Package org.apache.xmpbox.type

Source Code of org.apache.xmpbox.type.TypeMapping

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package org.apache.xmpbox.type;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

import org.apache.xmpbox.XMPMetadata;
import org.apache.xmpbox.schema.AdobePDFSchema;
import org.apache.xmpbox.schema.DublinCoreSchema;
import org.apache.xmpbox.schema.PDFAExtensionSchema;
import org.apache.xmpbox.schema.PDFAIdentificationSchema;
import org.apache.xmpbox.schema.PhotoshopSchema;
import org.apache.xmpbox.schema.XMPBasicJobTicketSchema;
import org.apache.xmpbox.schema.XMPBasicSchema;
import org.apache.xmpbox.schema.XMPMediaManagementSchema;
import org.apache.xmpbox.schema.XMPRightsManagementSchema;
import org.apache.xmpbox.schema.XMPSchema;
import org.apache.xmpbox.schema.XMPSchemaFactory;
import org.apache.xmpbox.schema.XmpSchemaException;

public final class TypeMapping

    private Map<Types, PropertiesDescription> structuredMappings;

    // ns -> type
    private Map<String, Types> structuredNamespaces;

    // ns -> type
    private Map<String, String> definedStructuredNamespaces;

    private Map<String, PropertiesDescription> definedStructuredMappings;

    private XMPMetadata metadata;

    private Map<String, XMPSchemaFactory> schemaMap;

    public TypeMapping(XMPMetadata metadata)
        this.metadata = metadata;

    private static Class<?>[] simplePropertyConstParams = new Class<?>[] { XMPMetadata.class, String.class,
            String.class, String.class, Object.class };

    private void initialize()
        // structured types
        structuredMappings = new HashMap<Types, PropertiesDescription>();
        structuredNamespaces = new HashMap<String, Types>();
        for (Types type : Types.values())
            if (type.isStructured())
                Class<? extends AbstractStructuredType> clz = type.getImplementingClass().asSubclass(
                StructuredType st = clz.getAnnotation(StructuredType.class);
                String ns = st.namespace();
                PropertiesDescription pm = initializePropMapping(clz);
                structuredNamespaces.put(ns, type);
                structuredMappings.put(type, pm);

        // define structured types
        definedStructuredNamespaces = new HashMap<String, String>();
        definedStructuredMappings = new HashMap<String, PropertiesDescription>();

        // schema
        schemaMap = new HashMap<String, XMPSchemaFactory>();


    public void addToDefinedStructuredTypes(String typeName, String ns, PropertiesDescription pm)
        definedStructuredNamespaces.put(ns, typeName);
        definedStructuredMappings.put(typeName, pm);

    public PropertiesDescription getDefinedDescriptionByNamespace(String namespace)
        String dt = definedStructuredNamespaces.get(namespace);
        return this.definedStructuredMappings.get(dt);

    public AbstractStructuredType instanciateStructuredType(Types type, String propertyName)
            throws BadFieldValueException
            Class<? extends AbstractStructuredType> propertyTypeClass = type.getImplementingClass().asSubclass(
            Constructor<? extends AbstractStructuredType> construct = propertyTypeClass
                    .getConstructor(new Class<?>[] { XMPMetadata.class });
            AbstractStructuredType tmp = construct.newInstance(metadata);
            return tmp;
        catch (InvocationTargetException e)
            throw new BadFieldValueException("Failed to instanciate structured type : " + type, e);
        catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
            throw new BadFieldValueException("Failed to instanciate structured type : " + type, e);
        catch (InstantiationException e)
            throw new BadFieldValueException("Failed to instanciate structured type : " + type, e);
        catch (IllegalAccessException e)
            throw new BadFieldValueException("Failed to instanciate structured type : " + type, e);
        catch (SecurityException e)
            throw new BadFieldValueException("Failed to instanciate structured type : " + type, e);
        catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
            throw new BadFieldValueException("Failed to instanciate structured type : " + type, e);

    public AbstractStructuredType instanciateDefinedType(String propertyName, String namespace)
        return new DefinedStructuredType(metadata, namespace, null, propertyName);

    public AbstractSimpleProperty instanciateSimpleProperty(String nsuri, String prefix, String name, Object value,
            Types type)
        // constructor parameters
        Object[] params = new Object[] { metadata, nsuri, prefix, name, value };
        // type
            Class<? extends AbstractSimpleProperty> clz = type.getImplementingClass().asSubclass(
            Constructor<? extends AbstractSimpleProperty> cons = clz.getConstructor(simplePropertyConstParams);
            return cons.newInstance(params);
        catch (NoSuchMethodError e)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to instanciate property", e);
        catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to instanciate property", e);
        catch (InstantiationException e)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to instanciate property", e);
        catch (IllegalAccessException e)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to instanciate property", e);
        catch (InvocationTargetException e)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to instanciate property", e);
        catch (SecurityException e)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to instanciate property", e);
        catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to instanciate property", e);

    public AbstractSimpleProperty instanciateSimpleField(Class<?> clz, String nsuri, String prefix,
            String propertyName, Object value)
        PropertiesDescription pm = initializePropMapping(clz);
        PropertyType simpleType = pm.getPropertyType(propertyName);
        Types type = simpleType.type();
        return instanciateSimpleProperty(nsuri, prefix, propertyName, value, type);

     * Check if a namespace used reference a complex basic types (like Thumbnails)
     * @param namespace
     *            The namespace URI to check
     * @return True if namespace URI is a reference for a complex basic type
    public boolean isStructuredTypeNamespace(String namespace)
        return structuredNamespaces.containsKey(namespace);

    public boolean isDefinedTypeNamespace(String namespace)
        return definedStructuredNamespaces.containsKey(namespace);

    // public String getTypeInArray (String type) {
    // int pos = type.indexOf(' ');
    // if (pos<0) {
    // // not array
    // return null;
    // } else {
    // return type.substring(pos+1);
    // }
    // }

    public boolean isDefinedType(String name)
        return this.definedStructuredMappings.containsKey(name);

    private void addNameSpace(Class<? extends XMPSchema> classSchem)
        StructuredType st = classSchem.getAnnotation(StructuredType.class);
        String ns = st.namespace();
        schemaMap.put(ns, new XMPSchemaFactory(ns, classSchem, initializePropMapping(classSchem)));

    public void addNewNameSpace(String ns, String prefered)
        PropertiesDescription mapping = new PropertiesDescription();
        schemaMap.put(ns, new XMPSchemaFactory(ns, XMPSchema.class, mapping));

    public PropertiesDescription getStructuredPropMapping(Types type)
        return structuredMappings.get(type);

     * Return the specialized schema class representation if it's known (create and add it to metadata). In other cases,
     * return null
     * @param metadata
     *            Metadata to link the new schema
     * @param namespace
     *            The namespace URI
     * @return Schema representation
     * @throws XmpSchemaException
     *             When Instancing specified Object Schema failed
    public XMPSchema getAssociatedSchemaObject(XMPMetadata metadata, String namespace, String prefix)
            throws XmpSchemaException
        if (schemaMap.containsKey(namespace))
            XMPSchemaFactory factory = schemaMap.get(namespace);
            return factory.createXMPSchema(metadata, prefix);
            XMPSchemaFactory factory = getSchemaFactory(namespace);
            return factory != null ? factory.createXMPSchema(metadata, prefix) : null;

    public XMPSchemaFactory getSchemaFactory(String namespace)
        return schemaMap.get(namespace);

     * Say if a specific namespace is known
     * @param namespace
     *            The namespace URI checked
     * @return True if namespace URI is known
    public boolean isDefinedSchema(String namespace)
        return schemaMap.containsKey(namespace);

    public boolean isDefinedNamespace(String namespace)
        return isDefinedSchema(namespace) || isStructuredTypeNamespace(namespace) || isDefinedTypeNamespace(namespace);

     * Give type of specified property in specified schema (given by its namespaceURI)
     * @param name
     *            the property Qualified Name
     * @return Property type declared for namespace specified, null if unknown
    public PropertyType getSpecifiedPropertyType(QName name) throws BadFieldValueException
        XMPSchemaFactory factory = getSchemaFactory(name.getNamespaceURI());
        if (factory != null)
            // found in schema
            return factory.getPropertyType(name.getLocalPart());
            // try in structured
            Types st = structuredNamespaces.get(name.getNamespaceURI());
            if (st != null)
                return createPropertyType(st, Cardinality.Simple);
                // try in defined
                String dt = definedStructuredNamespaces.get(name.getNamespaceURI());
                if (dt == null)
                    // not found
                    throw new BadFieldValueException("No descriptor found for " + name);
                    return createPropertyType(Types.DefinedType, Cardinality.Simple);

    public PropertiesDescription initializePropMapping(Class<?> classSchem)
        PropertiesDescription propMap = new PropertiesDescription();
        Field[] fields = classSchem.getFields();
        String propName = null;
        for (Field field : fields)
            if (field.isAnnotationPresent(PropertyType.class))
                    propName = (String) field.get(propName);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "couldn't read one type declaration, please check accessibility and declaration of fields annoted in "
                                    + classSchem.getName(), e);
                PropertyType propType = field.getAnnotation(PropertyType.class);
                propMap.addNewProperty(propName, propType);
        return propMap;

    public BooleanType createBoolean(String namespaceURI, String prefix, String propertyName, boolean value)
        return new BooleanType(metadata, namespaceURI, prefix, propertyName, value);

    public DateType createDate(String namespaceURI, String prefix, String propertyName, Calendar value)
        return new DateType(metadata, namespaceURI, prefix, propertyName, value);

    public IntegerType createInteger(String namespaceURI, String prefix, String propertyName, int value)
        return new IntegerType(metadata, namespaceURI, prefix, propertyName, value);

    public RealType createReal(String namespaceURI, String prefix, String propertyName, float value)
        return new RealType(metadata, namespaceURI, prefix, propertyName, value);

    public TextType createText(String namespaceURI, String prefix, String propertyName, String value)
        return new TextType(metadata, namespaceURI, prefix, propertyName, value);

    public ProperNameType createProperName(String namespaceURI, String prefix, String propertyName, String value)
        return new ProperNameType(metadata, namespaceURI, prefix, propertyName, value);

    public URIType createURI(String namespaceURI, String prefix, String propertyName, String value)
        return new URIType(metadata, namespaceURI, prefix, propertyName, value);

    public URLType createURL(String namespaceURI, String prefix, String propertyName, String value)
        return new URLType(metadata, namespaceURI, prefix, propertyName, value);

    public RenditionClassType createRenditionClass(String namespaceURI, String prefix, String propertyName, String value)
        return new RenditionClassType(metadata, namespaceURI, prefix, propertyName, value);

    public PartType createPart(String namespaceURI, String prefix, String propertyName, String value)
        return new PartType(metadata, namespaceURI, prefix, propertyName, value);

    public MIMEType createMIMEType(String namespaceURI, String prefix, String propertyName, String value)
        return new MIMEType(metadata, namespaceURI, prefix, propertyName, value);

    public LocaleType createLocale(String namespaceURI, String prefix, String propertyName, String value)
        return new LocaleType(metadata, namespaceURI, prefix, propertyName, value);

    public GUIDType createGUID(String namespaceURI, String prefix, String propertyName, String value)
        return new GUIDType(metadata, namespaceURI, prefix, propertyName, value);

    public ChoiceType createChoice(String namespaceURI, String prefix, String propertyName, String value)
        return new ChoiceType(metadata, namespaceURI, prefix, propertyName, value);

    public AgentNameType createAgentName(String namespaceURI, String prefix, String propertyName, String value)
        return new AgentNameType(metadata, namespaceURI, prefix, propertyName, value);

    public XPathType createXPath(String namespaceURI, String prefix, String propertyName, String value)
        return new XPathType(metadata, namespaceURI, prefix, propertyName, value);

    public ArrayProperty createArrayProperty(String namespace, String prefix, String propertyName, Cardinality type)
        return new ArrayProperty(metadata, namespace, prefix, propertyName, type);

    public static PropertyType createPropertyType(final Types type, final Cardinality card)
        return new PropertyType()

            public Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType()
                return null;

            public Types type()
                return type;

            public Cardinality card()
                return card;

Related Classes of org.apache.xmpbox.type.TypeMapping

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