
Examples of

                IncrDecodedSequnece entity = IncrDecodedSequnece.readFrom(in);
                entity._type = type;
                this._entity = entity;
            } else {
                final boolean piped = in.readBoolean();
                final XQEventDecoder decoder;
                if(piped) {
                    this._piped = true;
                    decoder = pipedIn(in, _reaccessable);
                } else {
                    this._piped = false;
                    decoder = bulkIn(in); // This is required for nested Object serialization/deserialization                   
                if(DEBUG_DESER_SPEED) {
                    try {
                        this._entity = decoder.decode();
                    } catch (XQueryException e) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("failed decoding", e);
                } else {
                    final IncrDecodedSequnece entity = new IncrDecodedSequnece(decoder, type);
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    private static XQEventDecoder pipedIn(ObjectInput in, boolean reaccessable) throws IOException {
        final FastMultiByteArrayOutputStream bufOut = new FastMultiByteArrayOutputStream(BUFFERING_BLOCK_SIZE);
        final ObjectOutputStream objectOut = new ObjectOutputStream(bufOut);
        final XQEventDecoder decoder = new XQEventDecoder(in);

        final byte[][] buf = bufOut.toMultiByteArray();
        final int totalBufSize = bufOut.size();

        // Because input of decoder fully read, this section required for re-object serialization, etc.
        final FastMultiByteArrayInputStream inputBuf = new FastMultiByteArrayInputStream(buf, BUFFERING_BLOCK_SIZE, totalBufSize);
        if(!reaccessable) {
        final ObjectInputStream objectInput = new ObjectInputStream(inputBuf);
        final XQEventDecoder newDecoder = new XQEventDecoder(objectInput); // replace old Decoder with fresh Decoder
        return newDecoder;
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        if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("decoding sequence size: " + inputLen);
        FastByteArrayInputStream inputBuf = new FastByteArrayInputStream(buf);
        ObjectInputStream objInput = new ObjectInputStream(inputBuf);
        XQEventDecoder decoder = new XQEventDecoder(objInput);
        return decoder;
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        public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
            assert (_toReplace == null);
            final XQEventDecoder decoder = new XQEventDecoder(in);
            final Sequence<Item> decoded;
            try {
                decoded = decoder.decode();
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                throw new XQRTException("decode failed", ioe);
            } catch (XQueryException xqe) {
                throw new XQRTException(xqe);
            } catch (Throwable e) {
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            if(isRemoteSeq) {
                this._result = RemoteSequence.readFrom(in);
            } else {
                final StopWatch sw = new StopWatch("Elapsed time for decoding `$" + getName()
                        + '\'');
                final XQEventDecoder decoder = new XQEventDecoder(in);
                try {
                    this._result = decoder.decode();
                } catch (XQueryException xqe) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("failed decoding `$" + getName() + '\'', xqe);
                } catch (Throwable e) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("failed decoding `$" + getName() + '\'', e);
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        private void incrPipedOut(final ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
            assert (!_reaccessable);
            final XQEventDecoder decoder = _decoder;
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        private void incrPipedOutReaccessable(final ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
            assert (_reaccessable);
            final FastMultiByteArrayOutputStream bufOut = new FastMultiByteArrayOutputStream(BUFFERING_BLOCK_SIZE);
            final TeeOutputStream tee = new TeeOutputStream(out, bufOut);
            final ObjectOutputStream objectOut = new NoHeaderObjectOutputStream(tee);
            final XQEventDecoder decoder = _decoder;

            // Because input of decoder fully read, this section required for re-object serialization, etc.
            final byte[][] buf = bufOut.toMultiByteArray();
            final int bufTotalSize = bufOut.size();
            final FastMultiByteArrayInputStream inputBuf = new FastMultiByteArrayInputStream(buf, BUFFERING_BLOCK_SIZE, bufTotalSize);
            if(!_reaccessable) {
            final ObjectInputStream objInput = new NoHeaderObjectInputStream(inputBuf);
            this._decoder = new XQEventDecoder(objInput); // replace old Decoder with fresh Decoder
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        private void incrBulkOut(final ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
            final FastByteArrayOutputStream bufOut = new FastByteArrayOutputStream(16384);
            final ObjectOutputStream objectOut = new ObjectOutputStream(bufOut);
            final XQEventDecoder decoder = _decoder;
            final byte[] buf = bufOut.toByteArray();

            // Because input of decoder fully read, this section required for re-object serialization, etc.
            if(_reaccessable) {
                final FastByteArrayInputStream inputBuf = new FastByteArrayInputStream(buf);
                final ObjectInputStream objectInput = new ObjectInputStream(inputBuf);
                this._decoder = new XQEventDecoder(objectInput); // replace old Decoder with fresh Decoder

            final int buflen = buf.length;
            if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("encoded sequence size: " + buflen);
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    private static Sequence decode(final byte[] b) throws IOException {
        FastByteArrayInputStream inputBuf = new FastByteArrayInputStream(b);
        ObjectInputStream objInput = new ObjectInputStream(inputBuf);
        final XQEventDecoder decoder = new XQEventDecoder(objInput);
        try {
            return decoder.decode();
        } catch (XQueryException e) {
            throw new IOException(PrintUtils.prettyPrintStackTrace(e));
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            if(isRemoteSeq) {
                this._result = RemoteSequence.readFrom(in);
            } else {
                final StopWatch sw = new StopWatch("Elapsed time for decoding `$" + getName()
                        + '\'');
                final XQEventDecoder decoder = new XQEventDecoder(in);
                try {
                    this._result = decoder.decode();
                } catch (XQueryException xqe) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("failed decoding `$" + getName() + '\'', xqe);
                } catch (Throwable e) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("failed decoding `$" + getName() + '\'', e);
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