Package org.apache.geronimo.jetty.deployment

Source Code of org.apache.geronimo.jetty.deployment.JettyModuleBuilder

* Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
*  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
*  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
*  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
*  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
*  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
*  limitations under the License.

package org.apache.geronimo.jetty.deployment;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import javax.transaction.UserTransaction;

import org.apache.geronimo.deployment.DeploymentException;
import org.apache.geronimo.deployment.service.GBeanHelper;
import org.apache.geronimo.deployment.util.DeploymentUtil;
import org.apache.geronimo.gbean.GBeanInfo;
import org.apache.geronimo.gbean.GBeanInfoBuilder;
import org.apache.geronimo.gbean.jmx.GBeanMBean;
import org.apache.geronimo.j2ee.deployment.EARContext;
import org.apache.geronimo.j2ee.deployment.Module;
import org.apache.geronimo.j2ee.deployment.ModuleBuilder;
import org.apache.geronimo.j2ee.deployment.WebModule;
import org.apache.geronimo.j2ee.j2eeobjectnames.J2eeContext;
import org.apache.geronimo.j2ee.j2eeobjectnames.J2eeContextImpl;
import org.apache.geronimo.j2ee.j2eeobjectnames.NameFactory;
import org.apache.geronimo.jetty.JettyClassLoader;
import org.apache.geronimo.jetty.JettyWebAppContext;
import org.apache.geronimo.jetty.JettyWebAppJACCContext;
import org.apache.geronimo.naming.deployment.ENCConfigBuilder;
import org.apache.geronimo.naming.deployment.GBeanResourceEnvironmentBuilder;
import org.apache.geronimo.schema.SchemaConversionUtils;
import org.apache.geronimo.transaction.OnlineUserTransaction;
import org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.jetty.JettyDependencyType;
import org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.jetty.JettyGbeanType;
import org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.jetty.JettyWebAppDocument;
import org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.geronimo.jetty.JettyWebAppType;
import org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.j2ee.FilterMappingType;
import org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.j2ee.SecurityConstraintType;
import org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.j2ee.ServletMappingType;
import org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.j2ee.UrlPatternType;
import org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.j2ee.WebAppDocument;
import org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.j2ee.WebAppType;
import org.apache.geronimo.xbeans.j2ee.WebResourceCollectionType;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;

* @version $Rev: 57149 $ $Date: 2004-11-10 01:18:35 -0600 (Wed, 10 Nov 2004) $
public class JettyModuleBuilder implements ModuleBuilder {
    private final URI defaultParentId;

    public JettyModuleBuilder(URI defaultParentId) {
        this.defaultParentId = defaultParentId;

    public Module createModule(File plan, JarFile moduleFile) throws DeploymentException {
        return createModule(plan, moduleFile, "war", null, true);

    public Module createModule(Object plan, JarFile moduleFile, String targetPath, URL specDDUrl, URI earConfigId) throws DeploymentException {
        return createModule(plan, moduleFile, targetPath, specDDUrl, false);

    private Module createModule(Object plan, JarFile moduleFile, String targetPath, URL specDDUrl, boolean standAlone) throws DeploymentException {
        assert moduleFile != null: "moduleFile is null";
        assert targetPath != null: "targetPath is null";
        assert !targetPath.endsWith("/"): "targetPath must not end with a '/'";

        // parse the spec dd
        String specDD;
        WebAppType webApp;
        try {
            if (specDDUrl == null) {
                specDDUrl = DeploymentUtil.createJarURL(moduleFile, "WEB-INF/web.xml");

            // read in the entire specDD as a string, we need this for getDeploymentDescriptor
            // on the J2ee management object
            specDD = DeploymentUtil.readAll(specDDUrl);

            // parse it
            XmlObject parsed = SchemaConversionUtils.parse(specDD);
            WebAppDocument webAppDoc = SchemaConversionUtils.convertToServletSchema(parsed);
            webApp = webAppDoc.getWebApp();
        } catch (XmlException xmle) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Error parsing web.xml", xmle);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;


        // parse vendor dd
        JettyWebAppType jettyWebApp = getJettyWebApp(plan, moduleFile, standAlone, targetPath, webApp);

        // get the ids from either the application plan or for a stand alone module from the specific deployer
        URI configId = null;
        try {
            configId = new URI(jettyWebApp.getConfigId());
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Invalid configId " + jettyWebApp.getConfigId(), e);

        URI parentId = null;
        if (jettyWebApp.isSetParentId()) {
            try {
                parentId = new URI(jettyWebApp.getParentId());
            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Invalid parentId " + jettyWebApp.getParentId(), e);
        } else {
            parentId = defaultParentId;

        WebModule module = new WebModule(standAlone, configId, parentId, moduleFile, targetPath, webApp, jettyWebApp, specDD);
        return module;

    JettyWebAppType getJettyWebApp(Object plan, JarFile moduleFile, boolean standAlone, String targetPath, WebAppType webApp) throws DeploymentException {
        JettyWebAppType jettyWebApp = null;
        try {
            // load the geronimo-jetty.xml from either the supplied plan or from the earFile
            try {
                if (plan instanceof XmlObject) {
                    jettyWebApp = (JettyWebAppType) SchemaConversionUtils.getNestedObjectAsType((XmlObject) plan,
                } else {
                    JettyWebAppDocument jettyWebAppdoc = null;
                    if (plan != null) {
                        jettyWebAppdoc = JettyWebAppDocument.Factory.parse((File) plan);
                    } else {
                        URL path = DeploymentUtil.createJarURL(moduleFile, "WEB-INF/geronimo-jetty.xml");
                        jettyWebAppdoc = JettyWebAppDocument.Factory.parse(path);
                    if (jettyWebAppdoc != null) {
                        jettyWebApp = jettyWebAppdoc.getWebApp();
            } catch (IOException e) {

            // if we got one extract and validate it otherwise create a default one
            if (jettyWebApp != null) {
                jettyWebApp = (JettyWebAppType) SchemaConversionUtils.convertToGeronimoNamingSchema(jettyWebApp);
                jettyWebApp = (JettyWebAppType) SchemaConversionUtils.convertToGeronimoSecuritySchema(jettyWebApp);
            } else {
                String path;
                if (standAlone) {
                    // default configId is based on the moduleFile name
                    path = new File(moduleFile.getName()).getName();
                } else {
                    // default configId is based on the module uri from the application.xml
                    path = targetPath;
                jettyWebApp = createDefaultPlan(path, webApp);
        } catch (XmlException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException(e);
        return jettyWebApp;

    private JettyWebAppType createDefaultPlan(String path, WebAppType webApp) {
        String id = webApp.getId();
        if (id == null) {
            id = path;
            if (id.endsWith(".war")) {
                id = id.substring(0, id.length() - 4);
            if (id.endsWith("/")) {
                id = id.substring(0, id.length() - 1);

        JettyWebAppType jettyWebApp = JettyWebAppType.Factory.newInstance();

        // set the parentId, configId and context root
        if (null != webApp.getId()) {
            id = webApp.getId();
        return jettyWebApp;

    public void installModule(JarFile earFile, EARContext earContext, Module module) throws DeploymentException {
        try {
            URI baseDir = URI.create(module.getTargetPath() + "/");

            // add the warfile's content to the configuration
            JarFile warFile = module.getModuleFile();
            Enumeration entries = warFile.entries();
            while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
                ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) entries.nextElement();
                URI targetPath = baseDir.resolve(entry.getName());
                if (entry.getName().equals("WEB-INF/web.xml")) {
                    // TODO gets rid of these tests when Jetty will use the serialized Geronimo DD.
                    earContext.addFile(targetPath, module.getOriginalSpecDD());
                } else {
                    earContext.addFile(targetPath, warFile, entry);

            // add the manifest classpath entries declared in the war to the class loader
            // we have to explicitly add these since we are unpacking the web module
            // and the url class loader will not pick up a manifiest from an unpacked dir
            earContext.addManifestClassPath(warFile, URI.create(module.getTargetPath()));

            // add the dependencies declared in the geronimo-jetty.xml file
            JettyWebAppType jettyWebApp = (JettyWebAppType) module.getVendorDD();
            JettyDependencyType[] dependencies = jettyWebApp.getDependencyArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Problem deploying war", e);

    public void initContext(EARContext earContext, Module module, ClassLoader cl) {
        // web application do not add anything to the shared context

    public String addGBeans(EARContext earContext, Module module, ClassLoader cl) throws DeploymentException {
        J2eeContext earJ2eeContext = earContext.getJ2eeContext();
        J2eeContext moduleJ2eeContext = new J2eeContextImpl(earJ2eeContext.getJ2eeDomainName(), earJ2eeContext.getJ2eeServerName(), earJ2eeContext.getJ2eeApplicationName(), module.getName(), null, null);
        WebModule webModule = (WebModule) module;

        WebAppType webApp = (WebAppType) webModule.getSpecDD();
        JettyWebAppType jettyWebApp = (JettyWebAppType) webModule.getVendorDD();

        // construct the webClassLoader
        URI[] webClassPath = getWebClassPath(earContext, webModule);
        URI baseUri = earContext.getTargetFile(URI.create(webModule.getTargetPath() + "/")).toURI();
        URL[] webClassPathURLs = new URL[webClassPath.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < webClassPath.length; i++) {
            URI path = baseUri.resolve(webClassPath[i]);
            try {
                webClassPathURLs[i] = path.toURL();
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Invalid web class path element: path=" + path + ", baseUri=" + baseUri);

        boolean contextPriorityClassLoader = false;
        if (jettyWebApp != null) {
            contextPriorityClassLoader = Boolean.valueOf(jettyWebApp.getContextPriorityClassloader()).booleanValue();
        ClassLoader webClassLoader = new JettyClassLoader(webClassPathURLs, cl, contextPriorityClassLoader);

        if (jettyWebApp != null) {
            JettyGbeanType[] gbeans = jettyWebApp.getGbeanArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < gbeans.length; i++) {
                GBeanHelper.addGbean(new JettyGBeanAdapter(gbeans[i]), webClassLoader, earContext);

        ObjectName webModuleName = null;
        try {
            webModuleName = NameFactory.getModuleName(null, null, null, null, NameFactory.WEB_MODULE, moduleJ2eeContext);
        } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Could not construct module name", e);

        UserTransaction userTransaction = new OnlineUserTransaction();
        ReadOnlyContext compContext = buildComponentContext(earContext, webModule, webApp, jettyWebApp, userTransaction, webClassLoader);

        Security security = SecurityBuilder.buildSecurityConfig(jettyWebApp.getSecurity());

        GBeanMBean gbean;
        try {
            if (security == null) {
                gbean = new GBeanMBean(JettyWebAppContext.GBEAN_INFO, webClassLoader);
            } else {
                gbean = new GBeanMBean(JettyWebAppJACCContext.GBEAN_INFO, webClassLoader);
                gbean.setAttribute("securityConfig", security);

                String policyContextID;
                if (earContext.getApplicationObjectName() == null) {
                    policyContextID = module.getName();
                } else {
                    policyContextID = earContext.getApplicationObjectName().toString();
                gbean.setAttribute("policyContextID", policyContextID);

            gbean.setAttribute("uri", URI.create(module.getTargetPath() + "/"));
            gbean.setAttribute("componentContext", compContext);
            gbean.setAttribute("userTransaction", userTransaction);
            gbean.setAttribute("webClassPath", webClassPath);
            // unsharableResources, applicationManagedSecurityResources
            GBeanResourceEnvironmentBuilder rebuilder = new GBeanResourceEnvironmentBuilder(gbean);
            ENCConfigBuilder.setResourceEnvironment(earContext, webModule.getModuleURI(), rebuilder, webApp.getResourceRefArray(), jettyWebApp.getResourceRefArray());

            gbean.setAttribute("contextPath", webModule.getContextRoot());
            gbean.setAttribute("contextPriorityClassLoader", Boolean.valueOf(contextPriorityClassLoader));

            gbean.setReferencePattern("TransactionContextManager", earContext.getTransactionContextManagerObjectName());
            gbean.setReferencePattern("TrackedConnectionAssociator", earContext.getConnectionTrackerObjectName());
            gbean.setReferencePattern("JettyContainer", new ObjectName("*:type=WebContainer,container=Jetty")); // @todo configurable
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Unable to initialize webapp GBean", e);
        earContext.addGBean(webModuleName, gbean);
        return null;

    private static URI[] getWebClassPath(EARContext earContext, WebModule webModule) {
        LinkedList webClassPath = new LinkedList();
        File baseDir = earContext.getTargetFile(URI.create(webModule.getTargetPath() + "/"));
        File webInfDir = new File(baseDir, "WEB-INF");

        // check for a classes dir
        File classesDir = new File(webInfDir, "classes");
        if (classesDir.isDirectory()) {

        // add all of the libs
        File libDir = new File(webInfDir, "lib");
        if (libDir.isDirectory()) {
            File[] libs = libDir.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
                public boolean accept(File file) {
                    return file.isFile() && file.getName().endsWith(".jar");

            if (libs != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < libs.length; i++) {
                    File lib = libs[i];
                    webClassPath.add(URI.create("WEB-INF/lib/" + lib.getName()));
        return (URI[]) webClassPath.toArray(new URI[webClassPath.size()]);

    private ReadOnlyContext buildComponentContext(EARContext earContext, WebModule webModule, WebAppType webApp, JettyWebAppType jettyWebApp, UserTransaction userTransaction, ClassLoader cl) throws DeploymentException {

        return ENCConfigBuilder.buildComponentContext(earContext,
                webApp.getEjbRefArray(), jettyWebApp.getEjbRefArray(),
                webApp.getEjbLocalRefArray(), jettyWebApp.getEjbLocalRefArray(),
                webApp.getResourceRefArray(), jettyWebApp.getResourceRefArray(),
                webApp.getResourceEnvRefArray(), jettyWebApp.getResourceEnvRefArray(),

    private URI getDependencyURI(JettyDependencyType dep) throws DeploymentException {
        URI uri;
        if (dep.isSetUri()) {
            try {
                uri = new URI(dep.getUri());
            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Invalid dependency URI " + dep.getUri(), e);
        } else {
            // @todo support more than just jars
            String id = dep.getGroupId() + "/jars/" + dep.getArtifactId() + '-' + dep.getVersion() + ".jar";
            try {
                uri = new URI(id);
            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Unable to construct URI for groupId=" + dep.getGroupId() + ", artifactId=" + dep.getArtifactId() + ", version=" + dep.getVersion(), e);
        return uri;

    private static void check(WebAppType webApp) throws DeploymentException {

    private static void checkURLPattern(WebAppType webApp) throws DeploymentException {

        FilterMappingType[] filterMappings = webApp.getFilterMappingArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < filterMappings.length; i++) {
            if (filterMappings[i].isSetUrlPattern()) {

        ServletMappingType[] servletMappings = webApp.getServletMappingArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < servletMappings.length; i++) {

        SecurityConstraintType[] constraints = webApp.getSecurityConstraintArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++) {
            WebResourceCollectionType[] collections = constraints[i].getWebResourceCollectionArray();
            for (int j = 0; j < collections.length; j++) {
                UrlPatternType[] patterns = collections[j].getUrlPatternArray();
                for (int k = 0; k < patterns.length; k++) {

    private static void checkString(String pattern) throws DeploymentException {
        //j2ee_1_4.xsd explicitly requires preserving all whitespace. Do not trim.
        if (pattern.indexOf(0x0D) >= 0) throw new DeploymentException("<url-pattern> must not contain CR(#xD)");
        if (pattern.indexOf(0x0A) >= 0) throw new DeploymentException("<url-pattern> must not contain LF(#xA)");

    private static void checkMultiplicities(WebAppType webApp) throws DeploymentException {
        if (webApp.getSessionConfigArray().length > 1) throw new DeploymentException("Multiple <session-config> elements found");
        if (webApp.getJspConfigArray().length > 1) throw new DeploymentException("Multiple <jsp-config> elements found");
        if (webApp.getLoginConfigArray().length > 1) throw new DeploymentException("Multiple <login-config> elements found");

    public static final GBeanInfo GBEAN_INFO;

    static {
        GBeanInfoBuilder infoBuilder = new GBeanInfoBuilder(JettyModuleBuilder.class);
        infoBuilder.addAttribute("defaultParentId", URI.class, true);

        infoBuilder.setConstructor(new String[] {"defaultParentId"});
        GBEAN_INFO = infoBuilder.getBeanInfo();

    public static GBeanInfo getGBeanInfo() {
        return GBEAN_INFO;

Related Classes of org.apache.geronimo.jetty.deployment.JettyModuleBuilder

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