Package org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.function

Source Code of org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.function.PDFunctionType0$Rinterpol

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package org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.function;


import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSArray;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSBase;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSInteger;
import org.apache.pdfbox.cos.COSName;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDRange;

* This class represents a type 0 function in a PDF document.
* @author <a href="">Ben Litchfield</a>
* @author Tilman Hausherr <>
public class PDFunctionType0 extends PDFunction
     * Log instance.
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PDFunctionType0.class);

     * An array of 2 x m numbers specifying the linear mapping of input values
     * into the domain of the function's sample table. Default value: [ 0 (Size0
     * - 1) 0 (Size1 - 1) ...].
    private COSArray encode = null;
     * An array of 2 x n numbers specifying the linear mapping of sample values
     * into the range appropriate for the function's output values. Default
     * value: same as the value of Range
    private COSArray decode = null;
     * An array of m positive integers specifying the number of samples in each
     * input dimension of the sample table.
    private COSArray size = null;
     * The samples of the function.
    private int[][] samples = null;
     * Constructor.
     * @param function The function.
    public PDFunctionType0(COSBase function)

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int getFunctionType()
        return 0;

     * The "Size" entry, which is the number of samples in each input dimension
     * of the sample table.
     * @return A List of java.lang.Integer objects.
    public COSArray getSize()
        if (size == null)
            size = (COSArray) getDictionary().getDictionaryObject(COSName.SIZE);
        return size;

     * Get all sample values of this function.
     * @return an array with all samples.
    public int[][] getSamples()
        if (samples == null)
            int arraySize = 1;
            int numberOfInputValues = getNumberOfInputParameters();
            int numberOfOutputValues = getNumberOfOutputParameters();
            COSArray sizes = getSize();
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfInputValues; i++)
                arraySize *= sizes.getInt(i);
            samples = new int[arraySize][numberOfOutputValues];
            int bitsPerSample = getBitsPerSample();
            int index = 0;
                // PDF spec 1.7 p.171:
                // Each sample value is represented as a sequence of BitsPerSample bits.
                // Successive values are adjacent in the bit stream;
                // there is no padding at byte boundaries.
                ImageInputStream mciis = new MemoryCacheImageInputStream(getPDStream().createInputStream());
                for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < numberOfOutputValues; k++)
                        // TODO will this cast work properly for 32 bitsPerSample or should we use long[]?
                        samples[index][k] = (int) mciis.readBits(bitsPerSample);
            catch (IOException exception)
                LOG.error("IOException while reading the sample values of this function.", exception);
        return samples;

     * Get the number of bits that the output value will take up. 
     * Valid values are 1,2,4,8,12,16,24,32.
     * @return Number of bits for each output value.
    public int getBitsPerSample()
        return getDictionary().getInt(COSName.BITS_PER_SAMPLE);

     * Get the order of interpolation between samples. Valid values are 1 and 3,
     * specifying linear and cubic spline interpolation, respectively. Default
     * is 1. See p.170 in PDF spec 1.7.
     * @return order of interpolation.
    public int getOrder()
        return getDictionary().getInt(COSName.ORDER, 1);

     * Set the number of bits that the output value will take up. Valid values
     * are 1,2,4,8,12,16,24,32.
     * @param bps The number of bits for each output value.
    public void setBitsPerSample(int bps)
        getDictionary().setInt(COSName.BITS_PER_SAMPLE, bps);
     * Returns all encode values as COSArray.
     * @return the encode array.
    private COSArray getEncodeValues()
        if (encode == null)
            encode = (COSArray) getDictionary().getDictionaryObject(COSName.ENCODE);
            // the default value is [0 (size[0]-1) 0 (size[1]-1) ...]
            if (encode == null)
                encode = new COSArray();
                COSArray sizeValues = getSize();
                int sizeValuesSize = sizeValues.size();
                for (int i = 0; i < sizeValuesSize; i++)
                    encode.add(COSInteger.get(sizeValues.getInt(i) - 1));
        return encode;

     * Returns all decode values as COSArray.
     * @return the decode array.
    private COSArray getDecodeValues()
        if (decode == null)
            decode = (COSArray) getDictionary().getDictionaryObject(COSName.DECODE);
            // if decode is null, the default values are the range values
            if (decode == null)
                decode = getRangeValues();
        return decode;

     * Get the encode for the input parameter.
     * @param paramNum The function parameter number.
     * @return The encode parameter range or null if none is set.
    public PDRange getEncodeForParameter(int paramNum)
        PDRange retval = null;
        COSArray encodeValues = getEncodeValues();
        if (encodeValues != null && encodeValues.size() >= paramNum * 2 + 1)
            retval = new PDRange(encodeValues, paramNum);
        return retval;

     * This will set the encode values.
     * @param encodeValues The new encode values.
    public void setEncodeValues(COSArray encodeValues)
        encode = encodeValues;
        getDictionary().setItem(COSName.ENCODE, encodeValues);

     * Get the decode for the input parameter.
     * @param paramNum The function parameter number.
     * @return The decode parameter range or null if none is set.
    public PDRange getDecodeForParameter(int paramNum)
        PDRange retval = null;
        COSArray decodeValues = getDecodeValues();
        if (decodeValues != null && decodeValues.size() >= paramNum * 2 + 1)
            retval = new PDRange(decodeValues, paramNum);
        return retval;

     * This will set the decode values.
     * @param decodeValues The new decode values.
    public void setDecodeValues(COSArray decodeValues)
        decode = decodeValues;
        getDictionary().setItem(COSName.DECODE, decodeValues);
     * calculate array index (structure described in p.171 PDF spec 1.7) in
     * multiple dimensions.
     * @param vector with coordinates
     * @return index in flat array
    private int calcSampleIndex(int[] vector)
        // inspiration:
        // but used in reverse
        float[] sizeValues = getSize().toFloatArray();
        int index = 0;
        int sizeProduct = 1;
        int dimension = vector.length;
        for (int i = dimension - 2; i >= 0; --i)
            sizeProduct *= sizeValues[i];
        for (int i = dimension - 1; i >= 0; --i)
            index += sizeProduct * vector[i];
            if (i - 1 >= 0)
                sizeProduct /= sizeValues[i - 1];
        return index;

     * Inner class do to an interpolation in the Nth dimension by comparing the
     * content size of N-1 dimensional objects. This is done with the help of
     * recursive calls. To understand the algorithm without recursion, here is a
     * <a
     * href="">bilinear
     * interpolation</a> and here's a <a
     * href="">trilinear
     * interpolation</a> (external links).
    class Rinterpol
        final float[] in; // coordinate that is to be interpolated
        final int[] inPrev; // coordinate of the "ceil" point
        final int[] inNext; // coordinate of the "floor" point
        final int numberOfInputValues;
        final int numberOfOutputValues = getNumberOfOutputParameters();

         * Constructor.
         * @param input the input coordinates
         * @param inputPrev coordinate of the "ceil" point
         * @param inputNext coordinate of the "floor" point
        public Rinterpol(float[] input, int[] inputPrev, int[] inputNext)
            in = input;
            inPrev = inputPrev;
            inNext = inputNext;
            numberOfInputValues = input.length;

         * Calculate the interpolation.
         * @return interpolated result sample
        public float[] rinterpolate()
            return rinterpol(new int[numberOfInputValues], 0);

         * Do a linear interpolation if the two coordinates can be known, or
         * call itself recursively twice.
         * @param coord coord partially set coordinate (not set from step
         * upwards); gets fully filled in the last call ("leaf"), where it is
         * used to get the correct sample
         * @param step between 0 (first call) and dimension - 1
         * @return interpolated result sample
        private float[] rinterpol(int[] coord, int step)
            float[] resultSample = new float[numberOfOutputValues];
            if (step == in.length - 1)
                // leaf

                if (inPrev[step] == inNext[step])
                    coord[step] = inPrev[step];
                    int[] tmpSample = getSamples()[calcSampleIndex(coord)];
                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfOutputValues; ++i)
                        resultSample[i] = tmpSample[i];
                    return resultSample;
                coord[step] = inPrev[step];
                int[] sample1 = getSamples()[calcSampleIndex(coord)];
                coord[step] = inNext[step];
                int[] sample2 = getSamples()[calcSampleIndex(coord)];
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfOutputValues; ++i)
                    resultSample[i] = interpolate(in[step], inPrev[step], inNext[step], sample1[i], sample2[i]);
                return resultSample;
                // branch

                if (inPrev[step] == inNext[step])
                    coord[step] = inPrev[step];
                    return rinterpol(coord, step + 1);
                coord[step] = inPrev[step];
                float[] sample1 = rinterpol(coord, step + 1);
                coord[step] = inNext[step];
                float[] sample2 = rinterpol(coord, step + 1);
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfOutputValues; ++i)
                    resultSample[i] = interpolate(in[step], inPrev[step], inNext[step], sample1[i], sample2[i]);
                return resultSample;

    * {@inheritDoc}
    public float[] eval(float[] input) throws IOException
        //This involves linear interpolation based on a set of sample points.
        //Theoretically it's not that difficult ... see section 3.9.1 of the PDF Reference.

        float[] sizeValues = getSize().toFloatArray();
        int bitsPerSample = getBitsPerSample();
        float maxSample = (float) (Math.pow(2, bitsPerSample) - 1.0);
        int numberOfInputValues = input.length;
        int numberOfOutputValues = getNumberOfOutputParameters();

        int[] inputPrev = new int[numberOfInputValues];
        int[] inputNext = new int[numberOfInputValues];

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfInputValues; i++)
            PDRange domain = getDomainForInput(i);
            PDRange encodeValues = getEncodeForParameter(i);
            input[i] = clipToRange(input[i], domain.getMin(), domain.getMax());
            input[i] = interpolate(input[i], domain.getMin(), domain.getMax(),
                    encodeValues.getMin(), encodeValues.getMax());
            input[i] = clipToRange(input[i], 0, sizeValues[i] - 1);
            inputPrev[i] = (int) Math.floor(input[i]);
            inputNext[i] = (int) Math.ceil(input[i]);

        // old code for N=1 and N=2, don't delete in case one uses this for optimization
//        if (numberOfInputValues == 1)
//        {
//            int[] sample1 = getSamples()[calcSampleIndex(new int[]
//            {
//                inputPrev[0]
//            })];
//            int[] sample2 = getSamples()[calcSampleIndex(new int[]
//            {
//                inputNext[0]
//            })];
//            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfOutputValues; ++i)
//            {
//                outputValues[i] = inputPrev[0] == inputNext[0] ? sample1[i] : interpolate(input[0], inputPrev[0], inputNext[0], sample1[i], sample2[i]);
//            }
//            //TODO optimize so that sample is collected only when needed
//        }
//        if (numberOfInputValues == 2)
//        {
//            int[] sample1 = getSamples()[calcSampleIndex(new int[]
//            {
//                inputPrev[0], inputPrev[1]
//            })];
//            int[] sample2 = getSamples()[calcSampleIndex(new int[]
//            {
//                inputPrev[0], inputNext[1]
//            })];
//            int[] sample3 = getSamples()[calcSampleIndex(new int[]
//            {
//                inputNext[0], inputPrev[1]
//            })];
//            int[] sample4 = getSamples()[calcSampleIndex(new int[]
//            {
//                inputNext[0], inputNext[1]
//            })];
//            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfOutputValues; ++i)
//            {
//                // bilinear color interpolation, see e.g.
//                //
//                // interpolate the color at top and bottom edges (x-axis)
//                // then interpolate the color between these two results (y-axis)
//                double lowerVal = inputPrev[0] == inputNext[0] ? sample1[i] : interpolate(input[0], inputPrev[0], inputNext[0], sample1[i], sample3[i]);
//                double upperVal = inputPrev[0] == inputNext[0] ? sample2[i] : interpolate(input[0], inputPrev[0], inputNext[0], sample2[i], sample4[i]);
//                outputValues[i] = (float) (inputPrev[1] == inputNext[1] ? lowerVal : interpolate(input[1], inputPrev[1], inputNext[1], (float) lowerVal, (float) upperVal));
//                //TODO optimize so that sample is collected only when needed
//            }
//        }
        float[] outputValues = new Rinterpol(input, inputPrev, inputNext).rinterpolate();

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfOutputValues; i++)
            PDRange range = getRangeForOutput(i);
            PDRange decodeValues = getDecodeForParameter(i);
            outputValues[i] = interpolate(outputValues[i], 0, maxSample, decodeValues.getMin(), decodeValues.getMax());
            outputValues[i] = clipToRange(outputValues[i], range.getMin(), range.getMax());

        return outputValues;

Related Classes of org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.function.PDFunctionType0$Rinterpol

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