat;
    protected boolean checkPropertyUsage(Property property, String text, int line)
        if (!isAllowedProperty(property))
            log(line, new InitializerNotAllowed(property.getName()));
            return false;

        if (mxmlConfiguration.showDeprecationWarnings())
            checkDeprecation(property, document.getSourcePath(), line);

        Inspectable inspectable = property.getInspectable();
        if (inspectable != null)
            checkImageType(inspectable.getFormat(), text, line);

            if (!TextParser.isBindingExpression(text))
                if (!checkEnumeration(inspectable.getEnumeration(), text, line))
                    return false;

        if (property.readOnly())
            log(line, new PropertyReadOnly(property.getName()));
            return false;

        //  TODO make sure this never happens
        if (property.getType() == null)
            log(line, new PropertyUnreachable(property.getName()));
            return false;

        return true;

     * Subclasses implement this to prohibit properties for special reasons. This only gets called if the property is
     * valid - i.e., if it exists and is visible on the type of the backing class. But this usage check is called before
     * others, so e.g. deprecation, enumeration warnings, etc. will be short-circuited if this returns false.
    protected boolean isAllowedProperty(Property property)
        return true;

    protected boolean checkStyleUsage(Style style, String text, int line)
        checkImageType(style.getFormat(), text, line);

        if (!TextParser.isBindingExpression(text) && TextParser.getAtFunctionName(text) == null)
            if (!checkEnumeration(style.getEnumeration(), text, line))
                return false;

        //  TODO make sure this never happens
        if (style.getType() == null)
            log(line, new StyleUnreachable(style.getName()));
            return false;

        return true;

     * Return true if the check is okay.
     * Note: must happen on parsed value, e.g. to avoid failing {bindings}, which passed in 1.5
    protected boolean checkEnumeration(String[] enums, String value, int line)
        if (enums != null)
            for (int j = 0, count = enums.length; j < count; j++)
                if (enums[j].equals(value))
                    return true;
      StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
            for (int j = 0, count = enums.length; j < count; j++)
                if (j < count - 1)
                    buffer.append(", ");

            log(line, new InvalidEnumerationValue(value, buffer.toString()));

            return false;
            return true;

     * Return true if the check is okay.
     * Note: must happen on parsed value. collapseWhiteSpace, etc. will affect the test
    protected boolean checkImageType(String format, String value, int line)
        if ("File".equals(format))
            if ( value.endsWith(".svg") )
                log(line, new RuntimeSVGNotSupported());
                return false;

        return true;
     * Logs the appropriate Deprecation warning based on available information in the metadata;
     * will not log anything if since, message, and replacement are null.
     * Returns true if a warning was logged.
    //*** IF YOU MODIFY THIS, update macromedia.asc.embedding.LintEvaluator::logDeprecationWarning() ***
    private static boolean checkLogDeprecationWarning(String path, int line,
                                                      String name,
                                                      String since,
                                                      String message,
                                                      String replacement)
        assert ((name != null) && (name.length() > 0));
        final boolean hasSince       = (since       != null) && (since.length()       > 0);
        final boolean hasMessage     = (message     != null) && (message.length()     > 0);
        final boolean hasReplacement = (replacement != null) && (replacement.length() > 0);
        if (hasMessage)
            // [Deprecated("foo")]
            // [Deprecated(message="foo")]
            ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new DeprecatedMessage(message), path, line);
        else if (hasReplacement)
            if (hasSince)
                // [Deprecated(since="1983", replacement="foo")]
                ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new DeprecatedSince(name, since, replacement), path, line);
                // [Deprecated(replacement="foo")]
                ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new DeprecatedUseReplacement(name, replacement), path, line);
        else if (hasSince)
            // [Deprecated(since="1983")]
            ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new DeprecatedSinceNoReplacement(name, since), path, line);
        else if ((message != null) || (replacement != null) || (since != null))
            // deprecation was intended by providing at least one non-null string,
            // though no message was provided, e.g.:
            // [Deprecated(replacement="")] or [Style(deprecatedReplacement="")]
            ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new Deprecated(name), path, line);
            // probably not [Deprecated]
            return false;
        return true;

   * Return true if the check is okay.  It is assumed that
   * deprecation warnings should be shown if this method is called.
  public static boolean checkDeprecation(Property property, String path, int line)
    flex2.compiler.mxml.reflect.Deprecated deprecated = property.getDeprecated();

    if ((deprecated != null))
            // since there was definitely a [Deprecated], try logging a deprecation warning;
            // if no arguments were given and nothing is logged (call returns false),
            // log the default deprecation warning.
            if (!checkLogDeprecationWarning(path, line,
                ThreadLocalToolkit.log(new Deprecated(property.getName()), path, line);
            return false;
        return true;

  protected void checkEventDeprecation(Event event, String path, int line)
    if (mxmlConfiguration.showDeprecationWarnings())
            checkLogDeprecationWarning(path, line,
    protected void checkEffectDeprecation(Effect effect, String path, int line)
        if (mxmlConfiguration.showDeprecationWarnings())
            checkLogDeprecationWarning(path, line,
    protected void checkStyleDeprecation(Style style, String path, int line)
        if (mxmlConfiguration.showDeprecationWarnings())
            checkLogDeprecationWarning(path, line,

    protected boolean checkNonEmpty(Node node, Type type)
        if (node.getChildren().isEmpty())
            if (!allowEmptyDefault(type))
                log(node.beginLine, new EmptyChildInitializer(NameFormatter.toDot(type.getName())));

            return false;
            return true;

    protected boolean allowEmptyDefault(Type type)
        return typeTable.stringType.isAssignableTo(type) ||

    protected boolean hasAttributeInitializers(Node node)
        for (Iterator iter = node.getAttributeNames(); iter.hasNext(); )
            QName qname = (QName);
            if (!isSpecialAttribute(qname.getNamespace(), qname.getLocalPart()))
                return true;
        return false;

     * Subclasses should override this method to define what they consider special attributes.
    protected boolean isSpecialAttribute(String namespaceURI, String localPart)
        return false;

     * Register an rvalue (currently aka Model) to our MxmlDocument, as a
     * declaration.
    protected void registerModel(Node node, Model model, boolean topLevel)
        String id = (String)getLanguageAttributeValue(node, StandardDefs.PROP_ID);
        // get the comment from the node and store in the model
        if(node.comment != null)
            // if generate ast if false, lets not scan the tokens here because they will be scanned later in asc scanner.
            // we will go the velocity template route
                model.comment = node.comment;
                model.comment = MxmlCommentUtil.commentToXmlComment(node.comment);  
        registerModel(id, model, topLevel);

     * register an rvalue (currently aka Model) to our MxmlDocument, as a declaration.
    protected void registerModel(String id, Model model, boolean topLevel)
        if (id != null)
            model.setId(id, false);
            document.addDeclaration(model, topLevel);
        else if (topLevel)
            document.addDeclaration(model, true);
        else if (model.isDeclarationEnsured() && model.getIdIsAutogenerated())
          document.addDeclaration(model.getId(), model.getType().getName(),
          model.getXmlLineNumber(), true, true, true, model.getBindabilityEnsured());

    protected int getDocumentVersion()
        return document.getVersion();

    protected String getLanguageNamespace()
        return document.getLanguageNamespace();

     * errors, warnings from here to EOF

    public static class AtClearNotAllowed extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 2999387312121186024L;
    public static class BindingNotAllowed extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 8873043175834895629L;

    // valid binding syntax but not allowed here
    public static class BindingNotAllowedInitializer extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -6988629472344628260L;
        public String desc;
        public String text;
        public BindingNotAllowedInitializer(String desc, String text)
            this.desc = desc;
            this.text = text;
    public static class TypeNotContextRootable extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 2999387313501186024L;
        public String desc;
        public String type;

        public TypeNotContextRootable(String desc, String type)
            this.desc = desc;
            this.type = type;

    public static class UndefinedContextRoot extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1315340897509577928L;

        public UndefinedContextRoot()

    public static class TypeNotEmbeddable extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1329678763686966135L;
        public String desc;
        public String type;

        public TypeNotEmbeddable(String desc, String type)
            this.desc = desc;
            this.type = type;

    public static class InvalidTextForType extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 4515750602580054804L;
        public String desc;
        public String type;
        public String array;
        public String text;

        public InvalidTextForType(String desc, String type, String array, String text)
            this.desc = desc;
            this.type = type;
            this.array = array;
            this.text = text;

    public static class InvalidPercentage extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -2623489942233054966L;
        public String desc;
        public String text;

        public InvalidPercentage(String desc, String text)
            this.desc = desc;
            this.text = text;

    public static class TypeNotSerializable extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 352552929285101031L;
        public String desc;
        public String type;

        public TypeNotSerializable(String desc, String type)
            this.desc = desc;
            this.type = type;

    public static class PercentagesNotAllowed extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 106765063868387999L;
        public String desc;

        public PercentagesNotAllowed(String desc)
            this.desc = desc;

    // valid two-way binding syntax but not allowed here
    public static class TwoWayBindingNotAllowedInitializer extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -4509943614908495917L;
        public String desc;
        public String text;
        public TwoWayBindingNotAllowedInitializer(String desc, String text)
            this.desc = desc;
            this.text = text;
    // valid two-way binding syntax but not allowed here
    public static class TwoWayBindingNotAllowed extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -3894038340408090247L;

    // invalid two-way binding syntax
    public static class InvalidTwoWayBindingInitializer extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -6225540773527205704L;
        public String desc;
        public String text;
        public InvalidTwoWayBindingInitializer(String desc, String text)
            this.desc = desc;
            this.text = text;
    // invalid two-way binding syntax
    public static class InvalidTwoWayBinding extends CompilerError
       private static final long serialVersionUID = 4795539821885732534L;
        public String text;

        public InvalidTwoWayBinding(String text)
            this.text = text;

    public static class UnrecognizedAtFunction extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -7976108326433297022L;
        public String desc;

        public UnrecognizedAtFunction(String desc)
            this.desc = desc;

    public static class PercentProxyWarning extends CompilerWarning
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -5227221682435159906L;
        public String proxyName;
        public String property;
        public String type;

        public PercentProxyWarning(String proxyName, String property, String type)
            this.proxyName = proxyName;
   = property;
            this.type = type;

    public static class MultiplePropertyInitializerError extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -3093330194050759789L;
        public String name;

        public MultiplePropertyInitializerError(String name)
   = name;

    public static class MultiplePropertyInitializerWithDefaultError extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -2193960741080733281L;
        public String name;
        public String type;

        public MultiplePropertyInitializerWithDefaultError(String name, String type)
   = name;
            this.type = type;

    public static class EventTypeUnavailable extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1538004770687497485L;
        public String type;

        public EventTypeUnavailable(String type)
            this.type = type;

    public static class EventHandlerEmpty extends CompilerWarning

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 7631512992578158817L;

    public static class MultipleStyleInitializerError extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -5623999245296398120L;
        public String name;

        public MultipleStyleInitializerError(String name)
   = name;

    public static class MultipleEffectInitializerError extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -1441380732951033404L;
        public String name;

        public MultipleEffectInitializerError(String name)
   = name;

    public static class ClassNotAvailable extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 2595556373093280868L;
        public String className;

        public ClassNotAvailable(String className)
            this.className = className;

    public static class TypeNotAvailable extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 6652076396694350439L;
        public String type;

        public TypeNotAvailable(String type)
            this.type = type;

    public static class TypeNotAssignableToDefaultProperty extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 3170516169562771495L;
        public String defaultProperty;
        public String type;
        public String targetType;

        public TypeNotAssignableToDefaultProperty(String defaultProperty, String type, String targetType)
            this.defaultProperty = defaultProperty;
            this.type = type;
            this.targetType = targetType;

    public static class TypeNotAssignableToLType extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 3170516169562771496L;
        public String lvalue;
        public String type;
        public String targetType;

        public TypeNotAssignableToLType(String lvalue, String type, String targetType)
            this.lvalue = lvalue;
            this.type = type;
            this.targetType = targetType;

    public static class DefaultPropertyNotMultiple extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -226195643462502027L;
        public String defaultProperty;
        public String targetType;

        public DefaultPropertyNotMultiple(String defaultProperty, String targetType)
            this.defaultProperty = defaultProperty;
            this.targetType = targetType;

    public static class TypeNotMultiple extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -226195643462502028L;
        public String lvalue;
        public String targetType;

        public TypeNotMultiple(String lvalue, String targetType)
            this.lvalue = lvalue;
            this.targetType = targetType;

    public static class SingleRValueNotTargetTypeOrTargetElementType extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 2707598764290534991L;
        public String lvalue;
        public String type;
        public String targetType;
        public String targetElementType;

        public SingleRValueNotTargetTypeOrTargetElementType(String lvalue, String type, String targetType, String targetElementType)
            this.lvalue = lvalue;
            this.type = type;
            this.targetType = targetType;
            this.targetElementType = targetElementType;

    public static class MultiRValueNotElementType extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 3496264868863398700L;
        public String lvalue;
        public String type;
        public String targetType;
        public String targetElementType;

        public MultiRValueNotElementType(String lvalue, String type, String targetType, String targetElementType)
            this.lvalue = lvalue;
            this.type = type;
            this.targetType = targetType;
            this.targetElementType = targetElementType;

    public static class InitializerNotAllowed extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -5647720336849700770L;
        public String name;

        public InitializerNotAllowed(String name)
   = name;

    public static class PropertyReadOnly extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -7534712819383293242L;
        public String name;

        public PropertyReadOnly(String name)
   = name;

    public static class PropertyUnreachable extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -8232851717762250700L;
        public String name;

        public PropertyUnreachable(String name)
   = name;

    public static class StyleUnreachable extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -907081582545856406L;
        public String name;

        public StyleUnreachable(String name)
   = name;

    public static class InvalidEnumerationValue extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 6028640604926009874L;
        public String value;
        public String values;

        public InvalidEnumerationValue(String value, String values)
            this.value = value;
            this.values = values;

    public static class RuntimeSVGNotSupported extends CompilerWarning

        private static final long serialVersionUID = -2904837796107529728L;

    public static class Deprecated extends CompilerWarning
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -7717466044221114090L;
        public String name;

        public Deprecated(String name)
   = name;
    public static class DeprecatedMessage extends CompilerWarning
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -4559508730948651240L;
        public String deprecationMessage;

        public DeprecatedMessage(String deprecationMessage)
            this.deprecationMessage = deprecationMessage;

    public static class DeprecatedUseReplacement extends CompilerWarning
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 6268273891441452672L;
        public String name;
        public String replacement;

        public DeprecatedUseReplacement(String name, String replacement)
   = name;
            this.replacement = replacement;

    public static class DeprecatedSince extends CompilerWarning
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 8941405158832020624L;
        public String name;
        public String replacement;
        public String since;

        public DeprecatedSince(String name, String since, String replacement)
   = name;
            this.since = since;
            this.replacement = replacement;
    public static class DeprecatedSinceNoReplacement extends CompilerWarning
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -2892937735469385339L;
        public String name;
        public String since;

        public DeprecatedSinceNoReplacement(String name, String since)
   = name;
            this.since = since;
    public static class EmptyChildInitializer extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -6310661960438135244L;
        public String type;

        public EmptyChildInitializer(String type)
            this.type = type;
    public static class ClearNotAllowed extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -8851319647736024265L;
    public static class InvalidItemCreationPolicyUsage extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -8851319647736024265L;
    public static class InvalidItemCreationPolicy extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -8851319647736091965L;
    public static class InvalidItemDestructionPolicyUsage extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -8851319646636024265L;
    public static class InvalidItemDestructionPolicy extends CompilerError
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -8851319646636091965L;


Related Classes of flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.AbstractBuilder$InvalidItemCreationPolicyUsage

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