Package org.apache.qpid.server.queue

Source Code of org.apache.qpid.server.queue.SimpleAMQQueue

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package org.apache.qpid.server.queue;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.qpid.AMQException;
import org.apache.qpid.AMQSecurityException;
import org.apache.qpid.framing.AMQShortString;
import org.apache.qpid.pool.ReferenceCountingExecutorService;
import org.apache.qpid.server.binding.Binding;
import org.apache.qpid.server.configuration.ConfigStore;
import org.apache.qpid.server.configuration.ConfiguredObject;
import org.apache.qpid.server.configuration.QueueConfigType;
import org.apache.qpid.server.configuration.QueueConfiguration;
import org.apache.qpid.server.configuration.plugins.ConfigurationPlugin;
import org.apache.qpid.server.logging.LogActor;
import org.apache.qpid.server.logging.LogSubject;
import org.apache.qpid.server.logging.actors.CurrentActor;
import org.apache.qpid.server.logging.actors.QueueActor;
import org.apache.qpid.server.logging.messages.QueueMessages;
import org.apache.qpid.server.logging.subjects.QueueLogSubject;
import org.apache.qpid.server.message.ServerMessage;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.AMQSessionModel;
import org.apache.qpid.server.registry.ApplicationRegistry;
import org.apache.qpid.server.subscription.AssignedSubscriptionMessageGroupManager;
import org.apache.qpid.server.subscription.DefinedGroupMessageGroupManager;
import org.apache.qpid.server.subscription.MessageGroupManager;
import org.apache.qpid.server.subscription.Subscription;
import org.apache.qpid.server.subscription.SubscriptionList;
import org.apache.qpid.server.txn.AutoCommitTransaction;
import org.apache.qpid.server.txn.LocalTransaction;
import org.apache.qpid.server.txn.ServerTransaction;
import org.apache.qpid.server.virtualhost.VirtualHost;

public class SimpleAMQQueue implements AMQQueue, Subscription.StateListener, MessageGroupManager.SubscriptionResetHelper
    private static final Logger _logger = Logger.getLogger(SimpleAMQQueue.class);

    private static final String QPID_GROUP_HEADER_KEY = "qpid.group_header_key";
    private static final String QPID_SHARED_MSG_GROUP = "qpid.shared_msg_group";
    private static final String QPID_DEFAULT_MESSAGE_GROUP = "qpid.default-message-group";
    private static final String QPID_NO_GROUP = "";
    // TODO - should make this configurable at the vhost / broker level
    private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_GROUPS = 255;

    private final VirtualHost _virtualHost;

    private final AMQShortString _name;

    /** null means shared */
    private final AMQShortString _owner;

    private AuthorizationHolder _authorizationHolder;

    private boolean _exclusive = false;
    private AMQSessionModel _exclusiveOwner;

    private final boolean _durable;

    /** If true, this queue is deleted when the last subscriber is removed */
    private final boolean _autoDelete;

    private Exchange _alternateExchange;

    private final QueueEntryList<QueueEntry> _entries;

    private final SubscriptionList _subscriptionList = new SubscriptionList();

    private volatile Subscription _exclusiveSubscriber;

    private final AtomicInteger _atomicQueueCount = new AtomicInteger(0);

    private final AtomicLong _atomicQueueSize = new AtomicLong(0L);

    private final AtomicInteger _activeSubscriberCount = new AtomicInteger();

    private final AtomicLong _totalMessagesReceived = new AtomicLong();

    private final AtomicLong _dequeueCount = new AtomicLong();
    private final AtomicLong _dequeueSize = new AtomicLong();
    private final AtomicLong _enqueueCount = new AtomicLong();
    private final AtomicLong _enqueueSize = new AtomicLong();
    private final AtomicLong _persistentMessageEnqueueSize = new AtomicLong();
    private final AtomicLong _persistentMessageDequeueSize = new AtomicLong();
    private final AtomicLong _persistentMessageEnqueueCount = new AtomicLong();
    private final AtomicLong _persistentMessageDequeueCount = new AtomicLong();
    private final AtomicInteger _counsumerCountHigh = new AtomicInteger(0);
    private final AtomicLong _msgTxnEnqueues = new AtomicLong(0);
    private final AtomicLong _byteTxnEnqueues = new AtomicLong(0);
    private final AtomicLong _msgTxnDequeues = new AtomicLong(0);
    private final AtomicLong _byteTxnDequeues = new AtomicLong(0);
    private final AtomicLong _unackedMsgCount = new AtomicLong(0);
    private final AtomicLong _unackedMsgCountHigh = new AtomicLong(0);
    private final AtomicLong _unackedMsgBytes = new AtomicLong();

    private final AtomicInteger _bindingCountHigh = new AtomicInteger();

    /** max allowed size(KB) of a single message */
    private long _maximumMessageSize = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance().getConfiguration().getMaximumMessageSize();

    /** max allowed number of messages on a queue. */
    private long _maximumMessageCount = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance().getConfiguration().getMaximumMessageCount();

    /** max queue depth for the queue */
    private long _maximumQueueDepth = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance().getConfiguration().getMaximumQueueDepth();

    /** maximum message age before alerts occur */
    private long _maximumMessageAge = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance().getConfiguration().getMaximumMessageAge();

    /** the minimum interval between sending out consecutive alerts of the same type */
    private long _minimumAlertRepeatGap = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance().getConfiguration().getMinimumAlertRepeatGap();

    private long _capacity = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance().getConfiguration().getCapacity();

    private long _flowResumeCapacity = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance().getConfiguration().getFlowResumeCapacity();

    private final Set<NotificationCheck> _notificationChecks = EnumSet.noneOf(NotificationCheck.class);

    static final int MAX_ASYNC_DELIVERIES = 80;

    private final AtomicLong _stateChangeCount = new AtomicLong(Long.MIN_VALUE);

    private final Executor _asyncDelivery;
    private AtomicInteger _deliveredMessages = new AtomicInteger();
    private AtomicBoolean _stopped = new AtomicBoolean(false);

    private final Set<AMQSessionModel> _blockedChannels = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<AMQSessionModel>();

    private final AtomicBoolean _deleted = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    private final List<Task> _deleteTaskList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Task>();

    private LogSubject _logSubject;
    private LogActor _logActor;

    private static final String SUB_FLUSH_RUNNER = "SUB_FLUSH_RUNNER";
    private boolean _nolocal;

    private final AtomicBoolean _overfull = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    private boolean _deleteOnNoConsumers;
    private final CopyOnWriteArrayList<Binding> _bindings = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Binding>();
    private UUID _id;
    private final Map<String, Object> _arguments;

    //TODO : persist creation time
    private long _createTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    private UUID _qmfId;
    private ConfigurationPlugin _queueConfiguration;

    /** the maximum delivery count for each message on this queue or 0 if maximum delivery count is not to be enforced. */
    private int _maximumDeliveryCount = ApplicationRegistry.getInstance().getConfiguration().getMaxDeliveryCount();
    private final MessageGroupManager _messageGroupManager;

    private final Collection<SubscriptionRegistrationListener> _subscriptionListeners =
            new ArrayList<SubscriptionRegistrationListener>();

    private AMQQueue.NotificationListener _notificationListener;
    private final long[] _lastNotificationTimes = new long[NotificationCheck.values().length];

    protected SimpleAMQQueue(UUID id, AMQShortString name, boolean durable, AMQShortString owner, boolean autoDelete, boolean exclusive, VirtualHost virtualHost, Map<String,Object> arguments)
        this(id, name, durable, owner, autoDelete, exclusive,virtualHost, new SimpleQueueEntryList.Factory(), arguments);

    public SimpleAMQQueue(UUID id, String queueName, boolean durable, String owner, boolean autoDelete, boolean exclusive, VirtualHost virtualHost, Map<String, Object> arguments)
        this(id, queueName, durable, owner, autoDelete, exclusive, virtualHost, new SimpleQueueEntryList.Factory(), arguments);

    public SimpleAMQQueue(UUID id, String queueName, boolean durable, String owner, boolean autoDelete, boolean exclusive, VirtualHost virtualHost, QueueEntryListFactory entryListFactory, Map<String, Object> arguments)
        this(id, queueName == null ? null : new AMQShortString(queueName), durable, owner == null ? null : new AMQShortString(owner), autoDelete, exclusive, virtualHost, entryListFactory, arguments);

    protected SimpleAMQQueue(UUID id,
                             AMQShortString name,
                             boolean durable,
                             AMQShortString owner,
                             boolean autoDelete,
                             boolean exclusive,
                             VirtualHost virtualHost,
                             QueueEntryListFactory entryListFactory, Map<String,Object> arguments)

        if (name == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Queue name must not be null");

        if (virtualHost == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Virtual Host must not be null");

        _name = name;
        _durable = durable;
        _owner = owner;
        _autoDelete = autoDelete;
        _exclusive = exclusive;
        _virtualHost = virtualHost;
        _entries = entryListFactory.createQueueEntryList(this);
        _arguments = arguments == null ? new HashMap<String, Object>() : new HashMap<String, Object>(arguments);

        _id = id;
        _qmfId = getConfigStore().createId();
        _asyncDelivery = ReferenceCountingExecutorService.getInstance().acquireExecutorService();

        _logSubject = new QueueLogSubject(this);
        _logActor = new QueueActor(this, CurrentActor.get().getRootMessageLogger());

        // Log the creation of this Queue.
        // The priorities display is toggled on if we set priorities > 0
                                                         _owner != null,
                                                         durable, !durable,
                                                         _entries.getPriorities() > 0));


        if(arguments != null && arguments.containsKey(QPID_GROUP_HEADER_KEY))
            if(arguments.containsKey(QPID_SHARED_MSG_GROUP) && String.valueOf(arguments.get(QPID_SHARED_MSG_GROUP)).equals("1"))
                Object defaultGroup = arguments.get(QPID_DEFAULT_MESSAGE_GROUP);
                _messageGroupManager =
                        new DefinedGroupMessageGroupManager(String.valueOf(arguments.get(QPID_GROUP_HEADER_KEY)),
                                defaultGroup == null ? QPID_NO_GROUP : defaultGroup.toString(),
                _messageGroupManager = new AssignedSubscriptionMessageGroupManager(String.valueOf(arguments.get(QPID_GROUP_HEADER_KEY)), DEFAULT_MAX_GROUPS);
            _messageGroupManager = null;



    public void resetNotifications()
        // This ensure that the notification checks for the configured alerts are created.

    // ------ Getters and Setters

    public void execute(Runnable runnable)
        catch (RejectedExecutionException ree)
            if (_stopped.get())
                // Ignore - SubFlusherRunner or QueueRunner submitted execution as queue was being stopped.
                _logger.error("Unexpected rejected execution", ree);
                throw ree;

    public AMQShortString getNameShortString()
        return _name;

    public void setNoLocal(boolean nolocal)
        _nolocal = nolocal;

    public UUID getId()
        return _id;

    public UUID getQMFId()
        return _qmfId;

    public QueueConfigType getConfigType()
        return QueueConfigType.getInstance();

    public ConfiguredObject getParent()
        return getVirtualHost();

    public boolean isDurable()
        return _durable;

    public boolean isExclusive()
        return _exclusive;

    public void setExclusive(boolean exclusive)
        _exclusive = exclusive;

    public Exchange getAlternateExchange()
        return _alternateExchange;

    public void setAlternateExchange(Exchange exchange)
        if(_alternateExchange != null)
        if(exchange != null)
        _alternateExchange = exchange;

     * Arguments used to create this queue.  The caller is assured
     * that null will never be returned.
    public Map<String, Object> getArguments()
        return _arguments;

    public boolean isAutoDelete()
        return _autoDelete;

    public AMQShortString getOwner()
        return _owner;

    public AuthorizationHolder getAuthorizationHolder()
        return _authorizationHolder;

    public void setAuthorizationHolder(final AuthorizationHolder authorizationHolder)
        _authorizationHolder = authorizationHolder;

    public VirtualHost getVirtualHost()
        return _virtualHost;

    public String getName()
        return getNameShortString().toString();

    // ------ Manage Subscriptions

    public synchronized void registerSubscription(final Subscription subscription, final boolean exclusive)
            throws AMQSecurityException, ExistingExclusiveSubscription, ExistingSubscriptionPreventsExclusive
        // Access control
        if (!getVirtualHost().getSecurityManager().authoriseConsume(this))
            throw new AMQSecurityException("Permission denied");

        if (hasExclusiveSubscriber())
            throw new ExistingExclusiveSubscription();

        if (exclusive && !subscription.isTransient())
            if (getConsumerCount() != 0)
                throw new ExistingSubscriptionPreventsExclusive();
                _exclusiveSubscriber = subscription;

        subscription.setQueueContext(new QueueContext(_entries.getHead()));

        if (!isDeleted())
            subscription.setQueue(this, exclusive);

            synchronized (_subscriptionListeners)
                for(SubscriptionRegistrationListener listener : _subscriptionListeners)
                    listener.subscriptionRegistered(this, subscription);


            //Increment consumerCountHigh if necessary. (un)registerSubscription are both
            //synchronized methods so we don't need additional synchronization here
            if(_counsumerCountHigh.get() < getConsumerCount())

            if (isDeleted())
            // TODO



    public synchronized void unregisterSubscription(final Subscription subscription) throws AMQException
        if (subscription == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("subscription argument is null");

        boolean removed = _subscriptionList.remove(subscription);

        if (removed)
            // No longer can the queue have an exclusive consumer

            if(_messageGroupManager != null)
                resetSubPointersForGroups(subscription, true);

            synchronized (_subscriptionListeners)
                for(SubscriptionRegistrationListener listener : _subscriptionListeners)
                    listener.subscriptionUnregistered(this, subscription);

            // auto-delete queues must be deleted if there are no remaining subscribers

            if (_autoDelete && getDeleteOnNoConsumers() && !subscription.isTransient() && getConsumerCount() == )
                if (_logger.isInfoEnabled())
          "Auto-deleteing queue:" + this);


                // we need to manually fire the event to the removed subscription (which was the last one left for this
                // queue. This is because the delete method uses the subscription set which has just been cleared


    public Collection<Subscription> getConsumers()
        List<Subscription> consumers = new ArrayList<Subscription>();
        SubscriptionList.SubscriptionNodeIterator iter = _subscriptionList.iterator();
        return consumers;


    public void addSubscriptionRegistrationListener(final SubscriptionRegistrationListener listener)
        synchronized (_subscriptionListeners)

    public void removeSubscriptionRegistrationListener(final SubscriptionRegistrationListener listener)
        synchronized (_subscriptionListeners)

    public void resetSubPointersForGroups(Subscription subscription, boolean clearAssignments)
        QueueEntry entry = _messageGroupManager.findEarliestAssignedAvailableEntry(subscription);

        if(entry != null)
            SubscriptionList.SubscriptionNodeIterator subscriberIter = _subscriptionList.iterator();
            // iterate over all the subscribers, and if they are in advance of this queue entry then move them backwards
            while (subscriberIter.advance())
                Subscription sub = subscriberIter.getNode().getSubscription();

                // we don't make browsers send the same stuff twice
                if (sub.seesRequeues())
                    updateSubRequeueEntry(sub, entry);



    public boolean getDeleteOnNoConsumers()
        return _deleteOnNoConsumers;

    public void setDeleteOnNoConsumers(boolean b)
        _deleteOnNoConsumers = b;

    public void addBinding(final Binding binding)
        int bindingCount = _bindings.size();
        int bindingCountHigh;
        while(bindingCount > (bindingCountHigh = _bindingCountHigh.get()))
            if(_bindingCountHigh.compareAndSet(bindingCountHigh, bindingCount))


    private void reconfigure()
        //Reconfigure the queue for to reflect this new binding.
        ConfigurationPlugin config = getVirtualHost().getConfiguration().getQueueConfiguration(this);

        if (config != null)
            if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                _logger.debug("Reconfiguring queue(" + this + ") with config:" + config + " was "+ _queueConfiguration);
            // Reconfigure with new config.

    public int getBindingCountHigh()
        return _bindingCountHigh.get();

    public void removeBinding(final Binding binding)


    public List<Binding> getBindings()
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(_bindings);

    public int getBindingCount()
        return getBindings().size();

    public LogSubject getLogSubject()
        return _logSubject;

    // ------ Enqueue / Dequeue
    public void enqueue(ServerMessage message) throws AMQException
        enqueue(message, null);

    public void enqueue(ServerMessage message, PostEnqueueAction action) throws AMQException
        enqueue(message, false, action);

    public void enqueue(ServerMessage message, boolean transactional, PostEnqueueAction action) throws AMQException



        QueueEntry entry;
        final Subscription exclusiveSub = _exclusiveSubscriber;
        entry = _entries.add(message);

        if(action != null || (exclusiveSub == null  && _queueRunner.isIdle()))

            iterate over subscriptions and if any is at the end of the queue and can deliver this message, then deliver the message

            SubscriptionList.SubscriptionNode node = _subscriptionList.getMarkedNode();
            SubscriptionList.SubscriptionNode nextNode = node.findNext();
            if (nextNode == null)
                nextNode = _subscriptionList.getHead().findNext();
            while (nextNode != null)
                if (_subscriptionList.updateMarkedNode(node, nextNode))
                    node = _subscriptionList.getMarkedNode();
                    nextNode = node.findNext();
                    if (nextNode == null)
                        nextNode = _subscriptionList.getHead().findNext();

            // always do one extra loop after we believe we've finished
            // this catches the case where we *just* miss an update
            int loops = 2;

            while (entry.isAvailable() && loops != 0)
                if (nextNode == null)
                    nextNode = _subscriptionList.getHead();
                    // if subscription at end, and active, offer
                    Subscription sub = nextNode.getSubscription();
                    deliverToSubscription(sub, entry);
                nextNode = nextNode.findNext();


        if (entry.isAvailable())

            if (exclusiveSub != null)


        if(action != null)


    private void deliverToSubscription(final Subscription sub, final QueueEntry entry)
            throws AMQException

                if (!sub.isSuspended()
                    && subscriptionReadyAndHasInterest(sub, entry)
                    && mightAssign(sub, entry)
                    && !sub.wouldSuspend(entry))
                    if (sub.acquires() && !(assign(sub, entry) && entry.acquire(sub)))
                        // restore credit here that would have been taken away by wouldSuspend since we didn't manage
                        // to acquire the entry for this subscription
                        deliverMessage(sub, entry, false);

    private boolean assign(final Subscription sub, final QueueEntry entry)
        return _messageGroupManager == null || _messageGroupManager.acceptMessage(sub, entry);

    private boolean mightAssign(final Subscription sub, final QueueEntry entry)
        if(_messageGroupManager == null || !sub.acquires())
            return true;
        Subscription assigned = _messageGroupManager.getAssignedSubscription(entry);
        return (assigned == null) || (assigned == sub);

    protected void checkSubscriptionsNotAheadOfDelivery(final QueueEntry entry)
        // This method is only required for queues which mess with ordering
        // Simple Queues don't :-)

    private void incrementQueueSize(final ServerMessage message)
        long size = message.getSize();
        if(message.isPersistent() && isDurable())

    public long getTotalDequeueCount()
        return _dequeueCount.get();

    public long getTotalEnqueueCount()
        return _enqueueCount.get();

    private void incrementQueueCount()

    private void incrementTxnEnqueueStats(final ServerMessage message)

    private void incrementTxnDequeueStats(QueueEntry entry)

    private void deliverMessage(final Subscription sub, final QueueEntry entry, boolean batch)
            throws AMQException
        setLastSeenEntry(sub, entry);


        sub.send(entry, batch);

    private boolean subscriptionReadyAndHasInterest(final Subscription sub, final QueueEntry entry) throws AMQException
        return sub.hasInterest(entry) && (getNextAvailableEntry(sub) == entry);

    private void setLastSeenEntry(final Subscription sub, final QueueEntry entry)
        QueueContext subContext = (QueueContext) sub.getQueueContext();
        if (subContext != null)
            QueueEntry releasedEntry = subContext.getReleasedEntry();

            QueueContext._lastSeenUpdater.set(subContext, entry);
            if(releasedEntry == entry)
               QueueContext._releasedUpdater.compareAndSet(subContext, releasedEntry, null);

    private void updateSubRequeueEntry(final Subscription sub, final QueueEntry entry)

        QueueContext subContext = (QueueContext) sub.getQueueContext();
        if(subContext != null)
            QueueEntry oldEntry;

            while((oldEntry  = subContext.getReleasedEntry()) == null || oldEntry.compareTo(entry) > 0)
                if(QueueContext._releasedUpdater.compareAndSet(subContext, oldEntry, entry))

    public void requeue(QueueEntry entry)
        SubscriptionList.SubscriptionNodeIterator subscriberIter = _subscriptionList.iterator();
        // iterate over all the subscribers, and if they are in advance of this queue entry then move them backwards
        while (subscriberIter.advance() && entry.isAvailable())
            Subscription sub = subscriberIter.getNode().getSubscription();

            // we don't make browsers send the same stuff twice
            if (sub.seesRequeues())
                updateSubRequeueEntry(sub, entry);



    public void dequeue(QueueEntry entry, Subscription sub)
        if (entry.acquiredBySubscription())

        if(sub != null && sub.isSessionTransactional())



    private void decrementQueueSize(final QueueEntry entry)
        final ServerMessage message = entry.getMessage();
        long size = message.getSize();
        if(message.isPersistent() && isDurable())

    void decrementQueueCount()

    public boolean resend(final QueueEntry entry, final Subscription subscription) throws AMQException
        /* TODO : This is wrong as the subscription may be suspended, we should instead change the state of the message
                  entry to resend and move back the subscription pointer. */

            if (!subscription.isClosed())
                deliverMessage(subscription, entry, false);
                return true;
                return false;

    public int getConsumerCount()
        return _subscriptionList.size();

    public int getConsumerCountHigh()
        return _counsumerCountHigh.get();

    public int getActiveConsumerCount()
        return _activeSubscriberCount.get();

    public boolean isUnused()
        return getConsumerCount() == 0;

    public boolean isEmpty()
        return getMessageCount() == 0;

    public int getMessageCount()
        return getAtomicQueueCount().get();

    public long getQueueDepth()
        return getAtomicQueueSize().get();

    public int getUndeliveredMessageCount()
        int count = getMessageCount() - _deliveredMessages.get();
        if (count < 0)
            return 0;
            return count;

    public long getReceivedMessageCount()
        return _totalMessagesReceived.get();

    public long getOldestMessageArrivalTime()
        QueueEntry entry = getOldestQueueEntry();
        return entry == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : entry.getMessage().getArrivalTime();

    protected QueueEntry getOldestQueueEntry()

    public boolean isDeleted()
        return _deleted.get();

    public List<QueueEntry> getMessagesOnTheQueue()
        ArrayList<QueueEntry> entryList = new ArrayList<QueueEntry>();
        QueueEntryIterator queueListIterator = _entries.iterator();
        while (queueListIterator.advance())
            QueueEntry node = queueListIterator.getNode();
            if (node != null && !node.isDispensed())
        return entryList;


    public void stateChange(Subscription sub, Subscription.State oldState, Subscription.State newState)
        if (oldState == Subscription.State.ACTIVE && newState != Subscription.State.ACTIVE)

        else if (newState == Subscription.State.ACTIVE)
            if (oldState != Subscription.State.ACTIVE)


    public int compareTo(final AMQQueue o)
        return _name.compareTo(o.getNameShortString());

    public AtomicInteger getAtomicQueueCount()
        return _atomicQueueCount;

    public AtomicLong getAtomicQueueSize()
        return _atomicQueueSize;

    public boolean hasExclusiveSubscriber()
        return _exclusiveSubscriber != null;

    private void setExclusiveSubscriber(Subscription exclusiveSubscriber)
        _exclusiveSubscriber = exclusiveSubscriber;

    long getStateChangeCount()
        return _stateChangeCount.get();

    /** Used to track bindings to exchanges so that on deletion they can easily be cancelled. */
    protected QueueEntryList getEntries()
        return _entries;

    protected SubscriptionList getSubscriptionList()
        return _subscriptionList;

    public static interface QueueEntryFilter
        public boolean accept(QueueEntry entry);

        public boolean filterComplete();

    public List<QueueEntry> getMessagesOnTheQueue(final long fromMessageId, final long toMessageId)
        return getMessagesOnTheQueue(new QueueEntryFilter()

            public boolean accept(QueueEntry entry)
                final long messageId = entry.getMessage().getMessageNumber();
                return messageId >= fromMessageId && messageId <= toMessageId;

            public boolean filterComplete()
                return false;

    public QueueEntry getMessageOnTheQueue(final long messageId)
        List<QueueEntry> entries = getMessagesOnTheQueue(new QueueEntryFilter()
            private boolean _complete;

            public boolean accept(QueueEntry entry)
                _complete = entry.getMessage().getMessageNumber() == messageId;
                return _complete;

            public boolean filterComplete()
                return _complete;
        return entries.isEmpty() ? null : entries.get(0);

    public List<QueueEntry> getMessagesOnTheQueue(QueueEntryFilter filter)
        ArrayList<QueueEntry> entryList = new ArrayList<QueueEntry>();
        QueueEntryIterator queueListIterator = _entries.iterator();
        while (queueListIterator.advance() && !filter.filterComplete())
            QueueEntry node = queueListIterator.getNode();
            if (!node.isDispensed() && filter.accept(node))
        return entryList;


    public void visit(final QueueEntryVisitor visitor)
        QueueEntryIterator queueListIterator = _entries.iterator();

            QueueEntry node = queueListIterator.getNode();


     * Returns a list of QueEntries from a given range of queue positions, eg messages 5 to 10 on the queue.
     * The 'queue position' index starts from 1. Using 0 in 'from' will be ignored and continue from 1.
     * Using 0 in the 'to' field will return an empty list regardless of the 'from' value.
     * @param fromPosition
     * @param toPosition
     * @return
    public List<QueueEntry> getMessagesRangeOnTheQueue(final long fromPosition, final long toPosition)
        return getMessagesOnTheQueue(new QueueEntryFilter()
                                            private long position = 0;

                                            public boolean accept(QueueEntry entry)
                                                return (position >= fromPosition) && (position <= toPosition);

                                            public boolean filterComplete()
                                                return position >= toPosition;


    public void purge(final long request) throws AMQException

    public long getCreateTime()
        return _createTime;

    // ------ Management functions

    // TODO - now only used by the tests
    public void deleteMessageFromTop()
        QueueEntryIterator queueListIterator = _entries.iterator();
        boolean noDeletes = true;

        while (noDeletes && queueListIterator.advance())
            QueueEntry node = queueListIterator.getNode();
            if (node.acquire())
                noDeletes = false;


    public long clearQueue() throws AMQException
        return clear(0l);

    private long clear(final long request) throws AMQSecurityException
        //Perform ACLs
        if (!getVirtualHost().getSecurityManager().authorisePurge(this))
            throw new AMQSecurityException("Permission denied: queue " + getName());

        QueueEntryIterator queueListIterator = _entries.iterator();
        long count = 0;

        ServerTransaction txn = new LocalTransaction(getVirtualHost().getMessageStore());

        while (queueListIterator.advance())
            QueueEntry node = queueListIterator.getNode();
            if (node.acquire())
                dequeueEntry(node, txn);
                if(++count == request)



        return count;

    private void dequeueEntry(final QueueEntry node)
        ServerTransaction txn = new AutoCommitTransaction(getVirtualHost().getMessageStore());
        dequeueEntry(node, txn);

    private void dequeueEntry(final QueueEntry node, ServerTransaction txn)
        txn.dequeue(this, node.getMessage(),
                    new ServerTransaction.Action()

                        public void postCommit()

                        public void onRollback()


    public void addQueueDeleteTask(final Task task)

    public void removeQueueDeleteTask(final Task task)

    // TODO list all thrown exceptions
    public int delete() throws AMQSecurityException, AMQException
        // Check access
        if (!_virtualHost.getSecurityManager().authoriseDelete(this))
            throw new AMQSecurityException("Permission denied: " + getName());

        if (!_deleted.getAndSet(true))

            for (Binding b : getBindings())

            SubscriptionList.SubscriptionNodeIterator subscriptionIter = _subscriptionList.iterator();

            while (subscriptionIter.advance())
                Subscription s = subscriptionIter.getNode().getSubscription();
                if (s != null)


            List<QueueEntry> entries = getMessagesOnTheQueue(new QueueEntryFilter()

                public boolean accept(QueueEntry entry)
                    return entry.acquire();

                public boolean filterComplete()
                    return false;

            ServerTransaction txn = new LocalTransaction(getVirtualHost().getMessageStore());

            if(_alternateExchange != null)

                InboundMessageAdapter adapter = new InboundMessageAdapter();
                for(final QueueEntry entry : entries)
                    List<? extends BaseQueue> queues = _alternateExchange.route(adapter);
                    if((queues == null || queues.size() == 0) && _alternateExchange.getAlternateExchange() != null)
                        queues = _alternateExchange.getAlternateExchange().route(adapter);

                    final ServerMessage message = entry.getMessage();
                    if(queues != null && queues.size() != 0)
                        final List<? extends BaseQueue> rerouteQueues = queues;
                        txn.enqueue(rerouteQueues, entry.getMessage(),
                                    new ServerTransaction.Action()

                                        public void postCommit()
                                                for(BaseQueue queue : rerouteQueues)
                                            catch (AMQException e)
                                                throw new RuntimeException(e);


                                        public void onRollback()

                                    }, 0L);
                        txn.dequeue(this, entry.getMessage(),
                                    new ServerTransaction.Action()

                                        public void postCommit()

                                        public void onRollback()


                // TODO log discard

                for(final QueueEntry entry : entries)
                    final ServerMessage message = entry.getMessage();
                    if(message != null)
                        txn.dequeue(this, message,
                                    new ServerTransaction.Action()

                                        public void postCommit()

                                        public void onRollback()


            for (Task task : _deleteTaskList)


            //Log Queue Deletion
            CurrentActor.get().message(_logSubject, QueueMessages.DELETED());

        return getMessageCount();


    public void stop()
        if (!_stopped.getAndSet(true))

    public void checkCapacity(AMQSessionModel channel)
        if(_capacity != 0l)
            if(_atomicQueueSize.get() > _capacity)
                //Overfull log message
                _logActor.message(_logSubject, QueueMessages.OVERFULL(_atomicQueueSize.get(), _capacity));



                if(_atomicQueueSize.get() <= _flowResumeCapacity)

                    //Underfull log message
                    _logActor.message(_logSubject, QueueMessages.UNDERFULL(_atomicQueueSize.get(), _flowResumeCapacity));





    private void checkCapacity()
        if(_capacity != 0L)
            if(_overfull.get() && _atomicQueueSize.get() <= _flowResumeCapacity)
                {//Underfull log message
                    _logActor.message(_logSubject, QueueMessages.UNDERFULL(_atomicQueueSize.get(), _flowResumeCapacity));

                for(final AMQSessionModel blockedChannel : _blockedChannels)

    private QueueRunner _queueRunner = new QueueRunner(this);

    public void deliverAsync()



    public void deliverAsync(Subscription sub)
        if(_exclusiveSubscriber == null)
            SubFlushRunner flusher = (SubFlushRunner) sub.get(SUB_FLUSH_RUNNER);
            if(flusher == null)
                flusher = new SubFlushRunner(sub);
                sub.set(SUB_FLUSH_RUNNER, flusher);


    public void flushSubscription(Subscription sub) throws AMQException
        // Access control
        if (!getVirtualHost().getSecurityManager().authoriseConsume(this))
            throw new AMQSecurityException("Permission denied: " + getName());
        flushSubscription(sub, Long.MAX_VALUE);

    public boolean flushSubscription(Subscription sub, long iterations) throws AMQException
        boolean atTail = false;
        final boolean keepSendLockHeld = iterations <=  SimpleAMQQueue.MAX_ASYNC_DELIVERIES;
        boolean queueEmpty = false;

            while (!sub.isSuspended() && !atTail && iterations != 0)

                    atTail = attemptDelivery(sub, true);
                    if (atTail && getNextAvailableEntry(sub) == null)
                        queueEmpty = true;
                    else if (!atTail)



        // if there's (potentially) more than one subscription the others will potentially not have been advanced to the
        // next entry they are interested in yet.  This would lead to holding on to references to expired messages, etc
        // which would give us memory "leak".

        if (!hasExclusiveSubscriber())
        return atTail;

     * Attempt delivery for the given subscription.
     * Looks up the next node for the subscription and attempts to deliver it.
     * @param sub
     * @param batch
     * @return true if we have completed all possible deliveries for this sub.
     * @throws AMQException
    private boolean attemptDelivery(Subscription sub, boolean batch) throws AMQException
        boolean atTail = false;

        boolean subActive = sub.isActive() && !sub.isSuspended();
        if (subActive)

            QueueEntry node  = getNextAvailableEntry(sub);

            if (node != null && node.isAvailable())
                if (sub.hasInterest(node) && mightAssign(sub, node))
                    if (!sub.wouldSuspend(node))
                        if (sub.acquires() && !(assign(sub, node) && node.acquire(sub)))
                            // restore credit here that would have been taken away by wouldSuspend since we didn't manage
                            // to acquire the entry for this subscription
                            deliverMessage(sub, node, batch);

                    else // Not enough Credit for message and wouldSuspend
                        //QPID-1187 - Treat the subscription as suspended for this message
                        // and wait for the message to be removed to continue delivery.
                        subActive = false;
                        node.addStateChangeListener(new QueueEntryListener(sub));

            atTail = (node == null) || ( == null);
        return atTail || !subActive;

    protected void advanceAllSubscriptions() throws AMQException
        SubscriptionList.SubscriptionNodeIterator subscriberIter = _subscriptionList.iterator();
        while (subscriberIter.advance())
            SubscriptionList.SubscriptionNode subNode = subscriberIter.getNode();
            Subscription sub = subNode.getSubscription();
                // TODO

    private QueueEntry getNextAvailableEntry(final Subscription sub)
            throws AMQException
        QueueContext context = (QueueContext) sub.getQueueContext();
        if(context != null)
            QueueEntry lastSeen = context.getLastSeenEntry();
            QueueEntry releasedNode = context.getReleasedEntry();

            QueueEntry node = (releasedNode != null && lastSeen.compareTo(releasedNode)>=0) ? releasedNode :;

            boolean expired = false;
            while (node != null && (!node.isAvailable() || (expired = node.expired()) || !sub.hasInterest(node) ||
                if (expired)
                    expired = false;
                    if (node.acquire())

                if(QueueContext._lastSeenUpdater.compareAndSet(context, lastSeen, node))
                    QueueContext._releasedUpdater.compareAndSet(context, releasedNode, null);

                lastSeen = context.getLastSeenEntry();
                releasedNode = context.getReleasedEntry();
                node = (releasedNode != null && lastSeen.compareTo(releasedNode)>0) ? releasedNode :;
            return node;
            return null;

    public boolean isEntryAheadOfSubscription(QueueEntry entry, Subscription sub)
        QueueContext context = (QueueContext) sub.getQueueContext();
        if(context != null)
            QueueEntry releasedNode = context.getReleasedEntry();
            return releasedNode != null && releasedNode.compareTo(entry) < 0;
            return false;

     * Used by queue Runners to asynchronously deliver messages to consumers.
     * A queue Runner is started whenever a state change occurs, e.g when a new
     * message arrives on the queue and cannot be immediately delivered to a
     * subscription (i.e. asynchronous delivery is required). Unless there are
     * SubFlushRunners operating (due to subscriptions unsuspending) which are
     * capable of accepting/delivering all messages then these messages would
     * otherwise remain on the queue.
     * processQueue should be running while there are messages on the queue AND
     * there are subscriptions that can deliver them. If there are no
     * subscriptions capable of delivering the remaining messages on the queue
     * then processQueue should stop to prevent spinning.
     * Since processQueue is runs in a fixed size Executor, it should not run
     * indefinitely to prevent starving other tasks of CPU (e.g jobs to process
     * incoming messages may not be able to be scheduled in the thread pool
     * because all threads are working on clearing down large queues). To solve
     * this problem, after an arbitrary number of message deliveries the
     * processQueue job stops iterating, resubmits itself to the executor, and
     * ends the current instance
     * @param runner the Runner to schedule
     * @throws AMQException
    public long processQueue(QueueRunner runner) throws AMQException
        long stateChangeCount = Long.MIN_VALUE;
        long previousStateChangeCount = Long.MIN_VALUE;
        long rVal = Long.MIN_VALUE;
        boolean deliveryIncomplete = true;

        boolean lastLoop = false;
        int iterations = MAX_ASYNC_DELIVERIES;

        final int numSubs = _subscriptionList.size();

        final int perSub = Math.max(iterations / Math.max(numSubs,1), 1);

        // For every message enqueue/requeue the we fire deliveryAsync() which
        // increases _stateChangeCount. If _sCC changes whilst we are in our loop
        // (detected by setting previousStateChangeCount to stateChangeCount in the loop body)
        // then we will continue to run for a maximum of iterations.
        // So whilst delivery/rejection is going on a processQueue thread will be running
        while (iterations != 0 && ((previousStateChangeCount != (stateChangeCount = _stateChangeCount.get())) || deliveryIncomplete))
            // we want to have one extra loop after every subscription has reached the point where it cannot move
            // further, just in case the advance of one subscription in the last loop allows a different subscription to
            // move forward in the next iteration

            if (previousStateChangeCount != stateChangeCount)
                //further asynchronous delivery is required since the
                //previous loop. keep going if iteration slicing allows.
                lastLoop = false;
                rVal = stateChangeCount;

            previousStateChangeCount = stateChangeCount;
            boolean allSubscriptionsDone = true;
            boolean subscriptionDone;

            SubscriptionList.SubscriptionNodeIterator subscriptionIter = _subscriptionList.iterator();
            //iterate over the subscribers and try to advance their pointer
            while (subscriptionIter.advance())
                Subscription sub = subscriptionIter.getNode().getSubscription();

                        for(int i = 0 ; i < perSub; i++)
                            //attempt delivery. returns true if no further delivery currently possible to this sub
                            subscriptionDone = attemptDelivery(sub, true);
                            if (subscriptionDone)
                                if (lastLoop && !sub.isSuspended())
                                //this subscription can accept additional deliveries, so we must
                                //keep going after this (if iteration slicing allows it)
                                allSubscriptionsDone = false;
                                lastLoop = false;
                                if(--iterations == 0)



            if(allSubscriptionsDone && lastLoop)
                //We have done an extra loop already and there are again
                //again no further delivery attempts possible, only
                //keep going if state change demands it.
                deliveryIncomplete = false;
            else if(allSubscriptionsDone)
                //All subscriptions reported being done, but we have to do
                //an extra loop if the iterations are not exhausted and
                //there is still any work to be done
                deliveryIncomplete = _subscriptionList.size() != 0;
                lastLoop = true;
                //some subscriptions can still accept more messages,
                //keep going if iteration count allows.
                lastLoop = false;
                deliveryIncomplete = true;


        // If iterations == 0 then the limiting factor was the time-slicing rather than available messages or credit
        // therefore we should schedule this runner again (unless someone beats us to it :-) ).
        if (iterations == 0)
            if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                _logger.debug("Rescheduling runner:" + runner);
            return 0L;
        return rVal;


    public void checkMessageStatus() throws AMQException
        QueueEntryIterator queueListIterator = _entries.iterator();

        while (queueListIterator.advance())
            QueueEntry node = queueListIterator.getNode();
            // Only process nodes that are not currently deleted and not dequeued
            if (!node.isDispensed())
                // If the node has exired then acquire it
                if (node.expired() && node.acquire())
                    if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                        _logger.debug("Dequeuing expired node " + node);
                    // Then dequeue it.
                    // There is a chance that the node could be deleted by
                    // the time the check actually occurs. So verify we
                    // can actually get the message to perform the check.
                    ServerMessage msg = node.getMessage();
                    if (msg != null)


    public long getMinimumAlertRepeatGap()
        return _minimumAlertRepeatGap;

    public void setMinimumAlertRepeatGap(long minimumAlertRepeatGap)
        _minimumAlertRepeatGap = minimumAlertRepeatGap;

    public long getMaximumMessageAge()
        return _maximumMessageAge;

    public void setMaximumMessageAge(long maximumMessageAge)
        _maximumMessageAge = maximumMessageAge;
        if (maximumMessageAge == 0L)

    public long getMaximumMessageCount()
        return _maximumMessageCount;

    public void setMaximumMessageCount(final long maximumMessageCount)
        _maximumMessageCount = maximumMessageCount;
        if (maximumMessageCount == 0L)


    public long getMaximumQueueDepth()
        return _maximumQueueDepth;

    // Sets the queue depth, the max queue size
    public void setMaximumQueueDepth(final long maximumQueueDepth)
        _maximumQueueDepth = maximumQueueDepth;
        if (maximumQueueDepth == 0L)


    public long getMaximumMessageSize()
        return _maximumMessageSize;

    public void setMaximumMessageSize(final long maximumMessageSize)
        _maximumMessageSize = maximumMessageSize;
        if (maximumMessageSize == 0L)

    public long getCapacity()
        return _capacity;

    public void setCapacity(long capacity)
        _capacity = capacity;

    public long getFlowResumeCapacity()
        return _flowResumeCapacity;

    public void setFlowResumeCapacity(long flowResumeCapacity)
        _flowResumeCapacity = flowResumeCapacity;


    public boolean isOverfull()
        return _overfull.get();

    public Set<NotificationCheck> getNotificationChecks()
        return _notificationChecks;

    private final class QueueEntryListener implements QueueEntry.StateChangeListener

        private final Subscription _sub;

        public QueueEntryListener(final Subscription sub)
            _sub = sub;

        public boolean equals(Object o)
            return o instanceof SimpleAMQQueue.QueueEntryListener
                    && _sub == ((QueueEntryListener) o)._sub;

        public int hashCode()
            return System.identityHashCode(_sub);

        public void stateChanged(QueueEntry entry, QueueEntry.State oldSate, QueueEntry.State newState)

    public List<Long> getMessagesOnTheQueue(int num)
        return getMessagesOnTheQueue(num, 0);

    public List<Long> getMessagesOnTheQueue(int num, int offset)
        ArrayList<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>(num);
        QueueEntryIterator it = _entries.iterator();
        for (int i = 0; i < offset; i++)

        for (int i = 0; i < num && !it.atTail(); i++)
        return ids;

    public AMQSessionModel getExclusiveOwningSession()
        return _exclusiveOwner;

    public void setExclusiveOwningSession(AMQSessionModel exclusiveOwner)
        _exclusive = true;
        _exclusiveOwner = exclusiveOwner;

    public void configure(ConfigurationPlugin config)
        if (config != null)
            if (config instanceof QueueConfiguration)

                _capacity = ((QueueConfiguration)config).getCapacity();
                _flowResumeCapacity = ((QueueConfiguration)config).getFlowResumeCapacity();

            _queueConfiguration = config;


    public ConfigurationPlugin getConfiguration()
        return _queueConfiguration;

    public ConfigStore getConfigStore()
        return getVirtualHost().getConfigStore();

    public long getMessageDequeueCount()
        return  _dequeueCount.get();

    public long getTotalEnqueueSize()
        return _enqueueSize.get();

    public long getTotalDequeueSize()
        return _dequeueSize.get();

    public long getByteTxnEnqueues()
        return _byteTxnEnqueues.get();

    public long getByteTxnDequeues()
        return _byteTxnDequeues.get();

    public long getMsgTxnEnqueues()
        return _msgTxnEnqueues.get();

    public long getMsgTxnDequeues()
        return _msgTxnDequeues.get();

    public long getPersistentByteEnqueues()
        return _persistentMessageEnqueueSize.get();

    public long getPersistentByteDequeues()
        return _persistentMessageDequeueSize.get();

    public long getPersistentMsgEnqueues()
        return _persistentMessageEnqueueCount.get();

    public long getPersistentMsgDequeues()
        return _persistentMessageDequeueCount.get();

    public String toString()
        return String.valueOf(getNameShortString());

    public long getUnackedMessageCountHigh()
        return _unackedMsgCountHigh.get();

    public long getUnackedMessageCount()
        return _unackedMsgCount.get();

    public long getUnackedMessageBytes()
        return _unackedMsgBytes.get();

    public void decrementUnackedMsgCount(QueueEntry queueEntry)

    private void incrementUnackedMsgCount(QueueEntry entry)
        long unackedMsgCount = _unackedMsgCount.incrementAndGet();

        long unackedMsgCountHigh;
        while(unackedMsgCount > (unackedMsgCountHigh = _unackedMsgCountHigh.get()))
            if(_unackedMsgCountHigh.compareAndSet(unackedMsgCountHigh, unackedMsgCount))

    public LogActor getLogActor()
        return _logActor;

    public int getMaximumDeliveryCount()
        return _maximumDeliveryCount;

    public void setMaximumDeliveryCount(final int maximumDeliveryCount)
        _maximumDeliveryCount = maximumDeliveryCount;

     * Checks if there is any notification to send to the listeners
    private void checkForNotification(ServerMessage<?> msg) throws AMQException
        final Set<NotificationCheck> notificationChecks = getNotificationChecks();
        final AMQQueue.NotificationListener listener = _notificationListener;

        if(listener != null && !notificationChecks.isEmpty())
            final long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            final long thresholdTime = currentTime - getMinimumAlertRepeatGap();

            for (NotificationCheck check : notificationChecks)
                if (check.isMessageSpecific() || (_lastNotificationTimes[check.ordinal()] < thresholdTime))
                    if (check.notifyIfNecessary(msg, this, listener))
                        _lastNotificationTimes[check.ordinal()] = currentTime;

    public void setNotificationListener(AMQQueue.NotificationListener listener)
        _notificationListener = listener;

    public void setDescription(String description)
        if (description == null)
            _arguments.put(AMQQueueFactory.X_QPID_DESCRIPTION, description);

    public String getDescription()
        return (String) _arguments.get(AMQQueueFactory.X_QPID_DESCRIPTION);


Related Classes of org.apache.qpid.server.queue.SimpleAMQQueue

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