Package org.xmlBlaster.util

Examples of org.xmlBlaster.util.StopWatch

      String subQos = subQosW.toXml();

      manyClients = new Client[numClients];"Setting up " + numClients + " subscriber clients ...");
      stopWatch = new StopWatch();
      for (int ii=0; ii<numClients; ii++) {
         Client sub = new Client();
         sub.loginName = "Joe-" + ii;

         try {
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                      "<key oid='" + publishOid1 + "' contentMime='" + contentMime + "' contentMimeExtended='" + contentMimeExtended + "'>\n" +
      String senderContent = "Yeahh, i'm the new content";
      try {
         MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit(xmlKey, senderContent.getBytes(), "<qos></qos>");
         stopWatch = new StopWatch();
         String tmp = oneConnection.publish(msgUnit).getKeyOid();
         assertEquals("Wrong publishOid1", publishOid1, tmp);"Success: Publishing done, returned oid=" + publishOid1);
      } catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
         log.severe("XmlBlasterException in publish: " + e.getMessage());
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      PublishReturnQos[] publishOidArr = null;
      try {"Publishing " + numPublish + " messages in burst mode ...");
         stopWatch = new StopWatch();
         publishOidArr = senderConnection.publishArr(msgUnitArr);
         double elapsed = (double)stopWatch.elapsed()/1000.; // msec -> sec"Published " + numPublish + " messages in burst mode in " + elapsed + " sec: " +
                       (long)(numPublish/elapsed) + " messages/sec");
      } catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
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      long usedBefore = getUsedServerMemory();"Setting up " + numClients + " subscriber clients ...");

      stopWatch = new StopWatch();
      for (int ii=0; ii<numClients; ii++) {
         Client sub = new Client();
         sub.loginName = "Joe-" + ii;

         try {
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                      "<key oid='" + publishOid1 + "' contentMime='" + contentMime + "' contentMimeExtended='" + contentMimeExtended + "'>\n" +
      String senderContent = "Yeahh, i'm the new content";
      try {
         MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit(xmlKey, senderContent.getBytes(), "<qos></qos>");
         stopWatch = new StopWatch();
         String tmp = oneConnection.publish(msgUnit).getKeyOid();
         assertEquals("Wrong publishOid1", publishOid1, tmp);"Success: Publishing done, returned oid=" + publishOid1);
      } catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
         log.warning("XmlBlasterException: " + e.getMessage());
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      long usedBefore = getUsedServerMemory(); + " clients are publishing one message each ...");

      stopWatch = new StopWatch();

      for (int ii=0; ii<numClients; ii++) {
         Client client = manyClients[ii];
         // The content changes, equal contents would not be updated to the subscriber without <forceUpdate/>
         String senderContent = "New content from publisher " + client.loginName;
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      // Time 1: For 7 <key> blocks on 266 MHz AMD Linux, JDK 1.2
      // Time 2: For 600 <key> blocks on 266 MHz AMD Linux, JDK 1.2

         StopWatch inputTime = new StopWatch();
         input = new InputSource(createURL(argv[0]));           // [ 29 millis ] [ 28 millis ]
         System.out.println("Read file" + inputTime.nice());

         StopWatch mgrTime = new StopWatch();
         XtOmQueryMgr query_mgr = new XtOmQueryMgr();           // [ 588 millis ] [ 612 millis ]
         System.out.println("Instantiate DomQueryMgr" + mgrTime.nice());

            StopWatch loadTime = new StopWatch();
   node = query_mgr.load(input);// [ 738 millis ] [ 1 sec 987 millis ]
            System.out.println("Load nodes" + loadTime.nice());

            if (argv.length > 1) {
               StopWatch queryTime = new StopWatch();
               iter = query_mgr.getNodesByXPath(node, argv[1]); // [ 2 sec 422 millis ] [ 2 sec 577 millis ]
               System.out.println("Query time" + queryTime.nice());

               num_nodes = getNumNodes(iter, dumpIt);
               System.out.println(num_nodes + " nodes matches for XPath " + "\"" + argv[1] + "\"");

            if (dumpIt)

            if (argv.length > 2) {
               StopWatch queryTime2 = new StopWatch();
               iter = query_mgr.getNodesByXPath(node, argv[2]); // [ 3 millis ] [ 1 millis ]
               System.out.println("Query time" + queryTime2.nice());

               num_nodes = getNumNodes(iter, dumpIt);
               System.out.println(num_nodes + " nodes matches for XPath " + "\"" + argv[2] + "\"");

            if (argv.length > 3) {
               StopWatch queryTime2 = new StopWatch();
               iter = query_mgr.getNodesByXPath(node, argv[3]); // [ 1 millis ] [ 0 millis ]
               System.out.println("Query time" + queryTime2.nice());

               num_nodes = getNumNodes(iter, dumpIt);
               System.out.println(num_nodes + " nodes matches for XPath " + "\"" + argv[3] + "\"");

            StopWatch loadTime = new StopWatch();
            Node node = query_mgr.load(input);                  // [ 22 millis ] [ 1 sec 211 millis ]
            System.out.println("Load nodes" + loadTime.nice());

            StopWatch queryTime = new StopWatch();
            iter = query_mgr.getNodesByXPath(node, argv[1]);    // [ 0 millis ] [ 1 millis ]
            System.out.println("Query time" + queryTime.nice());

            num_nodes = getNumNodes(iter, dumpIt);
            System.out.println(num_nodes + " nodes matches for XPath " + "\"" + argv[1] + "\"");
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         // Query: xmlBlaster/key/AGENT[@id=\"\"]  xmlBlaster/key/AGENT/DRIVER[@id=\"FileProof\"]  xmlBlaster/key[@oid=\"2\"]
         // Time 1: For 7 <key> blocks on 266 MHz AMD Linux, JDK 1.2
         // Time 2: For 600 <key> blocks on 266 MHz AMD Linux, JDK 1.2

         StopWatch inputTime = new StopWatch();
         InputSource input = new InputSource(createURL(argv[0]));       // [ 20 millis ]
         System.out.println("Read file" + inputTime.nice());

         StopWatch xmlprocTime = new StopWatch();
         XMLProcessorImpl xmlproc = new SunXMLProcessorImpl();          // [ 75 millis ] [ 60 millis ]
         System.out.println("Instantiate SunXMLProcessorImpl" + xmlprocTime.nice());

            StopWatch docTime = new StopWatch();
            doc = xmlproc.load(input);
            System.out.println("Create DOM - Document" + docTime.nice());     // [ 1 sec 608 millis ] [ 3 sec 69 millis ]

            StopWatch mgrTime = new StopWatch();
            query_mgr = new DomQueryMgr(doc);
            System.out.println("Instantiate DomQueryMgr" + mgrTime.nice());   // [ 240 millis ] [ 204 millis ]

            if (argv.length > 1) {
               StopWatch queryTime = new StopWatch();
               iter = query_mgr.getNodesByXPath(doc, argv[1]);          // [ 2 sec 630 millis ] [ 2 sec 516 millis ]
               System.out.println("Query time" + queryTime.nice());

               num_nodes = getNumNodes(iter, dumpIt);
               System.out.println(num_nodes + " nodes matches for XPath " + "\"" + argv[1] + "\"");

            if (dumpIt) {
               StopWatch queryTime = new StopWatch();
               iter = query_mgr.getNodesByXPath(doc, argv[1]);
               System.out.println("Query a second time encreases performance to" + queryTime.nice());

            if (argv.length > 2) {
               StopWatch queryTime2 = new StopWatch();
               iter = query_mgr.getNodesByXPath(doc, argv[2]);          // [ 2 millis ] [ 2 millis ]
               System.out.println("Query time" + queryTime2.nice());

               num_nodes = getNumNodes(iter, dumpIt);
               System.out.println(num_nodes + " nodes matches for XPath " + "\"" + argv[2] + "\"");

            if (argv.length > 3) {
               StopWatch queryTime2 = new StopWatch();
               iter = query_mgr.getNodesByXPath(doc, argv[3]);          // [ 1 millis ] [ 1 millis ]
               System.out.println("Query time" + queryTime2.nice());

               num_nodes = getNumNodes(iter, dumpIt);
               System.out.println(num_nodes + " nodes matches for XPath " + "\"" + argv[3] + "\"");

            StopWatch docTime = new StopWatch();
            doc = xmlproc.load(input);
            System.out.println("Create DOM - Document" + docTime.nice());     // [ 28 millis ] [ 1 sec 487 millis ]

            StopWatch mgrTime = new StopWatch();
            query_mgr = new DomQueryMgr(doc);
            System.out.println("Instantiate DomQueryMgr" + mgrTime.nice());   // [ 1 millis ] [ 1 millis ]

            if (argv.length > 1) {
               StopWatch queryTime = new StopWatch();
               iter = query_mgr.getNodesByXPath(doc, argv[1]);          // [ 1 millis ] [ 1 millis ]
               System.out.println("Query time" + queryTime.nice());

               num_nodes = getNumNodes(iter, dumpIt);
               System.out.println(num_nodes + " nodes matches for XPath " + "\"" + argv[1] + "\"");
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         this.dbAccessorClientOne = createClientAccessorOne();
      if (this.dbAccessorClientThree == null)
         this.dbAccessorClientThree = createClientAccessorThree();

      if (this.stopWatch == null)
         this.stopWatch = new StopWatch();
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      System.out.println("Report file is '" + to_file.getAbsolutePath() + "'");

   public void closeReportFile() {
      if (this.stopWatch == null)
         this.stopWatch = new StopWatch();
      int sec = (int) (stopWatch.elapsed() / 1000);
      if (sec < 1)
         sec = 1;
      int avg = totalProcessed / sec;
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Related Classes of org.xmlBlaster.util.StopWatch

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