Package org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl

Examples of org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl.DefaultMapper

      info.put("replication.mapper.schema.AIS", "AIS1");
      info.put("replication.mapper.table.AIS.C_OUTS", "C_INS");
      info.put("replication.mapper.column.AIS.C_OUTS.COM_MESSAGEID", "COM_RECORDID");

      DefaultMapper mapper = new DefaultMapper();
      try {
      catch (Exception ex) {
         assertTrue("An exception should not occur when initiating the mapper '" + ex.getMessage(), false);
         String catalog = null;
         String schema = "AIS";
         String table = "C_OUTS";
         String column = "COM_MESSAGEID";
         String res = mapper.getMappedSchema(catalog, schema, table, column, schema);
         assertEquals("checking schema", "AIS1", res);
         res = mapper.getMappedTable(catalog, schema, table, column, table);
         assertEquals("checking table", "C_INS", res);
         res = mapper.getMappedColumn(catalog, schema, table, column, column);
         assertEquals("checking column", "COM_RECORDID", res);
         String catalog = null;
         String schema = "AIS";
         String table = "C_OUTS";
         String column = "COM_RECORDID";
         String res = mapper.getMappedSchema(catalog, schema, table, column, schema);
         assertEquals("checking schema", "AIS1", res);
         res = mapper.getMappedTable(catalog, schema, table, column, table);
         assertEquals("checking table", "C_INS", res);
         res = mapper.getMappedColumn(catalog, schema, table, column, column);
         assertEquals("checking column", "COM_RECORDID", res);
         String xmlTxt =
            "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>\n" +
            "<sql>\n" +
            "  <desc>\n" +
            "    <command>REPLICATION</command>\n" +
            "    <ident>16</ident>\n" +
            "  </desc>\n" +
            "  <row num='0'>\n" +
            "    <col name='COM_MESSAGEID'></col>\n" +
            "    <col name='COM_RECORDID'>55</col>\n" +
            "    <col name='COM_TABLE' encoding='base64'>TjF8Mg==</col>\n" +
            "    <col name='COM_COMMAND' encoding='base64'>RA==</col>\n" +
            "    <col name='COM_TXT1'></col>\n" +
            "    <col name='COM_TXTL' encoding='base64'>OTg0NTA5AwM=</col>\n" +
            "    <col name='COM_CHANNEL'></col>\n" +
            "    <col name='COM_DEBUG'></col>\n" +
            "    <attr name='replKey'>16</attr>\n" +
            "    <attr name='action'>INSERT</attr>\n" +
            "    <attr name='transaction'>4.24.2232</attr>\n" +
            "    <attr name='guid'>AAAT0EAAGAAAAKsAAA</attr>\n" +
            "    <attr name='tableName'>C_OUTS</attr>\n" +
            "    <attr name='schema'>AIS</attr>\n" +
            "    <attr name='dbId'>NULL</attr>\n" +
            "    <attr name='version'>0.0</attr>\n" +
            "  </row>\n" +
         try {
            String oldName = "COM_RECORDID";
            String newName = "COM_MESSAGEID";
            SqlInfoParser  parser = new SqlInfoParser();
            SqlInfo sqlInfo = parser.parse(xmlTxt);
            List rows = sqlInfo.getRows();
            assertEquals("The number of rows is wrong", 1, rows.size());
            SqlRow row = (SqlRow)rows.get(0);
            row.renameColumn(oldName, newName);
         catch (Exception ex) {
            assertTrue("An Exception should not occur when testing renaming of columns " + ex.getMessage(), false);
         String catalog = null;
         String schema = "AIS";
         String table = "OTHER";
         String column = "COM_MESSAGEID";
         String res = mapper.getMappedSchema(catalog, schema, table, column, schema);
         assertEquals("checking schema", "AIS1", res);
         res = mapper.getMappedTable(catalog, schema, table, column, table);
         assertEquals("checking table", "OTHER", res);
         res = mapper.getMappedColumn(catalog, schema, table, column, column);
         assertEquals("checking column", "COM_MESSAGEID", res);
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Related Classes of org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl.DefaultMapper

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