Package org.jboss.dna.graph.query.plan

Examples of org.jboss.dna.graph.query.plan.PlanNode

        int numJoins = 0;
        for (PlanNode joinNode : plan.findAllAtOrBelow(Type.JOIN)) {
            JoinCondition condition = joinNode.getProperty(Property.JOIN_CONDITION, JoinCondition.class);
            if (condition instanceof EquiJoinCondition) {
                PlanNode leftNode = joinNode.getFirstChild().findAtOrBelow(Type.SOURCE);
                PlanNode rightNode = joinNode.getLastChild().findAtOrBelow(Type.SOURCE);
                assert leftNode != null;
                assert rightNode != null;
                EquiJoinCondition equiJoin = (EquiJoinCondition)condition;
                // Find the names (or aliases) of the tables ...
                Schemata schemata = context.getSchemata();
                assert schemata != null;
                SelectorName leftTableName = leftNode.getProperty(Property.SOURCE_NAME, SelectorName.class);
                SelectorName rightTableName = rightNode.getProperty(Property.SOURCE_NAME, SelectorName.class);
                assert leftTableName != null;
                assert rightTableName != null;
                // Presumably the join condition is using at least one alias, but we only care about the actual name ...
                if (!leftTableName.equals(rightTableName)) {
                    // The join is not joining the same table, so this doesn't meet the condition ...
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    protected void rewriteJoinNode( QueryContext context,
                                    PlanNode joinNode,
                                    Map<SelectorName, SelectorName> rewrittenSelectors ) {
        // Remove the right source node from the join node ...
        PlanNode rightChild = joinNode.getLastChild();
        PlanNode rightSource = rightChild.findAtOrBelow(Type.SOURCE);

        // Replace the join node with the left source node ...
        PlanNode leftChild = joinNode.getFirstChild();
        PlanNode leftSource = leftChild.findAtOrBelow(Type.SOURCE);

        // Combine the right PROJECT node with that on the left ...
        PlanNode rightProject = rightChild.findAtOrBelow(Type.PROJECT);
        if (rightProject != null) {
            PlanNode leftProject = leftChild.findAtOrBelow(Type.PROJECT);
            if (leftProject != null) {
                List<Column> leftColumns = leftProject.getPropertyAsList(Property.PROJECT_COLUMNS, Column.class);
                for (Column rightColumn : rightProject.getPropertyAsList(Property.PROJECT_COLUMNS, Column.class)) {
                    if (!leftColumns.contains(rightColumn)) leftColumns.add(rightColumn);
            } else {
                // Just create a project on the left side ...
                leftProject = new PlanNode(Type.PROJECT);
                leftProject.setProperty(Property.PROJECT_COLUMNS, rightProject.getProperty(Property.PROJECT_COLUMNS));

        // Accumulate any SELECT nodes from the right side and add to the left ...
        PlanNode topRightSelect = rightChild.findAtOrBelow(Type.SELECT);
        if (topRightSelect != null) {
            PlanNode bottomRightSelect = topRightSelect;
            while (true) {
                if (bottomRightSelect.getFirstChild().isNot(Type.SELECT)) break;
                bottomRightSelect = bottomRightSelect.getFirstChild();
            // Place just above the left source ...
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                SelectorName tableName = sourceNode.getProperty(Property.SOURCE_NAME, SelectorName.class);
                SelectorName tableAlias = sourceNode.getProperty(Property.SOURCE_ALIAS, SelectorName.class);
                Table table = schemata.getTable(tableName);
                if (table instanceof View) {
                    View view = (View)table;
                    PlanNode viewPlan = viewPlanCache.get(tableName);
                    if (viewPlan == null) {
                        viewPlan = planner.createPlan(context, view.getDefinition());
                        if (viewPlan != null) viewPlanCache.put(tableName, viewPlan);
                    if (viewPlan == null) continue; // there were likely errors when creating the plan
                    viewPlan = viewPlan.clone();

                    // Insert the view plan under the parent SOURCE node ...

                    // Update the plan above this node to replace references to the view columns with references to the
                    // tables/views used by the view ...
                    PlanUtil.ColumnMapping viewMappings = PlanUtil.createMappingFor(view, viewPlan);
                    PlanUtil.replaceViewReferences(context, viewPlan, viewMappings);
                    if (tableAlias != null) {
                        // We also need to replace references to the alias for the view ...
                        PlanUtil.ColumnMapping aliasMappings = PlanUtil.createMappingForAliased(tableAlias, view, viewPlan);
                        PlanUtil.replaceViewReferences(context, viewPlan, aliasMappings);

                    if ( {
                        // The PROJECT from the plan may actually not be needed if there is another PROJECT above it ...
                        PlanNode node = viewPlan.getParent();
                        while (node != null) {
                            if (node.isOneOf(Type.JOIN)) break;
                            if ( && viewPlan.getSelectors().containsAll(node.getSelectors())) {
                            node = node.getParent();
                    foundViews = true;
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        long nanos = System.nanoTime();
        Columns columns = null;
        List<Object[]> tuples = null;
        try {
            // Find the topmost PROJECT node and build the Columns ...
            PlanNode project = plan.findAtOrBelow(Type.PROJECT);
            assert project != null;
            List<Column> projectedColumns = project.getPropertyAsList(Property.PROJECT_COLUMNS, Column.class);
            assert projectedColumns != null;
            assert !projectedColumns.isEmpty();
            columns = new QueryResultColumns(projectedColumns, context.getHints().hasFullTextSearch);

            // Go through the plan and create the corresponding ProcessingComponents ...
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                                       PlanNode accessNode ) {
        super(context, columns);
        this.accessNode = accessNode;

        // Find the table name; should be
        PlanNode source = accessNode.findAtOrBelow(Type.SOURCE);
        if (source != null) {
            this.sourceName = source.getProperty(Property.SOURCE_NAME, SelectorName.class);
            // if (!AllNodes.ALL_NODES_NAME.equals(this.sourceName)) {
            // throw new IllegalArgumentException();
            // }
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        // Find the project ...
        PlanNode project = accessNode.findAtOrBelow(Type.PROJECT);
        if (project != null) {
            List<Column> projectedColumns = project.getPropertyAsList(Property.PROJECT_COLUMNS, Column.class);
            if (projectedColumns != null) {
                this.projectedColumns = projectedColumns;
            } else {
                // Get the columns from the source columns ...
                List<Schemata.Column> schemataColumns = source.getPropertyAsList(Property.SOURCE_COLUMNS, Schemata.Column.class);
                this.projectedColumns = new ArrayList<Column>(schemataColumns.size());
                for (Schemata.Column schemataColumn : schemataColumns) {
                    String columnName = schemataColumn.getName();
                    // PropertyType type = schemataColumn.getPropertyType();
                    String propertyName = columnName;
                    Column column = new Column(sourceName, propertyName, columnName);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        // Add the criteria ...
        List<Constraint> andedConstraints = null;
        for (PlanNode select : accessNode.findAllAtOrBelow(Type.SELECT)) {
            Constraint selectConstraint = select.getProperty(Property.SELECT_CRITERIA, Constraint.class);
            if (andedConstraints == null) andedConstraints = new ArrayList<Constraint>();
        this.andedConstraints = andedConstraints != null ? andedConstraints : Collections.<Constraint>emptyList();

        // Find the limit ...
        Limit limit = Limit.NONE;
        PlanNode limitNode = accessNode.findAtOrBelow(Type.LIMIT);
        if (limitNode != null) {
            Integer count = limitNode.getProperty(Property.LIMIT_COUNT, Integer.class);
            if (count != null) limit = limit.withRowLimit(count.intValue());
            Integer offset = limitNode.getProperty(Property.LIMIT_OFFSET, Integer.class);
            if (offset != null) limit = limit.withOffset(offset.intValue());
        this.limit = limit;
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                for (SelectorName name : viewNames) {
                    QueryCommand command = definitions.get(name);
                    // Create the canonical plan for the definition ...
                    QueryContext queryContext = new QueryContext(schemata, typeSystem);
                    CanonicalPlanner planner = new CanonicalPlanner();
                    PlanNode plan = planner.createPlan(queryContext, command);
                    if (queryContext.getProblems().hasErrors()) {

                    // Get the columns from the top-level PROJECT ...
                    PlanNode project = plan.findAtOrBelow(Type.PROJECT);
                    assert project != null;
                    List<org.jboss.dna.graph.query.model.Column> columns = project.getPropertyAsList(Property.PROJECT_COLUMNS,
                    assert !columns.isEmpty();

                    // Go through all the columns and look up the types ...
                    List<Column> viewColumns = new ArrayList<Column>(columns.size());
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                SelectorName selector2 = equiJoinCondition.getSelector2Name();
                String property1 = equiJoinCondition.getProperty1Name();
                String property2 = equiJoinCondition.getProperty2Name();

                // Walk up the tree looking for SELECT nodes that apply to one of the sides ...
                PlanNode node = join.getParent();
                while (node != null) {
                    if (!copiedSelectNodes.contains(node)) {
                        PlanNode copy = copySelectNode(context, node, selector1, property1, selector2, property2);
                        if (copy != null) {
                        } else {
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        // We know that this constraint ONLY applies to the referenced selector and property,
        // so we will duplicate this constraint ...

        // Create the new node ...
        PlanNode copy = new PlanNode(Type.SELECT, copySelectorName);

        // Copy the constraint, but change the references to the copy selector and property ...
        PlanUtil.ColumnMapping mappings = new PlanUtil.ColumnMapping(selectorName);, new Column(copySelectorName, copyPropertyName, copyPropertyName));
        Constraint newCriteria = PlanUtil.replaceReferences(context, constraint, mappings, copy);
        copy.setProperty(Property.SELECT_CRITERIA, newCriteria);

        return copy;
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            for (PlanNode criteriaNode : criteriaNodes) {
                // Skip any node we've already tried and failed to move ...
                if (deadNodes.contains(criteriaNode)) continue;

                // Find the first originating node that has all of the required selectors for this criteria ...
                PlanNode originatingNode = findOriginatingNode(criteriaNode, originatingNodes);
                if (originatingNode == null || originatingNode == criteriaNode) {

                // Try to push the criteria node down ...
                if (!pushTowardsOriginatingNode(criteriaNode, originatingNode)) {
                    // criteria node could not be moved ...

                // The criteria node was indeed moved, but it may need to be adjusted ...
                boolean adjusted = false;
                switch (originatingNode.getType()) {
                    case SOURCE:

                    case JOIN:
                        if (!criteriaNode.hasAncestorOfType(Type.ACCESS)) {
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            originatingNode = originatingNode.getParent();
            if (originatingNode == criteriaNode) return false;

        // Find out the best node above which the criteria node should be placed ...
        PlanNode bestChild = findBestChildForCriteria(criteriaNode, originatingNode);
        if (bestChild == criteriaNode) return false;
        assert atBoundary(criteriaNode, originatingNode);
        return true;
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Related Classes of org.jboss.dna.graph.query.plan.PlanNode

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