Package org.jboss.errai.marshalling.rebind.api.model.impl

Examples of org.jboss.errai.marshalling.rebind.api.model.impl.ReadMapping

    addMemberMapping(new WriteMapping("cause", Throwable.class, "initCause"));

    addMemberMapping(new AccessorMapping("stackTrace", StackTraceElement[].class, "setStackTrace", "getStackTrace"));

    addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping("message", String.class, "getMessage"));
    addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping("cause", Throwable.class, "getCause"));
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        final String key = method.getAnnotation(Key.class).value();

        if (method.getParameters().length == 0) {
          // assume this is a getter

          definition.addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping(key, method.getReturnType(), method.getName()));
        else if (method.getParameters().length == 1) {
          // assume this is a setter

          definition.addMemberMapping(new WriteMapping(key, method.getParameters()[0].getType(), method.getName()));
        else {
          throw new InvalidMappingException("annotated @Key method is unrecognizable as a setter or getter: "
                  + toMap.getFullyQualifiedName() + "#" + method.getName());

    MetaClass c = toMap;

    do {
      for (final MetaField field : c.getDeclaredFields()) {
        if (definitionsFactory.hasDefinition(field.getDeclaringClass())
                || field.isTransient() || field.isStatic()) {

        try {
          final Field fld = field.asField();
        catch (IllegalStateException e) {
          // field is not known to the current classloader. continue anyway.

        if (writeKeys.contains(field.getName()) && readKeys.contains(field.getName())) {

        final MetaClass type = field.getType().getErased();
        final MetaClass compType = type.isArray() ? type.getOuterComponentType().asBoxed() : type.asBoxed();

        if (!(compType.isAbstract() || compType.isInterface() || compType.isEnum()) && !definitionsFactory.isExposedClass(compType)) {
          throw new InvalidMappingException("portable entity " + toMap.getFullyQualifiedName()
                  + " contains a field (" + field.getName() + ") that is not known to the marshaller: "
                  + compType.getFullyQualifiedName());

         * This case handles the case where a constructor mapping has mapped the value, and there is no manually mapped
         * reader on the key.
        if (writeKeys.contains(field.getName()) && !readKeys.contains(field.getName())) {
          final MetaMethod getterMethod = MarshallingGenUtil.findGetterMethod(toMap, field.getName());

          if (getterMethod != null) {
            definition.addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping(field.getName(), field.getType(), getterMethod.getName()));

        definition.addMemberMapping(new MemberMapping() {
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        String key = method.getAnnotation(Key.class).value();

        if (method.getParameters().length == 0) {
          // assume this is a getter

          definition.addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping(key, method.getReturnType(), method.getName()));
        else if (method.getParameters().length == 1) {
          // assume this is a setter

          definition.addMemberMapping(new WriteMapping(key, method.getParameters()[0].getType(), method.getName()));
        else {
          throw new InvalidMappingException("annotated @Key method is unrecognizable as a setter or getter: "
                  + toMap.getFullyQualifiedName() + "#" + method.getName());

    MetaClass c = toMap;

    do {
      for (final MetaField field : c.getDeclaredFields()) {
        if (definitionsFactory.hasDefinition(field.getDeclaringClass())
                || field.isTransient() || field.isStatic()) {


        if (writeKeys.contains(field.getName()) && readKeys.contains(field.getName())) {

        MetaClass type = field.getType();
        MetaClass compType = type.isArray() ? type.getOuterComponentType().asBoxed() : type.asBoxed();

        if (!type.isEnum() && !definitionsFactory.isExposedClass(compType.asClass())) {
          throw new InvalidMappingException("portable entity " + toMap.getFullyQualifiedName()
                  + " contains a field (" + field.getName() + ") that is not known to the marshaller: "
                  + compType.getFullyQualifiedName());

         * This case handles the case where a constructor mapping has mapped the value, and there is no
         * manually mapped reader on the key.
        if (writeKeys.contains(field.getName()) && !readKeys.contains(field.getName())) {
          MetaMethod getterMethod = MarshallingGenUtil.findGetterMethod(toMap, field.getName());

          if (getterMethod != null) {
            definition.addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping(field.getName(), field.getType(), getterMethod.getName()));

        definition.addMemberMapping(new MemberMapping() {
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    addMemberMapping(new AccessorMapping("stackTrace", StackTraceElement[].class, "setStackTrace", "getStackTrace"));

    addMemberMapping(new WriteMapping("cause", Throwable.class, "initCause"));
    addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping("message", String.class, "getMessage"));
    addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping("cause", Throwable.class, "getCause"));
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    constructorMapping.mapParmToIndex("fileName", 2, String.class);
    constructorMapping.mapParmToIndex("lineNumber", 3, int.class);


    addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping("fileName", String.class, "getFileName"));
    addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping("methodName", String.class, "getMethodName"));
    addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping("lineNumber", Integer.class, "getLineNumber"));
    addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping("declaringClass", String.class, "getClassName"));
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        String key = method.getAnnotation(Key.class).value();

        if (method.getParameters().length == 0) {
          // assume this is a getter

          definition.addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping(key, method.getReturnType(), method.getName()));
        else if (method.getParameters().length == 1) {
          // assume this is a setter

          definition.addMemberMapping(new WriteMapping(key, method.getParameters()[0].getType(), method.getName()));
        else {
          throw new InvalidMappingException("annotated @Key method is unrecognizable as a setter or getter: "
                  + toMap.getFullyQualifiedName() + "#" + method.getName());

    MetaClass c = toMap;

    do {
      for (final MetaField field : c.getDeclaredFields()) {
        if (definitionsFactory.hasDefinition(field.getDeclaringClass())
                || field.isTransient() || field.isStatic()) {
        Field fld = field.asField();
        if (fld != null) {

        if (writeKeys.contains(field.getName()) && readKeys.contains(field.getName())) {

        MetaClass type = field.getType();
        MetaClass compType = type.isArray() ? type.getOuterComponentType().asBoxed() : type.asBoxed();

        if (!type.isEnum() && !definitionsFactory.isExposedClass(compType.asClass())) {
          throw new InvalidMappingException("portable entity " + toMap.getFullyQualifiedName()
                  + " contains a field (" + field.getName() + ") that is not known to the marshaller: "
                  + compType.getFullyQualifiedName());

         * This case handles the case where a constructor mapping has mapped the value, and there is no
         * manually mapped reader on the key.
        if (writeKeys.contains(field.getName()) && !readKeys.contains(field.getName())) {
          MetaMethod getterMethod = MarshallingGenUtil.findGetterMethod(toMap, field.getName());

          if (getterMethod != null) {
            definition.addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping(field.getName(), field.getType(), getterMethod.getName()));

        definition.addMemberMapping(new MemberMapping() {
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        String key = method.getAnnotation(Key.class).value();

        if (method.getParameters().length == 0) {
          // assume this is a getter

          definition.addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping(key, method.getReturnType(), method.getName()));
        else if (method.getParameters().length == 1) {
          // assume this is a setter

          definition.addMemberMapping(new WriteMapping(key, method.getParameters()[0].getType(), method.getName()));
        else {
          throw new InvalidMappingException("annotated @Key method is unrecognizable as a setter or getter: "
                  + toMap.getFullyQualifiedName() + "#" + method.getName());

    MetaClass c = toMap;

    do {
      for (final MetaField field : c.getDeclaredFields()) {
        if (definitionsFactory.hasDefinition(field.getDeclaringClass())
                || field.isTransient() || field.isStatic()) {
        Field fld = field.asField();
        if (fld != null) {

        if (writeKeys.contains(field.getName()) && readKeys.contains(field.getName())) {

        MetaClass type = field.getType();
        MetaClass compType = type.isArray() ? type.getOuterComponentType().asBoxed() : type.asBoxed();

        if (!type.isEnum() && !definitionsFactory.isExposedClass(compType.asClass())) {
          throw new InvalidMappingException("portable entity " + toMap.getFullyQualifiedName()
                  + " contains a field (" + field.getName() + ") that is not known to the marshaller: "
                  + compType.getFullyQualifiedName());

         * This case handles the case where a constructor mapping has mapped the value, and there is no
         * manually mapped reader on the key.
        if (writeKeys.contains(field.getName()) && !readKeys.contains(field.getName())) {
          MetaMethod getterMethod = MarshallingGenUtil.findGetterMethod(toMap, field.getName());

          if (getterMethod != null) {
            definition.addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping(field.getName(), field.getType(), getterMethod.getName()));

        definition.addMemberMapping(new MemberMapping() {
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        final String key = method.getAnnotation(Key.class).value();

        if (method.getParameters().length == 0) {
          // assume this is a getter

          definition.addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping(key, method.getReturnType(), method.getName()));
        else if (method.getParameters().length == 1) {
          // assume this is a setter

          definition.addMemberMapping(new WriteMapping(key, method.getParameters()[0].getType(), method.getName()));
        else {
          throw new InvalidMappingException("annotated @Key method is unrecognizable as a setter or getter: "
                  + toMap.getFullyQualifiedName() + "#" + method.getName());

    MetaClass c = toMap;

    do {
      for (final MetaField field : c.getDeclaredFields()) {
        if (definitionsFactory.hasDefinition(field.getDeclaringClass())
                || field.isTransient() || field.isStatic()) {

        final Field fld = field.asField();
        if (fld != null) {

        if (writeKeys.contains(field.getName()) && readKeys.contains(field.getName())) {

        final MetaClass type = field.getType().getErased();
        final MetaClass compType = type.isArray() ? type.getOuterComponentType().asBoxed() : type.asBoxed();

        if (!(type.isAbstract() || type.isInterface() || type.isEnum()) && !definitionsFactory.isExposedClass(compType)) {
          throw new InvalidMappingException("portable entity " + toMap.getFullyQualifiedName()
                  + " contains a field (" + field.getName() + ") that is not known to the marshaller: "
                  + compType.getFullyQualifiedName());

         * This case handles the case where a constructor mapping has mapped the value, and there is no manually mapped
         * reader on the key.
        if (writeKeys.contains(field.getName()) && !readKeys.contains(field.getName())) {
          final MetaMethod getterMethod = MarshallingGenUtil.findGetterMethod(toMap, field.getName());

          if (getterMethod != null) {
            definition.addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping(field.getName(), field.getType(), getterMethod.getName()));

        definition.addMemberMapping(new MemberMapping() {
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    addMemberMapping(new WriteMapping("cause", Throwable.class, "initCause"));

    addMemberMapping(new AccessorMapping("stackTrace", StackTraceElement[].class, "setStackTrace", "getStackTrace"));

    addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping("message", String.class, "getMessage"));
    addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping("cause", Throwable.class, "getCause"));
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        final String key = method.getAnnotation(Key.class).value();

        if (method.getParameters().length == 0) {
          // assume this is a getter

          definition.addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping(key, method.getReturnType(), method.getName()));
        else if (method.getParameters().length == 1) {
          // assume this is a setter

          definition.addMemberMapping(new WriteMapping(key, method.getParameters()[0].getType(), method.getName()));
        else {
          throw new InvalidMappingException("annotated @Key method is unrecognizable as a setter or getter: "
                  + toMap.getFullyQualifiedName() + "#" + method.getName());

    MetaClass c = toMap;

    do {
      for (final MetaField field : c.getDeclaredFields()) {
        if (field.isTransient() || field.isStatic()) {

        try {
          final Field fld = field.asField();
        catch (IllegalStateException e) {
          // field is not known to the current classloader. continue anyway.

        if (writeKeys.contains(field.getName()) && readKeys.contains(field.getName())) {

        final MetaClass type = field.getType().getErased();
        final MetaClass compType = type.isArray() ? type.getOuterComponentType().asBoxed() : type.asBoxed();

        if (!(compType.isAbstract() || compType.isInterface() || compType.isEnum()) && !definitionsFactory.isExposedClass(compType)) {
          throw new InvalidMappingException("portable entity " + toMap.getFullyQualifiedName()
                  + " contains a field (" + field.getName() + ") that is not known to the marshaller: "
                  + compType.getFullyQualifiedName());

         * This case handles the case where a constructor mapping has mapped the value, and there is no manually mapped
         * reader on the key.
        if (writeKeys.contains(field.getName()) && !readKeys.contains(field.getName())) {
          final MetaMethod getterMethod = MarshallingGenUtil.findGetterMethod(toMap, field.getName());

          if (getterMethod != null) {
            definition.addMemberMapping(new ReadMapping(field.getName(), field.getType(), getterMethod.getName()));

        definition.addMemberMapping(new MemberMapping() {
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Related Classes of org.jboss.errai.marshalling.rebind.api.model.impl.ReadMapping

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