
Examples of

            if (i.canRaiseException() && (rescueNode != null)) {

            if (i instanceof ResultInstr) {
                Variable v = ((ResultInstr) i).getResult();

                // %self is local to every scope and never crosses scope boundaries and need not be spilled/refilled
                if (v instanceof LocalVariable && !((LocalVariable) v).isSelf()) dirtyVars.add((LocalVariable) v);
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            if (i instanceof ResultInstr) {
                Variable v = ((ResultInstr) i).getResult();

                // %self is local to every scope and never crosses scope boundaries and need not be spilled/refilled
                if (v instanceof LocalVariable && !((LocalVariable) v).isSelf()) {
                    LocalVariable lv = (LocalVariable) v;
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            if (i instanceof ResultInstr) {
                Variable v = ((ResultInstr)i).getResult();
                if (v instanceof TemporaryVariable) {
                     TemporaryVariable tv = (TemporaryVariable)v;
                     List<Instr> defs = tmpVarDefs.get(tv);
                     if (defs == null) {
                         defs = new ArrayList<Instr>();
                         tmpVarDefs.put(tv, defs);

        // Pass 2: Transform code and do additional analysis:
        // * If the result of this instr. has not been used, mark it dead
        // * Find copies where constant values are set
        Map<TemporaryVariable, Variable> removableCopies = new HashMap<TemporaryVariable, Variable>();
        ListIterator<Instr> instrs = s.getInstrs().listIterator();
        while (instrs.hasNext()) {
            Instr i =;

            if (i instanceof ResultInstr) {
                Variable v = ((ResultInstr)i).getResult();
                if (v instanceof TemporaryVariable) {
                    // Deal with this code pattern:
                    //    %v = ...
                    // %v not used anywhere
                    List<Instr> uses = tmpVarUses.get((TemporaryVariable)v);
                    List<Instr> defs = tmpVarDefs.get((TemporaryVariable)v);
                    if (uses == null) {
                        if (i instanceof CopyInstr) {
                        } else if (i instanceof CallInstr) {
                        } else {
                    // Deal with this code pattern:
                    //    %v = <some-operand>
                    //    .... %v ...
                    // %v not used or defined anywhere else
                    // So, %v can be replaced by the operand
                    else if ((uses.size() == 1) && (defs != null) && (defs.size() == 1) && (i instanceof CopyInstr)) {
                        CopyInstr ci = (CopyInstr)i;
                        Operand src = ci.getSource();

                        // Fix up use
                        Map<Operand, Operand> copyMap = new HashMap<Operand, Operand>();
                        copyMap.put(v, src);
                        Instr soleUse = uses.get(0);
                        soleUse.simplifyOperands(copyMap, true);
                // Deal with this code pattern:
                //    1: %v = ... (not a copy)
                //    2: x = %v
                // If %v is not used anywhere else, the result of 1. can be updated to use x and 2. can be removed
                // NOTE: consider this pattern:
                //    %v = <operand> (copy instr)
                //    x = %v
                // This code will have been captured in the previous if branch which would have deleted %v = 5
                // Hence the check for whether the src def instr is dead
                else if (i instanceof CopyInstr) {
                    CopyInstr ci = (CopyInstr)i;
                    Operand src = ci.getSource();
                    if (src instanceof TemporaryVariable) {
                        TemporaryVariable vsrc = (TemporaryVariable)src;
                        List<Instr> uses = tmpVarUses.get(vsrc);
                        List<Instr> defs = tmpVarDefs.get(vsrc);
                        if ((uses.size() == 1) && (defs.size() == 1)) {
                            Instr soleDef = defs.get(0);
                            if (!soleDef.isDead()) {
                                // Fix up def

        // Pass 3: Replace all single use operands with constants they were assigned to.
        // Using operand -> operand signature because simplifyOperands works on operands
        // In parallel, compute last use of temporary variables -- this effectively is the
        // end of the live range that started with its first definition.  This implicitly
        // encodes the live range of the temporary variable. 
        // These live ranges are valid because these instructions are generated from an AST
        // and they haven't been rearranged yet.  In addition, since temporaries are used to
        // communicate results from lower levels to higher levels in the tree, a temporary
        // defined outside a loop cannot be used within the loop.  So, the first definition
        // of a temporary and the last use of the temporary delimit its live range. 
        // %current-scope and %current-module are the two "temporary" variables that violate
        // this contract right now since they are used everywhere in the scope. 
        // So, in the presence of loops, we:
        // - either assume that the live range of these  variables extends to
        //   the end of the outermost loop in which they are used
        // - or we do not rename %current-scope and %current-module in such scopes.
        // SSS FIXME: For now, we just extend the live range of these vars all the
        // way to the end of the scope!
        // NOTE: It is sufficient to just track last use for renaming purposes.
        // At the first definition, we allocate a variable which then starts the live range
        Map<TemporaryVariable, Integer> lastVarUseOrDef = new HashMap<TemporaryVariable, Integer>();
        int iCount = -1;
        for (Instr i: s.getInstrs()) {

            // update last use/def
            if (i instanceof ResultInstr) {
                Variable v = ((ResultInstr)i).getResult();
                if (v instanceof TemporaryVariable) lastVarUseOrDef.put((TemporaryVariable)v, iCount);

            // update last use/def
            for (Variable v: i.getUsedVariables()) {
                if (v instanceof TemporaryVariable) lastVarUseOrDef.put((TemporaryVariable)v, iCount);

        // If the scope has loops, extend live range of %current-module and %current-scope
        // to end of scope (see note earlier).
        if (s.hasLoops()) {
            lastVarUseOrDef.put((TemporaryVariable)s.getCurrentScopeVariable(), iCount);
            lastVarUseOrDef.put((TemporaryVariable)s.getCurrentModuleVariable(), iCount);

        // Pass 4: Reallocate temporaries based on last uses to minimize # of unique vars.
        Map<Operand, Operand>   newVarMap    = new HashMap<Operand, Operand>();
        List<TemporaryVariable> freeVarsList = new ArrayList<TemporaryVariable>();
        iCount = -1;

        for (Instr i: s.getInstrs()) {

            // Assign new vars
            Variable result = null;
            if (i instanceof ResultInstr) {
                result = ((ResultInstr)i).getResult();
                if (result instanceof TemporaryVariable) allocVar(result, s, freeVarsList, newVarMap);
            for (Variable v: i.getUsedVariables()) {
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            // Simplify instruction and record mapping between target variable and simplified value
            // System.out.println("BEFORE: " + i);
            Operand  val = i.simplifyAndGetResult(s, valueMap);
            // FIXME: This logic can be simplified based on the number of res != null checks only done if doesn't
            Variable res = i instanceof ResultInstr ? ((ResultInstr) i).getResult() : null;

            // System.out.println("For " + i + "; dst = " + res + "; val = " + val);
            // System.out.println("AFTER: " + i);

            if (res != null && val != null) {
                if (!res.equals(val)) {
                    recordSimplification(res, val, valueMap, simplificationMap);
                } else if (!i.hasSideEffects()) {
                    if (i instanceof CopyInstr) {
                        if (i.canBeDeleted(s)) {
                    } else {
                        instrs.set(new CopyInstr(res, val));
            } else if (res != null && val == null) {
                // If we didn't get a simplified value, remove any existing simplifications for the result
                // to get rid of RAW hazards!

            // Purge all entries in valueMap that have 'res' as their simplified value to take care of RAW scenarios (because we aren't in SSA form yet!)
            if ((res != null) && !res.equals(val)) {
                List<Variable> simplifiedVars = simplificationMap.get(res);
                if (simplifiedVars != null) {
                    for (Variable v: simplifiedVars) {
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                entryBB.addInstr(new PushFrameInstr());
                entryBB.addInstr(new PushBindingInstr(scope));

                // Allocate GEB if necessary for popping binding
                if (geb == null && (scopeHasLocalVarStores || scopeHasUnrescuedExceptions)) {
                    Variable exc = scope.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                    geb = new BasicBlock(cfg, new Label("_GLOBAL_ENSURE_BLOCK"));
                    geb.addInstr(new ReceiveExceptionInstr(exc, false)); // No need to check type since it is not used before rethrowing
                    geb.addInstr(new ThrowExceptionInstr(exc));
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        List<Variable> liveVars = new ArrayList<Variable>();
        BitSet liveIn = ((LiveVariableNode) getFlowGraphNode(getScope().cfg().getEntryBB())).getLiveOutBitSet();

        for (int i = 0; i < liveIn.size(); i++) {
            if (liveIn.get(i) == true) {
                Variable v = getVariable(i);
                // System.out.println("variable " + v + " is live on entry!");
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        // Allocate global-ensure block, if necessary
        BasicBlock geb = null;
        if ((mightRequireGlobalEnsureBlock == true) && !dirtyVars.isEmpty()) {
            Variable exc = cfgScope.getNewTemporaryVariable();
            geb = new BasicBlock(cfg, new Label("_GLOBAL_ENSURE_BLOCK"));
            geb.addInstr(new ReceiveExceptionInstr(exc, false)); // No need to check type since it is not used before rethrowing
            for (LocalVariable v : dirtyVars) {
                Operand value = varRenameMap.get(v);
                if (value == null) {
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            // with a COPY of the break-value into the call's result var.
            // Ex: v = foo { ..; break n; ..}.  So, "break n" is replaced with "v = n"
            // The CFG for the closure will be such that after break, control goes to the
            // scope exit block.  So, we know that after the copy, we'll continue with the
            // instruction after the call.
            Variable v = ii.getCallResultVariable();
            return (v == null) ? null : new CopyInstr(v, returnValue.cloneForInlining(ii));
        } else {
            return cloneForInlining(ii);
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            } else if (iop != Operation.LABEL) {

            if (i instanceof SetReturnAddressInstr) {
                Variable v = ((SetReturnAddressInstr) i).getResult();
                Label tgtLbl = ((SetReturnAddressInstr) i).getReturnAddr();
                BasicBlock tgtBB = retAddrTargetMap.get(v);
                // If we have the target bb, add the edge
                // If not, record it for fixup later
                if (tgtBB != null) {
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    public boolean canBeDeleted(IRScope s) {
         if (hasSideEffects() || getOperation().isDebugOp() || getOperation().canRaiseException() || transfersControl()) {
             return false;
         } else if (this instanceof ResultInstr) {
             Variable r = ((ResultInstr)this).getResult();
             if (s.bindingHasEscaped() && !r.getName().equals(Variable.BLOCK)) {
                 // If the binding of this scope has escaped, then we have to preserve writes to
                 // all local variables because anyone who uses the binding might query any of the
                 // local variables from the binding.  This is safe, but extremely conservative.
                 return !(r instanceof LocalVariable);
             } else if (s.usesEval() && r.getName().equals(Variable.BLOCK)) {
                 // If this scope (or any nested scope) has any evals, then the eval might have a yield which
                 // would use %block.  In that scenario, we cannot delete the '%block = recv_closure' instruction.
                 // This is safe, but conservative.
                 return false;
             } else if (s.usesZSuper() && getOperation().isArgReceive()) {
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