
Examples of

    public WatchService newWatchService()
            throws UnsupportedOperationException, IOException {
        final WatchService ws = new WatchService() {
            private boolean wsClose = false;

            public WatchKey poll() throws ClosedWatchServiceException {
                return events.get( this ).poll();
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        for ( final Map.Entry<WatchService, Queue<WatchKey>> watchServiceQueueEntry : events.entrySet() ) {
            watchServiceQueueEntry.getValue().add( wk );
            final WatchService ws = watchServiceQueueEntry.getKey();
            synchronized ( ws ) {
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    public void testBatch() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        final Path init = ioService.get( URI.create( "git://amend-repo-test/readme.txt" ) );
        final WatchService ws = init.getFileSystem().newWatchService();

        ioService.write( init, "init!", new CommentedOption( "User Tester", "message1" ) );
        ioService.write( init, "init 2!", new CommentedOption( "User Tester", "message2" ) );
            List<WatchEvent<?>> events = ws.poll().pollEvents();
            assertEquals( 1, events.size() );//modify readme

        final Path init2 = ioService.get( URI.create( "git://amend-repo-test/readme2.txt" ) );
        ioService.write( init2, "init 3!", new CommentedOption( "User Tester", "message3" ) );
            List<WatchEvent<?>> events = ws.poll().pollEvents();
            assertEquals( 1, events.size() ); // add file
        ioService.write( init2, "init 4!", new CommentedOption( "User Tester", "message4" ) );
            List<WatchEvent<?>> events = ws.poll().pollEvents();
            assertEquals( 1, events.size() );// modify file

        final VersionAttributeView vinit = ioService.getFileAttributeView( init, VersionAttributeView.class );
        final VersionAttributeView vinit2 = ioService.getFileAttributeView( init, VersionAttributeView.class );

        assertEquals( "init 2!", ioService.readAllString( init ) );

        assertNotNull( vinit );
        assertEquals( 2, vinit.readAttributes().history().records().size() );
        assertNotNull( vinit2 );
        assertEquals( 2, vinit2.readAttributes().history().records().size() );

        ioService.startBatch( new FileSystem[]{ init.getFileSystem() } );
        final Path path = ioService.get( URI.create( "git://amend-repo-test/mybatch" + new Random( 10L ).nextInt() + ".txt" ) );
        final Path path2 = ioService.get( URI.create( "git://amend-repo-test/mybatch2" + new Random( 10L ).nextInt() + ".txt" ) );
        ioService.write( path, "ooooo!" );
        //init.file event
        assertNotNull( ws.poll() );
        ioService.write( path, "ooooo wdfs fg sdf!" );
        assertNull( ws.poll() );
        ioService.write( path2, "ooooo222!" );
        assertNull( ws.poll() );
        ioService.write( path2, " sdfsdg sdg ooooo222!" );
        assertNull( ws.poll() );
            List<WatchEvent<?>> events = ws.poll().pollEvents();
            assertEquals( 2, events.size() ); //adds files

        final VersionAttributeView v = ioService.getFileAttributeView( path, VersionAttributeView.class );
        final VersionAttributeView v2 = ioService.getFileAttributeView( path2, VersionAttributeView.class );
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        final Path f3 = ioService.get( URI.create( "git://check-amend-repo-test/f3.txt" ) );

        ioService.write( f1, "init f1!" );
        ioService.write( f2, "init f2!" );

        final WatchService ws = f1.getFileSystem().newWatchService();

        ioService.startBatch( new FileSystem[]{ f1.getFileSystem() } );
        ioService.write( f1, "f1-u1!" );
        assertNull( ws.poll() );
        ioService.write( f2, "f2-u1!" );
        assertNull( ws.poll() );
        ioService.write( f3, "f3-u1!" );
        assertNull( ws.poll() );

            List<WatchEvent<?>> events = ws.poll().pollEvents();
            assertEquals( 3, events.size() ); //adds files

            final VersionAttributeView v = ioService.getFileAttributeView( f1, VersionAttributeView.class );
            assertNotNull( v );
            assertEquals( 2, v.readAttributes().history().records().size() );

            final VersionAttributeView v2 = ioService.getFileAttributeView( f2, VersionAttributeView.class );
            assertNotNull( v2 );
            assertEquals( 2, v2.readAttributes().history().records().size() );

            final VersionAttributeView v3 = ioService.getFileAttributeView( f3, VersionAttributeView.class );
            assertNotNull( v3 );
            assertEquals( 1, v3.readAttributes().history().records().size() );

        ioService.startBatch( new FileSystem[]{ f1.getFileSystem() } );
        ioService.write( f1, "f1-u1!" );
        assertNull( ws.poll() );
        ioService.write( f2, "f2-u2!" );
        assertNull( ws.poll() );
        ioService.write( f3, "f3-u2!" );
        assertNull( ws.poll() );

            List<WatchEvent<?>> events = ws.poll().pollEvents();
            assertEquals( 2, events.size() ); //adds files

            final VersionAttributeView v = ioService.getFileAttributeView( f1, VersionAttributeView.class );
            assertNotNull( v );
            assertEquals( 2, v.readAttributes().history().records().size() );
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            put( "init", Boolean.TRUE );

        FileSystem fs = PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, env );

        WatchService ws = null;
        ws = fs.newWatchService();
        final Path path = fs.getRootDirectories().iterator().next();
        path.register( ws, StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_CREATE, StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_MODIFY, StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_DELETE, StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_RENAME );

        final WatchKey k = ws.take();

        final List<WatchEvent<?>> events = k.pollEvents();
        for ( WatchEvent object : events ) {
            if ( object.kind() == StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_MODIFY ) {
                System.out.println( "Modify: " + object.context().toString() );
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