Package org.nasutekds.server.replication.common

Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.common.StatusMachineEvent

        " received change status message:\n" + csMsg);

    ServerStatus reqStatus = csMsg.getRequestedStatus();

    // Translate requested status to a state machine event
    StatusMachineEvent event = StatusMachineEvent.statusToEvent(reqStatus);
    if (event == StatusMachineEvent.INVALID_EVENT)
      Message msg = ERR_DS_INVALID_REQUESTED_STATUS.get(reqStatus.toString(),
        serviceID, Integer.toString(serverID));
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   * @throws IOException If IO error occurred.
  public void changeStatusForResetGenId(long newGenId)
  throws IOException
    StatusMachineEvent event = null;

    if (newGenId == -1)
      // The generation id is being made invalid, let's put the DS
      // into BAD_GEN_ID_STATUS
      event = StatusMachineEvent.TO_BAD_GEN_ID_STATUS_EVENT;
    } else
      if (newGenId == generationId)
        if (status == ServerStatus.BAD_GEN_ID_STATUS)
          // This server has the good new reference generation id.
          // Close connection with him to force his reconnection: DS will
          // reconnect in NORMAL_STATUS or DEGRADED_STATUS.

          if (debugEnabled())
                "In RS " +
                replicationServerDomain.getReplicationServer().getServerId() +
                ". Closing connection to DS " + getServerId() +
                " for baseDn " + getServiceId() +
                " to force reconnection as new local" +
                " generationId and remote one match and DS is in bad gen id: " +

          // Connection closure must not be done calling RSD.stopHandler() as it
          // would rewait the RSD lock that we already must have entering this
          // method. This would lead to a reentrant lock which we do not want.
          // So simply close the session, this will make the hang up appear
          // after the reader thread that took the RSD lock realeases it.
          if (session != null)
            // V4 protocol introduces a StopMsg to properly close the
            // connection between servers
            if (protocolVersion >= ProtocolVersion.REPLICATION_PROTOCOL_V4)
                session.publish(new StopMsg());
              } catch (IOException ioe)
                // Anyway, going to close session, so nothing to do

          // NOT_CONNECTED_STATUS is the last one in RS session life: handler
          // will soon disappear after this method call...
          status = ServerStatus.NOT_CONNECTED_STATUS;
        } else
          if (debugEnabled())
                "In RS " +
                replicationServerDomain.getReplicationServer().getServerId() +
                ". DS " + getServerId() + " for baseDn " + getServiceId() +
                " has already generation id " + newGenId +
            " so no ChangeStatusMsg sent to him.");
      } else
        // This server has a bad generation id compared to new reference one,
        // let's put it into BAD_GEN_ID_STATUS
        event = StatusMachineEvent.TO_BAD_GEN_ID_STATUS_EVENT;

    if ((event == StatusMachineEvent.TO_BAD_GEN_ID_STATUS_EVENT) &&
        (status == ServerStatus.FULL_UPDATE_STATUS))
      // Prevent useless error message (full update status cannot lead to bad
      // gen status)
      Message message = NOTE_BAD_GEN_ID_IN_FULL_UPDATE.get(

    ServerStatus newStatus = StatusMachine.computeNewStatus(status, event);

    if (newStatus == ServerStatus.INVALID_STATUS)
      Message msg = ERR_RS_CANNOT_CHANGE_STATUS.get(getServiceId().toString(),
          Integer.toString(serverId), status.toString(), event.toString());

    // Send message requesting to change the DS status
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  public ServerStatus processNewStatus(ChangeStatusMsg csMsg)
    // Get the status the DS just entered
    ServerStatus reqStatus = csMsg.getNewStatus();
    // Translate new status to a state machine event
    StatusMachineEvent event = StatusMachineEvent.statusToEvent(reqStatus);
    if (event == StatusMachineEvent.INVALID_EVENT)
      Message msg = ERR_RS_INVALID_NEW_STATUS.get(reqStatus.toString(),
          getServiceId().toString(), Integer.toString(serverId));
      return ServerStatus.INVALID_STATUS;

    // Check state machine allows this new status
    ServerStatus newStatus = StatusMachine.computeNewStatus(status, event);
    if (newStatus == ServerStatus.INVALID_STATUS)
      Message msg = ERR_RS_CANNOT_CHANGE_STATUS.get(getServiceId().toString(),
          Integer.toString(serverId), status.toString(), event.toString());
      return ServerStatus.INVALID_STATUS;

    status = newStatus;
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Related Classes of org.nasutekds.server.replication.common.StatusMachineEvent

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