
Examples of

            } else if (viewService.size() > 1) {
                throw new RuntimeException("More than 1 ejb found for @Ejb reference " + ejb);
            final ViewDescription viewDescription = viewService.iterator().next();
            final ServiceController<?> controller = serviceRegistry.getRequiredService(viewDescription.getServiceName());
            final ComponentView view = (ComponentView) controller.getValue();
            try {
                return view.createInstance().getInstance();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
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    public synchronized <S> S getBusinessObject(Class<S> businessInterfaceType) {
        //TODO: this should be cached
        if (viewServices.containsKey(businessInterfaceType.getName())) {
            final ServiceController<?> serviceController = CurrentServiceContainer.getServiceContainer().getRequiredService(viewServices.get(businessInterfaceType.getName()));
            final ComponentView view = (ComponentView) serviceController.getValue();
            try {
                return(S) view.createInstance().getInstance();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("View of type " + businessInterfaceType + " not found on bean ");
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        if (isRemoved()) {
            throw new NoSuchEJBException("Bean has been removed");
        if (viewServices.containsKey(businessInterfaceType.getName())) {
            final ServiceController<?> serviceController = CurrentServiceContainer.getServiceContainer().getRequiredService(viewServices.get(businessInterfaceType.getName()));
            final ComponentView view = (ComponentView) serviceController.getValue();
            try {
                return (S) view.createInstance(Collections.<Object, Object>singletonMap(SessionID.class, id)).getInstance();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("View of type " + businessInterfaceType + " not found on bean " + ejbComponent);
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    public synchronized <S> S getBusinessObject(Class<S> businessInterfaceType) {
        //TODO: this should be cached
        if (viewServices.containsKey(businessInterfaceType.getName())) {
            final ServiceController<?> serviceController = CurrentServiceContainer.getServiceContainer().getRequiredService(viewServices.get(businessInterfaceType.getName()));
            final ComponentView view = (ComponentView) serviceController.getValue();
            try {
                return(S) view.createInstance().getInstance();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } else {
            throw WeldMessages.MESSAGES.viewNotFoundOnEJB(businessInterfaceType.getName(), ejbName);
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        if (isRemoved()) {
            throw WeldMessages.MESSAGES.ejbHashBeenRemoved();
        if (viewServices.containsKey(businessInterfaceType.getName())) {
            final ServiceController<?> serviceController = CurrentServiceContainer.getServiceContainer().getRequiredService(viewServices.get(businessInterfaceType.getName()));
            final ComponentView view = (ComponentView) serviceController.getValue();
            try {
                return (S) view.createInstance(Collections.<Object, Object>singletonMap(SessionID.class, id)).getInstance();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } else {
            throw WeldMessages.MESSAGES.viewNotFoundOnEJB(businessInterfaceType.getName(), ejbComponent.getComponentName());
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            //for timer invocations there is no view, so the methodInf is attached directly
            //to the context. Otherwise we retrieve it from the invoked view
            MethodIntf methodIntf = invocation.getPrivateData(MethodIntf.class);
            if (methodIntf == null) {
                final ComponentView componentView = invocation.getPrivateData(ComponentView.class);
                if (componentView != null) {
                    methodIntf = componentView.getPrivateData(MethodIntf.class);
                } else {
                    methodIntf = MethodIntf.BEAN;
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        public Object processInvocation(InterceptorContext context) throws Exception {
            final ComponentView componentView = context.getPrivateData(ComponentView.class);
            if (componentView == null) {
                throw MESSAGES.componentViewNotAvailableInContext(context);
            return "Proxy for view class: " + componentView.getViewClass().getName() + " of EJB: " + name;
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            // Make sure it's a remote view
            if (!ejbDeploymentInformation.isRemoteView(viewClassName)) {
                this.writeNoSuchEJBFailureMessage(channelAssociation, invocationId, appName, moduleName, distinctName, beanName, viewClassName);
            final ComponentView componentView = ejbDeploymentInformation.getView(viewClassName);
            final Method invokedMethod = this.findMethod(componentView, methodName, methodParamTypes);
            if (invokedMethod == null) {
                this.writeNoSuchEJBMethodFailureMessage(channelAssociation, invocationId, appName, moduleName, distinctName, beanName, viewClassName, methodName, methodParamTypes);

            final Object[] methodParams = new Object[methodParamTypes.length];
            // un-marshall the method arguments
            if (methodParamTypes.length > 0) {
                for (int i = 0; i < methodParamTypes.length; i++) {
                    try {
                        methodParams[i] = unmarshaller.readObject();
                    } catch (Throwable e) {
                        // write out the failure
                        MethodInvocationMessageHandler.this.writeException(channelAssociation, MethodInvocationMessageHandler.this.marshallerFactory, invocationId, e, null);
            // read the attachments
            final Map<String, Object> attachments;
            try {
                attachments = this.readAttachments(unmarshaller);
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                // write out the failure
                MethodInvocationMessageHandler.this.writeException(channelAssociation, MethodInvocationMessageHandler.this.marshallerFactory, invocationId, e, null);
            // done with unmarshalling

            runnable = new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    // check if it's async. If yes, then notify the client that's it's async method (so that
                    // it can unblock if necessary)
                    if (componentView.isAsynchronous(invokedMethod)) {
                        try {
                            MethodInvocationMessageHandler.this.writeAsyncMethodNotification(channelAssociation, invocationId);
                        } catch (Throwable t) {
                            // catch Throwable, so that we don't skip invoking the method, just because we
                            // failed to send a notification to the client that the method is an async method
                            EjbLogger.EJB3_LOGGER.failedToSendAsyncMethodIndicatorToClient(t, invokedMethod);

                    // invoke the method
                    Object result = null;
                    try {
                        result = invokeMethod(invocationId, componentView, invokedMethod, methodParams, locator, attachments);
                    } catch (Throwable throwable) {
                        try {
                            // write out the failure
                            MethodInvocationMessageHandler.this.writeException(channelAssociation, MethodInvocationMessageHandler.this.marshallerFactory, invocationId, throwable, attachments);
                        } catch (Throwable ioe) {
                            // we couldn't write out a method invocation failure message. So let's at least log the
                            // actual method invocation exception, for debugging/reference
                            EjbLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.errorInvokingMethod(throwable, invokedMethod, beanName, appName, moduleName, distinctName);
                            // now log why we couldn't send back the method invocation failure message
                            EjbLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.couldNotWriteMethodInvocation(ioe, invokedMethod, beanName, appName, moduleName, distinctName);
                            // close the channel unless this is a NotSerializableException
                            //as this does not represent a problem with the channel there is no
                            //need to close it (see AS7-3402)
                            if (!(ioe instanceof ObjectStreamException)) {
                    } finally {
                    // write out the (successful) method invocation result to the channel output stream
                    try {
                        // attach any weak affinity if available
                        Affinity weakAffinity = null;
                        if (locator instanceof StatefulEJBLocator && componentView.getComponent() instanceof StatefulSessionComponent) {
                            final StatefulSessionComponent statefulSessionComponent = (StatefulSessionComponent) componentView.getComponent();
                            weakAffinity = MethodInvocationMessageHandler.this.getWeakAffinity(statefulSessionComponent, (StatefulEJBLocator<?>) locator);
                        } else if (componentView.getComponent() instanceof StatelessSessionComponent) {
                            final StatelessSessionComponent statelessSessionComponent = (StatelessSessionComponent) componentView.getComponent();
                            weakAffinity = statelessSessionComponent.getWeakAffinity();
                        if (weakAffinity != null) {
                            attachments.put(Affinity.WEAK_AFFINITY_CONTEXT_KEY, weakAffinity);
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    protected <T> T createViewInstanceProxy(final Class<T> viewInterface, final Map<Object, Object> contextData, final ServiceName serviceName) {
        final ServiceController<?> serviceController = currentServiceContainer().getRequiredService(serviceName);
        final ComponentView view = (ComponentView) serviceController.getValue();
        final ManagedReference instance;
        try {
            instance = view.createInstance(contextData);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //TODO: do we need to let the exception propagate here?
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        return viewInterface.cast(instance.getInstance());
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    public EJBHome getEJBHome() throws IllegalStateException {
        if (ejbHomeViewServiceName == null) {
            throw MESSAGES.beanHomeInterfaceIsNull(getComponentName());
        final ServiceController<?> serviceController = currentServiceContainer().getRequiredService(ejbHomeViewServiceName);
        final ComponentView view = (ComponentView) serviceController.getValue();
        final String locatorAppName = earApplicationName == null ? "" : earApplicationName;
        return EJBClient.createProxy(new EJBHomeLocator<EJBHome>((Class<EJBHome>) view.getViewClass(), locatorAppName, moduleName, getComponentName(), distinctName));
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