
Source Code of

*  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
*  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
*  distributed with this work for additional information
*  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
*  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
*  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
*  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
*  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
*  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
*  specific language governing permissions and limitations
*  under the License.

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

* <pre>
*  &lt;ldif-file&gt; ::= &quot;version:&quot; &lt;fill&gt; &lt;number&gt; &lt;seps&gt; &lt;dn-spec&gt; &lt;sep&gt;
*  &lt;ldif-content-change&gt;
*  &lt;ldif-content-change&gt; ::=
*    &lt;number&gt; &lt;oid&gt; &lt;options-e&gt; &lt;value-spec&gt; &lt;sep&gt;
*    &lt;attrval-specs-e&gt; &lt;ldif-attrval-record-e&gt; |
*    &lt;alpha&gt; &lt;chars-e&gt; &lt;options-e&gt; &lt;value-spec&gt; &lt;sep&gt;
*    &lt;attrval-specs-e&gt; &lt;ldif-attrval-record-e&gt; |
*    &quot;control:&quot; &lt;fill&gt; &lt;number&gt; &lt;oid&gt; &lt;spaces-e&gt;
*    &lt;criticality&gt; &lt;value-spec-e&gt; &lt;sep&gt; &lt;controls-e&gt;
*        &quot;changetype:&quot; &lt;fill&gt; &lt;changerecord-type&gt; &lt;ldif-change-record-e&gt; |
*    &quot;changetype:&quot; &lt;fill&gt; &lt;changerecord-type&gt; &lt;ldif-change-record-e&gt;
*  &lt;ldif-attrval-record-e&gt; ::= &lt;seps&gt; &lt;dn-spec&gt; &lt;sep&gt; &lt;attributeType&gt;
*    &lt;options-e&gt; &lt;value-spec&gt; &lt;sep&gt; &lt;attrval-specs-e&gt;
*    &lt;ldif-attrval-record-e&gt; | e
*  &lt;ldif-change-record-e&gt; ::= &lt;seps&gt; &lt;dn-spec&gt; &lt;sep&gt; &lt;controls-e&gt;
*    &quot;changetype:&quot; &lt;fill&gt; &lt;changerecord-type&gt; &lt;ldif-change-record-e&gt; | e
*  &lt;dn-spec&gt; ::= &quot;dn:&quot; &lt;fill&gt; &lt;safe-string&gt; | &quot;dn::&quot; &lt;fill&gt; &lt;base64-string&gt;
*  &lt;controls-e&gt; ::= &quot;control:&quot; &lt;fill&gt; &lt;number&gt; &lt;oid&gt; &lt;spaces-e&gt; &lt;criticality&gt;
*    &lt;value-spec-e&gt; &lt;sep&gt; &lt;controls-e&gt; | e
*  &lt;criticality&gt; ::= &quot;true&quot; | &quot;false&quot; | e
*  &lt;oid&gt; ::= '.' &lt;number&gt; &lt;oid&gt; | e
*  &lt;attrval-specs-e&gt; ::= &lt;number&gt; &lt;oid&gt; &lt;options-e&gt; &lt;value-spec&gt;
*  &lt;sep&gt; &lt;attrval-specs-e&gt; |
*    &lt;alpha&gt; &lt;chars-e&gt; &lt;options-e&gt; &lt;value-spec&gt; &lt;sep&gt; &lt;attrval-specs-e&gt; | e
*  &lt;value-spec-e&gt; ::= &lt;value-spec&gt; | e
*  &lt;value-spec&gt; ::= ':' &lt;fill&gt; &lt;safe-string-e&gt; |
*    &quot;::&quot; &lt;fill&gt; &lt;base64-chars&gt; |
*    &quot;:&lt;&quot; &lt;fill&gt; &lt;url&gt;
*  &lt;attributeType&gt; ::= &lt;number&gt; &lt;oid&gt; | &lt;alpha&gt; &lt;chars-e&gt;
*  &lt;options-e&gt; ::= ';' &lt;char&gt; &lt;chars-e&gt; &lt;options-e&gt; |e
*  &lt;chars-e&gt; ::= &lt;char&gt; &lt;chars-e&gt; |  e
*  &lt;changerecord-type&gt; ::= &quot;add&quot; &lt;sep&gt; &lt;attributeType&gt;
*  &lt;options-e&gt; &lt;value-spec&gt; &lt;sep&gt; &lt;attrval-specs-e&gt; |
*    &quot;delete&quot; &lt;sep&gt; |
*    &quot;modify&quot; &lt;sep&gt; &lt;mod-type&gt; &lt;fill&gt; &lt;attributeType&gt;
*    &lt;options-e&gt; &lt;sep&gt; &lt;attrval-specs-e&gt; &lt;sep&gt; '-' &lt;sep&gt; &lt;mod-specs-e&gt; |
*    &quot;moddn&quot; &lt;sep&gt; &lt;newrdn&gt; &lt;sep&gt; &quot;deleteoldrdn:&quot;
*    &lt;fill&gt; &lt;0-1&gt; &lt;sep&gt; &lt;newsuperior-e&gt; &lt;sep&gt; |
*    &quot;modrdn&quot; &lt;sep&gt; &lt;newrdn&gt; &lt;sep&gt; &quot;deleteoldrdn:&quot;
*    &lt;fill&gt; &lt;0-1&gt; &lt;sep&gt; &lt;newsuperior-e&gt; &lt;sep&gt;
*  &lt;newrdn&gt; ::= ':' &lt;fill&gt; &lt;safe-string&gt; | &quot;::&quot; &lt;fill&gt; &lt;base64-chars&gt;
*  &lt;newsuperior-e&gt; ::= &quot;newsuperior&quot; &lt;newrdn&gt; | e
*  &lt;mod-specs-e&gt; ::= &lt;mod-type&gt; &lt;fill&gt; &lt;attributeType&gt; &lt;options-e&gt;
*    &lt;sep&gt; &lt;attrval-specs-e&gt; &lt;sep&gt; '-' &lt;sep&gt; &lt;mod-specs-e&gt; | e
*  &lt;mod-type&gt; ::= &quot;add:&quot; | &quot;delete:&quot; | &quot;replace:&quot;
*  &lt;url&gt; ::= &lt;a Uniform Resource Locator, as defined in [6]&gt;
*  -------
*  &lt;fill&gt;           ::= ' ' &lt;fill&gt; | e
*  &lt;char&gt;           ::= &lt;alpha&gt; | &lt;digit&gt; | '-'
*  &lt;number&gt;         ::= &lt;digit&gt; &lt;digits&gt;
*  &lt;0-1&gt;            ::= '0' | '1'
*  &lt;digits&gt;         ::= &lt;digit&gt; &lt;digits&gt; | e
*  &lt;digit&gt;          ::= '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'
*  &lt;seps&gt;           ::= &lt;sep&gt; &lt;seps-e&gt;
*  &lt;seps-e&gt;         ::= &lt;sep&gt; &lt;seps-e&gt; | e
*  &lt;sep&gt;            ::= 0x0D 0x0A | 0x0A
*  &lt;spaces&gt;         ::= ' ' &lt;spaces-e&gt;
*  &lt;spaces-e&gt;       ::= ' ' &lt;spaces-e&gt; | e
*  &lt;safe-string-e&gt;  ::= &lt;safe-string&gt; | e
*  &lt;safe-string&gt;    ::= &lt;safe-init-char&gt; &lt;safe-chars&gt;
*  &lt;safe-init-char&gt; ::= [0x01-0x09] | 0x0B | 0x0C | [0x0E-0x1F] | [0x21-0x39] | 0x3B | [0x3D-0x7F]
*  &lt;safe-chars&gt;     ::= &lt;safe-char&gt; &lt;safe-chars&gt; | e
*  &lt;safe-char&gt;      ::= [0x01-0x09] | 0x0B | 0x0C | [0x0E-0x7F]
*  &lt;base64-string&gt;  ::= &lt;base64-char&gt; &lt;base64-chars&gt;
*  &lt;base64-chars&gt;   ::= &lt;base64-char&gt; &lt;base64-chars&gt; | e
*  &lt;base64-char&gt;    ::= 0x2B | 0x2F | [0x30-0x39] | 0x3D | [0x41-9x5A] | [0x61-0x7A]
*  &lt;alpha&gt;          ::= [0x41-0x5A] | [0x61-0x7A]
*  --------
*  - The ldap-oid VN is not correct in the RFC-2849. It has been changed from 1*DIGIT 0*1(&quot;.&quot; 1*DIGIT) to
*  DIGIT+ (&quot;.&quot; DIGIT+)*
*  - The mod-spec lacks a sep between *attrval-spec and &quot;-&quot;.
*  - The ValueSpec rule must accept multilines values. In this case, we have a LF followed by a
*  single space before the continued value.
* </pre>
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public class LdifReader implements Iterable<LdifEntry>, Closeable
    /** A logger */
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( LdifReader.class );

    /** A list of read lines */
    protected List<String> lines;

    /** The current position */
    protected int position;

    /** The ldif file version default value */
    protected static final int DEFAULT_VERSION = 1;

    /** The ldif version */
    protected int version;

    /** Type of element read : ENTRY */
    protected static final int LDIF_ENTRY = 0;

    /** Type of element read : CHANGE */
    protected static final int CHANGE = 1;

    /** Type of element read : UNKNOWN */
    protected static final int UNKNOWN = 2;

    /** Size limit for file contained values */
    protected long sizeLimit = SIZE_LIMIT_DEFAULT;

    /** The default size limit : 1Mo */
    protected static final long SIZE_LIMIT_DEFAULT = 1024000;

    /** State values for the modify operation : MOD_SPEC */
    protected static final int MOD_SPEC = 0;

    /** State values for the modify operation : ATTRVAL_SPEC */
    protected static final int ATTRVAL_SPEC = 1;

    /** State values for the modify operation : ATTRVAL_SPEC_OR_SEP */
    protected static final int ATTRVAL_SPEC_OR_SEP = 2;

    /** Iterator prefetched entry */
    protected LdifEntry prefetched;

    /** The ldif Reader */
    protected Reader reader;

    /** A flag set if the ldif contains entries */
    protected boolean containsEntries;

    /** A flag set if the ldif contains changes */
    protected boolean containsChanges;

     * An Exception to handle error message, has can't throw
     * exceptions
    protected Exception error;

     * Constructors
    public LdifReader()
        lines = new ArrayList<String>();
        position = 0;
        version = DEFAULT_VERSION;

    private void initReader( BufferedReader reader ) throws LdapException
        this.reader = reader;

    protected void init() throws LdapException
        lines = new ArrayList<String>();
        position = 0;
        version = DEFAULT_VERSION;
        containsChanges = false;
        containsEntries = false;

        // First get the version - if any -
        version = parseVersion();
        prefetched = parseEntry();

     * A constructor which takes a file name
     * @param ldifFileName A file name containing ldif formated input
     * @throws LdapLdifException If the file cannot be processed or if the format is incorrect
    public LdifReader( String ldifFileName ) throws LdapLdifException
        File file = new File( ldifFileName );

        if ( !file.exists() )
            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12010_CANNOT_FIND_FILE, file.getAbsoluteFile() );
            LOG.error( msg );
            throw new LdapLdifException( msg );

        if ( !file.canRead() )
            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12011_CANNOT_READ_FILE, file.getName() );
            LOG.error( msg );
            throw new LdapLdifException( msg );

            initReader( new BufferedReader( new FileReader( file ) ) );
        catch ( FileNotFoundException fnfe )
            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12010_CANNOT_FIND_FILE, file.getAbsoluteFile() );
            LOG.error( msg );
            throw new LdapLdifException( msg, fnfe );
        catch ( LdapInvalidDnException lide )
            throw new LdapLdifException( lide.getMessage(), lide );
        catch ( LdapException le )
            throw new LdapLdifException( le.getMessage(), le );

     * A constructor which takes a Reader
     * @param in A Reader containing ldif formated input
     * @throws LdapException If the file cannot be processed or if the format is incorrect
    public LdifReader( Reader in ) throws LdapException
        initReader( new BufferedReader( in ) );

     * A constructor which takes an InputStream
     * @param in An InputStream containing ldif formated input
     * @throws LdapException If the file cannot be processed or if the format is incorrect
    public LdifReader( InputStream in ) throws LdapException
        initReader( new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( in ) ) );

     * A constructor which takes a File
     * @param file A File containing ldif formated input
     * @throws LdapLdifException If the file cannot be processed or if the format is incorrect
    public LdifReader( File file ) throws LdapLdifException
        if ( !file.exists() )
            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12010_CANNOT_FIND_FILE, file.getAbsoluteFile() );
            LOG.error( msg );
            throw new LdapLdifException( msg );

        if ( !file.canRead() )
            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12011_CANNOT_READ_FILE, file.getName() );
            LOG.error( msg );
            throw new LdapLdifException( msg );

            initReader( new BufferedReader( new FileReader( file ) ) );
        catch ( FileNotFoundException fnfe )
            String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12010_CANNOT_FIND_FILE, file.getAbsoluteFile() );
            LOG.error( msg );
            throw new LdapLdifException( msg, fnfe );
        catch ( LdapInvalidDnException lide )
            throw new LdapLdifException( lide.getMessage(), lide );
        catch ( LdapException le )
            throw new LdapLdifException( le.getMessage(), le );

     * @return The ldif file version
    public int getVersion()
        return version;

     * @return The maximum size of a file which is used into an attribute value.
    public long getSizeLimit()
        return sizeLimit;

     * Set the maximum file size that can be accepted for an attribute value
     * @param sizeLimit The size in bytes
    public void setSizeLimit( long sizeLimit )
        this.sizeLimit = sizeLimit;

    // <fill> ::= ' ' <fill> | e
    private void parseFill( char[] document )
        while ( Chars.isCharASCII( document, position, ' ' ) )

     * Parse a number following the rules :
     * &lt;number&gt; ::= &lt;digit&gt; &lt;digits&gt; &lt;digits&gt; ::= &lt;digit&gt; &lt;digits&gt; | e &lt;digit&gt;
     * ::= '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'
     * Check that the number is in the interval
     * @param document The document containing the number to parse
     * @return a String representing the parsed number
    private String parseNumber( char[] document )
        int initPos = position;

        while ( true )
            if ( Chars.isDigit( document, position ) )

        if ( position == initPos )
            return null;
            return new String( document, initPos, position - initPos );

     * Parse the changeType
     * @param line The line which contains the changeType
     * @return The operation.
    private ChangeType parseChangeType( String line )
        ChangeType operation = ChangeType.Add;

        String modOp = Strings.trim( line.substring( "changetype:".length() + 1 ) );

        if ( "add".equalsIgnoreCase( modOp ) )
            operation = ChangeType.Add;
        else if ( "delete".equalsIgnoreCase( modOp ) )
            operation = ChangeType.Delete;
        else if ( "modify".equalsIgnoreCase( modOp ) )
            operation = ChangeType.Modify;
        else if ( "moddn".equalsIgnoreCase( modOp ) )
            operation = ChangeType.ModDn;
        else if ( "modrdn".equalsIgnoreCase( modOp ) )
            operation = ChangeType.ModRdn;

        return operation;

     * Parse the Dn of an entry
     * @param line The line to parse
     * @return A Dn
     * @throws LdapLdifException If the Dn is invalid
    private String parseDn( String line ) throws LdapLdifException
        String dn;

        String lowerLine = Strings.toLowerCase( line );

        if ( lowerLine.startsWith( "dn:" ) || lowerLine.startsWith( "Dn:" ) )
            // Ok, we have a Dn. Is it base 64 encoded ?
            int length = line.length();

            if ( length == 3 )
                // The Dn is empty : error
                LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12012_EMPTY_DN_NOT_ALLOWED ) );
                throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12013_NO_DN ) );
            else if ( line.charAt( 3 ) == ':' )
                if ( length > 4 )
                    // This is a base 64 encoded Dn.
                    String trimmedLine = line.substring( 4 ).trim();

                        dn = new String( Base64.decode( trimmedLine.toCharArray() ), "UTF-8" );
                    catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException uee )
                        // The Dn is not base 64 encoded
                        LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12014_BASE64_DN_EXPECTED ) );
                        throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12015_INVALID_BASE64_DN ), uee );
                    // The Dn is empty : error
                    LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12012_EMPTY_DN_NOT_ALLOWED ) );
                    throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12013_NO_DN ) );
                dn = line.substring( 3 ).trim();
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12016_DN_EXPECTED ) );
            throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12013_NO_DN ) );

        // Check that the Dn is valid. If not, an exception will be thrown
        if ( !Dn.isValid( dn ) )
            String message = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12017_INVALID_DN, dn );
            LOG.error( message );
            throw new LdapLdifException( message );

        return dn;

     * Parse the value part.
     * @param line The line which contains the value
     * @param pos The starting position in the line
     * @return A String or a byte[], depending of the kind of value we get
    protected static Object parseSimpleValue( String line, int pos )
        if ( line.length() > pos + 1 )
            char c = line.charAt( pos + 1 );

            if ( c == ':' )
                String value = Strings.trim( line.substring( pos + 2 ) );

                return Base64.decode( value.toCharArray() );
                return Strings.trim( line.substring( pos + 1 ) );
            return null;

     * Parse the value part.
     * @param line The line which contains the value
     * @param pos The starting position in the line
     * @return A String or a byte[], depending of the kind of value we get
     * @throws LdapLdifException If something went wrong
    protected Object parseValue( String line, int pos ) throws LdapLdifException
        if ( line.length() > pos + 1 )
            char c = line.charAt( pos + 1 );

            if ( c == ':' )
                String value = Strings.trim( line.substring( pos + 2 ) );

                return Base64.decode( value.toCharArray() );
            else if ( c == '<' )
                String urlName = Strings.trim( line.substring( pos + 2 ) );

                    URL url = new URL( urlName );

                    if ( "file".equals( url.getProtocol() ) )
                        String fileName = url.getFile();

                        File file = new File( fileName );

                        if ( !file.exists() )
                            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12018_FILE_NOT_FOUND, fileName ) );
                            throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12019_BAD_URL_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) );
                            long length = file.length();

                            if ( length > sizeLimit )
                                String message = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12020_FILE_TOO_BIG, fileName );
                                LOG.error( message );
                                throw new LdapLdifException( message );
                                byte[] data = new byte[( int ) length];
                                DataInputStream inf = null;

                                    inf = new DataInputStream( new FileInputStream( file ) );
                                    inf.readFully( data );

                                    return data;
                                catch ( FileNotFoundException fnfe )
                                    // We can't reach this point, the file
                                    // existence has already been
                                    // checked
                                    LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12018_FILE_NOT_FOUND, fileName ) );
                                    throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12019_BAD_URL_FILE_NOT_FOUND ),
                                        fnfe );
                                catch ( IOException ioe )
                                    LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12022_ERROR_READING_FILE, fileName ) );
                                    throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12023_ERROR_READING_BAD_URL ), ioe );
                                        if ( inf != null )
                                    catch ( IOException ioe )
                                        LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12024_CANNOT_CLOSE_FILE, ioe.getMessage() ), ioe );
                                        // Just do nothing ...
                        LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12025_BAD_PROTOCOL ) );
                        throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12026_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL ) );
                catch ( MalformedURLException mue )
                    String message = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12027_BAD_URL, urlName );
                    LOG.error( message );
                    throw new LdapLdifException( message, mue );
                String value = Strings.trimLeft( line.substring( pos + 1 ) );
                int end = value.length();

                for ( int i = value.length() - 1; i > 0; i-- )
                    char cc = value.charAt( i );

                    if ( cc == ' ' )
                        if ( value.charAt( i - 1 ) == '\\' )
                            // Escaped space : do nothing
                            end = i;

                String result = null;

                result = value.substring( 0, end );

                return result;
            return null;

     * Parse a control. The grammar is :
     * <pre>
     * &lt;control&gt; ::= "control:" &lt;fill&gt; &lt;ldap-oid&gt; &lt;critical-e&gt; &lt;value-spec-e&gt; &lt;sep&gt;
     * &lt;critical-e&gt; ::= &lt;spaces&gt; &lt;boolean&gt; | e
     * &lt;boolean&gt; ::= "true" | "false"
     * &lt;value-spec-e&gt; ::= &lt;value-spec&gt; | e
     * &lt;value-spec&gt; ::= ":" &lt;fill&gt; &lt;SAFE-STRING-e&gt; | "::" &lt;fill&gt; &lt;BASE64-STRING&gt; | ":<" &lt;fill&gt; &lt;url&gt;
     * </pre>
     * It can be read as :
     * <pre>
     * "control:" &lt;fill&gt; &lt;ldap-oid&gt; [ " "+ ( "true" |
     * "false") ] [ ":" &lt;fill&gt; &lt;SAFE-STRING-e&gt; | "::" &lt;fill&gt; &lt;BASE64-STRING&gt; | ":<"
     * &lt;fill&gt; &lt;url&gt; ]
     * </pre>
     * @param line The line containing the control
     * @return A control
     * @exception LdapLdifException If the control has no OID or if the OID is incorrect,
     * of if the criticality is not set when it's mandatory.
    private Control parseControl( String line ) throws LdapLdifException
        String lowerLine = Strings.toLowerCase( line ).trim();
        char[] controlValue = line.trim().toCharArray();
        int pos = 0;
        int length = controlValue.length;

        // Get the <ldap-oid>
        if ( pos > length )
            // No OID : error !
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12029_CONTROL_WITHOUT_OID ) );
            throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12029_CONTROL_WITHOUT_OID ) );

        int initPos = pos;

        while ( Chars.isCharASCII( controlValue, pos, '.' ) || Chars.isDigit( controlValue, pos ) )

        if ( pos == initPos )
            // Not a valid OID !
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12029_CONTROL_WITHOUT_OID ) );
            throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12029_CONTROL_WITHOUT_OID ) );

        // Create and check the OID
        String oidString = lowerLine.substring( 0, pos );

        if ( !Oid.isOid( oidString ) )
            String message = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12031_INVALID_OID, oidString );
            LOG.error( message );
            throw new LdapLdifException( message );

        LdifControl control = new LdifControl( oidString );

        // Get the criticality, if any
        // Skip the <fill>
        while ( Chars.isCharASCII( controlValue, pos, ' ' ) )

        // Check if we have a "true" or a "false"
        int criticalPos = lowerLine.indexOf( ':' );

        int criticalLength;

        if ( criticalPos == -1 )
            criticalLength = length - pos;
            criticalLength = criticalPos - pos;

        if ( ( criticalLength == 4 ) && ( "true".equalsIgnoreCase( lowerLine.substring( pos, pos + 4 ) ) ) )
            control.setCritical( true );
        else if ( ( criticalLength == 5 ) && ( "false".equalsIgnoreCase( lowerLine.substring( pos, pos + 5 ) ) ) )
            control.setCritical( false );
        else if ( criticalLength != 0 )
            // If we have a criticality, it should be either "true" or "false",
            // nothing else
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12033_INVALID_CRITICALITY ) );
            throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12033_INVALID_CRITICALITY ) );

        if ( criticalPos > 0 )
            // We have a value. It can be a normal value, a base64 encoded value
            // or a file contained value
            if ( Chars.isCharASCII( controlValue, criticalPos + 1, ':' ) )
                // Base 64 encoded value

                // Skip the <fill>
                pos = criticalPos + 2;

                while ( Chars.isCharASCII( controlValue, pos, ' ' ) )

                byte[] value = Base64.decode( line.substring( pos ).toCharArray() );
                control.setValue( value );
            else if ( Chars.isCharASCII( controlValue, criticalPos + 1, '<' ) )
                // File contained value
                throw new NotImplementedException( "See DIRSERVER-1547" );
                // Skip the <fill>
                pos = criticalPos + 1;

                while ( Chars.isCharASCII( controlValue, pos, ' ' ) )

                // Standard value
                byte[] value = new byte[length - pos];

                for ( int i = 0; i < length - pos; i++ )
                    value[i] = ( byte ) controlValue[i + pos];

                control.setValue( value );

        return control;

     * Parse an AttributeType/AttributeValue
     * @param line The line to parse
     * @return the parsed Attribute
    public static Attribute parseAttributeValue( String line )
        int colonIndex = line.indexOf( ':' );

        if ( colonIndex != -1 )
            String attributeType = Strings.toLowerCase( line ).substring( 0, colonIndex );
            Object attributeValue = parseSimpleValue( line, colonIndex );

            // Create an attribute
            if ( attributeValue instanceof String )
                return new DefaultAttribute( attributeType, ( String ) attributeValue );
                return new DefaultAttribute( attributeType, ( byte[] ) attributeValue );
            return null;

     * Parse an AttributeType/AttributeValue
     * @param entry The entry where to store the value
     * @param line The line to parse
     * @param lowerLine The same line, lowercased
     * @throws LdapException If anything goes wrong
    public void parseAttributeValue( LdifEntry entry, String line, String lowerLine ) throws LdapException
        int colonIndex = line.indexOf( ':' );

        String attributeType = lowerLine.substring( 0, colonIndex );

        // We should *not* have a Dn twice
        if ( attributeType.equals( "dn" ) )
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12002_ENTRY_WITH_TWO_DNS ) );
            throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12003_LDIF_ENTRY_WITH_TWO_DNS ) );

        Object attributeValue = parseValue( line, colonIndex );

        // Update the entry
        entry.addAttribute( attributeType, attributeValue );

     * Parse a ModRDN operation
     * @param entry The entry to update
     * @param iter The lines iterator
     * @throws LdapLdifException If anything goes wrong
    private void parseModRdn( LdifEntry entry, Iterator<String> iter ) throws LdapLdifException
        // We must have two lines : one starting with "newrdn:" or "newrdn::",
        // and the second starting with "deleteoldrdn:"
        if ( iter.hasNext() )
            String line =;
            String lowerLine = Strings.toLowerCase( line );

            if ( lowerLine.startsWith( "newrdn::" ) || lowerLine.startsWith( "newrdn:" ) )
                int colonIndex = line.indexOf( ':' );
                Object attributeValue = parseValue( line, colonIndex );

                if ( attributeValue instanceof String )
                    entry.setNewRdn( ( String ) attributeValue );
                    entry.setNewRdn( Strings.utf8ToString( ( byte[] ) attributeValue ) );
                LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12035_BAD_MODRDN_OPERATION ) );
                throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12035_BAD_MODRDN_OPERATION ) );
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12035_BAD_MODRDN_OPERATION ) );
            throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12035_BAD_MODRDN_OPERATION ) );

        if ( iter.hasNext() )
            String line =;
            String lowerLine = Strings.toLowerCase( line );

            if ( lowerLine.startsWith( "deleteoldrdn:" ) )
                int colonIndex = line.indexOf( ':' );
                Object attributeValue = parseValue( line, colonIndex );
                entry.setDeleteOldRdn( "1".equals( attributeValue ) );
                LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12038_NO_DELETEOLDRDN ) );
                throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12038_NO_DELETEOLDRDN ) );
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12038_NO_DELETEOLDRDN ) );
            throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12038_NO_DELETEOLDRDN ) );

     * Parse a modify change type.
     * The grammar is :
     * <pre>
     * &lt;changerecord&gt; ::= "changetype:" FILL "modify" SEP &lt;mod-spec&gt; &lt;mod-specs-e&gt;
     * &lt;mod-spec&gt; ::= "add:" &lt;mod-val&gt; | "delete:" &lt;mod-val-del&gt; | "replace:" &lt;mod-val&gt;
     * &lt;mod-specs-e&gt; ::= &lt;mod-spec&gt;
     * &lt;mod-specs-e&gt; | e
     * &lt;mod-val&gt; ::= FILL ATTRIBUTE-DESCRIPTION SEP ATTRVAL-SPEC &lt;attrval-specs-e&gt; "-" SEP
     * &lt;mod-val-del&gt; ::= FILL ATTRIBUTE-DESCRIPTION SEP &lt;attrval-specs-e&gt; "-" SEP
     * &lt;attrval-specs-e&gt; ::= ATTRVAL-SPEC &lt;attrval-specs&gt; | e
     * </pre>
     * @param entry The entry to feed
     * @param iter The lines
     * @exception LdapLdifException If the modify operation is invalid
    private void parseModify( LdifEntry entry, Iterator<String> iter ) throws LdapLdifException
        int state = MOD_SPEC;
        String modified = null;
        ModificationOperation modificationType = ModificationOperation.ADD_ATTRIBUTE;
        Attribute attribute = null;

        // The following flag is used to deal with empty modifications
        boolean isEmptyValue = true;

        while ( iter.hasNext() )
            String line =;
            String lowerLine = Strings.toLowerCase( line );

            if ( lowerLine.startsWith( "-" ) )
                if ( ( state != ATTRVAL_SPEC_OR_SEP ) && ( state != ATTRVAL_SPEC ) )
                    LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12040_BAD_MODIFY_SEPARATOR ) );
                    throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12040_BAD_MODIFY_SEPARATOR ) );
                    if ( isEmptyValue )
                        // Update the entry
                        entry.addModification( modificationType, modified, null );
                        // Update the entry with the attribute
                        entry.addModification( modificationType, attribute );

                    state = MOD_SPEC;
                    isEmptyValue = true;
            else if ( lowerLine.startsWith( "add:" ) )
                if ( ( state != MOD_SPEC ) && ( state != ATTRVAL_SPEC ) )
                    LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12042_BAD_MODIFY_SEPARATOR_2 ) );
                    throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12042_BAD_MODIFY_SEPARATOR_2 ) );

                modified = Strings.trim( line.substring( "add:".length() ) );
                modificationType = ModificationOperation.ADD_ATTRIBUTE;
                attribute = new DefaultAttribute( modified );

                state = ATTRVAL_SPEC;
            else if ( lowerLine.startsWith( "delete:" ) )
                if ( ( state != MOD_SPEC ) && ( state != ATTRVAL_SPEC ) )
                    LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12042_BAD_MODIFY_SEPARATOR_2 ) );
                    throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12042_BAD_MODIFY_SEPARATOR_2 ) );

                modified = Strings.trim( line.substring( "delete:".length() ) );
                modificationType = ModificationOperation.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE;
                attribute = new DefaultAttribute( modified );

                state = ATTRVAL_SPEC_OR_SEP;
            else if ( lowerLine.startsWith( "replace:" ) )
                if ( ( state != MOD_SPEC ) && ( state != ATTRVAL_SPEC ) )
                    LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12042_BAD_MODIFY_SEPARATOR_2 ) );
                    throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12042_BAD_MODIFY_SEPARATOR_2 ) );

                modified = Strings.trim( line.substring( "replace:".length() ) );
                modificationType = ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE;
                attribute = new DefaultAttribute( modified );

                state = ATTRVAL_SPEC_OR_SEP;
                if ( ( state != ATTRVAL_SPEC ) && ( state != ATTRVAL_SPEC_OR_SEP ) )
                    LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12040_BAD_MODIFY_SEPARATOR ) );
                    throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12040_BAD_MODIFY_SEPARATOR ) );

                // A standard AttributeType/AttributeValue pair
                int colonIndex = line.indexOf( ':' );

                String attributeType = line.substring( 0, colonIndex );

                if ( !attributeType.equalsIgnoreCase( modified ) )
                    LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12044 ) );
                    throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12045 ) );

                // We should *not* have a Dn twice
                if ( attributeType.equalsIgnoreCase( "dn" ) )
                    LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12002_ENTRY_WITH_TWO_DNS ) );
                    throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12003_LDIF_ENTRY_WITH_TWO_DNS ) );

                Object attributeValue = parseValue( line, colonIndex );

                    if ( attributeValue instanceof String )
                        attribute.add( ( String ) attributeValue );
                        attribute.add( ( byte[] ) attributeValue );
                catch ( LdapInvalidAttributeValueException liave )
                    throw new LdapLdifException( liave.getMessage(), liave );

                isEmptyValue = false;

                state = ATTRVAL_SPEC_OR_SEP;

        if ( state != MOD_SPEC )
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12042_BAD_MODIFY_SEPARATOR_2 ) );
            throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12042_BAD_MODIFY_SEPARATOR_2 ) );

     * Parse a change operation. We have to handle different cases depending on
     * the operation.
     * <ul>
     * <li>1) Delete : there should *not* be any line after the "changetype: delete" </li>
     * <li>2) Add : we must have a list of AttributeType : AttributeValue elements </li>
     * <li>3) ModDN : we must have two following lines: a "newrdn:" and a "deleteoldrdn:" </li>
     * <li>4) ModRDN : the very same, but a "newsuperior:" line is expected </li>
     * <li>5) Modify</li>
     * </ul>
     * The grammar is :
     * <pre>
     * &lt;changerecord&gt; ::= "changetype:" FILL "add" SEP &lt;attrval-spec&gt; &lt;attrval-specs-e&gt; |
     *     "changetype:" FILL "delete" |
     *     "changetype:" FILL "modrdn" SEP &lt;newrdn&gt; SEP &lt;deleteoldrdn&gt; SEP |
     *     // To be checked
     *     "changetype:" FILL "moddn" SEP &lt;newrdn&gt; SEP &lt;deleteoldrdn&gt; SEP &lt;newsuperior&gt; SEP |
     *     "changetype:" FILL "modify" SEP &lt;mod-spec&gt; &lt;mod-specs-e&gt;
     * &lt;newrdn&gt; ::= "newrdn:" FILL Rdn | "newrdn::" FILL BASE64-Rdn
     * &lt;deleteoldrdn&gt; ::= "deleteoldrdn:" FILL "0" | "deleteoldrdn:" FILL "1"
     * &lt;newsuperior&gt; ::= "newsuperior:" FILL Dn | "newsuperior::" FILL BASE64-Dn
     * &lt;mod-specs-e&gt; ::= &lt;mod-spec&gt; &lt;mod-specs-e&gt; | e
     * &lt;mod-spec&gt; ::= "add:" &lt;mod-val&gt; | "delete:" &lt;mod-val&gt; | "replace:" &lt;mod-val&gt;
     * &lt;mod-val&gt; ::= FILL ATTRIBUTE-DESCRIPTION SEP ATTRVAL-SPEC &lt;attrval-specs-e&gt; "-" SEP
     * &lt;attrval-specs-e&gt; ::= ATTRVAL-SPEC &lt;attrval-specs&gt; | e
     * </pre>
     * @param entry The entry to feed
     * @param iter The lines iterator
     * @param operation The change operation (add, modify, delete, moddn or modrdn)
     * @exception LdapException If the change operation is invalid
    private void parseChange( LdifEntry entry, Iterator<String> iter, ChangeType operation ) throws LdapException
        // The changetype and operation has already been parsed.
        entry.setChangeType( operation );

        switch ( operation )
            case Delete:
                // The change type will tell that it's a delete operation,
                // the dn is used as a key.

            case Add:
                // We will iterate through all attribute/value pairs
                while ( iter.hasNext() )
                    String line =;
                    String lowerLine = Strings.toLowerCase( line );
                    parseAttributeValue( entry, line, lowerLine );


            case Modify:
                parseModify( entry, iter );

            case ModDn:// They are supposed to have the same syntax ???
            case ModRdn:
                // First, parse the modrdn part
                parseModRdn( entry, iter );

                // The next line should be the new superior, if we have one
                if ( iter.hasNext() )
                    String line =;
                    String lowerLine = Strings.toLowerCase( line );

                    if ( lowerLine.startsWith( "newsuperior:" ) )
                        int colonIndex = line.indexOf( ':' );
                        Object attributeValue = parseValue( line, colonIndex );

                        if ( attributeValue instanceof String )
                            entry.setNewSuperior( ( String ) attributeValue );
                            entry.setNewSuperior( Strings.utf8ToString( ( byte[] ) attributeValue ) );
                        if ( operation == ChangeType.ModDn )
                            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12046 ) );
                            throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12047 ) );


                // This is an error
                LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12048 ) );
                throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12049 ) );

     * Parse a ldif file. The following rules are processed :
     * <pre>
     * &lt;ldif-file&gt; ::= &lt;ldif-attrval-record&gt; &lt;ldif-attrval-records&gt; |
     *     &lt;ldif-change-record&gt; &lt;ldif-change-records&gt;
     * &lt;ldif-attrval-record&gt; ::= &lt;dn-spec&gt; &lt;sep&gt; &lt;attrval-spec&gt; &lt;attrval-specs&gt;
     * &lt;ldif-change-record&gt; ::= &lt;dn-spec&gt; &lt;sep&gt; &lt;controls-e&gt; &lt;changerecord&gt;
     * &lt;dn-spec&gt; ::= "dn:" &lt;fill&gt; &lt;distinguishedName&gt; | "dn::" &lt;fill&gt; &lt;base64-distinguishedName&gt;
     * &lt;changerecord&gt; ::= "changetype:" &lt;fill&gt; &lt;change-op&gt;
     * </pre>
     * @return the parsed ldifEntry
     * @exception LdapException If the ldif file does not contain a valid entry
    private LdifEntry parseEntry() throws LdapException
        if ( ( lines == null ) || ( lines.size() == 0 ) )
            LOG.debug( "The entry is empty : end of ldif file" );
            return null;

        // The entry must start with a dn: or a dn::
        String line = lines.get( 0 );

        String name = parseDn( line );

        Dn dn = new Dn( name );

        // Ok, we have found a Dn
        LdifEntry entry = new LdifEntry();
        entry.setDn( dn );

        // We remove this dn from the lines
        lines.remove( 0 );

        // Now, let's iterate through the other lines
        Iterator<String> iter = lines.iterator();

        // This flag is used to distinguish between an entry and a change
        int type = UNKNOWN;

        // The following boolean is used to check that a control is *not*
        // found elswhere than just after the dn
        boolean controlSeen = false;

        // We use this boolean to check that we do not have AttributeValues
        // after a change operation
        boolean changeTypeSeen = false;

        ChangeType operation = ChangeType.Add;
        String lowerLine;
        Control control;

        while ( iter.hasNext() )
            // Each line could start either with an OID, an attribute type, with
            // "control:" or with "changetype:"
            line =;
            lowerLine = Strings.toLowerCase( line );

            // We have three cases :
            // 1) The first line after the Dn is a "control:"
            // 2) The first line after the Dn is a "changeType:"
            // 3) The first line after the Dn is anything else
            if ( lowerLine.startsWith( "control:" ) )
                if ( containsEntries )
                    LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12004_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED ) );
                    throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12005_NO_CHANGE ) );

                containsChanges = true;

                if ( controlSeen )
                    LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12050 ) );
                    throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12051 ) );

                // Parse the control
                control = parseControl( line.substring( "control:".length() ) );
                entry.addControl( control );
            else if ( lowerLine.startsWith( "changetype:" ) )
                if ( containsEntries )
                    LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12004_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED ) );
                    throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12005_NO_CHANGE ) );

                containsChanges = true;

                if ( changeTypeSeen )
                    LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12052 ) );
                    throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12053 ) );

                // A change request
                type = CHANGE;
                controlSeen = true;

                operation = parseChangeType( line );

                // Parse the change operation in a separate function
                parseChange( entry, iter, operation );
                changeTypeSeen = true;
            else if ( line.indexOf( ':' ) > 0 )
                if ( containsChanges )
                    LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12004_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED ) );
                    throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12005_NO_CHANGE ) );

                containsEntries = true;

                if ( controlSeen || changeTypeSeen )
                    LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12054 ) );
                    throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12055 ) );

                parseAttributeValue( entry, line, lowerLine );
                type = LDIF_ENTRY;
                // Invalid attribute Value
                LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12056 ) );
                throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12057_BAD_ATTRIBUTE ) );

        if ( type == LDIF_ENTRY )
            LOG.debug( "Read an entry : {}", entry );
        else if ( type == CHANGE )
            entry.setChangeType( operation );
            LOG.debug( "Read a modification : {}", entry );
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12058_UNKNOWN_ENTRY_TYPE ) );
            throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12059_UNKNOWN_ENTRY ) );

        return entry;

     * Parse the version from the ldif input.
     * @return A number representing the version (default to 1)
     * @throws LdapLdifException If the version is incorrect or if the input is incorrect
    private int parseVersion() throws LdapLdifException
        int ver = DEFAULT_VERSION;

        // First, read a list of lines

        if ( lines.size() == 0 )
            LOG.warn( "The ldif file is empty" );
            return ver;

        // get the first line
        String line = lines.get( 0 );

        // <ldif-file> ::= "version:" <fill> <number>
        char[] document = line.toCharArray();
        String versionNumber;

        if ( line.startsWith( "version:" ) )
            position += "version:".length();
            parseFill( document );

            // Version number. Must be '1' in this version
            versionNumber = parseNumber( document );

            // We should not have any other chars after the number
            if ( position != document.length )
                LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12060_VERSION_NOT_A_NUMBER ) );
                throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12061_LDIF_PARSING_ERROR ) );

                ver = Integer.parseInt( versionNumber );
            catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
                LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12060_VERSION_NOT_A_NUMBER ) );
                throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12061_LDIF_PARSING_ERROR ), nfe );

            LOG.debug( "Ldif version : {}", versionNumber );

            // We have found the version, just discard the line from the list
            lines.remove( 0 );

            // and read the next lines if the current buffer is empty
            if ( lines.size() == 0 )
   "No version information : assuming version: 1" );

        return ver;

     * gets a line from the underlying data store
     * @return a line of characters or null if EOF reached
     * @throws IOException on read failure
    protected String getLine() throws IOException
        return ( ( BufferedReader ) reader ).readLine();

     * Reads an entry in a ldif buffer, and returns the resulting lines, without
     * comments, and unfolded.
     * The lines represent *one* entry.
     * @throws LdapLdifException If something went wrong
    protected void readLines() throws LdapLdifException
        String line;
        boolean insideComment = true;
        boolean isFirstLine = true;

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

            while ( ( line = getLine() ) != null )
                if ( line.length() == 0 )
                    if ( isFirstLine )
                        // The line is empty, we have read an entry
                        insideComment = false;

                // We will read the first line which is not a comment
                switch ( line.charAt( 0 ) )
                    case '#':
                        insideComment = true;

                    case ' ':
                        isFirstLine = false;

                        if ( insideComment )
                        else if ( sb.length() == 0 )
                            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12062_EMPTY_CONTINUATION_LINE ) );
                            throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12061_LDIF_PARSING_ERROR ) );
                            sb.append( line.substring( 1 ) );

                        insideComment = false;

                        isFirstLine = false;

                        // We have found a new entry
                        // First, stores the previous one if any.
                        if ( sb.length() != 0 )
                            lines.add( sb.toString() );

                        sb = new StringBuffer( line );
                        insideComment = false;
        catch ( IOException ioe )
            throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12063_ERROR_WHILE_READING_LDIF_LINE ), ioe );

        // Stores the current line if necessary.
        if ( sb.length() != 0 )
            lines.add( sb.toString() );

     * Parse a ldif file (using the default encoding).
     * @param fileName The ldif file
     * @return A list of entries
     * @throws LdapLdifException If the parsing fails
    public List<LdifEntry> parseLdifFile( String fileName ) throws LdapLdifException
        return parseLdifFile( fileName, Charset.forName( Strings.getDefaultCharsetName() ).toString() );

     * Parse a ldif file, decoding it using the given charset encoding
     * @param fileName The ldif file
     * @param encoding The charset encoding to use
     * @return A list of entries
     * @throws LdapLdifException If the parsing fails
    public List<LdifEntry> parseLdifFile( String fileName, String encoding ) throws LdapLdifException
        if ( Strings.isEmpty( fileName ) )
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12064_EMPTY_FILE_NAME ) );
            throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12064_EMPTY_FILE_NAME ) );

        File file = new File( fileName );

        if ( !file.exists() )
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12066, fileName ) );
            throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12067, fileName ) );

        BufferedReader reader = null;

        // Open the file and then get a channel from the stream
            reader = new BufferedReader(
                new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream( file ), Charset.forName( encoding ) ) );

            return parseLdif( reader );
        catch ( FileNotFoundException fnfe )
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12068, fileName ) );
            throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12067, fileName ), fnfe );
        catch ( LdapException le )
            throw new LdapLdifException( le.getMessage(), le );
            // close the reader
                if ( reader != null )
            catch ( IOException ioe )
                // Nothing to do

     * A method which parses a ldif string and returns a list of entries.
     * @param ldif The ldif string
     * @return A list of entries, or an empty List
     * @throws LdapLdifException If something went wrong
    public List<LdifEntry> parseLdif( String ldif ) throws LdapLdifException
        LOG.debug( "Starts parsing ldif buffer" );

        if ( Strings.isEmpty( ldif ) )
            return new ArrayList<LdifEntry>();

        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new StringReader( ldif ) );

            List<LdifEntry> entries = parseLdif( reader );

            if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
                LOG.debug( "Parsed {} entries.", ( entries == null ? Integer.valueOf( 0 ) : Integer.valueOf( entries
                    .size() ) ) );

            return entries;
        catch ( LdapLdifException ne )
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12069, ne.getLocalizedMessage() ) );
            throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12070 ), ne );
        catch ( LdapException le )
            throw new LdapLdifException( le.getMessage(), le );
            // Close the reader
            catch ( IOException ioe )
                throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12024_CANNOT_CLOSE_FILE ), ioe );


    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Iterator Methods
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Gets the next LDIF on the channel.
     * @return the next LDIF as a String.
    private LdifEntry nextInternal()
            LOG.debug( "next(): -- called" );

            LdifEntry entry = prefetched;

                prefetched = parseEntry();
            catch ( LdapLdifException ne )
                error = ne;
                throw new NoSuchElementException( ne.getMessage() );
            catch ( LdapException le )
                throw new NoSuchElementException( le.getMessage() );

            LOG.debug( "next(): -- returning ldif {}\n", entry );

            return entry;
        catch ( LdapLdifException ne )
            LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12071 ) );
            error = ne;
            return null;

     * Gets the next LDIF on the channel.
     * @return the next LDIF as a String.
    public LdifEntry next()
        return nextInternal();

     * Tests to see if another LDIF is on the input channel.
     * @return true if another LDIF is available false otherwise.
    private boolean hasNextInternal()
        return null != prefetched;

     * Tests to see if another LDIF is on the input channel.
     * @return true if another LDIF is available false otherwise.
    public boolean hasNext()
        if ( prefetched != null )
            LOG.debug( "hasNext(): -- returning true" );
            LOG.debug( "hasNext(): -- returning false" );

        return hasNextInternal();

     * Always throws UnsupportedOperationException!
     * @see java.util.Iterator#remove()
    private void removeInternal()
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

     * Always throws UnsupportedOperationException!
     * @see java.util.Iterator#remove()
    public void remove()

     * @return An iterator on the file
    public Iterator<LdifEntry> iterator()
        return new Iterator<LdifEntry>()
            public boolean hasNext()
                return hasNextInternal();

            public LdifEntry next()
                return nextInternal();

            public void remove()
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

     * @return True if an error occurred during parsing
    public boolean hasError()
        return error != null;

     * @return The exception that occurs during an entry parsing
    public Exception getError()
        return error;

     * The main entry point of the LdifParser. It reads a buffer and returns a
     * List of entries.
     * @param reader The buffer being processed
     * @return A list of entries
     * @throws LdapException If something went wrong
    public List<LdifEntry> parseLdif( BufferedReader reader ) throws LdapException
        // Create a list that will contain the read entries
        List<LdifEntry> entries = new ArrayList<LdifEntry>();

        this.reader = reader;

        // First get the version - if any -
        version = parseVersion();
        prefetched = parseEntry();

        // When done, get the entries one by one.
            for ( LdifEntry entry : this )
                if ( entry != null )
                    entries.add( entry );
        catch ( NoSuchElementException nsee )
            throw new LdapLdifException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_12072, error.getLocalizedMessage() ), nsee );

        return entries;

     * @return True if the ldif file contains entries, fals if it contains changes
    public boolean containsEntries()
        return containsEntries;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void close() throws IOException
        if ( reader != null )
            position = 0;
            containsEntries = false;
            containsChanges = false;

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