Package org.sonatype.aether.transfer

Examples of org.sonatype.aether.transfer.ArtifactNotFoundException

                    throw new IllegalStateException( "Missing test POM for " + artifact );
                result.addException( new ArtifactNotFoundException( artifact, null ) );
                throw new ArtifactResolutionException( results );

        return results;
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                catch ( IOException e )
                    if ( !remoteFile.exists() )
                        download.setException( new ArtifactNotFoundException( download.getArtifact(), repository ) );
                        download.setException( new ArtifactTransferException( download.getArtifact(), repository, e ) );
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                    throw new IllegalStateException( "Missing test POM for " + artifact );
                result.addException( new ArtifactNotFoundException( artifact, null ) );
                throw new ArtifactResolutionException( results );

        return results;
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                case ARTIFACT:
                    ArtifactTransferException artEx;
                    if ( Direction.DOWNLOAD.equals( direction ) )
                        artEx = new ArtifactNotFoundException( transfer.getArtifact(), repository );
                        artEx = new ArtifactTransferException( transfer.getArtifact(), repository, e );
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                // unhosted artifact, just validate file
                File file = new File( localPath );
                if ( !file.isFile() )
                    failures = true;
                    result.addException( new ArtifactNotFoundException( artifact, null ) );
                    artifact = artifact.setFile( file );
                    result.setArtifact( artifact );
                    artifactResolved( session, trace, artifact, null, result.getExceptions() );

            VersionResult versionResult;
                VersionRequest versionRequest = new VersionRequest( artifact, repos, request.getRequestContext() );
                versionRequest.setTrace( trace );
                versionResult = versionResolver.resolveVersion( session, versionRequest );
            catch ( VersionResolutionException e )
                result.addException( e );

            artifact = artifact.setVersion( versionResult.getVersion() );

            if ( versionResult.getRepository() != null )
                if ( versionResult.getRepository() instanceof RemoteRepository )
                    repos = Collections.singletonList( (RemoteRepository) versionResult.getRepository() );
                    repos = Collections.emptyList();

            if ( workspace != null )
                File file = workspace.findArtifact( artifact );
                if ( file != null )
                    artifact = artifact.setFile( file );
                    result.setArtifact( artifact );
                    result.setRepository( workspace.getRepository() );
                    artifactResolved( session, trace, artifact, result.getRepository(), null );

            LocalArtifactResult local =
                lrm.find( session, new LocalArtifactRequest( artifact, repos, request.getRequestContext() ) );
            if ( local.isAvailable()
                || ( local.getFile() != null && versionResult.getRepository() instanceof LocalRepository ) )
                if ( local.getRepository() != null )
                    result.setRepository( local.getRepository() );
                    result.setRepository( lrm.getRepository() );
                    artifact = artifact.setFile( getFile( session, artifact, local.getFile() ) );
                    result.setArtifact( artifact );
                    artifactResolved( session, trace, artifact, result.getRepository(), null );
                catch ( ArtifactTransferException e )
                    result.addException( e );
                if ( !local.isAvailable() )
                     * NOTE: Interop with Maven 2.x: An artifact installed by Maven 2.x will not show up in the
                     * repository tracking file of the local repository. If however the maven-metadata-local.xml tells
                     * us the artifact was installed, we sync the repository tracking file.
                    lrm.add( session, new LocalArtifactRegistration( artifact ) );
            else if ( local.getFile() != null )
                logger.debug( "Verifying availability of " + local.getFile() + " from " + repos );

            if ( session.isOffline() )
                Exception exception =
                    new ArtifactNotFoundException( artifact, null, "The repository system is offline but the artifact "
                        + artifact + " is not available in the local repository." );
                result.addException( exception );
                artifactResolved( session, trace, artifact, null, result.getExceptions() );

            AtomicBoolean resolved = new AtomicBoolean( false );
            Iterator<ResolutionGroup> groupIt = groups.iterator();
            for ( RemoteRepository repo : repos )
                if ( !repo.getPolicy( artifact.isSnapshot() ).isEnabled() )
                ResolutionGroup group = null;
                while ( groupIt.hasNext() )
                    ResolutionGroup t =;
                    if ( t.matches( repo ) )
                        group = t;
                if ( group == null )
                    group = new ResolutionGroup( repo );
                    groups.add( group );
                    groupIt = Collections.<ResolutionGroup> emptyList().iterator();
                group.items.add( new ResolutionItem( trace, artifact, resolved, result, local, repo ) );

        for ( ResolutionGroup group : groups )
            List<ArtifactDownload> downloads = new ArrayList<ArtifactDownload>();
            for ( ResolutionItem item : group.items )
                Artifact artifact = item.artifact;

                if ( item.resolved.get() )
                    // resolved in previous resolution group

                ArtifactDownload download = new ArtifactDownload();
                download.setArtifact( artifact );
                download.setRequestContext( item.request.getRequestContext() );
                download.setTrace( item.trace );
                if ( item.local.getFile() != null )
                    download.setFile( item.local.getFile() );
                    download.setExistenceCheck( true );
                    String path =
                        lrm.getPathForRemoteArtifact( artifact, group.repository, item.request.getRequestContext() );
                    download.setFile( new File( lrm.getRepository().getBasedir(), path ) );

                boolean snapshot = artifact.isSnapshot();
                RepositoryPolicy policy =
                    remoteRepositoryManager.getPolicy( session, group.repository, !snapshot, snapshot );

                if ( session.isNotFoundCachingEnabled() || session.isTransferErrorCachingEnabled() )
                    UpdateCheck<Artifact, ArtifactTransferException> check =
                        new UpdateCheck<Artifact, ArtifactTransferException>();
                    check.setItem( artifact );
                    check.setFile( download.getFile() );
                    check.setRepository( group.repository );
                    check.setPolicy( policy.getUpdatePolicy() );
                    item.updateCheck = check;
                    updateCheckManager.checkArtifact( session, check );
                    if ( !check.isRequired() && check.getException() != null )
                        item.result.addException( check.getException() );

                download.setChecksumPolicy( policy.getChecksumPolicy() );
                download.setRepositories( item.repository.getMirroredRepositories() );
                downloads.add( download );
       = download;

            if ( downloads.isEmpty() )

            for ( ArtifactDownload download : downloads )
                artifactDownloading( session, download.getTrace(), download.getArtifact(), group.repository );

                RepositoryConnector connector =
                    remoteRepositoryManager.getRepositoryConnector( session, group.repository );
                    connector.get( downloads, null );
            catch ( NoRepositoryConnectorException e )
                for ( ArtifactDownload download : downloads )
                    download.setException( new ArtifactTransferException( download.getArtifact(), group.repository, e ) );

            for ( ResolutionItem item : group.items )
                ArtifactDownload download =;
                if ( download == null )

                if ( item.updateCheck != null )
                    item.updateCheck.setException( download.getException() );
                    updateCheckManager.touchArtifact( session, item.updateCheck );

                if ( download.getException() == null )
                    item.resolved.set( true );
                    item.result.setRepository( group.repository );
                    Artifact artifact = download.getArtifact();
                        artifact = artifact.setFile( getFile( session, artifact, download.getFile() ) );
                        item.result.setArtifact( artifact );
                    catch ( ArtifactTransferException e )
                        item.result.addException( e );
                    lrm.add( session,
                             new LocalArtifactRegistration( artifact, group.repository, download.getSupportedContexts() ) );

                    artifactDownloaded( session, download.getTrace(), artifact, group.repository, null );

                    artifactResolved( session, download.getTrace(), artifact, group.repository, null );
                    item.result.addException( download.getException() );

                    artifactDownloaded( session, download.getTrace(), download.getArtifact(), group.repository,
                                        download.getException() );

        for ( ArtifactResult result : results )
            ArtifactRequest request = result.getRequest();

            Artifact artifact = result.getArtifact();
            if ( artifact == null || artifact.getFile() == null )
                failures = true;
                if ( result.getExceptions().isEmpty() )
                    Exception exception = new ArtifactNotFoundException( request.getArtifact(), null );
                    result.addException( exception );
                RequestTrace trace = DefaultRequestTrace.newChild( request.getTrace(), request );
                artifactResolved( session, trace, request.getArtifact(), null, result.getExceptions() );
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            if ( error == null || error.length() <= 0 )
                if ( session.isNotFoundCachingEnabled() )
                    check.setRequired( false );
                    check.setException( new ArtifactNotFoundException( artifact, repository, "Failure to find "
                        + artifact + " in " + repository.getUrl() + " was cached in the local repository, "
                        + "resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of " + repository.getId()
                        + " has elapsed or updates are forced" ) );
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Related Classes of org.sonatype.aether.transfer.ArtifactNotFoundException

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