Package org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.admin

Examples of org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.admin.SVNReporter

            } else {
                wcAccess = createWCAccess();   
                info = wcAccess.openAnchor(path, true, SVNWCAccess.INFINITE_DEPTH);

            final SVNReporter reporter = new SVNReporter(info, path, true, false, depth, false, false, !depthIsSticky, getDebugLog());
            SVNAdminArea anchorArea = info.getAnchor();
            SVNEntry entry = anchorArea.getVersionedEntry(anchorArea.getThisDirName(), false);
            SVNURL sourceURL = entry.getSVNURL();
            if (sourceURL == null) {
                SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.ENTRY_MISSING_URL, "Directory ''{0}'' has no URL", anchorArea.getRoot());
                SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);
            long[] revs = new long[1];
            // should fail on missing repository.
            SVNRepository repository = createRepository(url, null, anchorArea, pegRevision, revision, revs);
            long revNumber = revs[0];
            url = repository.getLocation();
            // root of the switched repos.
            SVNURL sourceRoot = repository.getRepositoryRoot(true);
            if (!SVNPathUtil.isAncestor(sourceRoot.toString(), sourceURL.toString())) {
                SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.WC_INVALID_SWITCH, "''{0}''\nis not the same repository as\n''{1}''",
                        new Object[] {url.toString(), sourceRoot.toString()});
                SVNErrorManager.error(err, SVNLogType.WC);
            if (depthIsSticky && depth.compareTo(SVNDepth.INFINITY) < 0) {
                SVNEntry targetEntry = anchorArea.getEntry(info.getTargetName(), true);
                if (targetEntry != null && targetEntry.isDirectory()) {
                    SVNWCManager.crop(info, depth);

            // reparent to the sourceURL
            repository.setLocation(sourceURL, false);
            String[] preservedExts = getOptions().getPreservedConflictFileExtensions();
            ISVNUpdateEditor editor = wcAccess.createUpdateEditor(info, url.toString(),
                    allowUnversionedObstructions, depthIsSticky, depth, preservedExts, null, false);

            ISVNEditor filterEditor = SVNAmbientDepthFilterEditor.wrap(editor, info, depthIsSticky);
            String target = "".equals(info.getTargetName()) ? null : info.getTargetName();
            repository.update(url, revNumber, target, depth, reporter, SVNCancellableEditor.newInstance(filterEditor, this, getDebugLog()));

            long targetRevision = editor.getTargetRevision();
            if (targetRevision >= 0 && !isIgnoreExternals() && depth.isRecursive()) {
                url = target == null ? url : url.removePathTail();
                handleExternals(wcAccess, info.getAnchor().getRoot(), info.getOldExternals(), info.getNewExternals(),
                        info.getDepths(), url, sourceRoot, depth, false, true);
            dispatchEvent(SVNEventFactory.createSVNEvent(info.getTarget().getRoot(), SVNNodeKind.NONE, null,
                    targetRevision, SVNEventAction.UPDATE_COMPLETED, null, null, null, reporter.getReportedFilesCount(), reporter.getTotalFilesCount()));
            return targetRevision;
        } finally {
            if (closeAccess) {
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            String[] preservedExts = getOptions().getPreservedConflictFileExtensions();
            SVNRepository repos = createRepository(url, anchorArea.getRoot(), wcAccess, true);
            boolean serverSupportsDepth = repos.hasCapability(SVNCapability.DEPTH);
            final SVNReporter reporter = new SVNReporter(adminInfo, path, true, !serverSupportsDepth,
                    depth, isUpdateLocksOnDemand(), false, !depthIsSticky, getDebugLog());
            String target = "".equals(adminInfo.getTargetName()) ? null : adminInfo.getTargetName();
            long revNumber = getRevisionNumber(revision, repos, path);
            SVNURL reposRoot = repos.getRepositoryRoot(true);
            wcAccess.setRepositoryRoot(path, reposRoot);
            final SVNRepository repos2 = createRepository(reposRoot, null, null, false);
            ISVNFileFetcher fileFetcher = new ISVNFileFetcher() {
                public long fetchFile(String path, long revision, OutputStream os, SVNProperties properties) throws SVNException {
                    return repos2.getFile(path, revision, properties, os);
            ISVNUpdateEditor editor = wcAccess.createUpdateEditor(adminInfo, null, allowUnversionedObstructions,
                    depthIsSticky, depth, preservedExts, fileFetcher, isUpdateLocksOnDemand());

            ISVNEditor filterEditor = SVNAmbientDepthFilterEditor.wrap(editor, adminInfo, depthIsSticky);

            try {
                repos.update(revNumber, target, depth, sendCopyFrom, reporter, SVNCancellableEditor.newInstance(filterEditor, this, getDebugLog()));
            } finally {

            long targetRevision = editor.getTargetRevision();
            if (targetRevision >= 0) {
                if ((depth == SVNDepth.INFINITY || depth == SVNDepth.UNKNOWN) && !isIgnoreExternals()) {
                    handleExternals(wcAccess, adminInfo.getAnchor().getRoot(),
                            adminInfo.getOldExternals(), adminInfo.getNewExternals(), adminInfo.getDepths(), url, reposRoot, depth, false, true);
                        SVNNodeKind.NONE, null, targetRevision, SVNEventAction.UPDATE_COMPLETED, null, null,
                        null, reporter.getReportedFilesCount(), reporter.getTotalFilesCount()));
            return targetRevision;
        } finally {
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                                                                reverse ? -1 : revNumber, reverse ? revNumber : -1, result);
            SVNDiffEditor editor = new SVNDiffEditor(wcAccess, info, callback, useAncestry, reverse /* reverse */,
                    revision2 == SVNRevision.BASE  || revision2 == SVNRevision.COMMITTED  /* compare to base */,
                    depth, changeLists);
            boolean serverSupportsDepth = repository.hasCapability(SVNCapability.DEPTH);
            SVNReporter reporter = new SVNReporter(info, info.getAnchor().getFile(info.getTargetName()), false,
                    !serverSupportsDepth, depth, false, false, true, getDebugLog());
            long pegRevisionNumber = getRevisionNumber(revision2, repository, path2);
            try {
                repository.diff(url1, revNumber, pegRevisionNumber, target, !useAncestry, depth, true, reporter, SVNCancellableEditor.newInstance(editor, this, getDebugLog()));
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            SVNDiffEditor editor = new SVNDiffEditor(wcAccess, info, callback, useAncestry, reverse /* reverse */,
                    revision2 == SVNRevision.BASE || revision2 == SVNRevision.COMMITTED /* compare to base */,
                    depth, changeLists);
            ISVNEditor filterEditor = SVNAmbientDepthFilterEditor.wrap(editor, info, false);
            boolean serverSupportsDepth = repository.hasCapability(SVNCapability.DEPTH);
            SVNReporter reporter = new SVNReporter(info, info.getAnchor().getFile(info.getTargetName()),
                    false, !serverSupportsDepth, depth, false, false, true, getDebugLog());
            // this should be rev2.
            long pegRevisionNumber = getRevisionNumber(revision2, repository, path2);
            try {
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                } else {
                    rev = getRevisionNumber(revision, repository, path);
                SVNNodeKind kind = repository.checkPath("", rev);
                SVNReporter reporter = null;
                if (kind == SVNNodeKind.NONE) {
                    if (!entry.isScheduledForAddition()) {
                        deletedInRepository[0] = true;
                    editor = new SVNStatusEditor(getOptions(), wcAccess, info, includeIgnored, reportAll, depth,
                } else {
                    editor = new SVNRemoteStatusEditor(getOptions(), wcAccess, info, includeIgnored, reportAll,
                            depth, realHandler);
                    // session is closed in SVNStatusReporter.
                    SVNRepository locksRepos = createRepository(url, anchor.getRoot(), wcAccess, false);                   
                    boolean serverSupportsDepth = repository.hasCapability(SVNCapability.DEPTH);
                    reporter = new SVNReporter(info, path, false, !serverSupportsDepth, depth, false, true, true,
                    SVNStatusReporter statusReporter = new SVNStatusReporter(locksRepos, reporter, editor);
                    String target = "".equals(info.getTargetName()) ? null : info.getTargetName();
                    repository.status(rev, target, depth, statusReporter, SVNCancellableEditor.newInstance((ISVNEditor) editor, getEventDispatcher(), getDebugLog()));
                if (getEventDispatcher() != null) {
                    long reportedFiles = reporter != null ? reporter.getReportedFilesCount() : 0;
                    long totalFiles = reporter != null ? reporter.getTotalFilesCount() : 0;
                    SVNEvent event = SVNEventFactory.createSVNEvent(info.getAnchor().getFile(info.getTargetName()), SVNNodeKind.NONE, null, editor.getTargetRevision(), SVNEventAction.STATUS_COMPLETED, null, null, null, reportedFiles, totalFiles);
                    getEventDispatcher().handleEvent(event, ISVNEventHandler.UNKNOWN);
            } else {
                editor = new SVNStatusEditor(getOptions(), wcAccess, info, includeIgnored, reportAll, depth, handler);
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                    reverse ? -1 : revNumber, reverse ? revNumber : -1, result);
            SVNDiffEditor editor = new SVNDiffEditor(wcAccess, info, callback,
                    useAncestry, reverse /* reverse */,
                    revision2 == SVNRevision.BASE  || revision2 == SVNRevision.COMMITTED  /* compare to base */,
            SVNReporter reporter = new SVNReporter(info, info.getAnchor().getFile(info.getTargetName()), false, recursive, getDebugLog());
            long pegRevisionNumber = getRevisionNumber(revision2, repository, path2);
            try {
                repository.diff(url1, revNumber, pegRevisionNumber, target, !useAncestry, recursive, true, reporter, SVNCancellableEditor.newInstance(editor, this, getDebugLog()));
            } finally {
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            SVNDiffEditor editor = new SVNDiffEditor(wcAccess, info, callback,
                    reverse /* reverse */,
                    revision2 == SVNRevision.BASE || revision2 == SVNRevision.COMMITTED /* compare to base */,
            SVNReporter reporter = new SVNReporter(info, info.getAnchor().getFile(info.getTargetName()), false, recursive, getDebugLog());
            // this should be rev2.
            long pegRevisionNumber = getRevisionNumber(revision2, repository, path2);
            try {
                repository.diff(url1, revNumber, pegRevisionNumber, target, !useAncestry, recursive, true, reporter, SVNCancellableEditor.newInstance(editor, this, getDebugLog()));
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        SVNWCAccess wcAccess = createWCAccess();
        SVNAdminAreaInfo adminInfo = null;
        try {
            adminInfo = wcAccess.openAnchor(file, true, recursive ? SVNWCAccess.INFINITE_DEPTH : 0);
            SVNAdminArea anchorArea = adminInfo.getAnchor();
            final SVNReporter reporter = new SVNReporter(adminInfo, file, true, recursive, getDebugLog());

            SVNEntry entry = anchorArea.getEntry(anchorArea.getThisDirName(), false);
            SVNURL url = entry.getSVNURL();
            if (url == null) {
                SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.ENTRY_MISSING_URL, "Entry ''{0}'' has no URL", anchorArea.getRoot());
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    public long doSwitch(File file, SVNURL url, SVNRevision pegRevision, SVNRevision revision, boolean recursive) throws SVNException {
        SVNWCAccess wcAccess = createWCAccess();
        try {
            SVNAdminAreaInfo info = wcAccess.openAnchor(file, true, SVNWCAccess.INFINITE_DEPTH);
            final SVNReporter reporter = new SVNReporter(info, file, true, recursive, getDebugLog());
            SVNAdminArea anchorArea = info.getAnchor();
            SVNEntry entry = anchorArea.getEntry(anchorArea.getThisDirName(), false);
            if (entry == null) {
                SVNErrorMessage err = SVNErrorMessage.create(SVNErrorCode.UNVERSIONED_RESOURCE, "''{0}'' is not under version control", anchorArea.getRoot());
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                    editor = new SVNRemoteStatusEditor(getOptions(), wcAccess, info, includeIgnored, reportAll, recursive, realHandler);
                    // session is closed in SVNStatusReporter.
                    SVNRepository locksRepos = createRepository(url, false);                   
                    SVNReporter reporter = new SVNReporter(info, path, false, recursive, getDebugLog());
                    SVNStatusReporter statusReporter = new SVNStatusReporter(locksRepos, reporter, editor);
                    String target = "".equals(info.getTargetName()) ? null : info.getTargetName();
                    repository.status(rev, target, recursive, statusReporter, SVNCancellableEditor.newInstance((ISVNEditor) editor, getEventDispatcher(), getDebugLog()));
                if (getEventDispatcher() != null) {
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Related Classes of org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.admin.SVNReporter

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