Package convwatch

Source Code of convwatch.PRNCompare

* Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* This file is part of
* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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package convwatch;

import helper.ProcessHandler;
import convwatch.PixelCounter;
import convwatch.StatusHelper;
import helper.OSHelper;
import helper.StringHelper;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import util.utils;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------- PRNCompare ---------------------------------

// class DifferenceType
// {
//     final static int NO_DIFFERENCE = 1;
//     final static int DIFFERENCE = 2;
//     public int nValue = NO_DIFFERENCE;
//     public boolean equals(int _n)
//         {
//             if ( _n == nValue ) return true;
//             return false;
//         }   
// }

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public class PRNCompare
    // OSHelper m_aHelper;
    String fs;

    public PRNCompare()
            // m_aHelper = new OSHelper();
            fs = System.getProperty("file.separator");

    String executeSynchronously(String _sCommand)
            // System.out.println(_sCommand);

            ProcessHandler aHandler = new ProcessHandler(_sCommand);
            boolean bBackValue = aHandler.executeSynchronously();

            String sText = aHandler.getOutputText();
            GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Exitcode: " + String.valueOf(aHandler.getExitCode()));
            return sText;

    int getMaxNumOfFileEntry(String _sDirectory, String _sBasename)
//  TODO: check if directory exist should be done earlier
            File aDirectory = new File(_sDirectory);
            File[] aDirList = aDirectory.listFiles(
                  new FileFilter() {
                  boolean accept(File filename)
                  if (filename.getName().endsWith("jpg"))
                  return true;
                  return false;
                  } */
            int nMaxNumber = 0;
            for(int n = 0; n<aDirList.length ; n++)
                String sDirEntry = aDirList[n].getName();
                if (sDirEntry.endsWith(".jpg"))
                    int nNum = nMaxNumber;
                    if (sDirEntry.startsWith(_sBasename))
                        // System.out.println(sDirEntry);
                        int nJpgIdx = sDirEntry.lastIndexOf(".jpg");
                        String sValue = sDirEntry.substring(_sBasename.length(), nJpgIdx);
                        int nValue = 0;
                            nValue = Integer.valueOf(sValue).intValue();
                        catch(java.lang.NumberFormatException e)
                        // System.out.println(nValue);
                        nNum = nValue;
                    if (nNum > nMaxNumber)
                        nMaxNumber = nNum;
            return nMaxNumber;
    String m_sInputPath;
    String m_sReferencePath;
    String m_sOutputPath;
    String m_sDocFile;
    String m_sReferenceFile;
    String m_sPostScriptFile;
    // String m_sOldDiff;
    int m_nMaxPages = 0;
    int m_nResolutionInDPI = 0;
    TriState m_tUseBorderMove;
    String m_sDocumentType;

    public void setInputPath(String _sInputPath) { m_sInputPath = _sInputPath; }
    public void setReferencePath(String _sReferencePath) { m_sReferencePath = _sReferencePath; }
    public void setOutputPath(String _sOutPath) { m_sOutputPath = _sOutPath; }

    public void setDocFile(String _sDocFile) { m_sDocFile = _sDocFile;}

    public void setReferenceFile(String _sPRNFile){ m_sReferenceFile = _sPRNFile;}

    public void setPostScriptFile(String _sPSFile){ m_sPostScriptFile = _sPSFile;}

    public void setBorderMove(TriState _b) {m_tUseBorderMove = _b;}
    public TriState getBorderMove() {return m_tUseBorderMove;}
    // public void setOldDiffPath(String _sOldDiff)
    //     {
    //         m_sOldDiff = _sOldDiff;
    //     }
    public void setMaxPages(int _n) {m_nMaxPages = _n;}
    int getMaxPages() {return m_nMaxPages;}

    public void setResolutionInDPI(int _n) {m_nResolutionInDPI = _n;}
    int getResolutionInDPI() {return m_nResolutionInDPI;}

    public void setDocumentType(String _sTypeName)
            m_sDocumentType = _sTypeName;
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public StatusHelper[] compare()
            createJPEGFromPostscript(m_sOutputPath, m_sReferencePath, m_sReferenceFile, getResolutionInDPI());
//  TODO: Assume, that Postscript is already in the OutputPath, this may change.
            createJPEGFromPostscript(m_sOutputPath, m_sOutputPath, m_sPostScriptFile, getResolutionInDPI());
            StatusHelper[] aList = createDiffs(m_sOutputPath,
                                               m_sOutputPath, m_sReferenceFile,
                                               m_sOutputPath, m_sPostScriptFile,
                                               getMaxPages(), m_tUseBorderMove);

//  TODO: Rename?

            return aList;

    public StatusHelper[] compare_new()
            String[] aRefList = createJPEGFromPostscript(m_sOutputPath, m_sReferencePath, m_sReferenceFile, getResolutionInDPI());
//  TODO: Assume, that Postscript is already in the OutputPath, this may change.
            String[] aPSList = createJPEGFromPostscript(m_sOutputPath, m_sOutputPath, m_sPostScriptFile, getResolutionInDPI());
            StatusHelper[] aList = createDiffs(m_sOutputPath,
                                               getMaxPages(), m_tUseBorderMove);

            return aList;

    static String getJPEGName(String _sOutputPath, String _sBasename, String _sGS_PageOutput)
            String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator");
            String sJPEGName = _sOutputPath + fs + _sBasename + _sGS_PageOutput + ".jpg";
            return sJPEGName;
     * Create via ghostscript (gs) from the reference file for every page a JPEG file
     * MUST set:
     * m_sOutputPath, m_sReferenceFile, m_sReferencePath
     * return exit code from gs command
    public static String[] createJPEGFromPostscript(String _sOutputPath, String _sSourcePath, String _sSourceFile, int _nResolutionInDPI)
            String sGS_PageOutput = "%04d";
            // if ( OSHelper.isWindows() )
            // {
            //     sGS_PageOutput = "%%d";
            // }
            FileHelper.makeDirectories("", _sOutputPath);

            // create a jpeg from original prn
            String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator");

            String sJPGFilename = getJPEGName(_sOutputPath, _sSourceFile, sGS_PageOutput);
            String sOriginalFile = _sSourcePath + fs + _sSourceFile;
            String sCommand;
            String sGS = "gs";
            if (OSHelper.isWindows())
                sGS = "gswin32c.exe";
            sCommand = sGS + " -dNOPROMPT -dBATCH -sDEVICE=jpeg -r" + String.valueOf(_nResolutionInDPI) + " -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=" + StringHelper.doubleQuoteIfNeed(sJPGFilename) + " " + StringHelper.doubleQuoteIfNeed(sOriginalFile);
            String[] sCommandArray =
                    "-r" + String.valueOf(_nResolutionInDPI),
                    "-sOutputFile=" + sJPGFilename,
            // System.out.println("Start Command array");
            // try
            // {
            //     Runtime.getRuntime().exec(sCommandArray);
            // } catch (Exception e) {
            //     System.out.println("FAILED");
            // }
            // System.out.println("done");
            ProcessHandler aHandler = new ProcessHandler(sCommandArray);
            boolean bBackValue = aHandler.executeSynchronously();

            // TODO: return a real filename, due to the fact we don't know how much files are created, maybe better to return a list

            ArrayList m_aFileList = new ArrayList();
            for (int i=1;i<9999;i++)
                String sNewJPEGFilename = utils.replaceAll13(sJPGFilename, sGS_PageOutput, StringHelper.createValueString(i, 4));
                if (FileHelper.exists(sNewJPEGFilename))
                    m_aFileList.add(sNewJPEGFilename); // as long as the files exist, fill the array
                    break;                             // stop file check
            String[] aList = new String[m_aFileList.size()];
            aList = (String[])m_aFileList.toArray(aList);
            return aList; // sNewJPEGFilename;
     * Create Difference Files from the JPEGs
     * parameter, how much difference files should create
     * m_sPostScriptFile
     * m_sReferenceFile
     * m_sOutputPath
    public StatusHelper[] createDiffs(String _sOutputPath, String _sSourcePath1, String _sSourceFile1, String _sSourcePath2, String _sSourceFile2, int _nMaxDiffs, TriState _tUseBorderMove)
            if (_nMaxDiffs < 1)
                _nMaxDiffs = 1;
            String sS1Basename = FileHelper.getBasename(_sSourceFile1);
            String sS2Basename = FileHelper.getBasename(_sSourceFile2);
            // count, from which file (jpegs) exist more, take the less one
            // more are not compareable
            int nS1_Files = getMaxNumOfFileEntry(_sSourcePath1, sS1Basename);
            int nS2_Files = getMaxNumOfFileEntry(_sSourcePath2, sS2Basename);

            // System.out.println("count of s1 files " + String.valueOf(nS1_Files));
            // System.out.println("count of s2 files " + String.valueOf(nS2_Files));

            // take the min of both
            int nMin = Math.min(nS1_Files, nS2_Files);
            nMin = Math.min(nMin, _nMaxDiffs);

            StatusHelper[] aList = new StatusHelper[nMin];
//  TODO: if both document do not have same page count, produce an error
            // System.out.println("min of both: " + String.valueOf(nMin));

            int nStatusIndex = 0;
            for (int i=1;i<=nMin;i++)
                String sOldGfx =  getJPEGName(_sSourcePath1, sS1Basename, StringHelper.createValueString(i, 4));
                String sNewGfx =  getJPEGName(_sSourcePath2, sS2Basename, StringHelper.createValueString(i, 4));
                String sDiffGfx_ = getJPEGName(_sOutputPath, sS1Basename + ".diff", StringHelper.createValueString(i, 4));

                String sDiffGfx = compareJPEGs(sOldGfx, sNewGfx, sDiffGfx_);
                StatusHelper aStatus = new StatusHelper(sOldGfx, sNewGfx, sDiffGfx);
                // if (FileHelper.exists(sDiffGfx))
                if (sDiffGfx.length() > 0)
                    int nResult = identify(sDiffGfx);
                    if (nResult == 1)
                        aStatus.nDiffStatus = StatusHelper.DIFF_NO_DIFFERENCES;
                            int nPercent = estimateGfx(sOldGfx, sNewGfx, sDiffGfx);
                            aStatus.nDiffStatus = StatusHelper.DIFF_DIFFERENCES_FOUND;
                            aStatus.nPercent = nPercent;

                            // GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Hello World:  Percent:= " + nPercent);
                            // GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Hello World: TriState:= " + _tUseBorderMove.intValue());
                            // GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Hello World:  DocType:= " + m_sDocumentType);
// TODO: insert here the new BorderRemover if the percentage value is creater than 75%
                            if (nPercent > 75 &&
                                ((_tUseBorderMove == TriState.TRUE ) ||
                                 ((_tUseBorderMove == TriState.UNSET) &&
                                  m_sDocumentType.indexOf("MS PowerPoint") > 0)))
                                String sOld_BM_Gfx =  getJPEGName(_sSourcePath1, sS1Basename + ".BM", StringHelper.createValueString(i, 4));
                                String sNew_BM_Gfx =  getJPEGName(_sSourcePath2, sS2Basename + ".BM", StringHelper.createValueString(i, 4));
                                String sDiff_BM_Gfx_ = getJPEGName(_sOutputPath, sS1Basename + ".diff.BM", StringHelper.createValueString(i, 4));
                                aStatus.setFilesForBorderMove(sOld_BM_Gfx, sNew_BM_Gfx, sDiff_BM_Gfx_);
                                    BorderRemover a = new BorderRemover();
                                    a.createNewImageWithoutBorder(sOldGfx, sOld_BM_Gfx);
                                    a.createNewImageWithoutBorder(sNewGfx, sNew_BM_Gfx);
                                    String sDiff_BM_Gfx = compareJPEGs( sOld_BM_Gfx, sNew_BM_Gfx, sDiff_BM_Gfx_);
                                    // if (FileHelper.exists(sDiff_BM_Gfx))
                                    if (sDiff_BM_Gfx.length() > 0)
                                        nResult = identify(sDiff_BM_Gfx);
                                        if (nResult == 1)
                                            aStatus.nDiffStatus = StatusHelper.DIFF_AFTER_MOVE_DONE_NO_PROBLEMS;
                                            aStatus.nPercent2 = 0;
                                            nPercent = estimateGfx(sOld_BM_Gfx, sNew_BM_Gfx, sDiff_BM_Gfx);
                                            aStatus.nDiffStatus = StatusHelper.DIFF_AFTER_MOVE_DONE_DIFFERENCES_FOUND;
                                            aStatus.nPercent2 = nPercent;
                                catch( e)
                                    GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Exception caught. At border remove: " + e.getMessage());

                        catch ( e)
                    // checkDiff(sOldGfx, sNewGfx, sDiffGfx);
                    // if (i >= _nMaxDiffs)
                    // {
                    //     break;
                    // }
                aList[nStatusIndex ++] = aStatus;
            return aList;

    public StatusHelper[] createDiffs(String _sOutputPath, String[] _aRefList, String[] _aPSList, int _nMaxDiffs, TriState _tUseBorderMove)
            if (_nMaxDiffs < 1)
                _nMaxDiffs = 1;
            // count, from which file (jpegs) exist more, take the less one
            // more are not compareable

            // take the min of both
            int nMin = Math.min(_aRefList.length, _aPSList.length);
            nMin = Math.min(nMin, _nMaxDiffs);

            StatusHelper[] aList = new StatusHelper[nMin];
//  TODO: if both document do not have same page count, produce an error
            // System.out.println("min of both: " + String.valueOf(nMin));

            int nStatusIndex = 0;
            for (int i=1;i<=nMin;i++)
                String sOldGfx =  _aRefList[i];
                String sNewGfx =  _aPSList[i];
                // String sDiffGfx_ = getJPEGName(_sOutputPath, sS1Basename + ".diff", StringHelper.createValueString(i, 4));

                String sDiffGfx = compareJPEGs(sOldGfx, sNewGfx );
                StatusHelper aStatus = new StatusHelper(sOldGfx, sNewGfx, sDiffGfx);
                // if (FileHelper.exists(sDiffGfx))
                if (sDiffGfx.length() > 0)
                    int nResult = identify(sDiffGfx);
                    if (nResult == 1)
                        aStatus.nDiffStatus = StatusHelper.DIFF_NO_DIFFERENCES;
                            int nPercent = estimateGfx(sOldGfx, sNewGfx, sDiffGfx);
                            // GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Hello World:  Percent:= " + nPercent);
                            // GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Hello World: TriState:= " + _tUseBorderMove.intValue());
                            // GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Hello World:  DocType:= " + m_sDocumentType);
                            aStatus.nDiffStatus = StatusHelper.DIFF_DIFFERENCES_FOUND;
                            aStatus.nPercent = nPercent;
                            if (nPercent > 75 &&
                                ((_tUseBorderMove == TriState.TRUE ) ||
                                 ((_tUseBorderMove == TriState.UNSET) &&
                                  m_sDocumentType.indexOf("MS PowerPoint") > 0)))
                                _tUseBorderMove = TriState.TRUE;
//  TODO: problem is here, that we have to create some new names.

                                String sBasename1 = FileHelper.getBasename(sOldGfx);
                                String sNameNoSuffix1 = FileHelper.getNameNoSuffix(sBasename1);
                                String sBasename2 = FileHelper.getBasename(sNewGfx);
                                String sNameNoSuffix2 = FileHelper.getNameNoSuffix(sBasename2);
                                String sTmpDir = util.utils.getUsersTempDir();
                                String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator");

                                String sOld_BM_Gfx =  sTmpDir + fs + sNameNoSuffix1 + "-BM-" + StringHelper.createValueString(i, 4) + ".jpg";
                                String sNew_BM_Gfx =  sTmpDir + fs + sNameNoSuffix2 + "-BM-" + StringHelper.createValueString(i, 4) + ".jpg";
                                    BorderRemover a = new BorderRemover();
                                    a.createNewImageWithoutBorder(sOldGfx, sOld_BM_Gfx);
                                    a.createNewImageWithoutBorder(sNewGfx, sNew_BM_Gfx);
                                    String sDiff_BM_Gfx = compareJPEGs( sOld_BM_Gfx, sNew_BM_Gfx );
                                    aStatus.setFilesForBorderMove(sOld_BM_Gfx, sNew_BM_Gfx, sDiff_BM_Gfx);
                                    // if (FileHelper.exists(sDiff_BM_Gfx))
                                    if (sDiff_BM_Gfx.length() > 0)
                                        nResult = identify(sDiff_BM_Gfx);
                                        if (nResult == 1)
                                            aStatus.nDiffStatus = StatusHelper.DIFF_AFTER_MOVE_DONE_NO_PROBLEMS;
                                            aStatus.nPercent2 = 0;
                                            nPercent = estimateGfx(sOld_BM_Gfx, sNew_BM_Gfx, sDiff_BM_Gfx);
                                            aStatus.nDiffStatus = StatusHelper.DIFF_AFTER_MOVE_DONE_DIFFERENCES_FOUND;
                                            aStatus.nPercent2 = nPercent;
                                catch( e)
                                    GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Exception caught. At border remove: " + e.getMessage());
                        catch ( e)
                    // checkDiff(sOldGfx, sNewGfx, sDiffGfx);
                    // if (i >= _nMaxDiffs)
                    // {
                    //     break;
                    // }
                aList[nStatusIndex ++] = aStatus;
            return aList;
    public static String compareJPEGs(String _sOldGfx, String _sNewGfx)
            String sBasename1 = FileHelper.getBasename(_sOldGfx);
            String sNameNoSuffix1 = FileHelper.getNameNoSuffix(sBasename1);
            String sBasename2 = FileHelper.getBasename(_sNewGfx);
            String sNameNoSuffix2 = FileHelper.getNameNoSuffix(sBasename2);

            String sTmpDir = util.utils.getUsersTempDir();
            String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator");

            String sDiffName = sTmpDir + fs + sNameNoSuffix1 + "-" + sNameNoSuffix2 + "-diff.jpg";
            return compareJPEGs(_sOldGfx, _sNewGfx, sDiffName);
    public static String compareJPEGs(String _sOldGfx, String _sNewGfx, String _sDiffGfx)
            String sComposite = "composite";
            if (OSHelper.isWindows())
                sComposite = "composite.exe";
            // String sCommand = sComposite + " -compose difference " +
            //     StringHelper.doubleQuoteIfNeed(_sOldGfx) + " " +
            //     StringHelper.doubleQuoteIfNeed(_sNewGfx) + " " +
            //     StringHelper.doubleQuoteIfNeed(_sDiffGfx);

            String[] sCommandArray =
            ProcessHandler aHandler = new ProcessHandler(sCommandArray);
            boolean bBackValue = aHandler.executeSynchronously();

            String sBack = aHandler.getOutputText();
            GlobalLogWriter.get().println("'" + sBack + "'");

            // return aHandler.getExitCode();
            if (FileHelper.exists(_sDiffGfx))
                return _sDiffGfx;
            return "";
     * wrapper for ImageMagick identify,
     * function checks how many different colors a picture contains.
     * if it's only one color (nResult==1), like background color, there is no difference.
    int identify(String _sDiffGfx)
            int nResult = 0;
            // would like to know what the meaning of %k is for ImageMagick's 'identify'
            String sIM_Format = "%k";
            // if (OSHelper.isWindows())
            // {
            //     sIM_Format = "%%k";
            // }
            String sIdentify = "identify";
            if (OSHelper.isWindows())
                sIdentify = "identify.exe";
            // String sCommand = sIdentify + " " + sIM_Format + " " + StringHelper.doubleQuoteIfNeed(_sDiffGfx);

            String[] sCommandArray =
            ProcessHandler aHandler = new ProcessHandler(sCommandArray);
            boolean bBackValue = aHandler.executeSynchronously();
            String sBack = aHandler.getOutputText();
            GlobalLogWriter.get().println("'" + sBack + "'");

            // try to interpret the result, which we get as a String
                int nIdx = sBack.indexOf("\n");
                if (nIdx > 0)
                    sBack = sBack.substring(0, nIdx);
                nResult = Integer.valueOf(sBack).intValue();
            catch(java.lang.NumberFormatException e)
                GlobalLogWriter.get().println("Number format exception");
                nResult = 0;
            return nResult;
     * Check 2 different differ files
     * return 1 if there is no difference between both diff files.

//  TODO: Maybe a StatusHelper is a better return value
    public StatusHelper checkDiffDiff(String _sOutputPath, String _sSourcePath1, String _sSourceFile1, String _sSourcePath2, String _sSourceFile2)
            String sNewGfx =  _sSourcePath1 + fs + _sSourceFile1;
            String sOldGfx =  _sSourcePath2 + fs + _sSourceFile2;
            int nNumber = 1;
            String sDiffGfx;
            sDiffGfx = getJPEGName(_sOutputPath, _sSourceFile1 + ".diff", StringHelper.createValueString(nNumber, 4));
            StatusHelper aCurrentStatus = new StatusHelper(sOldGfx, sNewGfx, sDiffGfx);

            // String sComposite = "composite";
            // if (OSHelper.isWindows())
            // {
            //     sComposite = "composite.exe";
            // }
            // String sCommand = sComposite  +" -compose difference " +
            //     StringHelper.doubleQuoteIfNeed(sOldGfx) + " " +
            //     StringHelper.doubleQuoteIfNeed(sNewGfx) + " " +
            //     StringHelper.doubleQuoteIfNeed(sDiffGfx);
            // // System.out.println(sCommand);
            // // executeSynchronously(sCommand);
            // ProcessHandler aHandler = new ProcessHandler(sCommand);
            // boolean bBackValue = aHandler.executeSynchronously();

            compareJPEGs(sOldGfx, sNewGfx, sDiffGfx);
            if (FileHelper.exists(sDiffGfx))
                int nResult = identify(sDiffGfx);
                if (nResult == 1)
                    aCurrentStatus.nDiffStatus = StatusHelper.DIFF_NO_DIFFERENCES;
                    aCurrentStatus.nDiffStatus = StatusHelper.DIFF_DIFFERENCES_FOUND;
                        aCurrentStatus.nPercent = estimateGfx(sOldGfx, sNewGfx, sDiffGfx);
                    catch ( e)
                        aCurrentStatus.nPercent = -1;
                // LLA: should diffdiff file delete?
                // File aFile = new File(sDiffGfx);
                // aFile.delete();
                GlobalLogWriter.get().println("composite can't create the diffdiff file.");

            return aCurrentStatus;
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * count how much pixel differ and between Old or New and the Difference graphics
     * First, count the old graphics, then the new graphics due to the fact both should be equal
     * it should be legal to take result from old or new. We take the graphics with less values.
     * Second, count the difference graphics, now take the percent algorithm and
     * build a percent value, which contain the number of different pixels as a percent value
     * Interpretation:
     * 0%    there is no difference
     * <100% Take a look into the difference graphics, maybe the difference graphics shows
     *       text like outlined or the text is little bit move left, right up or down.
     * >100% Yes it's possible that there is a difference more then 100%, maybe a font problem
     *       between old and new graphics. The font of the new graphics is little bit bigger,
     *       so the pixel count between old graphics and new graphics is twice the more.
    public int estimateGfx(String _sOldGfx, String _sNewGfx, String _sDiffGfx)
            // new count pixels
            int nNotWhiteCount_OldGraphic = PixelCounter.countNotWhitePixelsFromImage(_sOldGfx);
            int nNotWhiteCount_NewGraphic = PixelCounter.countNotWhitePixelsFromImage(_sNewGfx);
            int nNotBlackCount_DiffGraphic = PixelCounter.countNotBlackPixelsFromImage(_sDiffGfx);
            int nMinNotWhiteCount = Math.min(nNotWhiteCount_NewGraphic, nNotWhiteCount_OldGraphic);
            // check if not zero
            if (nMinNotWhiteCount == 0)
                nMinNotWhiteCount = Math.max(nNotWhiteCount_NewGraphic, nNotWhiteCount_OldGraphic);
                if (nMinNotWhiteCount == 0)
                    nMinNotWhiteCount = 1;
            int nPercent = Math.abs(nNotBlackCount_DiffGraphic * 100 / nMinNotWhiteCount);
            GlobalLogWriter.get().println( "Graphics check, pixel based:" + String.valueOf(nPercent) + "% pixel differ ");
            return nPercent;

* Some selftest functionallity
//    public static void main(String[] args)
//        {
            // System.out.println(FileHelper.getNameNoSuffix("doc.sxw"));
            // System.out.println(FileHelper.getSuffix("doc.sxw"));
            // System.out.println(FileHelper.getBasename("doc.sxw"));
            // System.out.println(FileHelper.getBasename("/tmp/doc.sxw"));

//            PRNCompare a = new PRNCompare();
//             a.setInputPath(     "/cws/so-cwsserv06/qadev18/SRC680/src.m47/convwatch.keep/input/msoffice/xp/PowerPoint");
//             a.setReferencePath( "/cws/so-cwsserv06/qadev18/SRC680/src.m47/convwatch.keep/input/msoffice/xp/PowerPoint");
//             a.setOutputPath(    "/tmp/convwatch_java");
//             a.setDocFile(       "1_Gov.ppt");
//             a.setReferenceFile( "1_Gov.prn" );
//             a.setPostScriptFile("" );

// LLA: 20040804 sample how to build jpegs from reference files
//             a.createJPEGFromPostscript("/tmp/convwatch_java",
//                                        "/home/apitest/WorkFromHome/20040804/reference", "worddoc.prn" );
//             a.createJPEGFromPostscript("/tmp/convwatch_java",
//                                        "/home/apitest/WorkFromHome/20040804/reference", "" );
//             Status[] aList = a.createDiffs("/tmp/convwatch_java",
//                                            "/tmp/convwatch_java", "worddoc.prn",
//                                            "/tmp/convwatch_java", "",
//                                            2);

// LLA: 20040805 sample how to check 2 gfx files
// this function return DifferenceType.NO_DIFFERENCE if the pictures contain no graphically difference
//             DifferenceType aReturnValue = a.checkDiffDiff("/tmp/convwatch_java",
//                                                           "/tmp/convwatch_java", "worddoc.prn.diff1.jpg",
//                                                           "/tmp/convwatch_java/old", "worddoc.prn.diff1.jpg");
//             if (aReturnValue.equals( DifferenceType.NO_DIFFERENCE ))
//             {
//                 System.out.println("There is no difference between both diff files.");
//             }
            // a.setOldDiff(       "/olddiffs");
//        }

Related Classes of convwatch.PRNCompare

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