Package org.voltdb.plannodes

Examples of org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractJoinPlanNode

            // ---------------------------------------------------
            // JOINS
            // ---------------------------------------------------
            case NESTLOOP:
            case NESTLOOPINDEX: {
                AbstractJoinPlanNode cast_node = (AbstractJoinPlanNode) node;
                if (cast_node.getPredicate() != null)

                // We always need to look at the inline scan nodes for joins
                for (AbstractPlanNode inline_node : cast_node.getInlinePlanNodes().values()) {
                    if (inline_node instanceof AbstractScanPlanNode) {
                        PlanNodeUtil.getExpressionsForPlanNode(inline_node, exps);
                } // FOR
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                    // JOINS
                    case NESTLOOP:
                    case NESTLOOPINDEX: {
                        AbstractJoinPlanNode cast_node = (AbstractJoinPlanNode) node;
                        // Do nothing...
                } // SWITCH
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            sb.append(orig_spacer).append(NODE_PREFIX + node.toString() + "\n");
        sb.append(inner_spacer).append("Inline[" + node.isInline() + "]\n");

        // AbstractJoinPlanNode
        if (node instanceof AbstractJoinPlanNode) {
            AbstractJoinPlanNode cast_node = (AbstractJoinPlanNode) node;
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append("JoinType[" + cast_node.getJoinType() + "]\n");
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append("Join Expression: " + (cast_node.getPredicate() != null ? "\n" + ExpressionUtil.debug(cast_node.getPredicate(), line_spacer) : null + "\n"));

            // AbstractOperationPlanNode
        } else if (node instanceof AbstractOperationPlanNode) {
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append("TargetTableId[" + ((AbstractOperationPlanNode) node).getTargetTableName() + "]\n");

            // AbstractScanPlanNode
        } else if (node instanceof AbstractScanPlanNode) {
            AbstractScanPlanNode cast_node = (AbstractScanPlanNode) node;
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append("TargetTableName[" + cast_node.getTargetTableName() + "]\n");
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append("TargetTableAlias[" + cast_node.getTargetTableAlias() + "]\n");
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append("TargetTableId[" + cast_node.getTargetTableName() + "]\n");

        // AggregatePlanNode
        if (node instanceof AggregatePlanNode) {
            AggregatePlanNode cast_node = (AggregatePlanNode) node;
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append("AggregateTypes[" + cast_node.getAggregateTypes().size() + "]: " + cast_node.getAggregateTypes() + "\n");
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append("AggregateColumnOffsets[" + cast_node.getAggregateOutputColumns().size() + "]: " + cast_node.getAggregateOutputColumns() + "\n");
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append(PlanNodeUtil.debugOutputColumns("AggregateColumns", cast_node.getAggregateColumnGuids(), line_spacer));
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append(PlanNodeUtil.debugOutputColumns("GroupByColumns", cast_node.getGroupByColumnGuids(), line_spacer));

            // DeletePlanNode
        } else if (node instanceof DeletePlanNode) {
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append("Truncate[" + ((DeletePlanNode) node).isTruncate() + "\n");

            // DistinctPlanNode
        } else if (node instanceof DistinctPlanNode) {
            DistinctPlanNode dist_node = (DistinctPlanNode) node;
            PlanColumn col = PlannerContext.singleton().get(dist_node.getDistinctColumnGuid());
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append("DistinctColumn[" + col + "]\n");

            // IndexScanPlanNode
        } else if (node instanceof IndexScanPlanNode) {
            IndexScanPlanNode cast_node = (IndexScanPlanNode) node;
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append("TargetIndexName[" + cast_node.getTargetIndexName() + "]\n");
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append("EnableKeyIteration[" + cast_node.getKeyIterate() + "]\n");
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append("IndexLookupType[" + cast_node.getLookupType() + "]\n");
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append("SearchKey Expressions:\n");
            for (AbstractExpression search_key : cast_node.getSearchKeyExpressions()) {
                sb.append(ExpressionUtil.debug(search_key, line_spacer));
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append("End Expression: " + (cast_node.getEndExpression() != null ? "\n" + ExpressionUtil.debug(cast_node.getEndExpression(), line_spacer) : null + "\n"));
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append("Post-Scan Expression: " + (cast_node.getPredicate() != null ? "\n" + ExpressionUtil.debug(cast_node.getPredicate(), line_spacer) : null + "\n"));

            // InsertPlanNode
        } else if (node instanceof InsertPlanNode) {
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append("MultiPartition[" + ((InsertPlanNode) node).getMultiPartition() + "]\n");

            // LimitPlanNode
        } else if (node instanceof LimitPlanNode) {
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append("Limit[" + ((LimitPlanNode) node).getLimit() + "]\n");
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append("Offset[" + ((LimitPlanNode) node).getOffset() + "]\n");

            // NestLoopIndexPlanNode
        } else if (node instanceof NestLoopIndexPlanNode) {
            // Nothing

            // NestLoopPlanNode
        } else if (node instanceof NestLoopPlanNode) {
            // Nothing

        } else if (node instanceof OrderByPlanNode) {
            OrderByPlanNode cast_node = (OrderByPlanNode) node;
            sb.append(inner_spacer).append(PlanNodeUtil.debugOutputColumns("SortColumns", cast_node.getSortColumnGuids(), line_spacer));

        } else if (node instanceof ProjectionPlanNode) {
            // ProjectionPlanNode cast_node = (ProjectionPlanNode)node;
            if (node instanceof MaterializePlanNode) {
                sb.append(line_spacer).append("Batched[" + ((MaterializePlanNode) node).isBatched() + "]\n");
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                    } // FOR
                    // Join Nodes
                } else if (node instanceof AbstractJoinPlanNode) {
                    AbstractJoinPlanNode cast_node = (AbstractJoinPlanNode) node;
                    if (cast_node.getPredicate() != null) {
                        if (debug.val)
                            LOG.debug("Added join node predicate: " + ExpressionUtil.debug(exps.get(exps.size() - 1)));
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        // Now find the join and get all of the columns from the first scanned
        // table in the join operation
        Collection<AbstractJoinPlanNode> join_nodes = PlanNodeUtil.getPlanNodes(root, AbstractJoinPlanNode.class);
        assertEquals(1, join_nodes.size());
        AbstractJoinPlanNode join_node = CollectionUtil.first(join_nodes);

        // Remove the columns from the second table
        Collection<Column> join_columns = CatalogUtil.getReferencedColumnsForPlanNode(catalog_db, join_node);
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    public void testTransitiveValueEquivalenceConditions() {
        // R1.A = R2.A AND R2.A = 1 => R1.A = 1 AND R2.A = 1
        AbstractPlanNode pn = compile("select * FROM R1 LEFT JOIN R2 ON R1.A = R2.A AND R2.A = 1 ");
        AbstractPlanNode n = pn.getChild(0).getChild(0);
        assertTrue(n instanceof AbstractJoinPlanNode);
        AbstractJoinPlanNode jn = (AbstractJoinPlanNode) n;
        AbstractExpression p = jn.getPreJoinPredicate();
        assertEquals(ExpressionType.COMPARE_EQUAL, p.getExpressionType());
        assertEquals(ExpressionType.VALUE_CONSTANT, p.getLeft().getExpressionType());
        assertEquals(ExpressionType.VALUE_TUPLE, p.getRight().getExpressionType());
        assertTrue(jn.getChild(1) instanceof SeqScanPlanNode);
        SeqScanPlanNode ssn = (SeqScanPlanNode)jn.getChild(1);
        p = ssn.getPredicate();
        assertEquals(ExpressionType.COMPARE_EQUAL, p.getExpressionType());
        assertEquals(ExpressionType.VALUE_TUPLE, p.getLeft().getExpressionType());
        assertEquals(ExpressionType.VALUE_CONSTANT, p.getRight().getExpressionType());

        // Same test but now R2 is outer table R1.A = R2.A AND R2.A = 1 => R1.A = 1 AND R2.A = 1
        pn = compile("select * FROM R2 LEFT JOIN R1 ON R1.A = R2.A AND R2.A = 1 ");
        n = pn.getChild(0).getChild(0);
        assertTrue(n instanceof AbstractJoinPlanNode);
        jn = (AbstractJoinPlanNode) n;
        p = jn.getPreJoinPredicate();
        assertEquals(ExpressionType.COMPARE_EQUAL, p.getExpressionType());
        assertEquals(ExpressionType.VALUE_TUPLE, p.getLeft().getExpressionType());
        assertEquals(ExpressionType.VALUE_CONSTANT, p.getRight().getExpressionType());
        assertTrue(jn.getChild(1) instanceof SeqScanPlanNode);
        ssn = (SeqScanPlanNode)jn.getChild(1);
        p = ssn.getPredicate();
        assertEquals(ExpressionType.COMPARE_EQUAL, p.getExpressionType());
        assertEquals(ExpressionType.VALUE_TUPLE, p.getLeft().getExpressionType());
        assertEquals(ExpressionType.VALUE_CONSTANT, p.getRight().getExpressionType());
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        if (needInnerSendReceive) {
            canHaveNLIJ = false;

        AbstractJoinPlanNode ajNode = null;
        if (canHaveNLJ) {
            NestLoopPlanNode nljNode = new NestLoopPlanNode();
            // get all the clauses that join the applicable two tables
            ArrayList<AbstractExpression> joinClauses = innerAccessPath.joinExprs;
            if (innerPlan instanceof IndexScanPlanNode) {
                // InnerPlan is an IndexScan. In this case the inner and inner-outer
                // non-index join expressions (if any) are in the otherExpr. The former should stay as
                // an IndexScanPlan predicate and the latter stay at the NLJ node as a join predicate
                List<AbstractExpression> innerExpr = filterSingleTVEExpressions(innerAccessPath.otherExprs);
                AbstractExpression indexScanPredicate = ExpressionUtil.combine(innerExpr);

            // combine the tails plan graph with the new head node

            // If successful in the special case, the NLJ plan must be modified to cause the
            // partitioned inner data to be sent to the coordinator prior to the join.
            // This is done by adding send and receive plan nodes between the NLJ and its
            // right child node.
            if (needInnerSendReceive) {
                // This trick only works once per plan.
                if (outerPlan.hasAnyNodeOfType(PlanNodeType.RECEIVE) || innerPlan.hasAnyNodeOfType(PlanNodeType.RECEIVE)) {
                    return null;
                innerPlan = addSendReceivePair(innerPlan);

            ajNode = nljNode;
        else if (canHaveNLIJ) {
            NestLoopIndexPlanNode nlijNode = new NestLoopIndexPlanNode();

            IndexScanPlanNode innerNode = (IndexScanPlanNode) innerPlan;
            // Set IndexScan predicate


            // combine the tails plan graph with the new head node

            ajNode = nlijNode;
        else {
            m_recentErrorMsg =
                "Unsupported special case of complex OUTER JOIN between replicated outer table and partitioned inner table.";
            return null;
        return ajNode;
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Related Classes of org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractJoinPlanNode

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