Package org.jboss.aop

Examples of org.jboss.aop.ReflectiveAspectBinder

            synchronized (ContainerCache.mapLock)
               ContainerCache cache = ContainerCache.initialise(manager, clazz, metaData, true);
               advisor = cache.getAdvisor();
            ReflectiveAspectBinder binder = new ReflectiveAspectBinder(clazz, advisor);
            ArrayList<DependencyBuilderListItem> depends = new ArrayList<DependencyBuilderListItem>();

            if (bypassAOP(beanInfo, metaData, DisabledType.POINTCUTS) == false)
               Set aspects = binder.getAspects();
               if (aspects != null && aspects.size() > 0)
                  Iterator it = aspects.iterator();
                  while (it.hasNext())
                     AspectDefinition def = (AspectDefinition);
                     if (def instanceof ManagedAspectDefinition)
                        String name = ((ManagedAspectDefinition)def).getDependentAspectName();
                        if (name != null)
                           depends.add(new AspectDependencyBuilderListItem(name));

            if (bypassAOP(beanInfo, metaData, DisabledType.LIFECYCLE) == false)
               Map<Object, Set<LifecycleCallbackDefinition>> lifecycleCallbacks = binder.getLifecycleCallbacks();
               if (lifecycleCallbacks != null && lifecycleCallbacks.size() > 0)
                  for (Entry<Object, Set<LifecycleCallbackDefinition>> states : lifecycleCallbacks.entrySet())
                     for (LifecycleCallbackDefinition callback : states.getValue())
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            synchronized (ContainerCache.mapLock)
               ContainerCache cache = ContainerCache.initialise(manager, clazz, metaData, true);
               advisor = cache.getAdvisor();
            ReflectiveAspectBinder binder = new ReflectiveAspectBinder(clazz, advisor);
            Set aspects = binder.getAspects();

            ArrayList<DependencyBuilderListItem> depends = new ArrayList<DependencyBuilderListItem>();
            if (aspects != null && aspects.size() > 0)
               Iterator it = aspects.iterator();
               while (it.hasNext())
                  AspectDefinition def = (AspectDefinition);
                  if (def instanceof ManagedAspectDefinition)
                     String name = ((ManagedAspectDefinition)def).getDependentAspectName();
                     if (name != null)
                        depends.add(new AspectDependencyBuilderListItem(name));

            Map<Object, Set<LifecycleCallbackDefinition>> lifecycleCallbacks = binder.getLifecycleCallbacks();
            if (lifecycleCallbacks != null && lifecycleCallbacks.size() > 0)
               for (Entry<Object, Set<LifecycleCallbackDefinition>> states : lifecycleCallbacks.entrySet())
                  for (LifecycleCallbackDefinition callback : states.getValue())
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/*  95 */         synchronized (ContainerCache.mapLock)
/*     */         {
/*  97 */           ContainerCache cache = ContainerCache.initialise(manager, clazz, metaData, true);
/*  98 */           advisor = cache.getAdvisor();
/*     */         }
/* 100 */         ReflectiveAspectBinder binder = new ReflectiveAspectBinder(clazz, advisor);
/* 101 */         Set aspects = binder.getAspects();
/*     */
/* 103 */         ArrayList depends = new ArrayList();
/* 104 */         if ((aspects != null) && (aspects.size() > 0))
/*     */         {
/* 106 */           Iterator it = aspects.iterator();
/* 107 */           while (it.hasNext())
/*     */           {
/* 109 */             AspectDefinition def = (AspectDefinition);
/* 110 */             if ((def instanceof ManagedAspectDefinition))
/*     */             {
/* 112 */               depends.add(new AspectDependencyBuilderListItem(def.getName()));
/*     */             }
/*     */           }
/*     */         }
/*     */
/* 117 */         Map lifecycleCallbacks = binder.getLifecycleCallbacks();
/*     */         Iterator i$;
/* 118 */         if ((lifecycleCallbacks != null) && (lifecycleCallbacks.size() > 0))
/*     */         {
/* 120 */           for (i$ = lifecycleCallbacks.entrySet().iterator(); i$.hasNext(); ) { states = (Map.Entry)i$.next();
/*     */
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            synchronized (ContainerCache.mapLock)
               ContainerCache cache = ContainerCache.initialise(manager, clazz, metaData, true);
               advisor = cache.getAdvisor();
            ReflectiveAspectBinder binder = new ReflectiveAspectBinder(clazz, advisor);
            Set aspects = binder.getAspects();

            ArrayList<DependencyBuilderListItem> depends = new ArrayList<DependencyBuilderListItem>();
            if (aspects != null && aspects.size() > 0)
               Iterator it = aspects.iterator();
               while (it.hasNext())
                  AspectDefinition def = (AspectDefinition);
                  if (def instanceof ManagedAspectDefinition)
                     depends.add(new AspectDependencyBuilderListItem(def.getName()));

            Map<Object, Set<LifecycleCallbackDefinition>> lifecycleCallbacks = binder.getLifecycleCallbacks();
            if (lifecycleCallbacks != null && lifecycleCallbacks.size() > 0)
               for (Entry<Object, Set<LifecycleCallbackDefinition>> states : lifecycleCallbacks.entrySet())
                  for (LifecycleCallbackDefinition callback : states.getValue())
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            synchronized (ContainerCache.mapLock)
               ContainerCache cache = ContainerCache.initialise(manager, clazz, metaData, true);
               advisor = cache.getAdvisor();
            ReflectiveAspectBinder binder = new ReflectiveAspectBinder(clazz, advisor);
            Set aspects = binder.getAspects();

            ArrayList<DependencyBuilderListItem> depends = new ArrayList<DependencyBuilderListItem>();
            if (aspects != null && aspects.size() > 0)
               Iterator it = aspects.iterator();
               while (it.hasNext())
                  AspectDefinition def = (AspectDefinition);
                  if (def instanceof ManagedAspectDefinition)
                     depends.add(new AspectDependencyBuilderListItem(def.getName()));

            Map<Object, Set<LifecycleCallbackDefinition>> lifecycleCallbacks = binder.getLifecycleCallbacks();
            if (lifecycleCallbacks != null && lifecycleCallbacks.size() > 0)
               for (Entry<Object, Set<LifecycleCallbackDefinition>> states : lifecycleCallbacks.entrySet())
                  for (LifecycleCallbackDefinition callback : states.getValue())
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Related Classes of org.jboss.aop.ReflectiveAspectBinder

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