Package org.ofbiz.service.engine

Examples of org.ofbiz.service.engine.GenericEngine

        // check the locale
        Locale locale = this.checkLocale(context);

        // setup the engine and context
        DispatchContext ctx = localContext.get(localName);
        GenericEngine engine = this.getGenericEngine(modelService.engineName);

        // set IN attributes with default-value as applicable
        modelService.updateDefaultValues(context, ModelService.IN_PARAM);

        Map<String, Object> ecaContext = null;

        // for isolated transactions
        Transaction parentTransaction = null;

        // start the transaction
        boolean beganTrans = false;
        try {
            //Debug.logInfo("=========================== " + + " 1 tx status =" + TransactionUtil.getStatusString() + ", modelService.requireNewTransaction=" + modelService.requireNewTransaction + ", modelService.useTransaction=" + modelService.useTransaction + ", TransactionUtil.isTransactionInPlace()=" + TransactionUtil.isTransactionInPlace(), module);
            if (modelService.useTransaction) {
                if (TransactionUtil.isTransactionInPlace()) {
                    // if a new transaction is needed, do it here; if not do nothing, just use current tx
                    if (modelService.requireNewTransaction) {
                        parentTransaction = TransactionUtil.suspend();
                        if (TransactionUtil.isTransactionInPlace()) {
                            throw new GenericTransactionException("In service " + + " transaction is still in place after suspend, status is " + TransactionUtil.getStatusString());
                        // now start a new transaction
                        beganTrans = TransactionUtil.begin(modelService.transactionTimeout);
                } else {
                    beganTrans = TransactionUtil.begin(modelService.transactionTimeout);
                // enlist for XAResource debugging
                if (beganTrans && TransactionUtil.debugResources) {
                    DebugXaResource dxa = new DebugXaResource(;
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Debug.logError(e, module);

            try {
                int lockRetriesRemaining = LOCK_RETRIES;
                boolean needsLockRetry = false;

                do {
                    // Ensure this is reset to false on each pass
                    needsLockRetry = false;


                    // NOTE: general pattern here is to do everything up to the main service call, and retry it all if
                    //needed because those will be part of the same transaction and have been rolled back
                    // TODO: if there is an ECA called async or in a new transaction it won't get rolled back
                    //but will be called again, which means the service may complete multiple times! that would be for
                    //pre-invoke and earlier events only of course

                    // setup global transaction ECA listeners to execute later
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "global-rollback", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "global-commit", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                    // pre-auth ECA
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "auth", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                    // check for pre-auth failure/errors
                    isFailure = ServiceUtil.isFailure(result);
                    isError = ServiceUtil.isError(result);

                    //Debug.logInfo("After [" + + "] pre-auth ECA, before auth; isFailure=" + isFailure + ", isError=" + isError, module);

                    context = checkAuth(localName, context, modelService);
                    GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin");

                    if (modelService.auth && userLogin == null) {
                        throw new ServiceAuthException("User authorization is required for this service: " + + modelService.debugInfo());

                    // now that we have authed, if there is a userLogin, set the EE userIdentifier
                    if (userLogin != null && userLogin.getString("userLoginId") != null) {

                    // pre-validate ECA
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "in-validate", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                    // check for pre-validate failure/errors
                    isFailure = ServiceUtil.isFailure(result);
                    isError = ServiceUtil.isError(result);

                    //Debug.logInfo("After [" + + "] pre-in-validate ECA, before in-validate; isFailure=" + isFailure + ", isError=" + isError, module);

                    // validate the context
                    if (modelService.validate && !isError && !isFailure) {
                        try {
                            modelService.validate(context, ModelService.IN_PARAM, locale);
                        } catch (ServiceValidationException e) {
                            Debug.logError(e, "Incoming context (in runSync : " + + ") does not match expected requirements", module);
                            throw e;

                    // pre-invoke ECA
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "invoke", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                    // check for pre-invoke failure/errors
                    isFailure = ServiceUtil.isFailure(result);
                    isError = ServiceUtil.isError(result);

                    //Debug.logInfo("After [" + + "] pre-invoke ECA, before invoke; isFailure=" + isFailure + ", isError=" + isError, module);

                    // ===== invoke the service =====
                    if (!isError && !isFailure) {
                        Map<String, Object> invokeResult = null;
                        invokeResult = engine.runSync(localName, modelService, context);
                        engine.sendCallbacks(modelService, context, invokeResult, GenericEngine.SYNC_MODE);
                        if (invokeResult != null) {
                        } else {
                            Debug.logWarning("Service (in runSync : " + + ") returns null result", module);

                    // re-check the errors/failures
                    isFailure = ServiceUtil.isFailure(result);
                    isError = ServiceUtil.isError(result);

                    //Debug.logInfo("After [" + + "] invoke; isFailure=" + isFailure + ", isError=" + isError, module);

                    if (beganTrans) {
                        // crazy stuff here: see if there was a deadlock or other such error and if so retry... which we can ONLY do if we own the transaction!

                        String errMsg = ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(result);

                        // look for the string DEADLOCK in an upper-cased error message; tested on: Derby, MySQL
                        // - Derby deadlock string: "A lock could not be obtained due to a deadlock"
                        // - MySQL ? deadlock string: "Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction"
                        // - Postgres ? deadlock string: TODO
                        // - Other ? deadlock string: TODO
                        // TODO need testing in other databases because they all return different error messages for this!

                        // NOTE DEJ20070908 are there other things we need to check? I don't think so because these will
                        //be Entity Engine errors that will be caught and come back in an error message... IFF the
                        //service is written to not ignore it of course!
                        if (errMsg != null && errMsg.toUpperCase().indexOf("DEADLOCK") >= 0) {
                            // it's a deadlock! retry...
                            String retryMsg = "RETRYING SERVICE [" + + "]: Deadlock error found in message [" + errMsg + "]; retry [" + (LOCK_RETRIES - lockRetriesRemaining) + "] of [" + LOCK_RETRIES + "]";

                            // make sure the old transaction is rolled back, and then start a new one

                            // if there is an exception in these things, let the big overall thing handle it
                            TransactionUtil.rollback(beganTrans, retryMsg, null);

                            beganTrans = TransactionUtil.begin(modelService.transactionTimeout);
                            // enlist for XAResource debugging
                            if (beganTrans && TransactionUtil.debugResources) {
                                DebugXaResource dxa = new DebugXaResource(;
                                try {
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    Debug.logError(e, module);

                            if (!beganTrans) {
                                // just log and let things roll through, will be considered an error and ECAs, etc will run according to that
                                Debug.logError("After rollback attempt for lock retry did not begin a new transaction!", module);
                            } else {
                                // deadlocks can be resolved by retring immediately as conflicting operations in the other thread will have cleared
                                needsLockRetry = true;

                                // reset state variables
                                result = FastMap.newInstance();
                                isFailure = false;
                                isError = false;

                                Debug.logWarning(retryMsg, module);

                            // look for lock wait timeout error, retry in a different way by running after the parent transaction finishes, ie attach to parent tx
                            // - Derby lock wait timeout string: "A lock could not be obtained within the time requested"
                            // - MySQL ? lock wait timeout string: "Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction"
                            if (errMsg != null && (errMsg.indexOf("A lock could not be obtained within the time requested") >= 0 ||
                                    errMsg.indexOf("Lock wait timeout exceeded") >= 0)) {
                                // TODO: add to run after parent tx
                } while (needsLockRetry && lockRetriesRemaining > 0);

                // create a new context with the results to pass to ECA services; necessary because caller may reuse this context
                ecaContext = FastMap.newInstance();
                // copy all results: don't worry parameters that aren't allowed won't be passed to the ECA services

                // setup default OUT values
                modelService.updateDefaultValues(context, ModelService.OUT_PARAM);

                // validate the result
                if (modelService.validate && validateOut) {
                    // pre-out-validate ECA
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "out-validate", ctx, ecaContext, result, isError, isFailure);
                    try {
                        modelService.validate(result, ModelService.OUT_PARAM, locale);
                    } catch (ServiceValidationException e) {
                        throw new GenericServiceException("Outgoing result (in runSync : " + + ") does not match expected requirements", e);

                // pre-commit ECA
                if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "commit", ctx, ecaContext, result, isError, isFailure);

                // check for pre-commit failure/errors
                isFailure = ServiceUtil.isFailure(result);
                isError = ServiceUtil.isError(result);

                // global-commit-post-run ECA, like global-commit but gets the context after the service is run
                if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "global-commit-post-run", ctx, ecaContext, result, isError, isFailure);

                // check for failure and log on info level; this is used for debugging
                if (isFailure) {
                    Debug.logWarning("Service Failure [" + + "]: " + ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(result), module);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                if (Debug.timingOn()) {
                    UtilTimer.closeTimer(localName + " / " +, "Sync service failed...", module);
                String errMsg = "Service [" + + "] threw an unexpected exception/error";
                engine.sendCallbacks(modelService, context, t, GenericEngine.SYNC_MODE);
                try {
                    TransactionUtil.rollback(beganTrans, errMsg, t);
                } catch (GenericTransactionException te) {
                    Debug.logError(te, "Cannot rollback transaction", module);
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        // check the locale
        Locale locale = this.checkLocale(context);

        // setup the engine and context
        DispatchContext ctx = localContext.get(localName);
        GenericEngine engine = this.getGenericEngine(service.engineName);

        // for isolated transactions
        Transaction parentTransaction = null;
        // start the transaction
        boolean beganTrans = false;

        try {
            if (service.useTransaction) {
                if (TransactionUtil.isTransactionInPlace()) {
                    // if a new transaction is needed, do it here; if not do nothing, just use current tx
                    if (service.requireNewTransaction) {
                        parentTransaction = TransactionUtil.suspend();
                        // now start a new transaction
                        beganTrans = TransactionUtil.begin(service.transactionTimeout);
                } else {
                    beganTrans = TransactionUtil.begin(service.transactionTimeout);
                // enlist for XAResource debugging
                if (beganTrans && TransactionUtil.debugResources) {
                    DebugXaResource dxa = new DebugXaResource(;
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Debug.logError(e, module);

            try {
                // get eventMap once for all calls for speed, don't do event calls if it is null
                Map<String, List<ServiceEcaRule>> eventMap = ServiceEcaUtil.getServiceEventMap(;

                // pre-auth ECA
                if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "auth", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                context = checkAuth(localName, context, service);
                Object userLogin = context.get("userLogin");

                if (service.auth && userLogin == null) {
                    throw new ServiceAuthException("User authorization is required for this service: " + + service.debugInfo());

                // pre-validate ECA
                if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "in-validate", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                // check for pre-validate failure/errors
                isFailure = ModelService.RESPOND_FAIL.equals(result.get(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE));
                isError = ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR.equals(result.get(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE));

                // validate the context
                if (service.validate && !isError && !isFailure) {
                    try {
                        service.validate(context, ModelService.IN_PARAM, locale);
                    } catch (ServiceValidationException e) {
                        Debug.logError(e, "Incoming service context (in runAsync: " + + ") does not match expected requirements", module);
                        throw e;

                // run the service
                if (!isError && !isFailure) {
                    if (requester != null) {
                        engine.runAsync(localName, service, context, requester, persist);
                    } else {
                        engine.runAsync(localName, service, context, persist);
                    engine.sendCallbacks(service, context, GenericEngine.ASYNC_MODE);

                if (Debug.timingOn()) {
                    UtilTimer.closeTimer(localName + " / " +, "ASync service finished...", module);
                checkDebug(service, 0, debugging);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                if (Debug.timingOn()) {
                    UtilTimer.closeTimer(localName + " / " +, "ASync service failed...", module);
                String errMsg = "Service [" + + "] threw an unexpected exception/error";
                Debug.logError(t, errMsg, module);
                engine.sendCallbacks(service, context, t, GenericEngine.ASYNC_MODE);
                try {
                    TransactionUtil.rollback(beganTrans, errMsg, t);
                } catch (GenericTransactionException te) {
                    Debug.logError(te, "Cannot rollback transaction", module);
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        // get the dispatch context and service model
        DispatchContext dctx = getLocalContext(localName);
        ModelService model = dctx.getModelService(service);

        // get the service engine
        GenericEngine engine = getGenericEngine(model.engineName);

        // invoke the service and get the UserLogin value object
        Map<String, Object> result = engine.runSync(localName, model, context);
        return (GenericValue) result.get("userLogin");
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        // check the locale
        Locale locale = this.checkLocale(context);

        // setup the engine and context
        DispatchContext ctx = localContext.get(localName);
        GenericEngine engine = this.getGenericEngine(modelService.engineName);

        // set IN attributes with default-value as applicable
        modelService.updateDefaultValues(context, ModelService.IN_PARAM);

        Map<String, Object> ecaContext = null;

        // for isolated transactions
        Transaction parentTransaction = null;

        // start the transaction
        boolean beganTrans = false;
        try {
            //Debug.logInfo("=========================== " + + " 1 tx status =" + TransactionUtil.getStatusString() + ", modelService.requireNewTransaction=" + modelService.requireNewTransaction + ", modelService.useTransaction=" + modelService.useTransaction + ", TransactionUtil.isTransactionInPlace()=" + TransactionUtil.isTransactionInPlace(), module);
            if (modelService.useTransaction) {
                if (TransactionUtil.isTransactionInPlace()) {
                    // if a new transaction is needed, do it here; if not do nothing, just use current tx
                    if (modelService.requireNewTransaction) {
                        parentTransaction = TransactionUtil.suspend();
                        if (TransactionUtil.isTransactionInPlace()) {
                            throw new GenericTransactionException("In service " + + " transaction is still in place after suspend, status is " + TransactionUtil.getStatusString());
                        // now start a new transaction
                        beganTrans = TransactionUtil.begin(modelService.transactionTimeout);
                } else {
                    beganTrans = TransactionUtil.begin(modelService.transactionTimeout);
                // enlist for XAResource debugging
                if (beganTrans && TransactionUtil.debugResources) {
                    DebugXaResource dxa = new DebugXaResource(;
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Debug.logError(e, module);

            try {
                int lockRetriesRemaining = LOCK_RETRIES;
                boolean needsLockRetry = false;

                do {

                    // NOTE: general pattern here is to do everything up to the main service call, and retry it all if
                    //needed because those will be part of the same transaction and have been rolled back
                    // TODO: if there is an ECA called async or in a new transaction it won't get rolled back
                    //but will be called again, which means the service may complete multiple times! that would be for
                    //pre-invoke and earlier events only of course

                    // setup global transaction ECA listeners to execute later
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "global-rollback", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "global-commit", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                    // pre-auth ECA
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "auth", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                    // check for pre-auth failure/errors
                    isFailure = ServiceUtil.isFailure(result);
                    isError = ServiceUtil.isError(result);

                    //Debug.logInfo("After [" + + "] pre-auth ECA, before auth; isFailure=" + isFailure + ", isError=" + isError, module);

                    context = checkAuth(localName, context, modelService);
                    GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin");

                    if (modelService.auth && userLogin == null) {
                        throw new ServiceAuthException("User authorization is required for this service: " + + modelService.debugInfo());

                    // now that we have authed, if there is a userLogin, set the EE userIdentifier
                    if (userLogin != null && userLogin.getString("userLoginId") != null) {

                    // pre-validate ECA
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "in-validate", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                    // check for pre-validate failure/errors
                    isFailure = ServiceUtil.isFailure(result);
                    isError = ServiceUtil.isError(result);

                    //Debug.logInfo("After [" + + "] pre-in-validate ECA, before in-validate; isFailure=" + isFailure + ", isError=" + isError, module);

                    // validate the context
                    if (modelService.validate && !isError && !isFailure) {
                        try {
                            modelService.validate(context, ModelService.IN_PARAM, locale);
                        } catch (ServiceValidationException e) {
                            Debug.logError(e, "Incoming context (in runSync : " + + ") does not match expected requirements", module);
                            throw e;

                    // pre-invoke ECA
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "invoke", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                    // check for pre-invoke failure/errors
                    isFailure = ServiceUtil.isFailure(result);
                    isError = ServiceUtil.isError(result);

                    //Debug.logInfo("After [" + + "] pre-invoke ECA, before invoke; isFailure=" + isFailure + ", isError=" + isError, module);

                    // ===== invoke the service =====
                    if (!isError && !isFailure) {
                        Map<String, Object> invokeResult = engine.runSync(localName, modelService, context);
                        engine.sendCallbacks(modelService, context, invokeResult, GenericEngine.SYNC_MODE);
                        if (invokeResult != null) {
                        } else {
                            Debug.logWarning("Service (in runSync : " + + ") returns null result", module);

                    // re-check the errors/failures
                    isFailure = ServiceUtil.isFailure(result);
                    isError = ServiceUtil.isError(result);

                    //Debug.logInfo("After [" + + "] invoke; isFailure=" + isFailure + ", isError=" + isError, module);

                    if (beganTrans) {
                        // crazy stuff here: see if there was a deadlock or other such error and if so retry... which we can ONLY do if we own the transaction!

                        String errMsg = ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(result);

                        // look for the string DEADLOCK in an upper-cased error message; tested on: Derby, MySQL
                        // - Derby deadlock string: "A lock could not be obtained due to a deadlock"
                        // - MySQL ? deadlock string: "Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction"
                        // - Postgres ? deadlock string: TODO
                        // - Other ? deadlock string: TODO
                        // TODO need testing in other databases because they all return different error messages for this!

                        // NOTE DEJ20070908 are there other things we need to check? I don't think so because these will
                        //be Entity Engine errors that will be caught and come back in an error message... IFF the
                        //service is written to not ignore it of course!
                        if (errMsg != null && errMsg.toUpperCase().indexOf("DEADLOCK") >= 0) {
                            // it's a deadlock! retry...
                            String retryMsg = "RETRYING SERVICE [" + + "]: Deadlock error found in message [" + errMsg + "]; retry [" + (LOCK_RETRIES - lockRetriesRemaining) + "] of [" + LOCK_RETRIES + "]";

                            // make sure the old transaction is rolled back, and then start a new one

                            // if there is an exception in these things, let the big overall thing handle it
                            TransactionUtil.rollback(beganTrans, retryMsg, null);

                            beganTrans = TransactionUtil.begin(modelService.transactionTimeout);
                            // enlist for XAResource debugging
                            if (beganTrans && TransactionUtil.debugResources) {
                                DebugXaResource dxa = new DebugXaResource(;
                                try {
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    Debug.logError(e, module);

                            if (!beganTrans) {
                                // just log and let things roll through, will be considered an error and ECAs, etc will run according to that
                                Debug.logError("After rollback attempt for lock retry did not begin a new transaction!", module);
                            } else {
                                // deadlocks can be resolved by retring immediately as conflicting operations in the other thread will have cleared
                                needsLockRetry = true;

                                // reset state variables
                                result = FastMap.newInstance();
                                isFailure = false;
                                isError = false;

                                Debug.logWarning(retryMsg, module);

                            // look for lock wait timeout error, retry in a different way by running after the parent transaction finishes, ie attach to parent tx
                            // - Derby lock wait timeout string: "A lock could not be obtained within the time requested"
                            // - MySQL ? lock wait timeout string: "Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction"
                            if (errMsg != null && (errMsg.indexOf("A lock could not be obtained within the time requested") >= 0 ||
                                    errMsg.indexOf("Lock wait timeout exceeded") >= 0)) {
                                // TODO: add to run after parent tx
                } while (needsLockRetry && lockRetriesRemaining > 0);

                // create a new context with the results to pass to ECA services; necessary because caller may reuse this context
                ecaContext = FastMap.newInstance();
                // copy all results: don't worry parameters that aren't allowed won't be passed to the ECA services

                // setup default OUT values
                modelService.updateDefaultValues(context, ModelService.OUT_PARAM);

                // validate the result
                if (modelService.validate && validateOut) {
                    // pre-out-validate ECA
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "out-validate", ctx, ecaContext, result, isError, isFailure);
                    try {
                        modelService.validate(result, ModelService.OUT_PARAM, locale);
                    } catch (ServiceValidationException e) {
                        Debug.logError(e, "Outgoing result (in runSync : " + + ") does not match expected requirements", module);
                        throw e;

                // pre-commit ECA
                if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "commit", ctx, ecaContext, result, isError, isFailure);

                // check for pre-commit failure/errors
                isFailure = ServiceUtil.isFailure(result);
                isError = ServiceUtil.isError(result);

                // global-commit-post-run ECA, like global-commit but gets the context after the service is run
                if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "global-commit-post-run", ctx, ecaContext, result, isError, isFailure);

                // check for failure and log on info level; this is used for debugging
                if (isFailure) {
                    Debug.logWarning("Service Failure [" + + "]: " + ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(result), module);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                if (Debug.timingOn()) {
                    UtilTimer.closeTimer(localName + " / " +, "Sync service failed...", module);
                String errMsg = "Service [" + + "] threw an unexpected exception/error";
                Debug.logError(t, errMsg, module);
                engine.sendCallbacks(modelService, context, t, GenericEngine.SYNC_MODE);
                try {
                    TransactionUtil.rollback(beganTrans, errMsg, t);
                } catch (GenericTransactionException te) {
                    Debug.logError(te, "Cannot rollback transaction", module);
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        // check the locale
        Locale locale = this.checkLocale(context);

        // setup the engine and context
        DispatchContext ctx = localContext.get(localName);
        GenericEngine engine = this.getGenericEngine(service.engineName);

        // for isolated transactions
        Transaction parentTransaction = null;
        // start the transaction
        boolean beganTrans = false;

        try {
            if (service.useTransaction) {
                if (TransactionUtil.isTransactionInPlace()) {
                    // if a new transaction is needed, do it here; if not do nothing, just use current tx
                    if (service.requireNewTransaction) {
                        parentTransaction = TransactionUtil.suspend();
                        // now start a new transaction
                        beganTrans = TransactionUtil.begin(service.transactionTimeout);
                } else {
                    beganTrans = TransactionUtil.begin(service.transactionTimeout);
                // enlist for XAResource debugging
                if (beganTrans && TransactionUtil.debugResources) {
                    DebugXaResource dxa = new DebugXaResource(;
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Debug.logError(e, module);

            try {
                // get eventMap once for all calls for speed, don't do event calls if it is null
                Map<String, List<ServiceEcaRule>> eventMap = ServiceEcaUtil.getServiceEventMap(;

                // pre-auth ECA
                if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "auth", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                context = checkAuth(localName, context, service);
                Object userLogin = context.get("userLogin");

                if (service.auth && userLogin == null) {
                    throw new ServiceAuthException("User authorization is required for this service: " + + service.debugInfo());

                // pre-validate ECA
                if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "in-validate", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                // check for pre-validate failure/errors
                isFailure = ModelService.RESPOND_FAIL.equals(result.get(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE));
                isError = ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR.equals(result.get(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE));

                // validate the context
                if (service.validate && !isError && !isFailure) {
                    try {
                        service.validate(context, ModelService.IN_PARAM, locale);
                    } catch (ServiceValidationException e) {
                        Debug.logError(e, "Incoming service context (in runAsync: " + + ") does not match expected requirements", module);
                        throw e;

                // run the service
                if (!isError && !isFailure) {
                    if (requester != null) {
                        engine.runAsync(localName, service, context, requester, persist);
                    } else {
                        engine.runAsync(localName, service, context, persist);
                    engine.sendCallbacks(service, context, GenericEngine.ASYNC_MODE);

                if (Debug.timingOn()) {
                    UtilTimer.closeTimer(localName + " / " +, "ASync service finished...", module);
                checkDebug(service, 0, debugging);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                if (Debug.timingOn()) {
                    UtilTimer.closeTimer(localName + " / " +, "ASync service failed...", module);
                String errMsg = "Service [" + + "] threw an unexpected exception/error";
                Debug.logError(t, errMsg, module);
                engine.sendCallbacks(service, context, t, GenericEngine.ASYNC_MODE);
                try {
                    TransactionUtil.rollback(beganTrans, errMsg, t);
                } catch (GenericTransactionException te) {
                    Debug.logError(te, "Cannot rollback transaction", module);
View Full Code Here

        // get the dispatch context and service model
        DispatchContext dctx = getLocalContext(localName);
        ModelService model = dctx.getModelService(service);

        // get the service engine
        GenericEngine engine = getGenericEngine(model.engineName);

        // invoke the service and get the UserLogin value object
        Map<String, Object> result = engine.runSync(localName, model, context);
        return (GenericValue) result.get("userLogin");
View Full Code Here

        // check the locale
        Locale locale = this.checkLocale(context);

        // setup the engine and context
        DispatchContext ctx = localContext.get(localName);
        GenericEngine engine = this.getGenericEngine(modelService.engineName);

        // set IN attributes with default-value as applicable
        modelService.updateDefaultValues(context, ModelService.IN_PARAM);

        Map<String, Object> ecaContext = null;

        // for isolated transactions
        Transaction parentTransaction = null;

        // start the transaction
        boolean beganTrans = false;
        try {
            //Debug.logInfo("=========================== " + + " 1 tx status =" + TransactionUtil.getStatusString() + ", modelService.requireNewTransaction=" + modelService.requireNewTransaction + ", modelService.useTransaction=" + modelService.useTransaction + ", TransactionUtil.isTransactionInPlace()=" + TransactionUtil.isTransactionInPlace(), module);
            if (modelService.useTransaction) {
                if (TransactionUtil.isTransactionInPlace()) {
                    // if a new transaction is needed, do it here; if not do nothing, just use current tx
                    if (modelService.requireNewTransaction) {
                        parentTransaction = TransactionUtil.suspend();
                        if (TransactionUtil.isTransactionInPlace()) {
                            throw new GenericTransactionException("In service " + + " transaction is still in place after suspend, status is " + TransactionUtil.getStatusString());
                        // now start a new transaction
                        beganTrans = TransactionUtil.begin(modelService.transactionTimeout);
                } else {
                    beganTrans = TransactionUtil.begin(modelService.transactionTimeout);
                // enlist for XAResource debugging
                if (beganTrans && TransactionUtil.debugResources) {
                    DebugXaResource dxa = new DebugXaResource(;
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Debug.logError(e, module);

            try {
                int lockRetriesRemaining = LOCK_RETRIES;
                boolean needsLockRetry = false;

                do {

                    // NOTE: general pattern here is to do everything up to the main service call, and retry it all if
                    //needed because those will be part of the same transaction and have been rolled back
                    // TODO: if there is an ECA called async or in a new transaction it won't get rolled back
                    //but will be called again, which means the service may complete multiple times! that would be for
                    //pre-invoke and earlier events only of course

                    // setup global transaction ECA listeners to execute later
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "global-rollback", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "global-commit", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                    // pre-auth ECA
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "auth", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                    // check for pre-auth failure/errors
                    isFailure = ServiceUtil.isFailure(result);
                    isError = ServiceUtil.isError(result);

                    //Debug.logInfo("After [" + + "] pre-auth ECA, before auth; isFailure=" + isFailure + ", isError=" + isError, module);

                    context = checkAuth(localName, context, modelService);
                    GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin");

                    if (modelService.auth && userLogin == null) {
                        throw new ServiceAuthException("User authorization is required for this service: " + + modelService.debugInfo());

                    // now that we have authed, if there is a userLogin, set the EE userIdentifier
                    if (userLogin != null && userLogin.getString("userLoginId") != null) {

                    // pre-validate ECA
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "in-validate", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                    // check for pre-validate failure/errors
                    isFailure = ServiceUtil.isFailure(result);
                    isError = ServiceUtil.isError(result);

                    //Debug.logInfo("After [" + + "] pre-in-validate ECA, before in-validate; isFailure=" + isFailure + ", isError=" + isError, module);

                    // validate the context
                    if (modelService.validate && !isError && !isFailure) {
                        try {
                            modelService.validate(context, ModelService.IN_PARAM, locale);
                        } catch (ServiceValidationException e) {
                            Debug.logError(e, "Incoming context (in runSync : " + + ") does not match expected requirements", module);
                            throw e;

                    // pre-invoke ECA
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "invoke", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                    // check for pre-invoke failure/errors
                    isFailure = ServiceUtil.isFailure(result);
                    isError = ServiceUtil.isError(result);

                    //Debug.logInfo("After [" + + "] pre-invoke ECA, before invoke; isFailure=" + isFailure + ", isError=" + isError, module);

                    // ===== invoke the service =====
                    if (!isError && !isFailure) {
                        Map<String, Object> invokeResult = null;
                        if (serviceDebugMode) {
                            invokeResult = modelService.invoker.runSync(localName, engine, context);
                            modelService.invoker.sendCallbacks(engine, context, invokeResult, null, GenericEngine.SYNC_MODE);
                        } else {
                            invokeResult = engine.runSync(localName, modelService, context);
                            engine.sendCallbacks(modelService, context, invokeResult, GenericEngine.SYNC_MODE);
                        if (invokeResult != null) {
                        } else {
                            Debug.logWarning("Service (in runSync : " + + ") returns null result", module);

                    // re-check the errors/failures
                    isFailure = ServiceUtil.isFailure(result);
                    isError = ServiceUtil.isError(result);

                    //Debug.logInfo("After [" + + "] invoke; isFailure=" + isFailure + ", isError=" + isError, module);

                    if (beganTrans) {
                        // crazy stuff here: see if there was a deadlock or other such error and if so retry... which we can ONLY do if we own the transaction!

                        String errMsg = ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(result);

                        // look for the string DEADLOCK in an upper-cased error message; tested on: Derby, MySQL
                        // - Derby deadlock string: "A lock could not be obtained due to a deadlock"
                        // - MySQL ? deadlock string: "Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction"
                        // - Postgres ? deadlock string: TODO
                        // - Other ? deadlock string: TODO
                        // TODO need testing in other databases because they all return different error messages for this!

                        // NOTE DEJ20070908 are there other things we need to check? I don't think so because these will
                        //be Entity Engine errors that will be caught and come back in an error message... IFF the
                        //service is written to not ignore it of course!
                        if (errMsg != null && errMsg.toUpperCase().indexOf("DEADLOCK") >= 0) {
                            // it's a deadlock! retry...
                            String retryMsg = "RETRYING SERVICE [" + + "]: Deadlock error found in message [" + errMsg + "]; retry [" + (LOCK_RETRIES - lockRetriesRemaining) + "] of [" + LOCK_RETRIES + "]";

                            // make sure the old transaction is rolled back, and then start a new one

                            // if there is an exception in these things, let the big overall thing handle it
                            TransactionUtil.rollback(beganTrans, retryMsg, null);

                            beganTrans = TransactionUtil.begin(modelService.transactionTimeout);
                            // enlist for XAResource debugging
                            if (beganTrans && TransactionUtil.debugResources) {
                                DebugXaResource dxa = new DebugXaResource(;
                                try {
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    Debug.logError(e, module);

                            if (!beganTrans) {
                                // just log and let things roll through, will be considered an error and ECAs, etc will run according to that
                                Debug.logError("After rollback attempt for lock retry did not begin a new transaction!", module);
                            } else {
                                // deadlocks can be resolved by retring immediately as conflicting operations in the other thread will have cleared
                                needsLockRetry = true;

                                // reset state variables
                                result = FastMap.newInstance();
                                isFailure = false;
                                isError = false;

                                Debug.logWarning(retryMsg, module);

                            // look for lock wait timeout error, retry in a different way by running after the parent transaction finishes, ie attach to parent tx
                            // - Derby lock wait timeout string: "A lock could not be obtained within the time requested"
                            // - MySQL ? lock wait timeout string: "Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction"
                            if (errMsg != null && (errMsg.indexOf("A lock could not be obtained within the time requested") >= 0 ||
                                    errMsg.indexOf("Lock wait timeout exceeded") >= 0)) {
                                // TODO: add to run after parent tx
                } while (needsLockRetry && lockRetriesRemaining > 0);

                // create a new context with the results to pass to ECA services; necessary because caller may reuse this context
                ecaContext = FastMap.newInstance();
                // copy all results: don't worry parameters that aren't allowed won't be passed to the ECA services

                // setup default OUT values
                modelService.updateDefaultValues(context, ModelService.OUT_PARAM);

                // validate the result
                if (modelService.validate && validateOut) {
                    // pre-out-validate ECA
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "out-validate", ctx, ecaContext, result, isError, isFailure);
                    try {
                        modelService.validate(result, ModelService.OUT_PARAM, locale);
                    } catch (ServiceValidationException e) {
                        throw new GenericServiceException("Outgoing result (in runSync : " + + ") does not match expected requirements", e);

                // pre-commit ECA
                if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "commit", ctx, ecaContext, result, isError, isFailure);

                // check for pre-commit failure/errors
                isFailure = ServiceUtil.isFailure(result);
                isError = ServiceUtil.isError(result);

                // global-commit-post-run ECA, like global-commit but gets the context after the service is run
                if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "global-commit-post-run", ctx, ecaContext, result, isError, isFailure);

                // check for failure and log on info level; this is used for debugging
                if (isFailure) {
                    Debug.logWarning("Service Failure [" + + "]: " + ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(result), module);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                if (Debug.timingOn()) {
                    UtilTimer.closeTimer(localName + " / " +, "Sync service failed...", module);
                String errMsg = "Service [" + + "] threw an unexpected exception/error";
                if (serviceDebugMode) {
                    modelService.invoker.sendCallbacks(engine, context, null, t, GenericEngine.SYNC_MODE);
                } else {
                    engine.sendCallbacks(modelService, context, t, GenericEngine.SYNC_MODE);
                try {
                    TransactionUtil.rollback(beganTrans, errMsg, t);
                } catch (GenericTransactionException te) {
                    Debug.logError(te, "Cannot rollback transaction", module);
View Full Code Here

        // check the locale
        Locale locale = this.checkLocale(context);

        // setup the engine and context
        DispatchContext ctx = localContext.get(localName);
        GenericEngine engine = this.getGenericEngine(service.engineName);

        // for isolated transactions
        Transaction parentTransaction = null;
        // start the transaction
        boolean beganTrans = false;

        try {
            if (service.useTransaction) {
                if (TransactionUtil.isTransactionInPlace()) {
                    // if a new transaction is needed, do it here; if not do nothing, just use current tx
                    if (service.requireNewTransaction) {
                        parentTransaction = TransactionUtil.suspend();
                        // now start a new transaction
                        beganTrans = TransactionUtil.begin(service.transactionTimeout);
                } else {
                    beganTrans = TransactionUtil.begin(service.transactionTimeout);
                // enlist for XAResource debugging
                if (beganTrans && TransactionUtil.debugResources) {
                    DebugXaResource dxa = new DebugXaResource(;
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Debug.logError(e, module);

            try {
                // get eventMap once for all calls for speed, don't do event calls if it is null
                Map<String, List<ServiceEcaRule>> eventMap = ServiceEcaUtil.getServiceEventMap(;

                // pre-auth ECA
                if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "auth", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                context = checkAuth(localName, context, service);
                Object userLogin = context.get("userLogin");

                if (service.auth && userLogin == null) {
                    throw new ServiceAuthException("User authorization is required for this service: " + + service.debugInfo());

                // pre-validate ECA
                if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "in-validate", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                // check for pre-validate failure/errors
                isFailure = ModelService.RESPOND_FAIL.equals(result.get(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE));
                isError = ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR.equals(result.get(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE));

                // validate the context
                if (service.validate && !isError && !isFailure) {
                    try {
                        service.validate(context, ModelService.IN_PARAM, locale);
                    } catch (ServiceValidationException e) {
                        Debug.logError(e, "Incoming service context (in runAsync: " + + ") does not match expected requirements", module);
                        throw e;

                // run the service
                if (!isError && !isFailure) {
                    if (serviceDebugMode) {
                        service.invoker.runAsync(localName, engine, context, requester, persist);
                        service.invoker.sendCallbacks(engine, context, null, null, GenericEngine.ASYNC_MODE);
                    } else {
                        if (requester != null) {
                            engine.runAsync(localName, service, context, requester, persist);
                        } else {
                            engine.runAsync(localName, service, context, persist);
                        engine.sendCallbacks(service, context, GenericEngine.ASYNC_MODE);

                if (Debug.timingOn()) {
                    UtilTimer.closeTimer(localName + " / " +, "ASync service finished...", module);
                checkDebug(service, 0, debugging);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                if (Debug.timingOn()) {
                    UtilTimer.closeTimer(localName + " / " +, "ASync service failed...", module);
                String errMsg = "Service [" + + "] threw an unexpected exception/error";
                Debug.logError(t, errMsg, module);
                if (serviceDebugMode) {
                    service.invoker.sendCallbacks(engine, context, null, t, GenericEngine.ASYNC_MODE);
                } else {
                    engine.sendCallbacks(service, context, t, GenericEngine.ASYNC_MODE);
                try {
                    TransactionUtil.rollback(beganTrans, errMsg, t);
                } catch (GenericTransactionException te) {
                    Debug.logError(te, "Cannot rollback transaction", module);
View Full Code Here

        // get the dispatch context and service model
        DispatchContext dctx = getLocalContext(localName);
        ModelService model = dctx.getModelService(service);

        // get the service engine
        GenericEngine engine = getGenericEngine(model.engineName);

        // invoke the service and get the UserLogin value object
        Map<String, Object> result = engine.runSync(localName, model, context);
        return (GenericValue) result.get("userLogin");
View Full Code Here

        // check the locale
        Locale locale = this.checkLocale(context);

        // setup the engine and context
        DispatchContext ctx = localContext.get(localName);
        GenericEngine engine = this.getGenericEngine(modelService.engineName);

        // set IN attributes with default-value as applicable
        modelService.updateDefaultValues(context, ModelService.IN_PARAM);

        Map<String, Object> ecaContext = null;

        // for isolated transactions
        Transaction parentTransaction = null;

        // start the transaction
        boolean beganTrans = false;
        try {
            //Debug.logInfo("=========================== " + + " 1 tx status =" + TransactionUtil.getStatusString() + ", modelService.requireNewTransaction=" + modelService.requireNewTransaction + ", modelService.useTransaction=" + modelService.useTransaction + ", TransactionUtil.isTransactionInPlace()=" + TransactionUtil.isTransactionInPlace(), module);
            if (modelService.useTransaction) {
                if (TransactionUtil.isTransactionInPlace()) {
                    // if a new transaction is needed, do it here; if not do nothing, just use current tx
                    if (modelService.requireNewTransaction) {
                        parentTransaction = TransactionUtil.suspend();
                        if (TransactionUtil.isTransactionInPlace()) {
                            throw new GenericTransactionException("In service " + + " transaction is still in place after suspend, status is " + TransactionUtil.getStatusString());
                        // now start a new transaction
                        beganTrans = TransactionUtil.begin(modelService.transactionTimeout);
                } else {
                    beganTrans = TransactionUtil.begin(modelService.transactionTimeout);
                // enlist for XAResource debugging
                if (beganTrans && TransactionUtil.debugResources) {
                    DebugXaResource dxa = new DebugXaResource(;
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Debug.logError(e, module);

            try {
                int lockRetriesRemaining = LOCK_RETRIES;
                boolean needsLockRetry = false;

                do {

                    // NOTE: general pattern here is to do everything up to the main service call, and retry it all if
                    //needed because those will be part of the same transaction and have been rolled back
                    // TODO: if there is an ECA called async or in a new transaction it won't get rolled back
                    //but will be called again, which means the service may complete multiple times! that would be for
                    //pre-invoke and earlier events only of course

                    // setup global transaction ECA listeners to execute later
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "global-rollback", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "global-commit", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                    // pre-auth ECA
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "auth", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                    // check for pre-auth failure/errors
                    isFailure = ServiceUtil.isFailure(result);
                    isError = ServiceUtil.isError(result);

                    //Debug.logInfo("After [" + + "] pre-auth ECA, before auth; isFailure=" + isFailure + ", isError=" + isError, module);

                    context = checkAuth(localName, context, modelService);
                    GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin");

                    if (modelService.auth && userLogin == null) {
                        throw new ServiceAuthException("User authorization is required for this service: " + + modelService.debugInfo());

                    // now that we have authed, if there is a userLogin, set the EE userIdentifier
                    if (userLogin != null && userLogin.getString("userLoginId") != null) {

                    // pre-validate ECA
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "in-validate", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                    // check for pre-validate failure/errors
                    isFailure = ServiceUtil.isFailure(result);
                    isError = ServiceUtil.isError(result);

                    //Debug.logInfo("After [" + + "] pre-in-validate ECA, before in-validate; isFailure=" + isFailure + ", isError=" + isError, module);

                    // validate the context
                    if (modelService.validate && !isError && !isFailure) {
                        try {
                            modelService.validate(context, ModelService.IN_PARAM, locale);
                        } catch (ServiceValidationException e) {
                            Debug.logError(e, "Incoming context (in runSync : " + + ") does not match expected requirements", module);
                            throw e;

                    // pre-invoke ECA
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "invoke", ctx, context, result, isError, isFailure);

                    // check for pre-invoke failure/errors
                    isFailure = ServiceUtil.isFailure(result);
                    isError = ServiceUtil.isError(result);

                    //Debug.logInfo("After [" + + "] pre-invoke ECA, before invoke; isFailure=" + isFailure + ", isError=" + isError, module);

                    // ===== invoke the service =====
                    if (!isError && !isFailure) {
                        Map<String, Object> invokeResult = null;
                        invokeResult = engine.runSync(localName, modelService, context);
                        engine.sendCallbacks(modelService, context, invokeResult, GenericEngine.SYNC_MODE);
                        if (invokeResult != null) {
                        } else {
                            Debug.logWarning("Service (in runSync : " + + ") returns null result", module);

                    // re-check the errors/failures
                    isFailure = ServiceUtil.isFailure(result);
                    isError = ServiceUtil.isError(result);

                    //Debug.logInfo("After [" + + "] invoke; isFailure=" + isFailure + ", isError=" + isError, module);

                    if (beganTrans) {
                        // crazy stuff here: see if there was a deadlock or other such error and if so retry... which we can ONLY do if we own the transaction!

                        String errMsg = ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(result);

                        // look for the string DEADLOCK in an upper-cased error message; tested on: Derby, MySQL
                        // - Derby deadlock string: "A lock could not be obtained due to a deadlock"
                        // - MySQL ? deadlock string: "Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction"
                        // - Postgres ? deadlock string: TODO
                        // - Other ? deadlock string: TODO
                        // TODO need testing in other databases because they all return different error messages for this!

                        // NOTE DEJ20070908 are there other things we need to check? I don't think so because these will
                        //be Entity Engine errors that will be caught and come back in an error message... IFF the
                        //service is written to not ignore it of course!
                        if (errMsg != null && errMsg.toUpperCase().indexOf("DEADLOCK") >= 0) {
                            // it's a deadlock! retry...
                            String retryMsg = "RETRYING SERVICE [" + + "]: Deadlock error found in message [" + errMsg + "]; retry [" + (LOCK_RETRIES - lockRetriesRemaining) + "] of [" + LOCK_RETRIES + "]";

                            // make sure the old transaction is rolled back, and then start a new one

                            // if there is an exception in these things, let the big overall thing handle it
                            TransactionUtil.rollback(beganTrans, retryMsg, null);

                            beganTrans = TransactionUtil.begin(modelService.transactionTimeout);
                            // enlist for XAResource debugging
                            if (beganTrans && TransactionUtil.debugResources) {
                                DebugXaResource dxa = new DebugXaResource(;
                                try {
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    Debug.logError(e, module);

                            if (!beganTrans) {
                                // just log and let things roll through, will be considered an error and ECAs, etc will run according to that
                                Debug.logError("After rollback attempt for lock retry did not begin a new transaction!", module);
                            } else {
                                // deadlocks can be resolved by retring immediately as conflicting operations in the other thread will have cleared
                                needsLockRetry = true;

                                // reset state variables
                                result = FastMap.newInstance();
                                isFailure = false;
                                isError = false;

                                Debug.logWarning(retryMsg, module);

                            // look for lock wait timeout error, retry in a different way by running after the parent transaction finishes, ie attach to parent tx
                            // - Derby lock wait timeout string: "A lock could not be obtained within the time requested"
                            // - MySQL ? lock wait timeout string: "Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction"
                            if (errMsg != null && (errMsg.indexOf("A lock could not be obtained within the time requested") >= 0 ||
                                    errMsg.indexOf("Lock wait timeout exceeded") >= 0)) {
                                // TODO: add to run after parent tx
                } while (needsLockRetry && lockRetriesRemaining > 0);

                // create a new context with the results to pass to ECA services; necessary because caller may reuse this context
                ecaContext = FastMap.newInstance();
                // copy all results: don't worry parameters that aren't allowed won't be passed to the ECA services

                // setup default OUT values
                modelService.updateDefaultValues(context, ModelService.OUT_PARAM);

                // validate the result
                if (modelService.validate && validateOut) {
                    // pre-out-validate ECA
                    if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "out-validate", ctx, ecaContext, result, isError, isFailure);
                    try {
                        modelService.validate(result, ModelService.OUT_PARAM, locale);
                    } catch (ServiceValidationException e) {
                        throw new GenericServiceException("Outgoing result (in runSync : " + + ") does not match expected requirements", e);

                // pre-commit ECA
                if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "commit", ctx, ecaContext, result, isError, isFailure);

                // check for pre-commit failure/errors
                isFailure = ServiceUtil.isFailure(result);
                isError = ServiceUtil.isError(result);

                // global-commit-post-run ECA, like global-commit but gets the context after the service is run
                if (eventMap != null) ServiceEcaUtil.evalRules(, eventMap, "global-commit-post-run", ctx, ecaContext, result, isError, isFailure);

                // check for failure and log on info level; this is used for debugging
                if (isFailure) {
                    Debug.logWarning("Service Failure [" + + "]: " + ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(result), module);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                if (Debug.timingOn()) {
                    UtilTimer.closeTimer(localName + " / " +, "Sync service failed...", module);
                String errMsg = "Service [" + + "] threw an unexpected exception/error";
                engine.sendCallbacks(modelService, context, t, GenericEngine.SYNC_MODE);
                try {
                    TransactionUtil.rollback(beganTrans, errMsg, t);
                } catch (GenericTransactionException te) {
                    Debug.logError(te, "Cannot rollback transaction", module);
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