Package org.apache.archiva.webdav

Source Code of org.apache.archiva.webdav.RepositoryServletRepositoryGroupTest

package org.apache.archiva.webdav;

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import com.meterware.httpunit.GetMethodWebRequest;
import com.meterware.httpunit.PutMethodWebRequest;
import com.meterware.httpunit.WebRequest;
import com.meterware.httpunit.WebResponse;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.ManagedRepositoryConfiguration;
import org.apache.archiva.configuration.RepositoryGroupConfiguration;
import org.apache.archiva.model.ArchivaRepositoryMetadata;
import org.apache.archiva.repository.metadata.RepositoryMetadataReader;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

* RepositoryServletRepositoryGroupTest
* <p/>
* Test Case 1.  Accessing a valid repository group root url (e.g. returns a Bad Request (HTTP 400)
* Test Case 2.  Accessing an invalid repository group root url is forwarded to managed repository checking (this is not covered here)
* Test Case 3.  Accessing an artifact in a valid repository group will iterate over the managed repositories in the repository group
* Test Case 3.a.  If an invalid managed repository is encountered (managed repository doesn't exist),
* a Not Found (HTTP 404) is returned and the iteration is broken
* Test Case 3.b.  If an artifact is not found in a valid managed repository (after proxying, etc.),
* a Not Found (HTTP 404) is set but not returned yet, the iteration continues to the next managed repository.
* The Not Found (HTTP 404) is returned after exhausting all valid managed repositories
* Test Case 3.c.  If an artifact is found in a valid managed repository,
* the artifact is returned, the iteration is broken and any Not Found (HTTP 404) is disregarded
* Test Case 4.  Accessing a valid repository group with any http write method returns a Bad Request (HTTP 400)
public class RepositoryServletRepositoryGroupTest
    extends AbstractRepositoryServletTestCase
    protected File repoRootFirst;

    protected File repoRootLast;

    protected File repoRootInvalid;

    protected static final String MANAGED_REPO_FIRST = "first";

    protected static final String MANAGED_REPO_LAST = "last";

    protected static final String MANAGED_REPO_INVALID = "invalid";

    protected static final String REPO_GROUP_WITH_VALID_REPOS = "group-with-valid-repos";

    protected static final String REPO_GROUP_WITH_INVALID_REPOS = "group-with-invalid-repos";

    public void setUp()
        throws Exception

        String appserverBase = System.getProperty( "appserver.base" );

        Configuration configuration = archivaConfiguration.getConfiguration();

        repoRootFirst = new File( appserverBase, "data/repositories/" + MANAGED_REPO_FIRST );
        repoRootLast = new File( appserverBase, "data/repositories/" + MANAGED_REPO_LAST );

            createManagedRepository( MANAGED_REPO_FIRST, "First Test Repo", repoRootFirst, true ) );
            createManagedRepository( MANAGED_REPO_LAST, "Last Test Repo", repoRootLast, true ) );

        List<String> managedRepoIds = new ArrayList<String>();
        managedRepoIds.add( MANAGED_REPO_FIRST );
        managedRepoIds.add( MANAGED_REPO_LAST );

        configuration.addRepositoryGroup( createRepositoryGroup( REPO_GROUP_WITH_VALID_REPOS, managedRepoIds ) );

        // Create the repository group with an invalid managed repository
        repoRootInvalid = new File( appserverBase, "data/repositories/" + MANAGED_REPO_INVALID );
        ManagedRepositoryConfiguration managedRepositoryConfiguration =
            createManagedRepository( MANAGED_REPO_INVALID, "Invalid Test Repo", repoRootInvalid, true );

            createManagedRepository( MANAGED_REPO_FIRST, "First Test Repo", repoRootFirst, true ) );
        configuration.addManagedRepository( managedRepositoryConfiguration );
            createManagedRepository( MANAGED_REPO_LAST, "Last Test Repo", repoRootLast, true ) );

        List<String> invalidManagedRepoIds = new ArrayList<String>();
        invalidManagedRepoIds.add( MANAGED_REPO_FIRST );
        invalidManagedRepoIds.add( MANAGED_REPO_INVALID );
        invalidManagedRepoIds.add( MANAGED_REPO_LAST );

            createRepositoryGroup( REPO_GROUP_WITH_INVALID_REPOS, invalidManagedRepoIds ) );

        configuration.removeManagedRepository( managedRepositoryConfiguration );
        FileUtils.deleteDirectory( repoRootInvalid );

        saveConfiguration( archivaConfiguration );

    public void tearDown()
        throws Exception
        setupCleanRepo( repoRootFirst );
        setupCleanRepo( repoRootLast );


    * Test Case 3.c
    public void testGetFromFirstManagedRepositoryReturnOk()
        throws Exception
        String resourceName = "dummy/dummy-first-resource/1.0/dummy-first-resource-1.0.txt";

        File dummyInternalResourceFile = new File( repoRootFirst, resourceName );
        FileUtils.writeStringToFile( dummyInternalResourceFile, "first", null );

        WebRequest request = new GetMethodWebRequest(
            "" + REPO_GROUP_WITH_VALID_REPOS + "/" + resourceName );
        WebResponse response = getServletUnitClient().getResponse( request );

        assertResponseOK( response );
        assertEquals( "Expected file contents", "first", response.getText() );

    * Test Case 3.c
    public void testGetFromLastManagedRepositoryReturnOk()
        throws Exception
        String resourceName = "dummy/dummy-last-resource/1.0/dummy-last-resource-1.0.txt";

        File dummyReleasesResourceFile = new File( repoRootLast, resourceName );
        FileUtils.writeStringToFile( dummyReleasesResourceFile, "last", null );

        WebRequest request = new GetMethodWebRequest(
            "" + REPO_GROUP_WITH_VALID_REPOS + "/" + resourceName );
        WebResponse response = getServletUnitClient().getResponse( request );

        assertResponseOK( response );
        assertEquals( "Expected file contents", "last", response.getText() );

    * Test Case 3.b
    public void testGetFromValidRepositoryGroupReturnNotFound()
        throws Exception
        String resourceName = "dummy/dummy-no-resource/1.0/dummy-no-resource-1.0.txt";

        WebRequest request = new GetMethodWebRequest(
            "" + REPO_GROUP_WITH_VALID_REPOS + "/" + resourceName );
        WebResponse response = getServletUnitClient().getResponse( request );

        assertResponseNotFound( response );

    * Test Case 3.a
    public void testGetInvalidManagedRepositoryInGroupReturnNotFound()
        throws Exception
        String resourceName = "dummy/dummy-no-resource/1.0/dummy-no-resource-1.0.txt";

        WebRequest request = new GetMethodWebRequest(
            "" + REPO_GROUP_WITH_INVALID_REPOS + "/" + resourceName );
        WebResponse response = getServletUnitClient().getResponse( request );

        assertResponseInternalServerError( response );

    * Test Case 4
    public void testPutValidRepositoryGroupReturnBadRequest()
        throws Exception
        String resourceName = "dummy/dummy-put-resource/1.0/dummy-put-resource-1.0.txt";
        String putUrl = "" + REPO_GROUP_WITH_VALID_REPOS + "/" + resourceName;
        InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream( "/artifact.jar" );

        WebRequest request = new PutMethodWebRequest( putUrl, is, "text/plain" );
        WebResponse response = getServletUnitClient().getResponse( request );

        assertResponseMethodNotAllowed( response );

    // MRM-872
    public void testGetMergedMetadata()
        throws Exception
        // first metadata file       
        String resourceName = "dummy/dummy-merged-metadata-resource/maven-metadata.xml";

        File dummyInternalResourceFile = new File( repoRootFirst, resourceName );
        FileUtils.writeStringToFile( dummyInternalResourceFile, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
            + "<metadata>\n<groupId>dummy</groupId>\n<artifactId>dummy-merged-metadata-resource</artifactId>\n"
            + "<versioning>\n<latest>1.0</latest>\n<release>1.0</release>\n<versions>\n<version>1.0</version>\n"
            + "<version>2.5</version>\n</versions>\n<lastUpdated>20080708095554</lastUpdated>\n</versioning>\n</metadata>",
                                     null );

        //second metadata file
        resourceName = "dummy/dummy-merged-metadata-resource/maven-metadata.xml";
        dummyInternalResourceFile = new File( repoRootLast, resourceName );
        FileUtils.writeStringToFile( dummyInternalResourceFile, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
            + "<metadata><groupId>dummy</groupId><artifactId>dummy-merged-metadata-resource</artifactId>"
            + "<versioning><latest>2.0</latest><release>2.0</release><versions><version>1.0</version>"
            + "<version>1.5</version><version>2.0</version></versions><lastUpdated>20080709095554</lastUpdated>"
            + "</versioning></metadata>", null );

        WebRequest request = new GetMethodWebRequest(
            "" + REPO_GROUP_WITH_VALID_REPOS + "/dummy/"
                + "dummy-merged-metadata-resource/maven-metadata.xml" );
        WebResponse response = getServletUnitClient().getResource( request );

        File returnedMetadata = new File( "target/test-classes/retrievedMetadataFile.xml" );
        FileUtils.writeStringToFile( returnedMetadata, response.getText() );
        ArchivaRepositoryMetadata metadata = returnedMetadata );

        assertResponseOK( response );
        assertEquals( "Versions list size", 4, metadata.getAvailableVersions().size() );
        assertTrue( "Versions list contains version 1.0", metadata.getAvailableVersions().contains( "1.0" ) );
        assertTrue( "Versions list contains version 1.5", metadata.getAvailableVersions().contains( "1.5" ) );
        assertTrue( "Versions list contains version 2.0", metadata.getAvailableVersions().contains( "2.0" ) );
        assertTrue( "Versions list contains version 2.5", metadata.getAvailableVersions().contains( "2.5" ) );

        //check if the checksum files were generated
        File checksumFileSha1 = new File( repoRootFirst, resourceName + ".sha1" );
        FileUtils.writeStringToFile( checksumFileSha1, "3290853214d3687134", null );

        File checksumFileMd5 = new File( repoRootFirst, resourceName + ".md5" );
        FileUtils.writeStringToFile( checksumFileMd5, "98745897234eda12836423", null );

        // request the sha1 checksum of the metadata
        request = new GetMethodWebRequest( "" + REPO_GROUP_WITH_VALID_REPOS + "/dummy/"
                                               + "dummy-merged-metadata-resource/maven-metadata.xml.sha1" );
        response = getServletUnitClient().getResource( request );

        assertResponseOK( response );
        assertEquals( "add113b0d7f8c6adb92a5015a7a3701081edf998  maven-metadata-group-with-valid-repos.xml",
                      response.getText() );

        // request the md5 checksum of the metadata
        request = new GetMethodWebRequest( "" + REPO_GROUP_WITH_VALID_REPOS + "/dummy/"
                                               + "dummy-merged-metadata-resource/maven-metadata.xml.md5" );
        response = getServletUnitClient().getResource( request );

        assertResponseOK( response );
        assertEquals( "5b85ea4aa5f52bb76760041a52f98de8  maven-metadata-group-with-valid-repos.xml",
                      response.getText().trim() );

    // MRM-901
    public void testBrowseWithTwoArtifactsWithSameGroupIdInRepos()
        throws Exception
        String resourceName = "dummy/dummy-artifact/1.0/dummy-artifact-1.0.txt";

        File dummyInternalResourceFile = new File( repoRootFirst, resourceName );
        FileUtils.writeStringToFile( dummyInternalResourceFile, "first", null );

        resourceName = "dummy/dummy-artifact/2.0/dummy-artifact-2.0.txt";

        File dummyReleasesResourceFile = new File( repoRootLast, resourceName );
        FileUtils.writeStringToFile( dummyReleasesResourceFile, "last", null );

        WebRequest request = new GetMethodWebRequest(
            "" + REPO_GROUP_WITH_VALID_REPOS + "/dummy/dummy-artifact/" );
        WebResponse response = getServletUnitClient().getResource( request );

        assertResponseOK( response );
        assertTrue( StringUtils.contains( response.getText(), "Collection" ) );
        assertTrue( StringUtils.contains( response.getText(), "dummy/dummy-artifact" ) );
        assertTrue( StringUtils.contains( response.getText(), "1.0" ) );
        assertTrue( StringUtils.contains( response.getText(), "2.0" ) );

    protected void assertResponseMethodNotAllowed( WebResponse response )
        assertNotNull( "Should have recieved a response", response );
        assertEquals( "Should have been an 405/Method Not Allowed response code.",
                      HttpServletResponse.SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, response.getResponseCode() );

    protected RepositoryGroupConfiguration createRepositoryGroup( String id, List<String> repositories )
        RepositoryGroupConfiguration repoGroupConfiguration = new RepositoryGroupConfiguration();
        repoGroupConfiguration.setId( id );
        repoGroupConfiguration.setRepositories( repositories );
        return repoGroupConfiguration;

Related Classes of org.apache.archiva.webdav.RepositoryServletRepositoryGroupTest

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