Package org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.composite

Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.composite.MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits

            String formattedOutput = formatMilliseconds(longValue);
            this.unitType = UnitType.TIME;
            this.form.setValue(FIELD_VALUE, formattedOutput);
        } else {
            MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits valueWithUnits;
            if (longValue % HOUR_IN_MILLIS == 0) {
                if (longValue == HOUR_IN_MILLIS) {
                    valueWithUnits = new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(1.0d, MeasurementUnits.HOURS);
                } else {
                    valueWithUnits = longValue, MeasurementUnits.MILLISECONDS,
                        MeasurementUnits.HOURS, MeasurementUnits.HOURS);
            } else if (longValue == MINUTE_IN_MILLIS) {
                valueWithUnits = new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(1.0d, MeasurementUnits.MINUTES);
            } else {
                valueWithUnits = longValue, MeasurementUnits.MILLISECONDS,
                    MeasurementUnits.MINUTES, MeasurementUnits.MINUTES);
            SelectItem unitsItem = (SelectItem) this.form.getItem(FIELD_UNITS);
            this.form.setValue(FIELD_VALUE, valueWithUnits.getValue().intValue());
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                        lowestValue = measurement;
            if (null != lowestValue) {
                MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits adjustedMeasurementUnitsAndValue =
                lowestValue.getLowValue(), definition.getUnits());
                adjustedMeasurementUnits = adjustedMeasurementUnitsAndValue.getUnits();
            } else {
                adjustedMeasurementUnits = definition.getUnits();

            for (MeasurementDataNumericHighLowComposite measurement : metricData) {
                sb.append("{ \"x\":" + measurement.getTimestamp() + ",");

                if (null != lastOOB) {
                    sb.append(" \"baselineMin\":" + lastOOB.getBlMin() + ", ");
                    sb.append(" \"baselineMax\":" + lastOOB.getBlMax() + ", ");

                if (!Double.isNaN(measurement.getValue())) {

                    Double newHigh = normalizeUnitsAndValues(
                        new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(measurement.getHighValue(), definition.getUnits()),
                    Double newAvg = normalizeUnitsAndValues(new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(measurement.getValue(),
                        definition.getUnits()), adjustedMeasurementUnits);
                    Double newLow = normalizeUnitsAndValues(
                        new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(measurement.getLowValue(), definition.getUnits()),

                    sb.append(" \"barDuration\": \"" + barDurationString + "\", ");
                    sb.append(" \"high\":" + newHigh + ",");
                    sb.append(" \"highFormatted\":\""
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        ButtonItem button = new ButtonItem("convertItem", "Convert");
        button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
            public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
                MeasurementUnits units = MeasurementUnits.valueOf(unitsMenu.getValueAsString());
                String value = textItem.getValueAsString();
                MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits vu = MeasurementParser.parse(value, units);

        DynamicForm form = new DynamicForm();
        form.setItems(unitsMenu, textItem, button, resultsValueItem, resultsUnitItem);
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            wasNegative = true;
            origin = -origin;

        MeasurementUnits baseUnit = targetUnits.getBaseUnits();
        MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits valueAndUnits = new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(origin, baseUnit);

        Double results = scale(valueAndUnits, targetUnits);
        if (wasNegative) {
            results = -results;
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                 * error, but prevents overflow on large data sets
                average += (values[i] / sz);

            MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits fittedAverage = fit(average, targetUnits);
            //noinspection UnnecessaryLocalVariable
            MeasurementUnits fittedUnits = fittedAverage.getUnits();

             * and change the local reference to targetUnits, so that the same logic
             * can be used both for the bestFit and non-bestFit computations
            targetUnits = fittedUnits;

        Set<String> existingStrings; // technically this *is* unused because
        int precisionDigits = 0;
        boolean scaleWithMorePrecision = true;
        String[] results = new String[values.length];
        NumberFormat nf = getDefaultNumberFormat();

         * we scale at most to MAX_PRECISION_DIGITS to allow for presentation limits
         * increase the maxPrecisionDigits in the while condition
         * itself to ensure it gets done for every loop
        while (scaleWithMorePrecision && (++precisionDigits <= MAX_PRECISION_DIGITS)) {
             * make the assumption that we no longer need to scale beyond this iteration
            scaleWithMorePrecision = false;

             * we need to record the uniquely formatted values so we can determine
            existingStrings = new HashSet<String>();
            nf = NumberFormat.getFormat(getFormat(0, precisionDigits));

            Double[] scaledValues = new Double[values.length];

            for (int i = 0; i < scaledValues.length; i++) {
                 *  For relative units apply the scale now, prior to the nf.format(), since we are not using format( Double...).
                 *  Otherwise, apply standard multi-unit scaling.
                if (MeasurementUnits.Family.RELATIVE == originalUnits.getFamily()) {
                    scaledValues[i] = MeasurementUnits.scaleUp(values[i], originalUnits);
                } else {
                    scaledValues[i] = scale(new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(values[i], originalUnits), targetUnits);

            for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
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        Integer minimumFractionDigits, Integer maximumFractionDigits) {
        if (value == null || Double.isNaN(value)) {
            return NULL_OR_NAN_FORMATTED_VALUE;
        if (bestFit) {
            MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits valueAndUnits = fit(value, targetUnits);

            value = valueAndUnits.getValue();
            targetUnits = valueAndUnits.getUnits();

        // apply relative scale at presentation time
        if (targetUnits != null && MeasurementUnits.Family.RELATIVE == targetUnits.getFamily()) {
            value = MeasurementUnits.scaleUp(value, targetUnits);
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    public static String scaleAndFormat(Double origin, MeasurementUnits targetUnits, boolean bestFit ) throws MeasurementConversionException {

        MeasurementUnits baseUnits = targetUnits.getBaseUnits();
        MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits valueAndUnits = new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(origin, baseUnits);
        Double scaledMagnitude = scale(valueAndUnits, targetUnits);

        return format(scaledMagnitude, targetUnits, bestFit);
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    public static MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits fit(Double origin, MeasurementUnits units, MeasurementUnits lowUnits,
        MeasurementUnits highUnits) {

        // work-around for the various Chart descendants not properly setting their units field;     
        if (null == units) {
            return new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(origin, null);

        // by definition, absolutely specified units don't scale to anything
        if ((MeasurementUnits.Family.ABSOLUTE == units.getFamily())
            || (MeasurementUnits.Family.DURATION == units.getFamily())) {
            return new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(origin, units);

        // by definition relative-valued units are self-scaled (converted at formatting)      
        if (MeasurementUnits.Family.RELATIVE == units.getFamily()) {
            return new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(origin, units);

        if (MeasurementUnits.Family.TEMPERATURE == units.getFamily()) {
            return new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(origin, units);

        // if the magnitude is zero, the best-fit also will spin around forever since it won't change
        if (Math.abs(origin) < 1e-9) {
            return new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(origin, units);

        boolean wasNegative = false;

        if (origin < 0) {
            wasNegative = true;
            origin = -origin;

        MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits currentValueAndUnits;
        MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits nextValueAndUnits = new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(origin, units);

        // first, make the value smaller if it's too big
        int maxOrdinal = (highUnits != null) ? (highUnits.ordinal() + 1) : MeasurementUnits.values().length;

        do {
            currentValueAndUnits = nextValueAndUnits;

            int nextOrdinal = currentValueAndUnits.getUnits().ordinal() + 1;
            if (nextOrdinal == maxOrdinal) {
                // we could theoretically get bigger, but we don't have any units to represent that

            MeasurementUnits biggerUnits = MeasurementUnits.values()[nextOrdinal];
            if (biggerUnits.getFamily() != currentValueAndUnits.getUnits().getFamily()) {
                // we're as big as we can get, break out of the loop so we can return

            Double smallerValue = scale(currentValueAndUnits, biggerUnits);

            nextValueAndUnits = new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(smallerValue, biggerUnits);
        } while (nextValueAndUnits.getValue() > 1.0);

        // next, make the value bigger if it's too small
        int minOrdinal = (lowUnits != null) ? (lowUnits.ordinal() - 1) : -1;

        while (currentValueAndUnits.getValue() < 1.0) {
            int nextOrdinal = currentValueAndUnits.getUnits().ordinal() - 1;
            if (nextOrdinal == minOrdinal) {
                // we could theoretically get smaller, but we don't have any units to represent that

            MeasurementUnits smallerUnits = MeasurementUnits.values()[nextOrdinal];
            if (smallerUnits.getFamily() != currentValueAndUnits.getUnits().getFamily()) {
                // we're as small as we can get, break out of the loop so we can return

            Double biggerValue = scale(currentValueAndUnits, smallerUnits);

            nextValueAndUnits = new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(biggerValue, smallerUnits);

            currentValueAndUnits = nextValueAndUnits;

        if (wasNegative) {
            return new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(-currentValueAndUnits.getValue(),

        return currentValueAndUnits;
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        Integer minimumFractionDigits, Integer maximumFractionDigits) {
        if (value == null || Double.isNaN(value)) {
            return NULL_OR_NAN_FORMATTED_VALUE;
        if (bestFit) {
            MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits valueAndUnits = fit(value, targetUnits);

            value = valueAndUnits.getValue();
            targetUnits = valueAndUnits.getUnits();

        // apply relative scale at presentation time
        if (targetUnits != null && MeasurementUnits.Family.RELATIVE == targetUnits.getFamily()) {
            value = MeasurementUnits.scaleUp(value, targetUnits);
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    public static MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits fit(Double origin, MeasurementUnits units, MeasurementUnits lowUnits,
        MeasurementUnits highUnits) {

        // work-around for the various Chart descendants not properly setting their units field;
        if (null == units) {
            return new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(origin, units);

        // by definition, absolutely specified units don't scale to anything
        if ((MeasurementUnits.Family.ABSOLUTE == units.getFamily())
            || (MeasurementUnits.Family.DURATION == units.getFamily())) {
            return new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(origin, units);

        // by definition relative-valued units are self-scaled (converted at formatting)
        if (MeasurementUnits.Family.RELATIVE == units.getFamily()) {
            return new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(origin, units);

        if (MeasurementUnits.Family.TEMPERATURE == units.getFamily()) {
            return new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(origin, units);

        // if the magnitude is zero, the best-fit also will spin around forever since it won't change
        if (Math.abs(origin) < 1e-9) {
            return new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(origin, units);

        boolean wasNegative = false;

        if (origin < 0) {
            wasNegative = true;
            origin = -origin;

        MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits currentValueAndUnits;
        MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits nextValueAndUnits = new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(origin, units);

        // first, make the value smaller if it's too big
        int maxOrdinal = (highUnits != null) ? (highUnits.ordinal() + 1) : MeasurementUnits.values().length;

        do {
            currentValueAndUnits = nextValueAndUnits;

            int nextOrdinal = currentValueAndUnits.getUnits().ordinal() + 1;
            if (nextOrdinal == maxOrdinal) {
                // we could theoretically get bigger, but we don't have any units to represent that

            MeasurementUnits biggerUnits = MeasurementUnits.values()[nextOrdinal];
            if (biggerUnits.getFamily() != currentValueAndUnits.getUnits().getFamily()) {
                // we're as big as we can get, break out of the loop so we can return

            Double smallerValue = scale(currentValueAndUnits, biggerUnits);

            nextValueAndUnits = new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(smallerValue, biggerUnits);
        } while (nextValueAndUnits.getValue() > 1.0);

        // next, make the value bigger if it's too small
        int minOrdinal = (lowUnits != null) ? (lowUnits.ordinal() - 1) : -1;

        while (currentValueAndUnits.getValue() < 1.0) {
            int nextOrdinal = currentValueAndUnits.getUnits().ordinal() - 1;
            if (nextOrdinal == minOrdinal) {
                // we could theoretically get smaller, but we don't have any units to represent that

            MeasurementUnits smallerUnits = MeasurementUnits.values()[nextOrdinal];
            if (smallerUnits.getFamily() != currentValueAndUnits.getUnits().getFamily()) {
                // we're as small as we can get, break out of the loop so we can return

            Double biggerValue = scale(currentValueAndUnits, smallerUnits);

            nextValueAndUnits = new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(biggerValue, smallerUnits);

            currentValueAndUnits = nextValueAndUnits;

        if (wasNegative) {
            return new MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits(-currentValueAndUnits.getValue(),

        return currentValueAndUnits;
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Related Classes of org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.composite.MeasurementNumericValueAndUnits

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