Package org.apache.oozie.cli

Source Code of org.apache.oozie.cli.OozieCLI

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.oozie.cli;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.validation.Schema;
import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory;
import javax.xml.validation.Validator;

import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Option;
import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
import org.apache.oozie.BuildInfo;
import org.apache.oozie.client.AuthOozieClient;
import org.apache.oozie.client.BulkResponse;
import org.apache.oozie.client.BundleJob;
import org.apache.oozie.client.CoordinatorAction;
import org.apache.oozie.client.CoordinatorJob;
import org.apache.oozie.client.OozieClient;
import org.apache.oozie.client.OozieClientException;
import org.apache.oozie.client.WorkflowAction;
import org.apache.oozie.client.WorkflowJob;
import org.apache.oozie.client.XOozieClient;
import org.apache.oozie.client.OozieClient.SYSTEM_MODE;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

* Oozie command line utility.
public class OozieCLI {
    public static final String ENV_OOZIE_URL = "OOZIE_URL";
    public static final String ENV_OOZIE_DEBUG = "OOZIE_DEBUG";
    public static final String ENV_OOZIE_TIME_ZONE = "OOZIE_TIMEZONE";
    public static final String WS_HEADER_PREFIX = "header:";

    public static final String HELP_CMD = "help";
    public static final String VERSION_CMD = "version";
    public static final String JOB_CMD = "job";
    public static final String JOBS_CMD = "jobs";
    public static final String ADMIN_CMD = "admin";
    public static final String VALIDATE_CMD = "validate";
    public static final String SLA_CMD = "sla";
    public static final String PIG_CMD = "pig";
    public static final String MR_CMD = "mapreduce";
    public static final String INFO_CMD = "info";

    public static final String OOZIE_OPTION = "oozie";
    public static final String CONFIG_OPTION = "config";
    public static final String SUBMIT_OPTION = "submit";
    public static final String OFFSET_OPTION = "offset";
    public static final String START_OPTION = "start";
    public static final String RUN_OPTION = "run";
    public static final String DRYRUN_OPTION = "dryrun";
    public static final String SUSPEND_OPTION = "suspend";
    public static final String RESUME_OPTION = "resume";
    public static final String KILL_OPTION = "kill";
    public static final String CHANGE_OPTION = "change";
    public static final String CHANGE_VALUE_OPTION = "value";
    public static final String RERUN_OPTION = "rerun";
    public static final String INFO_OPTION = "info";
    public static final String LOG_OPTION = "log";
    public static final String ACTION_OPTION = "action";
    public static final String DEFINITION_OPTION = "definition";
    public static final String CONFIG_CONTENT_OPTION = "configcontent";

    public static final String DO_AS_OPTION = "doas";

    public static final String LEN_OPTION = "len";
    public static final String FILTER_OPTION = "filter";
    public static final String JOBTYPE_OPTION = "jobtype";
    public static final String SYSTEM_MODE_OPTION = "systemmode";
    public static final String VERSION_OPTION = "version";
    public static final String STATUS_OPTION = "status";
    public static final String LOCAL_TIME_OPTION = "localtime";
    public static final String TIME_ZONE_OPTION = "timezone";
    public static final String QUEUE_DUMP_OPTION = "queuedump";
    public static final String RERUN_COORD_OPTION = "coordinator";
    public static final String DATE_OPTION = "date";
    public static final String RERUN_REFRESH_OPTION = "refresh";
    public static final String RERUN_NOCLEANUP_OPTION = "nocleanup";

    public static final String AUTH_OPTION = "auth";

    public static final String VERBOSE_OPTION = "verbose";
    public static final String VERBOSE_DELIMITER = "\t";
    public static final String DEBUG_OPTION = "debug";

    public static final String PIGFILE_OPTION = "file";

    public static final String INFO_TIME_ZONES_OPTION = "timezones";

    public static final String BULK_OPTION = "bulk";

    private static final String[] OOZIE_HELP = {
            "the env variable '" + ENV_OOZIE_URL + "' is used as default value for the '-" + OOZIE_OPTION + "' option",
            "the env variable '" + ENV_OOZIE_TIME_ZONE + "' is used as default value for the '-" + TIME_ZONE_OPTION + "' option",
            "custom headers for Oozie web services can be specified using '-D" + WS_HEADER_PREFIX + "NAME=VALUE'" };

    private static final String RULER;
    private static final int LINE_WIDTH = 132;

    private boolean used;

    private static final String INSTANCE_SEPARATOR = "#";

    private static final String MAPRED_MAPPER = "mapred.mapper.class";
    private static final String MAPRED_REDUCER = "mapred.reducer.class";
    private static final String MAPRED_INPUT = "mapred.input.dir";
    private static final String MAPRED_OUTPUT = "mapred.output.dir";

    private static final Pattern GMT_OFFSET_SHORTEN_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(.* )GMT((?:-|\\+)\\d{2}:\\d{2})");

    static {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < LINE_WIDTH; i++) {
        RULER = sb.toString();

     * Entry point for the Oozie CLI when invoked from the command line.
     * <p/>
     * Upon completion this method exits the JVM with '0' (success) or '-1' (failure).
     * @param args options and arguments for the Oozie CLI.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        if (!System.getProperties().contains(AuthOozieClient.USE_AUTH_TOKEN_CACHE_SYS_PROP)) {
            System.setProperty(AuthOozieClient.USE_AUTH_TOKEN_CACHE_SYS_PROP, "true");
        System.exit(new OozieCLI().run(args));

     * Create an Oozie CLI instance.
    public OozieCLI() {
        used = false;

     * Return Oozie CLI top help lines.
     * @return help lines.
    protected String[] getCLIHelp() {
        return OOZIE_HELP;

     * Add authentication specific options to oozie cli
     * @param options the collection of options to add auth options
    protected void addAuthOptions(Options options) {
        Option auth = new Option(AUTH_OPTION, true, "select authentication type [SIMPLE|KERBEROS]");

     * Create option for command line option 'admin'
     * @return admin options
    protected Options createAdminOptions() {
        Option oozie = new Option(OOZIE_OPTION, true, "Oozie URL");
        Option system_mode = new Option(SYSTEM_MODE_OPTION, true,
                "Supported in Oozie-2.0 or later versions ONLY. Change oozie system mode [NORMAL|NOWEBSERVICE|SAFEMODE]");
        Option status = new Option(STATUS_OPTION, false, "show the current system status");
        Option version = new Option(VERSION_OPTION, false, "show Oozie server build version");
        Option queuedump = new Option(QUEUE_DUMP_OPTION, false, "show Oozie server queue elements");
        Option doAs = new Option(DO_AS_OPTION, true, "doAs user, impersonates as the specified user");
        Options adminOptions = new Options();
        OptionGroup group = new OptionGroup();
        return adminOptions;

     * Create option for command line option 'job'
     * @return job options
    protected Options createJobOptions() {
        Option oozie = new Option(OOZIE_OPTION, true, "Oozie URL");
        Option config = new Option(CONFIG_OPTION, true, "job configuration file '.xml' or '.properties'");
        Option submit = new Option(SUBMIT_OPTION, false, "submit a job");
        Option run = new Option(RUN_OPTION, false, "run a job");
        Option debug = new Option(DEBUG_OPTION, false, "Use debug mode to see debugging statements on stdout");
        Option rerun = new Option(RERUN_OPTION, true,
                "rerun a job  (coordinator requires -action or -date, bundle requires -coordinator or -date)");
        Option dryrun = new Option(DRYRUN_OPTION, false, "Dryrun a workflow (since 3.3.2) or coordinator (since 2.0) job without"
                + " actually executing it");
        Option start = new Option(START_OPTION, true, "start a job");
        Option suspend = new Option(SUSPEND_OPTION, true, "suspend a job");
        Option resume = new Option(RESUME_OPTION, true, "resume a job");
        Option kill = new Option(KILL_OPTION, true, "kill a job");
        Option change = new Option(CHANGE_OPTION, true, "change a coordinator job");
        Option changeValue = new Option(CHANGE_VALUE_OPTION, true,
                "new endtime/concurrency/pausetime value for changing a coordinator job");
        Option info = new Option(INFO_OPTION, true, "info of a job");
        Option offset = new Option(OFFSET_OPTION, true, "job info offset of actions (default '1', requires -info)");
        Option len = new Option(LEN_OPTION, true, "number of actions (default TOTAL ACTIONS, requires -info)");
        Option filter = new Option(FILTER_OPTION, true,
                "status=<S1>[;status=<S2>]* (All Coordinator actions satisfying any one of the status filters will be retreived. Currently, only supported for Coordinator job)");
        Option localtime = new Option(LOCAL_TIME_OPTION, false, "use local time (same as passing your time zone to -" +
                TIME_ZONE_OPTION + "). Overrides -" + TIME_ZONE_OPTION + " option");
        Option timezone = new Option(TIME_ZONE_OPTION, true,
                "use time zone with the specified ID (default GMT).\nSee 'oozie info -timezones' for a list");
        Option log = new Option(LOG_OPTION, true, "job log");
        Option definition = new Option(DEFINITION_OPTION, true, "job definition");
        Option config_content = new Option(CONFIG_CONTENT_OPTION, true, "job configuration");
        Option verbose = new Option(VERBOSE_OPTION, false, "verbose mode");
        Option action = new Option(ACTION_OPTION, true,
                "coordinator rerun on action ids (requires -rerun); coordinator log retrieval on action ids (requires -log)");
        Option date = new Option(DATE_OPTION, true,
                "coordinator/bundle rerun on action dates (requires -rerun); coordinator log retrieval on action dates (requires -log)");
        Option rerun_coord = new Option(RERUN_COORD_OPTION, true, "bundle rerun on coordinator names (requires -rerun)");
        Option rerun_refresh = new Option(RERUN_REFRESH_OPTION, false,
                "re-materialize the coordinator rerun actions (requires -rerun)");
        Option rerun_nocleanup = new Option(RERUN_NOCLEANUP_OPTION, false,
                "do not clean up output-events of the coordiantor rerun actions (requires -rerun)");
        Option property = OptionBuilder.withArgName("property=value").hasArgs(2).withValueSeparator().withDescription(
                "set/override value for given property").create("D");

        Option doAs = new Option(DO_AS_OPTION, true, "doAs user, impersonates as the specified user");

        OptionGroup actions = new OptionGroup();
        Options jobOptions = new Options();
        return jobOptions;

     * Create option for command line option 'jobs'
     * @return jobs options
    protected Options createJobsOptions() {
        Option oozie = new Option(OOZIE_OPTION, true, "Oozie URL");
        Option start = new Option(OFFSET_OPTION, true, "jobs offset (default '1')");
        Option jobtype = new Option(JOBTYPE_OPTION, true,
                "job type ('Supported in Oozie-2.0 or later versions ONLY - 'coordinator' or 'bundle' or 'wf'(default))");
        Option len = new Option(LEN_OPTION, true, "number of jobs (default '100')");
        Option filter = new Option(FILTER_OPTION, true, "user=<U>\\;name=<N>\\;group=<G>\\;status=<S>\\;frequency=<F>\\;unit=<M> " +
                        "(Valid unit values are 'months', 'days', 'hours' or 'minutes'.)");
        Option localtime = new Option(LOCAL_TIME_OPTION, false, "use local time (same as passing your time zone to -" +
                TIME_ZONE_OPTION + "). Overrides -" + TIME_ZONE_OPTION + " option");
        Option timezone = new Option(TIME_ZONE_OPTION, true,
                "use time zone with the specified ID (default GMT).\nSee 'oozie info -timezones' for a list");
        Option verbose = new Option(VERBOSE_OPTION, false, "verbose mode");
        Option doAs = new Option(DO_AS_OPTION, true, "doAs user, impersonates as the specified user");
        Option bulkMonitor = new Option(BULK_OPTION, true, "key-value pairs to filter bulk jobs response. e.g. bundle=<B>\\;" +
                "coordinators=<C>\\;actionstatus=<S>\\;startcreatedtime=<SC>\\;endcreatedtime=<EC>\\;" +
                "startscheduledtime=<SS>\\;endscheduledtime=<ES>\\; coordinators and actionstatus can be multiple comma separated values" +
                "bundle and coordinators are 'names' of those jobs. Bundle name is mandatory, other params are optional");
        Options jobsOptions = new Options();
        return jobsOptions;

     * Create option for command line option 'sla'
     * @return sla options
    protected Options createSlaOptions() {
        Option oozie = new Option(OOZIE_OPTION, true, "Oozie URL");
        Option start = new Option(OFFSET_OPTION, true, "start offset (default '0')");
        Option len = new Option(LEN_OPTION, true, "number of results (default '100', max '1000')");
        Option filter = new Option(FILTER_OPTION, true, "filter of SLA events");
        Options slaOptions = new Options();
        return slaOptions;

     * Create option for command line option 'pig'
     * @return pig options
    protected Options createPigOptions() {
        Option oozie = new Option(OOZIE_OPTION, true, "Oozie URL");
        Option config = new Option(CONFIG_OPTION, true, "job configuration file '.properties'");
        Option pigFile = new Option(PIGFILE_OPTION, true, "Pig script");
        Option property = OptionBuilder.withArgName("property=value").hasArgs(2).withValueSeparator().withDescription(
                "set/override value for given property").create("D");
        Option doAs = new Option(DO_AS_OPTION, true, "doAs user, impersonates as the specified user");
        Options pigOptions = new Options();
        return pigOptions;

     * Create option for command line option 'info'
     * @return info options
    protected Options createInfoOptions() {
        Option timezones = new Option(INFO_TIME_ZONES_OPTION, false, "display a list of available time zones");
        Options infoOptions = new Options();
        return infoOptions;

     * Create option for command line option 'mapreduce'
     * @return mapreduce options
    protected Options createMROptions() {
        Option oozie = new Option(OOZIE_OPTION, true, "Oozie URL");
        Option config = new Option(CONFIG_OPTION, true, "job configuration file '.properties'");
        Option property = OptionBuilder.withArgName("property=value").hasArgs(2).withValueSeparator().withDescription(
                "set/override value for given property").create("D");
        Option doAs = new Option(DO_AS_OPTION, true, "doAs user, impersonates as the specified user");
        Options mrOptions = new Options();
        return mrOptions;

     * Run a CLI programmatically.
     * <p/>
     * It does not exit the JVM.
     * <p/>
     * A CLI instance can be used only once.
     * @param args options and arguments for the Oozie CLI.
     * @return '0' (success), '-1' (failure).
    public synchronized int run(String[] args) {
        if (used) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("CLI instance already used");
        used = true;

        final CLIParser parser = new CLIParser(OOZIE_OPTION, getCLIHelp());
        parser.addCommand(HELP_CMD, "", "display usage for all commands or specified command", new Options(), false);
        parser.addCommand(VERSION_CMD, "", "show client version", new Options(), false);
        parser.addCommand(JOB_CMD, "", "job operations", createJobOptions(), false);
        parser.addCommand(JOBS_CMD, "", "jobs status", createJobsOptions(), false);
        parser.addCommand(ADMIN_CMD, "", "admin operations", createAdminOptions(), false);
        parser.addCommand(VALIDATE_CMD, "", "validate a workflow XML file", new Options(), true);
        parser.addCommand(SLA_CMD, "", "sla operations (Supported in Oozie-2.0 or later)", createSlaOptions(), false);
        parser.addCommand(PIG_CMD, "-X ", "submit a pig job, everything after '-X' are pass-through parameters to pig",
                createPigOptions(), true);
        parser.addCommand(INFO_CMD, "", "get more detailed info about specific topics", createInfoOptions(), false);
        parser.addCommand(MR_CMD, "", "submit a mapreduce job", createMROptions(), false);

        try {
            final CLIParser.Command command = parser.parse(args);

            String doAsUser = command.getCommandLine().getOptionValue(DO_AS_OPTION);

            if (doAsUser != null) {
                OozieClient.doAs(doAsUser, new Callable<Void>() {
                    public Void call() throws Exception {
                        processCommand(parser, command);
                        return null;
            else {
                processCommand(parser, command);

            return 0;
        catch (OozieCLIException ex) {
            System.err.println("Error: " + ex.getMessage());
            return -1;
        catch (ParseException ex) {
            System.err.println("Invalid sub-command: " + ex.getMessage());
            return -1;
        catch (Exception ex) {
            return -1;

    private void processCommand(CLIParser parser, CLIParser.Command command) throws Exception {
        if (command.getName().equals(HELP_CMD)) {
        else if (command.getName().equals(JOB_CMD)) {
        else if (command.getName().equals(JOBS_CMD)) {
        else if (command.getName().equals(ADMIN_CMD)) {
        else if (command.getName().equals(VERSION_CMD)) {
        else if (command.getName().equals(VALIDATE_CMD)) {
        else if (command.getName().equals(SLA_CMD)) {
        else if (command.getName().equals(PIG_CMD)) {
        else if (command.getName().equals(INFO_CMD)) {
        else if (command.getName().equals(MR_CMD)){
    protected String getOozieUrl(CommandLine commandLine) {
        String url = commandLine.getOptionValue(OOZIE_OPTION);
        if (url == null) {
            url = System.getenv(ENV_OOZIE_URL);
            if (url == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Oozie URL is not available neither in command option or in the environment");
        return url;

    private String getTimeZoneId(CommandLine commandLine)
        if (commandLine.hasOption(LOCAL_TIME_OPTION)) {
            return null;
        if (commandLine.hasOption(TIME_ZONE_OPTION)) {
            return commandLine.getOptionValue(TIME_ZONE_OPTION);
        String timeZoneId = System.getenv(ENV_OOZIE_TIME_ZONE);
        if (timeZoneId != null) {
            return timeZoneId;
        return "GMT";

    // Canibalized from Hadoop <code>Configuration.loadResource()</code>.
    private Properties parse(InputStream is, Properties conf) throws IOException {
        try {
            DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            // ignore all comments inside the xml file
            DocumentBuilder builder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
            Document doc = builder.parse(is);
            return parseDocument(doc, conf);
        catch (SAXException e) {
            throw new IOException(e);
        catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
            throw new IOException(e);

    // Canibalized from Hadoop <code>Configuration.loadResource()</code>.
    private Properties parseDocument(Document doc, Properties conf) throws IOException {
        try {
            Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
            if (!"configuration".equals(root.getTagName())) {
                throw new RuntimeException("bad conf file: top-level element not <configuration>");
            NodeList props = root.getChildNodes();
            for (int i = 0; i < props.getLength(); i++) {
                Node propNode = props.item(i);
                if (!(propNode instanceof Element)) {
                Element prop = (Element) propNode;
                if (!"property".equals(prop.getTagName())) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("bad conf file: element not <property>");
                NodeList fields = prop.getChildNodes();
                String attr = null;
                String value = null;
                for (int j = 0; j < fields.getLength(); j++) {
                    Node fieldNode = fields.item(j);
                    if (!(fieldNode instanceof Element)) {
                    Element field = (Element) fieldNode;
                    if ("name".equals(field.getTagName()) && field.hasChildNodes()) {
                        attr = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData();
                    if ("value".equals(field.getTagName()) && field.hasChildNodes()) {
                        value = ((Text) field.getFirstChild()).getData();

                if (attr != null && value != null) {
                    conf.setProperty(attr, value);
            return conf;
        catch (DOMException e) {
            throw new IOException(e);

    private Properties getConfiguration(OozieClient wc, CommandLine commandLine) throws IOException {
        Properties conf = wc.createConfiguration();
        String configFile = commandLine.getOptionValue(CONFIG_OPTION);
        if (configFile == null) {
            throw new IOException("configuration file not specified");
        else {
            File file = new File(configFile);
            if (!file.exists()) {
                throw new IOException("configuration file [" + configFile + "] not found");
            if (configFile.endsWith(".properties")) {
                conf.load(new FileReader(file));
            else if (configFile.endsWith(".xml")) {
                parse(new FileInputStream(configFile), conf);
            else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("configuration must be a '.properties' or a '.xml' file");
        if (commandLine.hasOption("D")) {
            Properties commandLineProperties = commandLine.getOptionProperties("D");
        return conf;

     * @param commandLine command line string.
     * @return change value specified by -value.
     * @throws OozieCLIException
    private String getChangeValue(CommandLine commandLine) throws OozieCLIException {
        String changeValue = commandLine.getOptionValue(CHANGE_VALUE_OPTION);

        if (changeValue == null) {
            throw new OozieCLIException("-value option needs to be specified for -change option");

        return changeValue;

    protected void addHeader(OozieClient wc) {
        for (Map.Entry entry : System.getProperties().entrySet()) {
            String key = (String) entry.getKey();
            if (key.startsWith(WS_HEADER_PREFIX)) {
                String header = key.substring(WS_HEADER_PREFIX.length());
                wc.setHeader(header, (String) entry.getValue());

     * Get auth option from command line
     * @param commandLine the command line object
     * @return auth option
    protected String getAuthOption(CommandLine commandLine) {
        String authOpt = commandLine.getOptionValue(AUTH_OPTION);
        return authOpt;

     * Create a OozieClient.
     * <p/>
     * It injects any '-Dheader:' as header to the the {@link org.apache.oozie.client.OozieClient}.
     * @param commandLine the parsed command line options.
     * @return a pre configured eXtended workflow client.
     * @throws OozieCLIException thrown if the OozieClient could not be configured.
    protected OozieClient createOozieClient(CommandLine commandLine) throws OozieCLIException {
        return createXOozieClient(commandLine);

     * Create a XOozieClient.
     * <p/>
     * It injects any '-Dheader:' as header to the the {@link org.apache.oozie.client.OozieClient}.
     * @param commandLine the parsed command line options.
     * @return a pre configured eXtended workflow client.
     * @throws OozieCLIException thrown if the XOozieClient could not be configured.
    protected XOozieClient createXOozieClient(CommandLine commandLine) throws OozieCLIException {
        XOozieClient wc = new AuthOozieClient(getOozieUrl(commandLine), getAuthOption(commandLine));
        return wc;

    protected void setDebugMode(OozieClient wc, boolean debugOpt) {

        String debug = System.getenv(ENV_OOZIE_DEBUG);
        if (debug != null && !debug.isEmpty()) {
            int debugVal = 0;
            try {
                debugVal = Integer.parseInt(debug.trim());
            catch (Exception ex) {
                System.out.println("Unable to parse the debug settings. May be not an integer [" + debug + "]");
        else if(debugOpt){  // CLI argument "-debug" used

    private static String JOB_ID_PREFIX = "job: ";

    private void jobCommand(CommandLine commandLine) throws IOException, OozieCLIException {
        XOozieClient wc = createXOozieClient(commandLine);

        List<String> options = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Option option : commandLine.getOptions()) {

        try {
            if (options.contains(SUBMIT_OPTION)) {
                System.out.println(JOB_ID_PREFIX + wc.submit(getConfiguration(wc, commandLine)));
            else if (options.contains(START_OPTION)) {
            else if (options.contains(DRYRUN_OPTION)) {
                String dryrunStr = wc.dryrun(getConfiguration(wc, commandLine));
                if (dryrunStr.equals("OK")) {  // workflow
                } else {                        // coordinator
                    String[] dryrunStrs = dryrunStr.split("action for new instance");
                    int arraysize = dryrunStrs.length;
                    System.out.println("***coordJob after parsing: ***");
                    int aLen = dryrunStrs.length - 1;
                    if (aLen < 0) {
                        aLen = 0;
                    System.out.println("***total coord actions is " + aLen + " ***");
                    for (int i = 1; i <= arraysize - 1; i++) {
                        System.out.println("coordAction instance: " + i + ":");
            else if (options.contains(SUSPEND_OPTION)) {
            else if (options.contains(RESUME_OPTION)) {
            else if (options.contains(KILL_OPTION)) {
            else if (options.contains(CHANGE_OPTION)) {
                wc.change(commandLine.getOptionValue(CHANGE_OPTION), getChangeValue(commandLine));
            else if (options.contains(RUN_OPTION)) {
                System.out.println(JOB_ID_PREFIX +, commandLine)));
            else if (options.contains(RERUN_OPTION)) {
                if (commandLine.getOptionValue(RERUN_OPTION).contains("-W")) {
                    wc.reRun(commandLine.getOptionValue(RERUN_OPTION), getConfiguration(wc, commandLine));
                else if (commandLine.getOptionValue(RERUN_OPTION).contains("-B")) {
                    String bundleJobId = commandLine.getOptionValue(RERUN_OPTION);
                    String coordScope = null;
                    String dateScope = null;
                    boolean refresh = false;
                    boolean noCleanup = false;
                    if (options.contains(ACTION_OPTION)) {
                        throw new OozieCLIException("Invalid options provided for bundle rerun. " + ACTION_OPTION
                                + " is not valid for bundle rerun");
                    if (options.contains(DATE_OPTION)) {
                        dateScope = commandLine.getOptionValue(DATE_OPTION);

                    if (options.contains(RERUN_COORD_OPTION)) {
                        coordScope = commandLine.getOptionValue(RERUN_COORD_OPTION);

                    if (options.contains(RERUN_REFRESH_OPTION)) {
                        refresh = true;
                    if (options.contains(RERUN_NOCLEANUP_OPTION)) {
                        noCleanup = true;
                    wc.reRunBundle(bundleJobId, coordScope, dateScope, refresh, noCleanup);
                    if (coordScope != null && !coordScope.isEmpty()) {
                        System.out.println("Coordinators [" + coordScope + "] of bundle " + bundleJobId
                                + " are scheduled to rerun on date ranges [" + dateScope + "].");
                    else {
                        System.out.println("All coordinators of bundle " + bundleJobId
                                + " are scheduled to rerun on the date ranges [" + dateScope + "].");
                else {
                    String coordJobId = commandLine.getOptionValue(RERUN_OPTION);
                    String scope = null;
                    String rerunType = null;
                    boolean refresh = false;
                    boolean noCleanup = false;
                    if (options.contains(DATE_OPTION) && options.contains(ACTION_OPTION)) {
                        throw new OozieCLIException("Invalid options provided for rerun: either" + DATE_OPTION + " or "
                                + ACTION_OPTION + " expected. Don't use both at the same time.");
                    if (options.contains(DATE_OPTION)) {
                        rerunType = RestConstants.JOB_COORD_RERUN_DATE;
                        scope = commandLine.getOptionValue(DATE_OPTION);
                    else if (options.contains(ACTION_OPTION)) {
                        rerunType = RestConstants.JOB_COORD_RERUN_ACTION;
                        scope = commandLine.getOptionValue(ACTION_OPTION);
                    else {
                        throw new OozieCLIException("Invalid options provided for rerun: " + DATE_OPTION + " or "
                                + ACTION_OPTION + " expected.");
                    if (options.contains(RERUN_REFRESH_OPTION)) {
                        refresh = true;
                    if (options.contains(RERUN_NOCLEANUP_OPTION)) {
                        noCleanup = true;
                    printRerunCoordActions(wc.reRunCoord(coordJobId, rerunType, scope, refresh, noCleanup));
            else if (options.contains(INFO_OPTION)) {
                String timeZoneId = getTimeZoneId(commandLine);
                if (commandLine.getOptionValue(INFO_OPTION).endsWith("-B")) {
                    String filter = commandLine.getOptionValue(FILTER_OPTION);
                    if (filter != null) {
                        throw new OozieCLIException("Filter option is currently not supported for a Bundle job");
                    printBundleJob(wc.getBundleJobInfo(commandLine.getOptionValue(INFO_OPTION)), timeZoneId,
                else if (commandLine.getOptionValue(INFO_OPTION).endsWith("-C")) {
                    String s = commandLine.getOptionValue(OFFSET_OPTION);
                    int start = Integer.parseInt((s != null) ? s : "0");
                    s = commandLine.getOptionValue(LEN_OPTION);
                    int len = Integer.parseInt((s != null) ? s : "0");
                    String filter = commandLine.getOptionValue(FILTER_OPTION);
                    printCoordJob(wc.getCoordJobInfo(commandLine.getOptionValue(INFO_OPTION), filter, start, len), timeZoneId,
                else if (commandLine.getOptionValue(INFO_OPTION).contains("-C@")) {
                    String filter = commandLine.getOptionValue(FILTER_OPTION);
                    if (filter != null) {
                        throw new OozieCLIException("Filter option is not supported for a Coordinator action");
                    printCoordAction(wc.getCoordActionInfo(commandLine.getOptionValue(INFO_OPTION)), timeZoneId);
                else if (commandLine.getOptionValue(INFO_OPTION).contains("-W@")) {
                    String filter = commandLine.getOptionValue(FILTER_OPTION);
                    if (filter != null) {
                        throw new OozieCLIException("Filter option is not supported for a Workflow action");
                    printWorkflowAction(wc.getWorkflowActionInfo(commandLine.getOptionValue(INFO_OPTION)), timeZoneId,
                else {
                    String filter = commandLine.getOptionValue(FILTER_OPTION);
                    if (filter != null) {
                        throw new OozieCLIException("Filter option is currently not supported for a Workflow job");
                    String s = commandLine.getOptionValue(OFFSET_OPTION);
                    int start = Integer.parseInt((s != null) ? s : "0");
                    s = commandLine.getOptionValue(LEN_OPTION);
                    String jobtype = commandLine.getOptionValue(JOBTYPE_OPTION);
                    jobtype = (jobtype != null) ? jobtype : "wf";
                    int len = Integer.parseInt((s != null) ? s : "0");
                    printJob(wc.getJobInfo(commandLine.getOptionValue(INFO_OPTION), start, len), timeZoneId,
            else if (options.contains(LOG_OPTION)) {
                PrintStream ps = System.out;
                if (commandLine.getOptionValue(LOG_OPTION).contains("-C")) {
                    String logRetrievalScope = null;
                    String logRetrievalType = null;
                    if (options.contains(ACTION_OPTION)) {
                        logRetrievalType = RestConstants.JOB_LOG_ACTION;
                        logRetrievalScope = commandLine.getOptionValue(ACTION_OPTION);
                    if (options.contains(DATE_OPTION)) {
                        logRetrievalType = RestConstants.JOB_LOG_DATE;
                        logRetrievalScope = commandLine.getOptionValue(DATE_OPTION);
                    try {
                        wc.getJobLog(commandLine.getOptionValue(LOG_OPTION), logRetrievalType, logRetrievalScope, ps);
                    finally {
                else {
                    if (!options.contains(ACTION_OPTION) && !options.contains(DATE_OPTION)) {
                        wc.getJobLog(commandLine.getOptionValue(LOG_OPTION), null, null, ps);
                    else {
                        throw new OozieCLIException("Invalid options provided for log retrieval. " + ACTION_OPTION
                                + " and " + DATE_OPTION + " are valid only for coordinator job log retrieval");
            else if (options.contains(DEFINITION_OPTION)) {
            else if (options.contains(CONFIG_CONTENT_OPTION)) {
                if (commandLine.getOptionValue(CONFIG_CONTENT_OPTION).endsWith("-C")) {
                else if (commandLine.getOptionValue(CONFIG_CONTENT_OPTION).endsWith("-W")) {
                else if (commandLine.getOptionValue(CONFIG_CONTENT_OPTION).endsWith("-B")) {
                else {
                    System.out.println("ERROR:  job id [" + commandLine.getOptionValue(CONFIG_CONTENT_OPTION)
                            + "] doesn't end with either C or W or B");
        catch (OozieClientException ex) {
            throw new OozieCLIException(ex.toString(), ex);

    private void printCoordJob(CoordinatorJob coordJob, String timeZoneId, boolean verbose) {
        System.out.println("Job ID : " + coordJob.getId());


        List<CoordinatorAction> actions = coordJob.getActions();
        System.out.println("Job Name    : " + maskIfNull(coordJob.getAppName()));
        System.out.println("App Path    : " + maskIfNull(coordJob.getAppPath()));
        System.out.println("Status      : " + coordJob.getStatus());
        System.out.println("Start Time  : " + maskDate(coordJob.getStartTime(), timeZoneId, false));
        System.out.println("End Time    : " + maskDate(coordJob.getEndTime(), timeZoneId, false));
        System.out.println("Pause Time  : " + maskDate(coordJob.getPauseTime(), timeZoneId, false));
        System.out.println("Concurrency : " + coordJob.getConcurrency());

        if (verbose) {
            System.out.println("ID" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Action Number" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Console URL"
                    + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Error Code" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Error Message" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                    + "External ID" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "External Status" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Job ID"
                    + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Tracker URI" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Created" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                    + "Nominal Time" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Status" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Last Modified"
                    + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Missing Dependencies");

            for (CoordinatorAction action : actions) {
                String missingDep = action.getMissingDependencies();
                if(missingDep != null && !missingDep.isEmpty()) {
                    missingDep = missingDep.split(INSTANCE_SEPARATOR)[0];
                System.out.println(maskIfNull(action.getId()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + action.getActionNumber()
                        + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskIfNull(action.getConsoleUrl()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                        + maskIfNull(action.getErrorCode()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskIfNull(action.getErrorMessage())
                        + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskIfNull(action.getExternalId()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                        + maskIfNull(action.getExternalStatus()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskIfNull(action.getJobId())
                        + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskIfNull(action.getTrackerUri()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                        + maskDate(action.getCreatedTime(), timeZoneId, verbose) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                        + maskDate(action.getNominalTime(), timeZoneId, verbose) + action.getStatus() + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                        + maskDate(action.getLastModifiedTime(), timeZoneId, verbose) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                        + maskIfNull(missingDep));

        else {
            System.out.println(String.format(COORD_ACTION_FORMATTER, "ID", "Status", "Ext ID", "Err Code", "Created",
                    "Nominal Time", "Last Mod"));

            for (CoordinatorAction action : actions) {
                System.out.println(String.format(COORD_ACTION_FORMATTER, maskIfNull(action.getId()),
                        action.getStatus(), maskIfNull(action.getExternalId()), maskIfNull(action.getErrorCode()),
                        maskDate(action.getCreatedTime(), timeZoneId, verbose), maskDate(action.getNominalTime(), timeZoneId, verbose),
                        maskDate(action.getLastModifiedTime(), timeZoneId, verbose)));


    private void printBundleJob(BundleJob bundleJob, String timeZoneId, boolean verbose) {
        System.out.println("Job ID : " + bundleJob.getId());


        List<CoordinatorJob> coordinators = bundleJob.getCoordinators();
        System.out.println("Job Name : " + maskIfNull(bundleJob.getAppName()));
        System.out.println("App Path : " + maskIfNull(bundleJob.getAppPath()));
        System.out.println("Status   : " + bundleJob.getStatus());
        System.out.println("Kickoff time   : " + bundleJob.getKickoffTime());

        System.out.println(String.format(BUNDLE_COORD_JOBS_FORMATTER, "Job ID", "Status", "Freq", "Unit", "Started",
                "Next Materialized"));

        for (CoordinatorJob job : coordinators) {
            System.out.println(String.format(BUNDLE_COORD_JOBS_FORMATTER, maskIfNull(job.getId()), job.getStatus(),
                    job.getFrequency(), job.getTimeUnit(), maskDate(job.getStartTime(), timeZoneId, verbose),
                    maskDate(job.getNextMaterializedTime(), timeZoneId, verbose)));


    private void printCoordAction(CoordinatorAction coordAction, String timeZoneId) {
        System.out.println("ID : " + maskIfNull(coordAction.getId()));


        System.out.println("Action Number        : " + coordAction.getActionNumber());
        System.out.println("Console URL          : " + maskIfNull(coordAction.getConsoleUrl()));
        System.out.println("Error Code           : " + maskIfNull(coordAction.getErrorCode()));
        System.out.println("Error Message        : " + maskIfNull(coordAction.getErrorMessage()));
        System.out.println("External ID          : " + maskIfNull(coordAction.getExternalId()));
        System.out.println("External Status      : " + maskIfNull(coordAction.getExternalStatus()));
        System.out.println("Job ID               : " + maskIfNull(coordAction.getJobId()));
        System.out.println("Tracker URI          : " + maskIfNull(coordAction.getTrackerUri()));
        System.out.println("Created              : " + maskDate(coordAction.getCreatedTime(), timeZoneId, false));
        System.out.println("Nominal Time         : " + maskDate(coordAction.getNominalTime(), timeZoneId, false));
        System.out.println("Status               : " + coordAction.getStatus());
        System.out.println("Last Modified        : " + maskDate(coordAction.getLastModifiedTime(), timeZoneId, false));
        String missingDep = coordAction.getMissingDependencies();
        if(missingDep != null && !missingDep.isEmpty()) {
            missingDep = missingDep.split(INSTANCE_SEPARATOR)[0];
        System.out.println("First Missing Dependency : " + maskIfNull(missingDep));


    private void printRerunCoordActions(List<CoordinatorAction> actions) {
        if (actions != null && actions.size() > 0) {
            System.out.println("Action ID" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Nominal Time");
            for (CoordinatorAction action : actions) {
                System.out.println(maskIfNull(action.getId()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                        + maskDate(action.getNominalTime(), null,false));
        else {
            System.out.println("No Actions match your rerun criteria!");

    private void printWorkflowAction(WorkflowAction action, String timeZoneId, boolean verbose) {
        System.out.println("ID : " + maskIfNull(action.getId()));


        System.out.println("Console URL       : " + maskIfNull(action.getConsoleUrl()));
        System.out.println("Error Code        : " + maskIfNull(action.getErrorCode()));
        System.out.println("Error Message     : " + maskIfNull(action.getErrorMessage()));
        System.out.println("External ID       : " + maskIfNull(action.getExternalId()));
        System.out.println("External Status   : " + maskIfNull(action.getExternalStatus()));
        System.out.println("Name              : " + maskIfNull(action.getName()));
        System.out.println("Retries           : " + action.getRetries());
        System.out.println("Tracker URI       : " + maskIfNull(action.getTrackerUri()));
        System.out.println("Type              : " + maskIfNull(action.getType()));
        System.out.println("Started           : " + maskDate(action.getStartTime(), timeZoneId, verbose));
        System.out.println("Status            : " + action.getStatus());
        System.out.println("Ended             : " + maskDate(action.getEndTime(), timeZoneId, verbose));

        if (verbose) {
            System.out.println("External Stats    : " + action.getStats());
            System.out.println("External ChildIDs : " + action.getExternalChildIDs());


    private static final String WORKFLOW_JOBS_FORMATTER = "%-41s%-13s%-10s%-10s%-10s%-24s%-24s";
    private static final String COORD_JOBS_FORMATTER = "%-41s%-15s%-10s%-5s%-13s%-24s%-24s";
    private static final String BUNDLE_JOBS_FORMATTER = "%-41s%-15s%-10s%-20s%-20s%-13s%-13s";
    private static final String BUNDLE_COORD_JOBS_FORMATTER = "%-41s%-10s%-5s%-13s%-24s%-24s";

    private static final String WORKFLOW_ACTION_FORMATTER = "%-78s%-10s%-23s%-11s%-10s";
    private static final String COORD_ACTION_FORMATTER = "%-43s%-10s%-37s%-10s%-21s%-21s";
    private static final String BULK_RESPONSE_FORMATTER = "%-41s%-41s%-37s%-37s%-13s%-21s%-24s";

    private void printJob(WorkflowJob job, String timeZoneId, boolean verbose) throws IOException {
        System.out.println("Job ID : " + maskIfNull(job.getId()));


        System.out.println("Workflow Name : " + maskIfNull(job.getAppName()));
        System.out.println("App Path      : " + maskIfNull(job.getAppPath()));
        System.out.println("Status        : " + job.getStatus());
        System.out.println("Run           : " + job.getRun());
        System.out.println("User          : " + maskIfNull(job.getUser()));
        System.out.println("Group         : " + maskIfNull(job.getGroup()));
        System.out.println("Created       : " + maskDate(job.getCreatedTime(), timeZoneId, verbose));
        System.out.println("Started       : " + maskDate(job.getStartTime(), timeZoneId, verbose));
        System.out.println("Last Modified : " + maskDate(job.getLastModifiedTime(), timeZoneId, verbose));
        System.out.println("Ended         : " + maskDate(job.getEndTime(), timeZoneId, verbose));
        System.out.println("CoordAction ID: " + maskIfNull(job.getParentId()));

        List<WorkflowAction> actions = job.getActions();

        if (actions != null && actions.size() > 0) {

            if (verbose) {
                System.out.println("ID" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Console URL" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Error Code"
                        + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Error Message" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "External ID" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                        + "External Status" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Name" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Retries"
                        + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Tracker URI" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Type" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                        + "Started" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Status" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Ended");

                for (WorkflowAction action : job.getActions()) {
                    System.out.println(maskIfNull(action.getId()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + maskIfNull(action.getConsoleUrl()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + maskIfNull(action.getErrorCode()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + maskIfNull(action.getErrorMessage()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + maskIfNull(action.getExternalId()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + maskIfNull(action.getExternalStatus()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskIfNull(action.getName())
                            + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + action.getRetries() + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + maskIfNull(action.getTrackerUri()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskIfNull(action.getType())
                            + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskDate(action.getStartTime(), timeZoneId, verbose)
                            + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + action.getStatus() + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + maskDate(action.getEndTime(), timeZoneId, verbose));

            else {
                System.out.println(String.format(WORKFLOW_ACTION_FORMATTER, "ID", "Status", "Ext ID", "Ext Status",
                        "Err Code"));


                for (WorkflowAction action : job.getActions()) {
                    System.out.println(String.format(WORKFLOW_ACTION_FORMATTER, maskIfNull(action.getId()), action
                            .getStatus(), maskIfNull(action.getExternalId()), maskIfNull(action.getExternalStatus()),

        else {


    private void jobsCommand(CommandLine commandLine) throws IOException, OozieCLIException {
        XOozieClient wc = createXOozieClient(commandLine);

        String filter = commandLine.getOptionValue(FILTER_OPTION);
        String s = commandLine.getOptionValue(OFFSET_OPTION);
        int start = Integer.parseInt((s != null) ? s : "0");
        s = commandLine.getOptionValue(LEN_OPTION);
        String jobtype = commandLine.getOptionValue(JOBTYPE_OPTION);
        String timeZoneId = getTimeZoneId(commandLine);
        jobtype = (jobtype != null) ? jobtype : "wf";
        int len = Integer.parseInt((s != null) ? s : "0");
        String bulkFilterString = commandLine.getOptionValue(BULK_OPTION);

        try {
            if (bulkFilterString != null) {
                printBulkJobs(wc.getBulkInfo(bulkFilterString, start, len), timeZoneId);
            else if (jobtype.toLowerCase().contains("wf")) {
                printJobs(wc.getJobsInfo(filter, start, len), timeZoneId, commandLine.hasOption(VERBOSE_OPTION));
            else if (jobtype.toLowerCase().startsWith("coord")) {
                printCoordJobs(wc.getCoordJobsInfo(filter, start, len), timeZoneId, commandLine.hasOption(VERBOSE_OPTION));
            else if (jobtype.toLowerCase().startsWith("bundle")) {
                printBundleJobs(wc.getBundleJobsInfo(filter, start, len), timeZoneId, commandLine.hasOption(VERBOSE_OPTION));

        catch (OozieClientException ex) {
            throw new OozieCLIException(ex.toString(), ex);

    private void printCoordJobs(List<CoordinatorJob> jobs, String timeZoneId, boolean verbose) throws IOException {
        if (jobs != null && jobs.size() > 0) {
            if (verbose) {
                System.out.println("Job ID" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "App Name" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "App Path"
                        + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Console URL" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "User" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Group"
                        + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Concurrency" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Frequency" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                        + "Time Unit" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Time Zone" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Time Out"
                        + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Started" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Next Materialize" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                        + "Status" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Last Action" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Ended");

                for (CoordinatorJob job : jobs) {
                    System.out.println(maskIfNull(job.getId()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskIfNull(job.getAppName())
                            + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskIfNull(job.getAppPath()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + maskIfNull(job.getConsoleUrl()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskIfNull(job.getUser())
                            + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskIfNull(job.getGroup()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + job.getConcurrency()
                            + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + job.getFrequency() + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + job.getTimeUnit()
                            + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskIfNull(job.getTimeZone()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + job.getTimeout()
                            + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskDate(job.getStartTime(), timeZoneId, verbose) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + maskDate(job.getNextMaterializedTime(), timeZoneId, verbose) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + job.getStatus() + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + maskDate(job.getLastActionTime(), timeZoneId, verbose) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + maskDate(job.getEndTime(), timeZoneId, verbose));

            else {
                System.out.println(String.format(COORD_JOBS_FORMATTER, "Job ID", "App Name", "Status", "Freq", "Unit",
                        "Started", "Next Materialized"));

                for (CoordinatorJob job : jobs) {
                    System.out.println(String.format(COORD_JOBS_FORMATTER, maskIfNull(job.getId()), maskIfNull(job
                            .getAppName()), job.getStatus(), job.getFrequency(), job.getTimeUnit(), maskDate(job
                            .getStartTime(), timeZoneId, verbose), maskDate(job.getNextMaterializedTime(), timeZoneId, verbose)));

        else {
            System.out.println("No Jobs match your criteria!");

    private void printBulkJobs(List<BulkResponse> jobs, String timeZoneId) throws IOException {
        if (jobs != null && jobs.size() > 0) {
            System.out.println(String.format(BULK_RESPONSE_FORMATTER, "Bundle Name", "Coordinator Name",
                    "Coord Action ID", "External ID", "Status", "Created Time", "Error Message"));

            for (BulkResponse response : jobs) {
                System.out.println(String.format(BULK_RESPONSE_FORMATTER, maskIfNull((response.getBundle()).getAppName()),
                        maskIfNull((response.getCoordinator()).getAppName()), maskIfNull((response.getAction()).getId()),
                        maskIfNull((response.getAction()).getExternalId()), (response.getAction()).getStatus(),
                        maskDate((response.getAction()).getCreatedTime(), timeZoneId, false), (response.getAction()).getErrorMessage()));
        else {
            System.out.println("Bulk request criteria did not match any coordinator actions");

    private void printBundleJobs(List<BundleJob> jobs, String timeZoneId, boolean verbose) throws IOException {
        if (jobs != null && jobs.size() > 0) {
            if (verbose) {
                System.out.println("Job ID" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Bundle Name" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Bundle Path"
                        + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "User" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Group" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Status"
                        + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Kickoff" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Pause" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Created"
                        + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Console URL");

                for (BundleJob job : jobs) {
                    System.out.println(maskIfNull(job.getId()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskIfNull(job.getAppName())
                            + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskIfNull(job.getAppPath()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + maskIfNull(job.getUser()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskIfNull(job.getGroup())
                            + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + job.getStatus() + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + maskDate(job.getKickoffTime(), timeZoneId, verbose) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + maskDate(job.getPauseTime(), timeZoneId, verbose) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + maskDate(job.getCreatedTime(), timeZoneId, verbose) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + maskIfNull(job.getConsoleUrl()));

            else {
                System.out.println(String.format(BUNDLE_JOBS_FORMATTER, "Job ID", "Bundle Name", "Status", "Kickoff",
                        "Created", "User", "Group"));

                for (BundleJob job : jobs) {
                    System.out.println(String.format(BUNDLE_JOBS_FORMATTER, maskIfNull(job.getId()),
                            maskIfNull(job.getAppName()), job.getStatus(),
                            maskDate(job.getKickoffTime(), timeZoneId, verbose),
                            maskDate(job.getCreatedTime(), timeZoneId, verbose), maskIfNull(job.getUser()),
        else {
            System.out.println("No Jobs match your criteria!");

    private void slaCommand(CommandLine commandLine) throws IOException, OozieCLIException {
        XOozieClient wc = createXOozieClient(commandLine);
        List<String> options = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Option option : commandLine.getOptions()) {

        String s = commandLine.getOptionValue(OFFSET_OPTION);
        int start = Integer.parseInt((s != null) ? s : "0");
        s = commandLine.getOptionValue(LEN_OPTION);
        int len = Integer.parseInt((s != null) ? s : "100");
        String filter = commandLine.getOptionValue(FILTER_OPTION);

        try {
            wc.getSlaInfo(start, len, filter);
        catch (OozieClientException ex) {
            throw new OozieCLIException(ex.toString(), ex);

    private void adminCommand(CommandLine commandLine) throws OozieCLIException {
        XOozieClient wc = createXOozieClient(commandLine);

        List<String> options = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Option option : commandLine.getOptions()) {

        try {
            SYSTEM_MODE status = SYSTEM_MODE.NORMAL;
            if (options.contains(VERSION_OPTION)) {
                System.out.println("Oozie server build version: " + wc.getServerBuildVersion());
            else if (options.contains(SYSTEM_MODE_OPTION)) {
                String systemModeOption = commandLine.getOptionValue(SYSTEM_MODE_OPTION).toUpperCase();
                try {
                    status = SYSTEM_MODE.valueOf(systemModeOption);
                catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new OozieCLIException("Invalid input provided for option: " + SYSTEM_MODE_OPTION
                            + " value given :" + systemModeOption
                            + " Expected values are: NORMAL/NOWEBSERVICE/SAFEMODE ");
                System.out.println("System mode: " + status);
            else if (options.contains(STATUS_OPTION)) {
                status = wc.getSystemMode();
                System.out.println("System mode: " + status);
            else if (options.contains(QUEUE_DUMP_OPTION)) {

                List<String> list = wc.getQueueDump();
                if (list != null && list.size() != 0) {
                    for (String str : list) {
                else {
                    System.out.println("QueueDump is null!");
        catch (OozieClientException ex) {
            throw new OozieCLIException(ex.toString(), ex);

    private void versionCommand() throws OozieCLIException {
        System.out.println("Oozie client build version: "
                + BuildInfo.getBuildInfo().getProperty(BuildInfo.BUILD_VERSION));

    private void printJobs(List<WorkflowJob> jobs, String timeZoneId, boolean verbose) throws IOException {
        if (jobs != null && jobs.size() > 0) {
            if (verbose) {
                System.out.println("Job ID" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "App Name" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "App Path"
                        + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Console URL" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "User" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Group"
                        + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Run" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Created" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Started"
                        + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Status" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + "Last Modified" + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                        + "Ended");

                for (WorkflowJob job : jobs) {
                    System.out.println(maskIfNull(job.getId()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskIfNull(job.getAppName())
                            + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskIfNull(job.getAppPath()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + maskIfNull(job.getConsoleUrl()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskIfNull(job.getUser())
                            + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskIfNull(job.getGroup()) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + job.getRun()
                            + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskDate(job.getCreatedTime(), timeZoneId, verbose)
                            + VERBOSE_DELIMITER + maskDate(job.getStartTime(), timeZoneId, verbose) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + job.getStatus() + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + maskDate(job.getLastModifiedTime(), timeZoneId, verbose) + VERBOSE_DELIMITER
                            + maskDate(job.getEndTime(), timeZoneId, verbose));

            else {
                System.out.println(String.format(WORKFLOW_JOBS_FORMATTER, "Job ID", "App Name", "Status", "User",
                        "Group", "Started", "Ended"));

                for (WorkflowJob job : jobs) {
                    System.out.println(String.format(WORKFLOW_JOBS_FORMATTER, maskIfNull(job.getId()),
                            maskIfNull(job.getAppName()), job.getStatus(), maskIfNull(job.getUser()),
                            maskIfNull(job.getGroup()), maskDate(job.getStartTime(), timeZoneId, verbose),
                            maskDate(job.getEndTime(), timeZoneId, verbose)));

        else {
            System.out.println("No Jobs match your criteria!");

    private String maskIfNull(String value) {
        if (value != null && value.length() > 0) {
            return value;
        return "-";

    private String maskDate(Date date, String timeZoneId, boolean verbose) {
        if (date == null) {
            return "-";

        SimpleDateFormat dateFormater = null;
        if (verbose) {
            dateFormater = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzz", Locale.US);
        else {
            dateFormater = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm zzz", Locale.US);

        if (timeZoneId != null) {
        String dateString = dateFormater.format(date);
        // Most TimeZones are 3 or 4 characters; GMT offsets (e.g. GMT-07:00) are 9, so lets remove the "GMT" part to make it 6
        // to fit better
        Matcher m = GMT_OFFSET_SHORTEN_PATTERN.matcher(dateString);
        if (m.matches() && m.groupCount() == 2) {
            dateString = +;
        return dateString;

    private void validateCommand(CommandLine commandLine) throws OozieCLIException {
        String[] args = commandLine.getArgs();
        if (args.length != 1) {
            throw new OozieCLIException("One file must be specified");
        File file = new File(args[0]);
        if (file.exists()) {
            try {
                List<StreamSource> sources = new ArrayList<StreamSource>();
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                sources.add(new StreamSource(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
                SchemaFactory factory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI);
                Schema schema = factory.newSchema(sources.toArray(new StreamSource[sources.size()]));
                Validator validator = schema.newValidator();
                validator.validate(new StreamSource(new FileReader(file)));
                System.out.println("Valid worflow-app");
            catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new OozieCLIException("Invalid workflow-app, " + ex.toString(), ex);
        else {
            throw new OozieCLIException("File does not exists");

    private void pigCommand(CommandLine commandLine) throws IOException, OozieCLIException {
        List<String> pigArgs = commandLine.getArgList();
        if (pigArgs.size() > 0) {
            // checking is a pigArgs starts with -X (because CLIParser cannot check this)
            if (!pigArgs.get(0).equals("-X")) {
                throw new OozieCLIException("Unrecognized option: " + pigArgs.get(0) + " Expecting -X");

        List<String> options = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Option option : commandLine.getOptions()) {

        if (!options.contains(PIGFILE_OPTION)) {
            throw new OozieCLIException("Need to specify -file <scriptfile>");

        if (!options.contains(CONFIG_OPTION)) {
            throw new OozieCLIException("Need to specify -config <configfile>");

        try {
            XOozieClient wc = createXOozieClient(commandLine);
            Properties conf = getConfiguration(wc, commandLine);
            String script = commandLine.getOptionValue(PIGFILE_OPTION);
            System.out.println(JOB_ID_PREFIX + wc.submitPig(conf, script, pigArgs.toArray(new String[pigArgs.size()])));
        catch (OozieClientException ex) {
            throw new OozieCLIException(ex.toString(), ex);

    private void infoCommand(CommandLine commandLine) throws OozieCLIException {
        for (Option option : commandLine.getOptions()) {
            String opt = option.getOpt();
            if (opt.equals(INFO_TIME_ZONES_OPTION)) {

    private void printAvailableTimeZones() {
        System.out.println("The format is \"SHORT_NAME (ID)\"\nGive the ID to the -timezone argument");
        System.out.println("GMT offsets can also be used (e.g. GMT-07:00, GMT-0700, GMT+05:30, GMT+0530)");
        System.out.println("Available Time Zones:");
        for (String tzId : TimeZone.getAvailableIDs()) {
            // skip id's that are like "Etc/GMT+01:00" because their display names are like "GMT-01:00", which is confusing
            if (!tzId.startsWith("Etc/GMT")) {
                TimeZone tZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tzId);
                System.out.println("      " + tZone.getDisplayName(false, TimeZone.SHORT) + " (" + tzId + ")");

    private void mrCommand(CommandLine commandLine) throws IOException, OozieCLIException {
        try {
            XOozieClient wc = createXOozieClient(commandLine);
            Properties conf = getConfiguration(wc, commandLine);

            String mapper = conf.getProperty(MAPRED_MAPPER);
            if (mapper == null) {
                throw new OozieCLIException("mapper is not specified in conf");

            String reducer = conf.getProperty(MAPRED_REDUCER);
            if (reducer == null) {
                throw new OozieCLIException("reducer is not specified in conf");

            String inputDir = conf.getProperty(MAPRED_INPUT);
            if (inputDir == null) {
                throw new OozieCLIException("mapred.input.dir is not specified in conf");

            String outputDir = conf.getProperty(MAPRED_OUTPUT);
            if (outputDir == null) {
                throw new OozieCLIException("mapred.output.dir is not specified in conf");

            System.out.println(JOB_ID_PREFIX + wc.submitMapReduce(conf));
        catch (OozieClientException ex) {
            throw new OozieCLIException(ex.toString(), ex);

Related Classes of org.apache.oozie.cli.OozieCLI

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