Package joust.analysers

Examples of joust.analysers.TouchedSymbolLocator.visitTree()

        // If the assignee is being transformed away and the rhs refers to something that isn't, we fail the assignee and
        // every candidate referred to on the RHS.
        // If the assignee is not being transformed away, and the rhs refers to things that aren't, we fail every candidate
        // referred to on the rhs.
        TouchedSymbolLocator locator = new TouchedSymbolLocator();
        Set<VarSymbol> touchedSymbols = locator.touched;
        log.debug("touched syms: {}", Arrays.toString(touchedSymbols.toArray()));
        // Strip out all the symbols that aren't boxed.
        Iterator<VarSymbol> i = touchedSymbols.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
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            // If you survived that, you now need to add every referenced boxed symbol in the arguments to the dependencies of
            // the callee (As it may only be transformed if the arguments to all functions needing the argument check are also
            // being transformed).
            TouchedSymbolLocator locator = new TouchedSymbolLocator();
            for (AJCExpressionTree arg : that.args) {

            Set<VarSymbol> touchedSyms = locator.touched;
            for (VarSymbol touchedSym : touchedSyms) {
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