Package org.jruby.ext.ffi

Examples of org.jruby.ext.ffi.Pointer$NilToPointerMethod

        static final long ADDRESS_MASK = Platform.getPlatform().addressSize() == 32
                ? 0xffffffffL : 0xffffffffffffffffL;
        public static final IntResultConverter INSTANCE = new PointerResultConverter();
        public final IRubyObject fromNative(ThreadContext context, int value) {
            final long address = ((long) value) & ADDRESS_MASK;
            return new Pointer(context.getRuntime(), NativeMemoryIO.wrap(context.getRuntime(), address));
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        static final long ADDRESS_MASK = Platform.getPlatform().addressSize() == 32
                ? 0xffffffffL : 0xffffffffffffffffL;
        public static final LongResultConverter INSTANCE = new PointerResultConverter();
        public final IRubyObject fromNative(ThreadContext context, long value) {
            final long address = ((long) value) & ADDRESS_MASK;
            return new Pointer(context.getRuntime(),
                    NativeMemoryIO.wrap(context.getRuntime(), address));
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        session.addPostInvoke(new CallbackReaper(cb));

    private void marshalParam(ThreadContext context, InvocationBuffer buffer, Object value) {
        Pointer cb = CallbackManager.getInstance().getCallback(context.getRuntime(), cbInfo, value);
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     * Returns a {@link MemoryPointer} to ruby.
    private static final class PointerInvoker extends BaseInvoker {
        public final IRubyObject invoke(ThreadContext context, Function function, HeapInvocationBuffer args) {
            final long address = invoker.invokeAddress(function, args);
            return new Pointer(context.getRuntime(), NativeMemoryIO.wrap(context.getRuntime(), address));
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        if (!(args[2] instanceof Type)) {
            throw context.getRuntime().newTypeError("Invalid return type " + args[2]);
        Pointer ptr = (Pointer) args[0];
        RubyArray paramTypes = (RubyArray) args[1];
        Type returnType = (Type) args[2];

        // Get the convention from the options hash
        String convention = "default";
        IRubyObject enums = null;
        if (args[3] instanceof RubyHash) {
            RubyHash options = (RubyHash) args[3];
            convention = options.fastARef(context.getRuntime().newSymbol("convention")).asJavaString();
            enums = options.fastARef(context.getRuntime().newSymbol("enums"));
            if (enums != null && !enums.isNil() && !(enums instanceof RubyHash)) {
                throw context.getRuntime().newTypeError("wrong type for options[:enum] "
                        + enums.getMetaClass().getName() + " (expected Hash)");

        } else {
            convention = args[3].asJavaString();

        Type[] parameterTypes = new Type[paramTypes.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; ++i) {
            IRubyObject type = paramTypes.entry(i);
            if (!(type instanceof Type)) {
                throw context.getRuntime().newArgumentError("Invalid parameter type");
            parameterTypes[i] = (Type) paramTypes.entry(i);
        DirectMemoryIO fptr = (DirectMemoryIO) ptr.getMemoryIO();
        return new JFFIInvoker(context.getRuntime(), (RubyClass) recv, fptr,
                (Type) returnType, parameterTypes,
                "stdcall".equals(convention) ? CallingConvention.STDCALL : CallingConvention.DEFAULT,
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        if (!(args[0] instanceof Pointer)) {
            throw context.getRuntime().newTypeError(args[0], context.getRuntime().fastGetModule("FFI").fastGetClass("Pointer"));

        final Pointer address = (Pointer) args[0];
        if (!(args[1] instanceof Type)) {
            throw context.getRuntime().newTypeError("invalid return type");
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                    buffer.setIntReturn(value.isTrue() ? 1 : 0); break;
        } else if (type instanceof CallbackInfo) {
            if (value instanceof RubyProc || value.respondsTo("call")) {
                Pointer cb = Factory.getInstance().getCallbackManager().getCallback(runtime, (CallbackInfo) type, value);
            } else {
                throw runtime.newTypeError("invalid callback return value, expected Proc or callable object");
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                    return runtime.newFloat(buffer.getFloat(index));
                case DOUBLE:
                    return runtime.newFloat(buffer.getDouble(index));

                case POINTER:
                    return new Pointer(runtime, NativeMemoryIO.wrap(runtime, buffer.getAddress(index)));

                case STRING:
                    return getStringParameter(runtime, buffer, index);

                case BOOL:
                    return runtime.newBoolean(buffer.getByte(index) != 0);

                    throw runtime.newTypeError("invalid callback parameter type " + type);
        } else if (type instanceof CallbackInfo) {
            final CallbackInfo cbInfo = (CallbackInfo) type;
            final long address = buffer.getAddress(index);
            return address != 0
                ? new Function(runtime, cbInfo.getMetaClass(),
                    new CodeMemoryIO(runtime, address),
                    cbInfo.getReturnType(), cbInfo.getParameterTypes(),
                    cbInfo.isStdcall() ? CallingConvention.STDCALL : CallingConvention.DEFAULT, runtime.getNil())

                : runtime.getNil();

        } else if (type instanceof StructByValue) {
            StructByValue sbv = (StructByValue) type;
            final long address = buffer.getStruct(index);
            DirectMemoryIO memory = address != 0
                    ? new BoundedNativeMemoryIO(runtime, address, type.getNativeSize())
                    : new NullMemoryIO(runtime);

            return sbv.getStructClass().newInstance(runtime.getCurrentContext(),
                        new IRubyObject[] { new Pointer(runtime, memory) },

        } else if (type instanceof MappedType) {
            MappedType mappedType = (MappedType) type;
            return mappedType.fromNative(runtime.getCurrentContext(), fromNative(runtime, mappedType.getRealType(), buffer, index));
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        if (!(args[2] instanceof Type)) {
            throw context.runtime.newTypeError("Invalid return type " + args[2]);
        Pointer ptr = (Pointer) args[0];
        RubyArray paramTypes = (RubyArray) args[1];
        Type returnType = (Type) args[2];

        // Get the convention from the options hash
        String convention = "default";
        IRubyObject enums = null;
        if (args[3] instanceof RubyHash) {
            RubyHash options = (RubyHash) args[3];
            convention = options.fastARef(context.runtime.newSymbol("convention")).asJavaString();
            enums = options.fastARef(context.runtime.newSymbol("enums"));
            if (enums != null && !enums.isNil() && !(enums instanceof RubyHash)) {
                throw context.runtime.newTypeError("wrong type for options[:enum] "
                        + enums.getMetaClass().getName() + " (expected Hash)");

        } else {
            convention = args[3].asJavaString();

        Type[] parameterTypes = new Type[paramTypes.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; ++i) {
            IRubyObject type = paramTypes.entry(i);
            if (!(type instanceof Type)) {
                throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("Invalid parameter type");
            parameterTypes[i] = (Type) paramTypes.entry(i);
        DirectMemoryIO fptr = (DirectMemoryIO) ptr.getMemoryIO();
        return new JFFIInvoker(context.runtime, (RubyClass) recv, fptr,
                (Type) returnType, parameterTypes,
                "stdcall".equals(convention) ? CallingConvention.STDCALL : CallingConvention.DEFAULT,
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        return runtime.getNil();
    public static IRubyObject newPointer32(ThreadContext context, int address) {
        Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
        return new Pointer(runtime,
                NativeMemoryIO.wrap(runtime, ((long) address) & 0xffffffffL));
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Related Classes of org.jruby.ext.ffi.Pointer$NilToPointerMethod

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