Package com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.test

Source Code of com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.test.TestFBRules

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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package com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.test;

import java.util.Iterator ;
import java.util.List ;

import junit.framework.TestCase ;
import junit.framework.TestSuite ;
import org.slf4j.Logger ;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory ;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.xsd.XSDDatatype ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.datatypes.xsd.XSDDateTime ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.* ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.* ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.Derivation ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.InfGraph ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.Reasoner ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.ReasonerRegistry ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.* ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.test.TestUtil ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.ClosedException ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.impl.JenaParameters ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.FileManager ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.PrintUtil ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.OWL ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDF ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDFS ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.ReasonerVocabulary ;

* Test suite for the hybrid forward/backward rule system.
public class TestFBRules extends TestCase {
    protected static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestFBRules.class);
    // Useful constants
    protected Node p = NodeFactory.createURI("p");
    protected Node q = NodeFactory.createURI("q");
    protected Node n1 = NodeFactory.createURI("n1");
    protected Node n2 = NodeFactory.createURI("n2");
    protected Node n3 = NodeFactory.createURI("n3");
    protected Node n4 = NodeFactory.createURI("n4");
    protected Node n5 = NodeFactory.createURI("n5");
    protected Node res = NodeFactory.createURI("res");
    protected Node r = NodeFactory.createURI("r");
    protected Node s = NodeFactory.createURI("s");
    protected Node t = NodeFactory.createURI("t");
    protected Node u = NodeFactory.createURI("u");
    protected Node v = NodeFactory.createURI("v");
    protected Node w = NodeFactory.createURI("w");
    protected Node x = NodeFactory.createURI("x");
    protected Node a = NodeFactory.createURI("a");
    protected Node b = NodeFactory.createURI("b");
    protected Node c = NodeFactory.createURI("c");
    protected Node d = NodeFactory.createURI("d");
    protected Node C1 = NodeFactory.createURI("C1");
    protected Node C2 = NodeFactory.createURI("C2");
    protected Node C3 = NodeFactory.createURI("C3");
    protected Node sP = RDFS.Nodes.subPropertyOf;
    protected Node sC = RDFS.Nodes.subClassOf;
    protected Node ty = RDF.Nodes.type;
     * Boilerplate for junit
    public TestFBRules( String name ) {
        super( name );
     * Boilerplate for junit.
     * This is its own test suite
    public static TestSuite suite() {
        return new TestSuite( TestFBRules.class );
//        TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
//        suite.addTest(new TestFBRules( "testNumericFunctors" ));
//        return suite;

     * Override in subclasses to test other reasoners.
    public Reasoner createReasoner(List<Rule> rules) {
        FBRuleReasoner reasoner = new FBRuleReasoner(rules);
        return reasoner;
     * Assemble a test infGraph from a rule source and starting data
    public InfGraph createInfGraph(String rules, Graph data) {
        return createReasoner( Rule.parseRules(rules) ).bind(data);

     * Assemble a test infGraph from a rule source and empty data
    public InfGraph createInfGraph(String rules) {
        return createReasoner( Rule.parseRules(rules) ).bind(Factory.createGraphMem());

     * Check parser extension for f/b distinction.
    public void testParser() {
        String rf = "(?a rdf:type ?t) -> (?t rdf:type rdfs:Class).";
        String rb = "(?t rdf:type rdfs:Class) <- (?a rdf:type ?t).";
        assertTrue( ! Rule.parseRule(rf).isBackward() );
        assertTrue(   Rule.parseRule(rb).isBackward() );
     * Minimal rule tester to check basic pattern match, forward style.
    public void testRuleMatcher() {
        String rules = "[r1: (?a p ?b), (?b q ?c) -> (?a, q, ?c)]" +
                       "[r2: (?a p ?b), (?b p ?c) -> (?a, p, ?c)]" +
                       "[r3: (?a p ?a), (n1 p ?c), (n1, p, ?a) -> (?a, p, ?c)]" +
                       "[r4: (n4 ?p ?a) -> (n4, ?a, ?p)]";
        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules);
        infgraph.add(new Triple(n1, p, n2));
        infgraph.add(new Triple(n2, p, n3));
        infgraph.add(new Triple(n2, q, n3));
        infgraph.add(new Triple(n4, p, n4));
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(null, null, null),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n1, p, n2),
                new Triple(n2, p, n3),
                new Triple(n2, q, n3),
                new Triple(n4, p, n4),
                new Triple(n1, p, n3),
                new Triple(n1, q, n3),
                new Triple(n4, n4, p),
     * Test functor handling
    public void testEmbeddedFunctors() {
        String rules = "(?C owl:onProperty ?P), (?C owl:allValuesFrom ?D) -> (?C rb:restriction all(?P, ?D))." +
                        "(?C rb:restriction all(eg:p, eg:D)) -> (?C rb:restriction 'allOK')." +
                       "[ -> (eg:foo eg:prop functor(eg:bar, 1)) ]" +
                       "[ (?x eg:prop functor(eg:bar, ?v)) -> (?x eg:propbar ?v) ]" +
                       "[ (?x eg:prop functor(?v, ?*)) -> (?x eg:propfunc ?v) ]" +
        Model data = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
        Resource R1 = data.createResource(PrintUtil.egNS + "R1");
        Resource D = data.createResource(PrintUtil.egNS + "D");
        Property p = data.createProperty(PrintUtil.egNS, "p");
        Property propbar = data.createProperty(PrintUtil.egNS, "propbar");
        Property rbr = data.createProperty(ReasonerVocabulary.RBNamespace, "restriction");
        R1.addProperty(OWL.onProperty, p).addProperty(OWL.allValuesFrom, D);
        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data.getGraph());
        Model infModel = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(infgraph);
        Resource foo = infModel.createResource(PrintUtil.egNS + "foo");
        RDFNode flit = infModel.getResource(R1.getURI()).getRequiredProperty(rbr).getObject();
        assertEquals(flit.toString(), "allOK");
//        assertTrue(flit instanceof Literal);
//        Functor func = (Functor)((Literal)flit).getValue();
//        assertEquals("all", func.getName());
//        assertEquals(p.getNode(), func.getArgs()[0]);
//        assertEquals(D.getNode(), func.getArgs()[1]);
        Literal one = (Literal)foo.getRequiredProperty(propbar).getObject();
        assertEquals(new Integer(1), one.getValue());
     * The the minimal machinery for supporting builtins
    public void testBuiltins() {
        String rules =  //"[testRule1: (n1 ?p ?a) -> print('rule1test', ?p, ?a)]" +
                       "[r1: (n1 p ?x), addOne(?x, ?y) -> (n1 q ?y)]" +
                       "[r2: (n1 p ?x), lessThan(?x, 3) -> (n2 q ?x)]" +
                       "[axiom1: -> (n1 p 1)]" +
                       "[axiom2: -> (n1 p 4)]" +

        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules);
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(n1, q, null),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n1, q, Util.makeIntNode(2)),
                new Triple(n1, q, Util.makeIntNode(5))
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(n2, q, null),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n2, q, Util.makeIntNode(1))
     * Test schmea partial binding machinery, forward subset.
    public void testSchemaBinding() {
        String rules = "[testRule1: (n1 p ?a) -> (n2, p, ?a)]" +
                       "[testRule2: (n1 q ?a) -> (n2, q, ?a)]" +
                       "[testRule3: (n2 p ?a), (n2 q ?a) -> (res p ?a)]" +
                       "[testBRule4: (n3 p ?a) <- (n1, p, ?a)]";
        List<Rule> ruleList = Rule.parseRules(rules);
        Graph schema = Factory.createGraphMem();
        schema.add(new Triple(n1, p, n3));
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(n1, q, n4));
        data.add(new Triple(n1, q, n3));
        Reasoner reasoner =  createReasoner(ruleList);
        Reasoner boundReasoner = reasoner.bindSchema(schema);
        InfGraph infgraph = boundReasoner.bind(data);

        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(null, null, null),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n1, p, n3),
                new Triple(n2, p, n3),
                new Triple(n3, p, n3),
                new Triple(n1, q, n4),
                new Triple(n2, q, n4),
                new Triple(n1, q, n3),
                new Triple(n2, q, n3),
                new Triple(res, p, n3)
     * The the "remove" builtin
    public void testRemoveBuiltin() {
        String rules = 
                       "[rule1: (?x p ?y), (?x q ?y) -> remove(0)]" +

        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules);
        infgraph.add(new Triple(n1, p, Util.makeIntNode(1)));
        infgraph.add(new Triple(n1, p, Util.makeIntNode(2)));
        infgraph.add(new Triple(n1, q, Util.makeIntNode(2)));
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(n1, null, null),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n1, p, Util.makeIntNode(1)),
                new Triple(n1, q, Util.makeIntNode(2))
     * Test the rebind operation.
    public void testRebind() {
        String rules = "[rule1: (?x p ?y) -> (?x q ?y)]";
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(n1, p, n2));
        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(n1, null, null),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n1, p, n2),
                new Triple(n1, q, n2)
        Graph ndata = Factory.createGraphMem();
        ndata.add(new Triple(n1, p, n3));
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(n1, null, null),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n1, p, n3),
                new Triple(n1, q, n3)

     * Test that reset does actually clear out all the data.
     * We use the RDFS configuration because uses both TGC, forward and backward
     * rules and so is a good check.
    public void testRebind2() {
        String NS = "";
        Model base = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
        Resource A = base.createResource(NS + "A");
        Resource B = base.createResource(NS + "B");
        Resource I = base.createResource(NS + "i");
        A.addProperty(RDFS.subClassOf, B);
        I.addProperty(RDF.type, A);
        InfModel inf = ModelFactory.createInfModel(ReasonerRegistry.getRDFSReasoner(), base);
        assertTrue(inf.containsResource(A) && inf.containsResource(I));
        assertFalse(inf.containsResource(A) || inf.containsResource(I));
     * Test rebindAll reconsults a changed ruleset
    public void testRebindAll() {
        String NS = "";
        List<Rule> rules1 = Rule.parseRules( "(?x ?y) -> (?x ?y)." );
        List<Rule> rules2 = Rule.parseRules( "(?x ?y) -> (?x ?y)." );
        Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
        Property p = m.createProperty(NS + "p");
        Property q = m.createProperty(NS + "q");
        Property r = m.createProperty(NS + "r");
        Resource a = m.createResource(NS + "a");
        Resource b = m.createResource(NS + "b");
        Statement s1 = m.createStatement(a, p, b);
        Statement s2 = m.createStatement(a, q, b);
        Statement s3 = m.createStatement(a, r, b);
        GenericRuleReasoner reasoner = new GenericRuleReasoner(rules1);
        InfModel infModel = ModelFactory.createInfModel(reasoner, m);
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infModel.listStatements(a, null, (RDFNode)null),
                new Object[] {s1, s2});
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infModel.listStatements(a, null, (RDFNode)null),
                new Object[] {s1, s2, s3});
     * Test the close operation.
    public void testClose() {
        String rules = "[rule1: (?x p ?y) -> (?x q ?y)]";
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(n1, p, n2));
        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(n1, null, null),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n1, p, n2),
                new Triple(n1, q, n2)
        boolean foundException = false;
        try {
            infgraph.find(n1, null, null);
        } catch (ClosedException e) {
            foundException = true;
        assertTrue("Close detected", foundException);

     * Test example pure backchaining rules
    public void testBackchain1() {   
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(p, sP, q));
        data.add(new Triple(q, sP, r));
        data.add(new Triple(C1, sC, C2));
        data.add(new Triple(C2, sC, C3));
        data.add(new Triple(a, ty, C1));
        String rules =
        "[rdfs8:  (?a rdfs:subClassOf ?c) <- (?a rdfs:subClassOf ?b), (?b rdfs:subClassOf ?c)]" +
        "[rdfs9:  (?a rdf:type ?y) <- (?x rdfs:subClassOf ?y), (?a rdf:type ?x)]" +
        "[-> (rdf:type rdfs:range rdfs:Class)]" +
        "[rdfs3:  (?y rdf:type ?c) <- (?x ?p ?y), (?p rdfs:range ?c)]" +
        "[rdfs7:  (?a rdfs:subClassOf ?a) <- (?a rdf:type rdfs:Class)]";
        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
            infgraph.find(a, ty, null),
            new Object[] {
                new Triple(a, ty, C1),
                new Triple(a, ty, C2),
                new Triple(a, ty, C3)
            } );
            infgraph.find(C1, sC, a),
            new Object[] {
            } );

     * Test complex rule head unification
    public void testBackchain2() {   
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(c, q, d));
        String rules =
            "[r1: (c r ?x) <- (?x p f(?x b))]" +
            "[r2: (?y p f(a ?y)) <- (c q ?y)]";
        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
              infgraph.find(c, r, null), new Object[] { } );
        data.add(new Triple(c, q, a));
        rules =
        "[r1: (c r ?x) <- (?x p f(?x a))]" +
        "[r2: (?y p f(a ?y)) <- (c q ?y)]";
        infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
              infgraph.find(c, r, null),
              new Object[] {
                  new Triple(c, r, a)
              } );
        data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(a, q, a));
        data.add(new Triple(a, q, b));
        data.add(new Triple(a, q, c));
        data.add(new Triple(b, q, d));
        data.add(new Triple(b, q, b));
        rules =
          "[r1: (c r ?x) <- (?x p ?x)]" +
          "[r2: (?x p ?y) <- (a q ?x), (b q ?y)]";
        infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
              infgraph.find(c, r, null),
              new Object[] {
                  new Triple(c, r, b)
              } );
        rules =
          "[r1: (c r ?x) <- (?x p ?x)]" +
          "[r2: (a p ?x) <- (a q ?x)]" ;
        infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
              infgraph.find(c, r, null),
              new Object[] {
                  new Triple(c, r, a)
              } );

     * Test restriction example
    public void testBackchain3() {   
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(a, ty, r));
        data.add(new Triple(a, p, b));
        data.add(new Triple(r, sC, C1));
        data.add(new Triple(C1, ty, OWL.Restriction.asNode()));
        data.add(new Triple(C1, OWL.onProperty.asNode(), p));
        data.add(new Triple(C1, OWL.allValuesFrom.asNode(), c));
        String rules =
    "[rdfs9:   (?a rdf:type ?y) <- (?x rdfs:subClassOf ?y) (?a rdf:type ?x)]" +
    "[restriction2: (?C owl:equivalentClass all(?P, ?D)) <- (?C rdf:type owl:Restriction), (?C owl:onProperty ?P), (?C owl:allValuesFrom ?D)]" +
    "[rs2: (?X rdf:type all(?P,?C)) <- (?D owl:equivalentClass all(?P,?C)), (?X rdf:type ?D)]" +
    "[rp4: (?Y rdf:type ?C) <- (?X rdf:type all(?P, ?C)), (?X ?P ?Y)]";
        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
              infgraph.find(b, ty, c), new Object[] {
                  new Triple(b, ty, c)
              } );
     * Test example hybrid rule.
    public void testHybrid1() {
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(a, p, b));
        data.add(new Triple(p, ty, s));
        String rules =
        "[r1: (?p rdf:type s) -> [r1b: (?x ?p ?y) <- (?y ?p ?x)]]";
        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
              infgraph.find(null, p, null), new Object[] {
                  new Triple(a, p, b),
                  new Triple(b, p, a)
              } );
     * Test example hybrid rule.
    public void testHybrid2() {
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(a, r, b));
        data.add(new Triple(p, ty, s));
        String rules =
        "[a1: -> (a rdf:type t)]" +
        "[r0: (?x r ?y) -> (?x p ?y)]" +
        "[r1: (?p rdf:type s) -> [r1b: (?x ?p ?y) <- (?y ?p ?x)]]" +
        "[r2: (?p rdf:type s) -> [r2b: (?x ?p ?x) <- (?x rdf:type t)]]";
        FBRuleInfGraph infgraph = (FBRuleInfGraph) createInfGraph(rules, data);
        assertTrue("Forward rule count", infgraph.getNRulesFired() == 3);
              infgraph.find(null, p, null), new Object[] {
                  new Triple(a, p, a),
                  new Triple(a, p, b),
                  new Triple(b, p, a)
              } );
        // Suppressed until LP engine implements rule counting, if ever
//        assertTrue("Backward rule count", infgraph.getNRulesFired() == 8);
        // Check derivation tracing as well
        // Suppressed until LP engine implements derivation tracing
        Iterator<Derivation> di = infgraph.getDerivation(new Triple(b, p, a));
        RuleDerivation d = (RuleDerivation);
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, d.getMatches().iterator(), new Object[] { new Triple(a, p, b) });
        assertTrue(! di.hasNext());
     * Test example hybrid rules for rdfs.
    public void testHybridRDFS() {
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(a, p, b));
        data.add(new Triple(p, RDFS.range.asNode(), C1));
        String rules =
    "[rdfs2:  (?p rdfs:domain ?c) -> [(?x rdf:type ?c) <- (?x ?p ?y)] ]" +
    "[rdfs3:  (?p rdfs:range ?c)  -> [(?y rdf:type ?c) <- (?x ?p ?y)] ]" +
    "[rdfs5a: (?a rdfs:subPropertyOf ?b), (?b rdfs:subPropertyOf ?c) -> (?a rdfs:subPropertyOf ?c)]" +
    "[rdfs5b: (?a rdf:type rdf:Property) -> (?a rdfs:subPropertyOf ?a)]" +
    "[rdfs6:  (?p rdfs:subPropertyOf ?q) -> [ (?a ?q ?b) <- (?a ?p ?b)] ]" +
    "[rdfs7:  (?a rdf:type rdfs:Class) -> (?a rdfs:subClassOf ?a)]" +
    "[rdfs8:  (?a rdfs:subClassOf ?b), (?b rdfs:subClassOf ?c) -> (?a rdfs:subClassOf ?c)]" +
    "[rdfs9:  (?x rdfs:subClassOf ?y) -> [ (?a rdf:type ?y) <- (?a rdf:type ?x)] ]" ;
        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
//        ((FBRuleInfGraph)infgraph).setTraceOn(true);
              infgraph.find(b, ty, null), new Object[] {
                  new Triple(b, ty, C1)
              } );
     * Test example hybrid rules for rdfs.
    public void testHybridRDFS2() {
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(a, p, b));
        data.add(new Triple(p, sP, r));
        data.add(new Triple(r, RDFS.range.asNode(), C1));
        String rules =
    "[rdfs3:  (?p rdfs:range ?c)  -> [(?y rdf:type ?c) <- (?x ?p ?y)] ]" +
    "[rdfs6:  (?p rdfs:subPropertyOf ?q) -> [ (?a ?q ?b) <- (?a ?p ?b)] ]" ;
        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
//        ((FBRuleInfGraph)infgraph).setTraceOn(true);
              infgraph.find(b, ty, C1), new Object[] {
                  new Triple(b, ty, C1)
              } );

     * Test access to makeInstance machinery from a Brule.
    public void testMakeInstance() {
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(a, ty, C1));
        String rules =
        "[r1:  (?x p ?t) <- (?x rdf:type C1), makeInstance(?x, p, C2, ?t)]" +
        "[r2:  (?t rdf:type C2) <- (?x rdf:type C1), makeInstance(?x, p, C2, ?t)]" ;
        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
        Node valueInstance = getValue(infgraph, a, p);
        Node valueInstance2 = getValue(infgraph, a, p);
        assertEquals(valueInstance, valueInstance2);
        Node valueType = getValue(infgraph, valueInstance, RDF.type.asNode());
        assertEquals(valueType, C2);

     * Test access to makeInstance machinery from a Brule.
    public void testMakeInstances() {
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(a, ty, C1));
        String rules =
        "[r1:  (?x p ?t) <- (?x rdf:type C1), makeInstance(?x, p, ?t)]" ;
        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
        Node valueInstance = getValue(infgraph, a, p);
        Node valueInstance2 = getValue(infgraph, a, p);
        assertEquals(valueInstance, valueInstance2);
     * Test case for makeInstance which failed during development.
    public void testMakeInstanceBug() {
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(a, ty, r));
        data.add(new Triple(r, sC, Functor.makeFunctorNode("some", new Node[] {p, C1})));
        String rules =
        "[some1: (?C rdfs:subClassOf some(?P, ?D)) ->"
        + "[some1b: (?X ?P ?T) <- (?X rdf:type ?C), unbound(?T), noValue(?X, ?P), makeInstance(?X, ?P, ?D, ?T) ]"
        + "[some1b2: (?T rdf:type ?D) <- (?X rdf:type ?C), bound(?T), makeInstance(?X, ?P, ?D, ?T) ]"
        + "]";
        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
        Node valueInstance = getValue(infgraph, a, p);
        Node valueType = getValue(infgraph, valueInstance, ty);
        assertEquals(valueType, C1);
     * Test numeric functors
    public void testNumericFunctors() {
        String rules = 
        "[r1: (?x p f(a, ?x)) -> (?x q f(?x)) ]" +
        "[r1: (?x p f(a, 0)) -> (?x s res) ]" +
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(n1, p, Util.makeIntNode(2)) );
        data.add(new Triple(n2, p, Functor.makeFunctorNode("f", new Node[] {
                                        a, Util.makeIntNode(0)  })));
        data.add(new Triple(n3, p, Functor.makeFunctorNode("f", new Node[] {
               a, NodeFactory.createLiteral( "0", "", XSDDatatype.XSDnonNegativeInteger ) } )));
        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(null, s, null),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n2, s, res),
                new Triple(n3, s, res),
     * Test the builtins themselves
    public void testBuiltins2() {
        // Numeric comparisions
        Node lt = NodeFactory.createURI("lt");
        Node gt = NodeFactory.createURI("gt");
        Node le = NodeFactory.createURI("le");
        Node ge = NodeFactory.createURI("ge");
        Node eq = NodeFactory.createURI("eq");
        Node ne = NodeFactory.createURI("ne");
        String rules = 
        "[r1: (?x q ?vx), (?y q ?vy), lessThan(?vx, ?vy) -> (?x lt ?y)]" +
        "[r2: (?x q ?vx), (?y q ?vy), greaterThan(?vx, ?vy) -> (?x gt ?y)]" +
        "[r3: (?x q ?vx), (?y q ?vy), le(?vx, ?vy) -> (?x le ?y)]" +
        "[r4: (?x q ?vx), (?y q ?vy), ge(?vx, ?vy) -> (?x ge ?y)]" +
        "[r5: (?x q ?vx), (?y q ?vy), notEqual(?vx, ?vy) -> (?x ne ?y)]" +
        "[r6: (?x q ?vx), (?y q ?vy), equal(?vx, ?vy) -> (?x eq ?y)]" +
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(n1, q, Util.makeIntNode(2)) );
        data.add(new Triple(n2, q, Util.makeIntNode(2)) );
        data.add(new Triple(n3, q, Util.makeIntNode(3)) );
        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(n1, null, n2),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n1, eq, n2),
                new Triple(n1, le, n2),
                new Triple(n1, ge, n2),
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(n1, null, n3),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n1, ne, n3),
                new Triple(n1, lt, n3),
                new Triple(n1, le, n3),
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(n3, null, n1),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n3, ne, n1),
                new Triple(n3, gt, n1),
                new Triple(n3, ge, n1),
        // Floating point comparisons
        data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(n1, q, Util.makeIntNode(2)) );
        data.add(new Triple(n2, q, Util.makeDoubleNode(2.2)) );
        data.add(new Triple(n3, q, Util.makeDoubleNode(2.3)) );
        infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(n1, null, n2),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n1, ne, n2),
                new Triple(n1, le, n2),
                new Triple(n1, lt, n2),
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(n2, null, n3),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n2, ne, n3),
                new Triple(n2, le, n3),
                new Triple(n2, lt, n3),
        // XSD timeDate point comparisons
        data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        XSDDatatype dt = new XSDDatatype("dateTime");
        data.add(new Triple(n1, q, NodeFactory.createLiteral("2000-03-04T20:00:00Z", "", XSDDatatype.XSDdateTime)));
        data.add(new Triple(n2, q, NodeFactory.createLiteral("2001-03-04T20:00:00Z", "", XSDDatatype.XSDdateTime)));
        data.add(new Triple(n3, q, NodeFactory.createLiteral("2002-03-04T20:00:00Z", "", XSDDatatype.XSDdateTime)));
        infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(n1, null, n2),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n1, ne, n2),
                new Triple(n1, le, n2),
                new Triple(n1, lt, n2),
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(n2, null, n3),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n2, ne, n3),
                new Triple(n2, le, n3),
                new Triple(n2, lt, n3),
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(n2, null, n1),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n2, ne, n1),
                new Triple(n2, ge, n1),
                new Triple(n2, gt, n1),
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(n3, null, n2),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n3, ne, n2),
                new Triple(n3, ge, n2),
                new Triple(n3, gt, n2),
        // Support for now(?x)
        rules = "[r1: now(?x) -> (a p ?x)]";
        infgraph = createInfGraph(rules);
        Graph result = infgraph.getDeductionsGraph();
        assertEquals(1, result.size());
        Triple tr = result.find(null, null, null).next();
        Node nowN = tr.getObject();
        Object nowO = nowN.getLiteralValue();
        assertTrue(nowO instanceof XSDDateTime);
        // Arithmetic           
        rules = 
        "[r1: (?x p ?a), (?x q ?b), sum(?a, ?b, ?c) -> (?x s ?c)]" +
        "[r2: (?x p ?a), (?x q ?b), product(?a, ?b, ?c) -> (?x t ?c)]" +
        "[r3: (?x p ?a), (?x q ?b), difference(?b, ?a, ?c) -> (?x u ?c)]" +
        "[r4: (?x p ?a), (?x q ?b), quotient(?b, ?a, ?c) -> (?x v ?c)]" +
        "[r4: (?x p ?a), (?x q ?b), min(?b, ?a, ?c) -> (?x r ?c)]" +
        "[r4: (?x p ?a), (?x q ?b), max(?b, ?a, ?c) -> (?x x ?c)]" +
        data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(n1, p, Util.makeIntNode(3)) );
        data.add(new Triple(n1, q, Util.makeIntNode(5)) );
        infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(n1, null, null),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n1, p, Util.makeIntNode(3)),
                new Triple(n1, q, Util.makeIntNode(5)),
                new Triple(n1, s, Util.makeIntNode(8)),
                new Triple(n1, t, Util.makeIntNode(15)),
                new Triple(n1, u, Util.makeIntNode(2)),
                new Triple(n1, v, Util.makeIntNode(1)),
                new Triple(n1, r, Util.makeIntNode(3)),
                new Triple(n1, x, Util.makeIntNode(5)),
        // Note type checking  
        rules = 
        "[r1: (?x p ?y), isLiteral(?y) -> (?x s 'literal')]" +
        "[r1: (?x p ?y), notLiteral(?y) -> (?x s 'notLiteral')]" +
        "[r1: (?x p ?y), isBNode(?y) -> (?x s 'bNode')]" +
        "[r1: (?x p ?y), notBNode(?y) -> (?x s 'notBNode')]" +
        data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(n1, p, Util.makeIntNode(3)) );
        data.add(new Triple(n2, p, res));
        data.add(new Triple(n3, p, NodeFactory.createAnon()));
        infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(n1, s, null),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n1, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("literal", "", null)),
                new Triple(n1, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("notBNode", "", null)),
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(n2, s, null),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n2, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("notLiteral", "", null)),
                new Triple(n2, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("notBNode", "", null)),
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(n3, s, null),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n3, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("notLiteral", "", null)),
                new Triple(n3, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("bNode", "", null)),
        // Data type checking
        rules = 
        "[r1: (?x p ?y), isDType(?y, rdfs:Literal) -> (?x s 'isLiteral')]" +
        "[r1: (?x p ?y), isDType(?y, -> (?x s 'isXSDInt')]" +
        "[r1: (?x p ?y), isDType(?y, -> (?x s 'isXSDString')]" +
        "[r1: (?x p ?y), notDType(?y, rdfs:Literal) -> (?x s 'notLiteral')]" +
        "[r1: (?x p ?y), notDType(?y, -> (?x s 'notXSDInt')]" +
        "[r1: (?x p ?y), notDType(?y, -> (?x s 'notXSDString')]" +
        data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(n1, p, Util.makeIntNode(3)) );
        data.add(new Triple(n2, p, NodeFactory.createLiteral("foo", "", null)) );
        data.add(new Triple(n3, p, NodeFactory.createLiteral("foo", "", XSDDatatype.XSDstring)) );
        data.add(new Triple(n4, p, n4));
        data.add(new Triple(n5, p, NodeFactory.createLiteral("-1", "", XSDDatatype.XSDnonNegativeInteger)) );
        infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(null, s, null),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n1, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("isLiteral", "", null)),
                new Triple(n1, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("isXSDInt", "", null)),
                new Triple(n1, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("notXSDString", "", null)),

                new Triple(n2, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("isLiteral", "", null)),
                new Triple(n2, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("notXSDInt", "", null)),
                new Triple(n2, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("isXSDString", "", null)),

                new Triple(n3, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("isLiteral", "", null)),
                new Triple(n3, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("notXSDInt", "", null)),
                new Triple(n3, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("isXSDString", "", null)),

                new Triple(n4, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("notLiteral", "", null)),
                new Triple(n4, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("notXSDInt", "", null)),
                new Triple(n4, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("notXSDString", "", null)),

                new Triple(n5, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("notLiteral", "", null)),
                new Triple(n5, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("notXSDInt", "", null)),
                new Triple(n5, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("notXSDString", "", null)),
        // Literal counting
        rules = "[r1: (?x p ?y), countLiteralValues(?x, p, ?c) -> (?x s ?c)]";
        data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(n1, p, Util.makeIntNode(2)) );
        data.add(new Triple(n1, p, Util.makeIntNode(2)) );
        data.add(new Triple(n1, p, Util.makeIntNode(3)) );
        data.add(new Triple(n1, p, n2) );
        infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(n1, s, null),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n1, s, Util.makeIntNode(2)),
        // Map list operation
        rules = "[r1: (n1 p ?l) -> listMapAsSubject(?l, q, C1)]" +
                "[r2: (n1 p ?l) -> listMapAsObject ( a, q, ?l)]";
        data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(n1, p, Util.makeList(new Node[]{b, c, d}, data) ));
        infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(null, q, null),
            new Triple[] {
                new Triple(b, q, C1),
                new Triple(c, q, C1),
                new Triple(d, q, C1),
                new Triple(a, q, b),
                new Triple(a, q, c),
                new Triple(a, q, d),
     * Check string manipulation builtins, new at 2.5.
    public void testStringBuiltins() {
        String rules = 
            "[r1: (?x p ?y) strConcat(?y, rdf:type, 'foo', ?z) -> (?x q ?z) ] \n" +
            "[r1: (?x p ?y) strConcat(?z) -> (?x q ?z) ] \n" +
            "[r2: (?x p ?y) uriConcat('', ?y, ?z) -> (?x q ?z) ]";
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(n1, p, NodeFactory.createLiteral("test")) );
        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(null, q, null),
            new Triple[] {
            new Triple(n1, q, NodeFactory.createLiteral("test")),
            new Triple(n1, q, NodeFactory.createLiteral("")),
            new Triple(n1, q, NodeFactory.createURI("")),
        rules = 
            "[r1: (?x p ?y) regex(?y, '(.*)\\\\s(.*) (f.*)') -> (?x q 'ok') ] \n" +
            "[r2: (?x p ?y) regex(?y, '(.*)\\\\s(.*) (f.*)', ?m1, ?m2, ?m3) -> (?x r ?m2) ] \n" +
        data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(n1, p, NodeFactory.createLiteral("foo bar foo")) );
        data.add(new Triple(n2, p, NodeFactory.createLiteral("foo bar baz")) );
        infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(null, q, null),
                new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n1, q, NodeFactory.createLiteral("ok")),
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.find(null, r, null),
                new Triple[] {
                new Triple(n1, r, NodeFactory.createLiteral("bar")),
     * Test regex handling of null groups
    public void testRegexNulls() {
        String rules = 
            "[r2: (?x p ?y) regex(?y, '((Boys)|(Girls))(.*)', ?m1, ?m2, ?m3, ?m4) ->  (?x q ?m2) (?x r ?m3) (?x s ?m4) ] \n" +
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(n1, p, NodeFactory.createLiteral("Girls44")) );
        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
        TestUtil.assertIteratorValues(this, infgraph.getDeductionsGraph().find(null, null, null),
                new Triple[] {
            new Triple(n1, q, NodeFactory.createLiteral("")),
            new Triple(n1, r, NodeFactory.createLiteral("Girls")),
            new Triple(n1, s, NodeFactory.createLiteral("44")),
     * More extensive check of arithmetic which checks that binding to an
     * expected answer also works
    public void testArithmetic() {
        doTestArithmetic("sum", 3, 5, 8);
        doTestArithmetic("difference", 5, 3, 2);
        doTestArithmetic("product", 3, 5, 15);
        doTestArithmetic("quotient", 12, 3, 4);
        doTestArithmetic("min", 3, 5, 3);
        doTestArithmetic("max", 3, 5, 5);
     * Internals of testArithmetic which sets up a rule
     * and executes it with expected and illegal answers.
    private void doTestArithmetic(String op, int arg1, int arg2, int expected) {
        String rules = 
            "[r1: (?x p ?a), (?x q ?b), (?x r ?c) " + op + "(?a, ?b, ?c) -> (?x s ?c)]\n " +
            "[r2: (?x p ?a), (?x q ?b), (?x t ?c) " + op + "(?a, ?b, ?c) -> (?x u ?c)]";
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(n1, p, Util.makeIntNode(arg1)) );
        data.add(new Triple(n1, q, Util.makeIntNode(arg2)) );
        data.add(new Triple(n1, r, Util.makeIntNode(expected)) );
        data.add(new Triple(n1, t, Util.makeIntNode(expected+1)) );
        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
        assertTrue( infgraph.contains(n1, s, Util.makeIntNode(expected)));    
        assertFalse( infgraph.contains(n1, u, Node.ANY) );       
     * Helper - returns the single object value for an s/p pair, asserts an error
     * if there is more than one.
    private Node getValue(Graph g, Node s, Node p) {
        ExtendedIterator<Triple> i = g.find(s, p, null);
        Node result =;
        if (i.hasNext()) {
            assertTrue("multiple values not expected", false);
        return result;

     * Investigate a suspicious case in the OWL ruleset, is the backchainer
     * returning duplicate values?
    public void testDuplicatesEC4() {
        boolean prior = JenaParameters.enableFilteringOfHiddenInfNodes;
        try {
            JenaParameters.enableFilteringOfHiddenInfNodes = false;
            Model premisesM = FileManager.get().loadModel("file:testing/wg/equivalentClass/premises004.rdf");
            Graph data = premisesM.getGraph();
            Reasoner reasoner =  new OWLFBRuleReasoner(OWLFBRuleReasonerFactory.theInstance());
            InfGraph infgraph = reasoner.bind(data);
            Node rbPrototypeProp = NodeFactory.createURI(ReasonerVocabulary.RBNamespace+"prototype");
            int count = 0;
            for (Iterator<Triple> i = infgraph.find(null, rbPrototypeProp, null); i.hasNext(); ) {
                Object t =;
//                System.out.println(" - " + PrintUtil.print(t));
//            listFBGraph("direct databind case", (FBRuleInfGraph)infgraph);
            assertEquals(5, count);
            infgraph = reasoner.bindSchema(data).bind(Factory.createGraphMem());
            count = 0;
            for (Iterator<Triple> i = infgraph.find(null, rbPrototypeProp, null); i.hasNext(); ) {
                Triple t =;
//                System.out.println(" - " + PrintUtil.print(t));
//            listFBGraph("bindSchema case", (FBRuleInfGraph)infgraph);
            assertEquals(5, count);
        } finally {
            JenaParameters.enableFilteringOfHiddenInfNodes = prior;
     * Test skolem constant generation
    public void testSkolem() {
        assertEquals( getSkolem(a, Util.makeIntNode(42)),
                      getSkolem(a, Util.makeIntNode(42)) );
        assertNotSame( getSkolem(a, Util.makeIntNode(42)),
                       getSkolem(b, Util.makeIntNode(42)) );
        assertNotSame( getSkolem(a, Util.makeIntNode(42)),
                       getSkolem(a, Util.makeIntNode(43)) );
        assertNotSame( getSkolem(a, NodeFactory.createLiteral("foo")),
                       getSkolem(a, NodeFactory.createLiteral("foo", "en", false)) );
        assertEquals( getSkolem(NodeFactory.createLiteral("foo")),
        assertNotSame( getSkolem(NodeFactory.createLiteral("foo")),
    private Node getSkolem(Node x, Node y) {
        String rules =  "[r1: (?n p ?x) (?n q ?y) makeSkolem(?s ?x ?y) -> (?n s ?s)]";
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(n1, p, x));
        data.add(new Triple(n1, q, y));
        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
        return infgraph.find(n1, s, Node.ANY).next().getObject();
    private Node getSkolem(Node x) {
        String rules =  "[r1: (?n p ?x)  makeSkolem(?s ?x) -> (?n s ?s)]";
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        data.add(new Triple(n1, p, x));
        InfGraph infgraph = createInfGraph(rules, data);
        return infgraph.find(n1, s, Node.ANY).next().getObject();
     * Check cost of creating an empty OWL closure.
    public void temp() {
        Graph data = Factory.createGraphMem();
        Graph data2 = Factory.createGraphMem();
        Reasoner reasoner =  new OWLFBRuleReasoner(OWLFBRuleReasonerFactory.theInstance());
        FBRuleInfGraph infgraph = (FBRuleInfGraph)reasoner.bind(data);
        FBRuleInfGraph infgraph2 = (FBRuleInfGraph)reasoner.bind(data2);
        long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("Prepare on empty graph = " + (t2-t1) +"ms");
        t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("Prepare on empty graph = " + (t2-t1) +"ms");
     * Helper function to list a graph out to
    public void listGraph(Graph g) {
        for (Iterator<Triple> i = g.find(null,null,null); i.hasNext();) {
            Triple t =;
        }"  --------  ");
     * Helper function to list the interesting parts of an FBInfGraph.
    public void listFBGraph(String message, FBRuleInfGraph graph) {;"Raw graph data");
        listGraph(graph.getRawGraph());"Static deductions");

Related Classes of com.hp.hpl.jena.reasoner.rulesys.test.TestFBRules

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