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import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

import org.apache.cxf.Bus;
import org.apache.cxf.common.classloader.ClassLoaderUtils;
import org.apache.cxf.common.logging.LogUtils;
import org.apache.cxf.common.util.CompressionUtils;
import org.apache.cxf.helpers.IOUtils;
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.utils.ResourceUtils;
import org.apache.cxf.message.Message;
import org.apache.cxf.message.MessageUtils;

* Encryption helpers
public final class CryptoUtils {
    public static final String RSSEC_KEY_STORE_TYPE = "";
    public static final String RSSEC_KEY_STORE_PSWD = "";
    public static final String RSSEC_KEY_PSWD = "";
    public static final String RSSEC_KEY_STORE_ALIAS = "";
    public static final String RSSEC_KEY_STORE_FILE = "";
    public static final String RSSEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME = "";
    public static final String RSSEC_SIG_KEY_PSWD_PROVIDER = "";
    public static final String RSSEC_DECRYPT_KEY_PSWD_PROVIDER = "";
    private static final Logger LOG = LogUtils.getL7dLogger(CryptoUtils.class);
    private CryptoUtils() {
    public static String encodeSecretKey(SecretKey key) throws SecurityException {
        return encodeBytes(key.getEncoded());
    public static String encryptSecretKey(SecretKey secretKey, PublicKey publicKey)
        throws SecurityException {
        KeyProperties props = new KeyProperties(publicKey.getAlgorithm());
        return encryptSecretKey(secretKey, publicKey, props);
    public static String encryptSecretKey(SecretKey secretKey, PublicKey publicKey,
        KeyProperties props) throws SecurityException {
        byte[] encryptedBytes = encryptBytes(secretKey.getEncoded(),
        return encodeBytes(encryptedBytes);
    public static byte[] generateSecureRandomBytes(int size) {
        SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom();
        byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
        return bytes;
    public static RSAPublicKey getRSAPublicKey(String encodedModulus,
                                               String encodedPublicExponent) {
        try {
            return getRSAPublicKey(Base64UrlUtility.decode(encodedModulus),
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    public static RSAPublicKey getRSAPublicKey(byte[] modulusBytes,
                                               byte[] publicExponentBytes) {
        try {
            return getRSAPublicKey(KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA"),
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    public static RSAPublicKey getRSAPublicKey(KeyFactory factory,
                                               byte[] modulusBytes,
                                               byte[] publicExponentBytes) {
        BigInteger modulus =  new BigInteger(1, modulusBytes);
        BigInteger publicExponent =  new BigInteger(1, publicExponentBytes);
        try {
            return (RSAPublicKey)factory.generatePublic(
                new RSAPublicKeySpec(modulus, publicExponent));
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    public static Certificate loadCertificate(InputStream storeLocation, char[] storePassword, String alias,
                                              String storeType) {
        KeyStore keyStore = loadKeyStore(storeLocation, storePassword, storeType);
        return loadCertificate(keyStore, alias);
    public static Certificate loadCertificate(KeyStore keyStore, String alias) {
        try {
            return keyStore.getCertificate(alias);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    public static PublicKey loadPublicKey(InputStream storeLocation, char[] storePassword, String alias,
                                          String storeType) {
        return loadCertificate(storeLocation, storePassword, alias, storeType).getPublicKey();
    public static PublicKey loadPublicKey(KeyStore keyStore, String alias) {
        return loadCertificate(keyStore, alias).getPublicKey();
    public static PublicKey loadPublicKey(Message m, Properties props) {
        KeyStore keyStore = CryptoUtils.loadPersistKeyStore(m, props);
        return CryptoUtils.loadPublicKey(keyStore, props.getProperty(RSSEC_KEY_STORE_ALIAS));
    public static PublicKey loadPublicKey(Message m, String keyStoreLocProp) {
        return loadPublicKey(m, keyStoreLocProp, null);
    public static PublicKey loadPublicKey(Message m, String keyStoreLocPropPreferred, String keyStoreLocPropDefault) {
        String keyStoreLoc = getMessageProperty(m, keyStoreLocPropPreferred, keyStoreLocPropDefault);
        Bus bus = m.getExchange().getBus();
        try {
            Properties props = ResourceUtils.loadProperties(keyStoreLoc, bus);
            return CryptoUtils.loadPublicKey(m, props);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    private static String getMessageProperty(Message m, String keyStoreLocPropPreferred,
                                             String keyStoreLocPropDefault) {
        String propLoc =
            (String)MessageUtils.getContextualProperty(m, keyStoreLocPropPreferred, keyStoreLocPropDefault);
        if (propLoc == null) {
            throw new SecurityException();
        return propLoc;
    public static PrivateKey loadPrivateKey(Properties props, Bus bus, PrivateKeyPasswordProvider provider) {
        KeyStore keyStore = loadKeyStore(props, bus);
        return loadPrivateKey(keyStore, props, bus, provider);
    public static PrivateKey loadPrivateKey(KeyStore keyStore,
                                            Properties props,
                                            Bus bus,
                                            PrivateKeyPasswordProvider provider) {
        String keyPswd = props.getProperty(RSSEC_KEY_PSWD);
        String alias = props.getProperty(RSSEC_KEY_STORE_ALIAS);
        char[] keyPswdChars = provider != null ? provider.getPassword(props)
            : keyPswd != null ? keyPswd.toCharArray() : null;   
        return loadPrivateKey(keyStore, keyPswdChars, alias);
    public static PrivateKey loadPrivateKey(InputStream storeLocation,
                                            char[] storePassword,
                                            char[] keyPassword,
                                            String alias,
                                            String storeType) {
        KeyStore keyStore = loadKeyStore(storeLocation, storePassword, storeType);
        return loadPrivateKey(keyStore, keyPassword, alias);
    public static PrivateKey loadPrivateKey(KeyStore keyStore,
                                            char[] keyPassword,
                                            String alias) {
        try {
            KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry pkEntry = (KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry)
                keyStore.getEntry(alias, new KeyStore.PasswordProtection(keyPassword));
            return pkEntry.getPrivateKey();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    public static PrivateKey loadPrivateKey(Message m, String keyStoreLocProp, String passwordProviderProp) {
        return loadPrivateKey(m, keyStoreLocProp, null, passwordProviderProp);
    public static PrivateKey loadPrivateKey(Message m, String keyStoreLocPropPreferred,
                                            String keyStoreLocPropDefault, String passwordProviderProp) {
        String keyStoreLoc = getMessageProperty(m, keyStoreLocPropPreferred, keyStoreLocPropDefault);
        Bus bus = m.getExchange().getBus();
        try {
            Properties props = ResourceUtils.loadProperties(keyStoreLoc, bus);
            return CryptoUtils.loadPrivateKey(m, props, passwordProviderProp);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    public static PrivateKey loadPrivateKey(Message m, Properties props, String passwordProviderProp) {
        Bus bus = m.getExchange().getBus();
        KeyStore keyStore = CryptoUtils.loadPersistKeyStore(m, props);
        PrivateKeyPasswordProvider cb =
        if (cb != null && m.getExchange().getInMessage() != null) {
            SecurityContext sc = m.getExchange().getInMessage().get(SecurityContext.class);
            if (sc != null) {
                Principal p = sc.getUserPrincipal();
                if (p != null) {
                    props.setProperty(RSSEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME, p.getName());
        return CryptoUtils.loadPrivateKey(keyStore, props, bus, cb);
    public static KeyStore loadPersistKeyStore(Message m, Properties props) {
        KeyStore keyStore = (KeyStore)m.getExchange().get(props.get(CryptoUtils.RSSEC_KEY_STORE_FILE));
        if (keyStore == null) {
            keyStore = CryptoUtils.loadKeyStore(props, m.getExchange().getBus());
            m.getExchange().put((String)props.get(CryptoUtils.RSSEC_KEY_STORE_FILE), keyStore);
        return keyStore;
    public static KeyStore loadKeyStore(Properties props, Bus bus) {
        String keyStoreType = props.getProperty(RSSEC_KEY_STORE_TYPE);
        String keyStoreLoc = props.getProperty(RSSEC_KEY_STORE_FILE);
        String keyStorePswd = props.getProperty(RSSEC_KEY_STORE_PSWD);
        try {
            InputStream is = ResourceUtils.getResourceStream(keyStoreLoc, bus);
            return loadKeyStore(is, keyStorePswd.toCharArray(), keyStoreType);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    public static KeyStore loadKeyStore(InputStream storeLocation, char[] storePassword, String type) {
        try {
            KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(type == null ? KeyStore.getDefaultType() : type);
            ks.load(storeLocation, storePassword);
            return ks;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    public static RSAPrivateKey getRSAPrivateKey(String encodedModulus,
                                                 String encodedPrivateExponent) {
        try {
            return getRSAPrivateKey(Base64UrlUtility.decode(encodedModulus),
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    public static AlgorithmParameterSpec getContentEncryptionCipherSpec(int authTagLength, byte[] iv) {
        // this can be overridden if needed
        if (authTagLength > 0) {
            return CryptoUtils.getGCMParameterSpec(authTagLength, iv);
        } else if (iv.length > 0) {
            return new IvParameterSpec(iv);
        } else {
            return null;
    public static AlgorithmParameterSpec getGCMParameterSpec(int authTagLength, byte[] iv) {
        try {
            // In case Java 6 compiler is used
            Class<?> c = ClassLoaderUtils.loadClass("javax.crypto.spec.GCMParameterSpec", CryptoUtils.class);
            Constructor<?> ctr = c.getConstructor(new Class[]{int.class, byte[].class});
            return (AlgorithmParameterSpec)ctr.newInstance(new Object[]{authTagLength, iv});
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            return new IvParameterSpec(iv);
    public static byte[] signData(byte[] data, PrivateKey key, String signAlgo) {
        return signData(data, key, signAlgo, null, null);
    public static byte[] signData(byte[] data, PrivateKey key, String signAlgo, SecureRandom random,
                           AlgorithmParameterSpec params) {
        try {
            Signature s = getSignature(key, signAlgo, random, params);
            return s.sign();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    public static Signature getSignature(PrivateKey key, String signAlgo, SecureRandom random,
                                  AlgorithmParameterSpec params) {
        try {
            Signature s = Signature.getInstance(signAlgo);
            if (random == null) {
            } else {
                s.initSign(key, random);
            if (params != null) {
            return s;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    public static boolean verifySignature(byte[] data, byte[] signature, PublicKey key, String signAlgo) {
        return verifySignature(data, signature, key, signAlgo, null);
    public static boolean verifySignature(byte[] data, byte[] signature, PublicKey key, String signAlgo,
                                AlgorithmParameterSpec params) {
        try {
            Signature s = Signature.getInstance(signAlgo);
            if (params != null) {
            return s.verify(signature);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    public static RSAPrivateKey getRSAPrivateKey(byte[] modulusBytes,
                                                 byte[] privateExponentBytes) {
        try {
            return getRSAPrivateKey(KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA"),
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    public static RSAPrivateKey getRSAPrivateKey(KeyFactory factory,
                                         byte[] modulusBytes,
                                         byte[] privateExponentBytes) {
        BigInteger modulus =  new BigInteger(1, modulusBytes);
        BigInteger privateExponent =  new BigInteger(1, privateExponentBytes);
        try {
            return (RSAPrivateKey)factory.generatePrivate(
                new RSAPrivateKeySpec(modulus, privateExponent));
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    public static SecretKey getSecretKey(String symEncAlgo) throws SecurityException {
        return getSecretKey(new KeyProperties(symEncAlgo));
    public static SecretKey getSecretKey(String symEncAlgo, int keySize) throws SecurityException {
        return getSecretKey(new KeyProperties(symEncAlgo, keySize));
    public static SecretKey getSecretKey(KeyProperties props) throws SecurityException {
        try {
            KeyGenerator keyGen = KeyGenerator.getInstance(props.getKeyAlgo());
            AlgorithmParameterSpec algoSpec = props.getAlgoSpec();
            SecureRandom random = props.getSecureRandom();
            if (algoSpec != null) {
                if (random != null) {
                    keyGen.init(algoSpec, random);
                } else {
            } else {
                int keySize = props.getKeySize();
                if (keySize == -1) {
                    keySize = 128;
                if (random != null) {
                    keyGen.init(keySize, random);
                } else {
            return keyGen.generateKey();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    public static String decryptSequence(String encodedToken, String encodedSecretKey)
        throws SecurityException {
        return decryptSequence(encodedToken, encodedSecretKey, new KeyProperties("AES"));
    public static String decryptSequence(String encodedData, String encodedSecretKey,
        KeyProperties props) throws SecurityException {
        SecretKey key = decodeSecretKey(encodedSecretKey, props.getKeyAlgo());
        return decryptSequence(encodedData, key, props);
    public static String decryptSequence(String encodedData, Key secretKey) throws SecurityException {
        return decryptSequence(encodedData, secretKey, null);
    public static String decryptSequence(String encodedData, Key secretKey,
        KeyProperties props) throws SecurityException {
        byte[] encryptedBytes = decodeSequence(encodedData);
        byte[] bytes = decryptBytes(encryptedBytes, secretKey, props);
        try {
            return new String(bytes, "UTF-8");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    public static String encryptSequence(String sequence, Key secretKey) throws SecurityException {
        return encryptSequence(sequence, secretKey, null);
    public static String encryptSequence(String sequence, Key secretKey,
        KeyProperties keyProps) throws SecurityException {
        try {
            byte[] bytes = encryptBytes(sequence.getBytes("UTF-8"), secretKey, keyProps);
            return encodeBytes(bytes);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    public static String encodeBytes(byte[] bytes) throws SecurityException {
        try {
            return Base64UrlUtility.encode(bytes);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    public static byte[] encryptBytes(byte[] bytes, Key secretKey) throws SecurityException {
        return encryptBytes(bytes, secretKey, null);
    public static byte[] encryptBytes(byte[] bytes, Key secretKey,
        KeyProperties keyProps) throws SecurityException {
        return processBytes(bytes, secretKey, keyProps, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE);
    public static byte[] decryptBytes(byte[] bytes, Key secretKey) throws SecurityException {
        return decryptBytes(bytes, secretKey, null);
    public static byte[] decryptBytes(byte[] bytes, Key secretKey,
        KeyProperties keyProps) throws SecurityException {
        return processBytes(bytes, secretKey, keyProps, Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE);
    public static byte[] wrapSecretKey(byte[] keyBytes,
                                       String keyAlgo,
                                       Key wrapperKey,
                                       String wrapperKeyAlgothrows SecurityException {
        return wrapSecretKey(new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, convertJCECipherToSecretKeyName(keyAlgo)),
                             new KeyProperties(wrapperKeyAlgo));
    public static byte[] wrapSecretKey(Key secretKey,
                                       Key wrapperKey,
                                       KeyProperties keyPropsthrows SecurityException {
        try {
            Cipher c = initCipher(wrapperKey, keyProps, Cipher.WRAP_MODE);
            return c.wrap(secretKey);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    public static SecretKey unwrapSecretKey(byte[] wrappedBytes,
                                            String wrappedKeyAlgo,
                                            Key unwrapperKey,
                                            String unwrapperKeyAlgothrows SecurityException {
        return unwrapSecretKey(wrappedBytes, wrappedKeyAlgo, unwrapperKey,
                               new KeyProperties(unwrapperKeyAlgo));
    public static SecretKey unwrapSecretKey(byte[] wrappedBytes,
                                            String wrappedKeyAlgo,
                                            Key unwrapperKey,
                                            KeyProperties keyPropsthrows SecurityException {
        return (SecretKey)unwrapKey(wrappedBytes, wrappedKeyAlgo, unwrapperKey, keyProps, Cipher.SECRET_KEY);   
    public static Key unwrapKey(byte[] wrappedBytes,
                                            String wrappedKeyAlgo,
                                            Key unwrapperKey,
                                            KeyProperties keyProps,
                                            int wrappedKeyTypethrows SecurityException {
        try {
            Cipher c = initCipher(unwrapperKey, keyProps, Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE);
            return c.unwrap(wrappedBytes, wrappedKeyAlgo, wrappedKeyType);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    private static byte[] processBytes(byte[] bytes,
                                      Key secretKey,
                                      KeyProperties keyProps,
                                      int modethrows SecurityException {
        boolean compressionSupported = keyProps != null && keyProps.isCompressionSupported();
        if (compressionSupported && mode == Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE) {
            bytes = CompressionUtils.deflate(bytes, false);
        try {
            Cipher c = initCipher(secretKey, keyProps, mode);
            byte[] result = new byte[0];
            int blockSize = keyProps != null ? keyProps.getBlockSize() : -1;
            if (secretKey instanceof SecretKey && blockSize == -1) {
                result = c.doFinal(bytes);
            } else {
                if (blockSize == -1) {
                    blockSize = secretKey instanceof PublicKey ? 117 : 128;
                boolean updateRequired = keyProps != null && keyProps.getAdditionalData() != null;
                int offset = 0;
                for (; offset + blockSize < bytes.length; offset += blockSize) {
                    byte[] next = !updateRequired ? c.doFinal(bytes, offset, blockSize)
                        : c.update(bytes, offset, blockSize);
                    result = addToResult(result, next);
                if (offset < bytes.length) {
                    result = addToResult(result, c.doFinal(bytes, offset, bytes.length - offset));
                } else {
                    result = addToResult(result, c.doFinal());
            if (compressionSupported && mode == Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE) {
                result = IOUtils.readBytesFromStream(CompressionUtils.inflate(result, false));
            return result;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    public static Cipher initCipher(Key secretKey, KeyProperties keyProps, int modethrows SecurityException {
        try {
            String algorithm = keyProps != null && keyProps.getKeyAlgo() != null
                ? keyProps.getKeyAlgo() : secretKey.getAlgorithm();
            Cipher c = Cipher.getInstance(algorithm);
            if (keyProps == null || keyProps.getAlgoSpec() == null && keyProps.getSecureRandom() == null) {
                c.init(mode, secretKey);
            } else {
                AlgorithmParameterSpec algoSpec = keyProps.getAlgoSpec();
                SecureRandom random = keyProps.getSecureRandom();
                if (algoSpec == null) {
                    c.init(mode, secretKey, random);
                } else if (random == null) {
                    c.init(mode, secretKey, algoSpec);
                } else {
                    c.init(mode, secretKey, algoSpec, random);
            if (keyProps != null && keyProps.getAdditionalData() != null) {
                // TODO: call updateAAD directly after switching to Java7
                try {
                    Method m = Cipher.class.getMethod("updateAAD", new Class[]{byte[].class});
                    m.invoke(c, new Object[]{keyProps.getAdditionalData()});
                } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
            return c;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    private static byte[] addToResult(byte[] prefix, byte[] suffix) {
        if (suffix == null || suffix.length == 0) {
            return prefix;   
        } else if (prefix.length == 0) {
            return suffix;
        } else {
            byte[] result = new byte[prefix.length + suffix.length];
            System.arraycopy(prefix, 0, result, 0, prefix.length);
            System.arraycopy(suffix, 0, result, prefix.length, suffix.length);
            return result;
    public static SecretKey decodeSecretKey(String encodedSecretKey) throws SecurityException {
        return decodeSecretKey(encodedSecretKey, "AES");
    public static SecretKey decodeSecretKey(String encodedSecretKey, String secretKeyAlgo)
        throws SecurityException {
        byte[] secretKeyBytes = decodeSequence(encodedSecretKey);
        return createSecretKeySpec(secretKeyBytes, secretKeyAlgo);
    public static SecretKey decryptSecretKey(String encodedEncryptedSecretKey,
                                             PrivateKey privateKey) {
        return decryptSecretKey(encodedEncryptedSecretKey, "AES", privateKey);
    public static SecretKey decryptSecretKey(String encodedEncryptedSecretKey,
                                             String secretKeyAlgo,
                                             PrivateKey privateKey)
        throws SecurityException {
        KeyProperties props = new KeyProperties(privateKey.getAlgorithm());
        return decryptSecretKey(encodedEncryptedSecretKey, secretKeyAlgo, props, privateKey);
    public static SecretKey decryptSecretKey(String encodedEncryptedSecretKey,
                                             String secretKeyAlgo,
                                             KeyProperties props,
                                             PrivateKey privateKey) throws SecurityException {
        byte[] encryptedBytes = decodeSequence(encodedEncryptedSecretKey);
        byte[] descryptedBytes = decryptBytes(encryptedBytes, privateKey, props);
        return createSecretKeySpec(descryptedBytes, secretKeyAlgo);
    public static SecretKey createSecretKeySpec(byte[] bytes, String algo) {
        return new SecretKeySpec(bytes, convertJCECipherToSecretKeyName(algo));
    public static byte[] decodeSequence(String encodedSequence) throws SecurityException {
        try {
            return Base64UrlUtility.decode(encodedSequence);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new SecurityException(ex);
    private static String convertJCECipherToSecretKeyName(String jceCipherName) {
        if (jceCipherName != null) {
            if (jceCipherName.startsWith("AES")) {
                return "AES";
            } else if (jceCipherName.startsWith("DESede")) {
                return "DESede";
            } else if (jceCipherName.startsWith("SEED")) {
                return "SEED";
            } else if (jceCipherName.startsWith("Camellia")) {
                return "Camellia";
        return null;

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