
Examples of

        if (recordsTested % 10000 == 0)
          System.out.println(recordsTested + " were tested, " + recordsRestored + " were restored ...");

      physicalPositions = baseStorage.higherPhysicalPositions(defaultClusterId, physicalPositions[physicalPositions.length - 1]);

    System.out.println(recordsRestored + " records were restored. Total records " + recordsTested
        + ". Max interval for lost records " + (lastTs - minTs));
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        if (recordsTested % 10000 == 0)
          System.out.println(recordsTested + " were tested, " + recordsRestored + " were restored ...");

      physicalPositions = baseStorage.higherPhysicalPositions(clusterId, physicalPositions[physicalPositions.length - 1]);

    System.out.println(recordsRestored + " records were restored. Total records " + recordsTested
        + ". Max interval for lost records " + (lastTs - minTs));
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        if (recordsTested % 10000 == 0)
          System.out.println(recordsTested + " were tested, " + recordsRestored + " were restored ...");

      physicalPositions = baseStorage.higherPhysicalPositions(clusterId, physicalPositions[physicalPositions.length - 1]);

    System.out.println(recordsRestored + " records were restored. Total records " + recordsTested
        + ". Max interval for lost records " + (lastTs - minTs));
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        if (recordsTested % 10000 == 0)
          System.out.println(recordsTested + " were tested, " + recordsRestored + " were restored ...");

      physicalPositions = baseStorage.higherPhysicalPositions(clusterId, physicalPositions[physicalPositions.length - 1]);

    System.out.println("Check deleted records");
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, Long> deletedEntry : deletedIds.entrySet()) {
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        if (recordsTested % 10000 == 0)
          System.out.println(recordsTested + " were tested, " + recordsRestored + " were restored ...");

      physicalPositions = baseStorage.higherPhysicalPositions(clusterId, physicalPositions[physicalPositions.length - 1]);

    System.out.println(recordsRestored + " records were restored. Total records " + recordsTested
        + ". Max interval for lost records " + (lastTs - minTs));
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              listener.onMessage("\n  - " + String.format("%,d", documents) + "/" + String.format("%,d", clusterRecords) + " "
                  + String.format("%.2f", (float) ((float) documents * 100 / (float) clusterRecords)) + " documents processed...");

        positions = storage.higherPhysicalPositions(clusterId, positions[positions.length - 1]);
      listener.onMessage(" Processed: " + String.format("%,d", documents));

    listener.onMessage("\nTotal links updated: " + totalDocuments);
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        physicalPositions = storage.higherPhysicalPositions(clusterId, physicalPositions[physicalPositions.length - 1]);
        if (recordsCounter % 10000 == 0)
          listener.onMessage("\n" + recordsCounter + " records were processed for cluster " + clusterName + " ...");

      listener.onMessage("\nCluster comparison was finished, " + recordsCounter + " records were processed for cluster "
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              if (positions.length > 0)
                positions = storage.higherPhysicalPositions(clusterId, positions[positions.length - 1]);
          } while (positions.length > 0);
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