Package org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.layout

Examples of org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.layout.DefaultRepositoryLayout.pathOf()


        try {
            // include the features XML file
            Artifact featureArtifact = factory.createArtifactWithClassifier(project.getGroupId(), project.getArtifactId(), project.getVersion(), "xml", KarArtifactInstaller.FEATURES_CLASSIFIER);
            jarArchiver.addFile(featuresFile, repositoryPath + layout.pathOf(featureArtifact));

            for (Artifact artifact : bundles) {
                resolver.resolve(artifact, remoteRepos, localRepo);
                File localFile = artifact.getFile();
                // TODO this may not be reasonable, but... resolved snapshot artifacts have timestamped versions
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                resolver.resolve(artifact, remoteRepos, localRepo);
                File localFile = artifact.getFile();
                // TODO this may not be reasonable, but... resolved snapshot artifacts have timestamped versions
                // which do not work in
                String targetFileName = repositoryPath + layout.pathOf(artifact);
                jarArchiver.addFile(localFile, targetFileName);

            if (resourcesDir.isDirectory()) {
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//            //TODO this might need some help
//            archive.addManifestEntry(Constants.BUNDLE_SYMBOLICNAME, project.getArtifactId());

            //include the feature.xml
      Artifact featureArtifact = factory.createArtifactWithClassifier(project.getGroupId(), project.getArtifactId(), project.getVersion(), "xml", KarArtifactInstaller.FEATURE_CLASSIFIER);
            jarArchiver.addFile(featuresFile, repositoryPath + layout.pathOf(featureArtifact));

            if (featureArtifact.isSnapshot()) {
                // the artifact is a snapshot, create the maven-metadata-local.xml
                getLog().debug("Feature artifact is a SNAPSHOT, handling the maven-metadata-local.xml");
                File metadataTarget = new File(featuresFile.getParentFile(), "maven-metadata-local.xml");
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                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        getLog().warn("Could not create maven-metadata-local.xml", e);
                        getLog().warn("It means that this SNAPSHOT could be overwritten by an older one present on remote repositories");
                getLog().debug("Adding file " + metadataTarget.getAbsolutePath() + " in the jar path " + repositoryPath + layout.pathOf(featureArtifact).substring(0, layout.pathOf(featureArtifact).lastIndexOf('/')) + "/maven-metadata-local.xml");
                jarArchiver.addFile(metadataTarget, repositoryPath + layout.pathOf(featureArtifact).substring(0, layout.pathOf(featureArtifact).lastIndexOf('/')) + "/maven-metadata-local.xml");

            for (Artifact artifact : bundles) {
                resolver.resolve(artifact, remoteRepos, localRepo);
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                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        getLog().warn("Could not create maven-metadata-local.xml", e);
                        getLog().warn("It means that this SNAPSHOT could be overwritten by an older one present on remote repositories");
                getLog().debug("Adding file " + metadataTarget.getAbsolutePath() + " in the jar path " + repositoryPath + layout.pathOf(featureArtifact).substring(0, layout.pathOf(featureArtifact).lastIndexOf('/')) + "/maven-metadata-local.xml");
                jarArchiver.addFile(metadataTarget, repositoryPath + layout.pathOf(featureArtifact).substring(0, layout.pathOf(featureArtifact).lastIndexOf('/')) + "/maven-metadata-local.xml");

            for (Artifact artifact : bundles) {
                resolver.resolve(artifact, remoteRepos, localRepo);
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                        getLog().warn("Could not create maven-metadata-local.xml", e);
                        getLog().warn("It means that this SNAPSHOT could be overwritten by an older one present on remote repositories");
                getLog().debug("Adding file " + metadataTarget.getAbsolutePath() + " in the jar path " + repositoryPath + layout.pathOf(featureArtifact).substring(0, layout.pathOf(featureArtifact).lastIndexOf('/')) + "/maven-metadata-local.xml");
                jarArchiver.addFile(metadataTarget, repositoryPath + layout.pathOf(featureArtifact).substring(0, layout.pathOf(featureArtifact).lastIndexOf('/')) + "/maven-metadata-local.xml");

            for (Artifact artifact : bundles) {
                resolver.resolve(artifact, remoteRepos, localRepo);
                File localFile = artifact.getFile();
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                        getLog().warn("Could not create maven-metadata-local.xml", e);
                        getLog().warn("It means that this SNAPSHOT could be overwritten by an older one present on remote repositories");
                getLog().debug("Adding file " + metadataTarget.getAbsolutePath() + " in the jar path " + repositoryPath + layout.pathOf(featureArtifact).substring(0, layout.pathOf(featureArtifact).lastIndexOf('/')) + "/maven-metadata-local.xml");
                jarArchiver.addFile(metadataTarget, repositoryPath + layout.pathOf(featureArtifact).substring(0, layout.pathOf(featureArtifact).lastIndexOf('/')) + "/maven-metadata-local.xml");

            for (Artifact artifact : bundles) {
                resolver.resolve(artifact, remoteRepos, localRepo);
                File localFile = artifact.getFile();
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                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            getLog().warn("Could not create maven-metadata-local.xml", e);
                            getLog().warn("It means that this SNAPSHOT could be overwritten by an older one present on remote repositories");
                    jarArchiver.addFile(metadataTarget, repositoryPath + layout.pathOf(artifact).substring(0, layout.pathOf(artifact).lastIndexOf('/')) + "/maven-metadata-local.xml");

                //TODO this may not be reasonable, but... resolved snapshot artifacts have timestamped versions
                //which do not work in
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                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            getLog().warn("Could not create maven-metadata-local.xml", e);
                            getLog().warn("It means that this SNAPSHOT could be overwritten by an older one present on remote repositories");
                    jarArchiver.addFile(metadataTarget, repositoryPath + layout.pathOf(artifact).substring(0, layout.pathOf(artifact).lastIndexOf('/')) + "/maven-metadata-local.xml");

                //TODO this may not be reasonable, but... resolved snapshot artifacts have timestamped versions
                //which do not work in
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                //TODO this may not be reasonable, but... resolved snapshot artifacts have timestamped versions
                //which do not work in
                String targetFileName = repositoryPath + layout.pathOf(artifact);
                jarArchiver.addFile(localFile, targetFileName);

            if (resourcesDir.isDirectory()) {
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