Package org.ofbiz.sql

Examples of org.ofbiz.sql.AggregateFunction

                    new FieldAll("c", set("partyId"))
                GenericTestCaseBase.<String, FieldDef>map(
                    "roleTypeId", new FieldDef(new FieldValue("d", "roleTypeId"), null),
                    "roleDescription", new FieldDef(new FieldValue("d", "description"), "roleDescription"),
                    "SUM"new FieldDef(new AggregateFunction("SUM", false, new FieldValue("a", "partyId")), null),
                    "baz"new FieldDef(new FunctionCall("FOO", GenericTestCaseBase.<Value>list(new FieldValue("a", "partyId"), new NumberValue<Integer>(Integer.valueOf(1)))), "baz"),
                    "one"new FieldDef(new MathValue("||", list(new FieldValue("a", "partyId"), new StringValue("-"), new FieldValue("a", "partyTypeId"))), "one"),
                    "cnt1", new FieldDef(new AggregateFunction("COUNT", false, new FieldValue("a", "partyId")), "cnt1"),
                    "cnt2", new FieldDef(new AggregateFunction("COUNT", false, new FieldValue(null, "partyId")), "cnt2"),
                    "cnt3", new FieldDef(new AggregateFunction("COUNT", true, new FieldValue("a", "partyId")), "cnt3")
                new Table(
                    new TableName("Party", "a"),
                    new Joined(true, new TableName("Person", "b"), list(new KeyMap("partyId", "partyId")),
                        new Joined(true, new TableName("PartyGroup", "c"), list(new KeyMap("partyId", "partyId")),
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        assertEquals(label + ":field-value", fv, v.getValue());
        basicTest(label, AggregateFunction.class, v, name, s, o, matches);

    public void testAggregateFunction() {
        AggregateFunction v1 = new AggregateFunction("COUNT", false, fv2);
        aggregateFunctionTest("v1", v1, "COUNT", false, fv2, "COUNT(a.partyId)", null, false);
        AggregateFunction v2 = new AggregateFunction("COUNT", true, fv2);
        aggregateFunctionTest("v2", v2, "COUNT", true, fv2, "COUNT(DISTINCT a.partyId)", v1, false);
        AggregateFunction v3 = new AggregateFunction("COUNT", true, fv1);
        aggregateFunctionTest("v3", v3, "COUNT", true, fv1, "COUNT(DISTINCT partyId)", v1, false);
        AggregateFunction v4 = new AggregateFunction("COUNT", false, fv1);
        aggregateFunctionTest("v4", v4, "COUNT", false, fv1, "COUNT(partyId)", v1, false);
        AggregateFunction v5 = new AggregateFunction("MAX", false, fv2);
        aggregateFunctionTest("v5", v5, "MAX", false, fv2, "MAX(a.partyId)", v1, false);
        AggregateFunction v6 = new AggregateFunction("COUNT", false, fv2);
        aggregateFunctionTest("v6", v6, "COUNT", false, fv2, "COUNT(a.partyId)", v1, true);
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Related Classes of org.ofbiz.sql.AggregateFunction

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