Package org.jasig.portal.utils

Examples of org.jasig.portal.utils.SAX2BufferImpl$TwoString

            attsImpl.addAttribute(uri, localName, "action", "CDATA", "");
            origActionValue = "";

          // set up a buffer for form elements
          buffer = new SAX2BufferImpl(this.contentHandler);
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                    // if this failed, try XSLT cache
                    if ((!ccaching) || (!ccache_exists)) {
                        // obtain XSLT cache

                        SAX2BufferImpl cachedBuffer = systemCache.get(cacheKey);
                        if (cachedBuffer != null) {
                            // replay the buffer to channel incorporation filter
                            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                log.debug("retreived XSLT transformation cache for a key '" + cacheKey + "'");
                            // attach rendering buffer downstream of the cached buffer
                            ChannelRenderingBuffer crb = new ChannelRenderingBuffer(cachedBuffer, channelManager, ccaching, req, res);
                            // attach channel incorporation filter downstream of the channel rendering buffer

                            output_produced = true;
                // fallback on the regular rendering procedure
                if (!output_produced) {

                    // obtain transformer handlers for both structure and theme stylesheets
                    TransformerHandler ssth = XSLT.getTransformerHandler(ResourceLoader.getResourceAsURL(this.getClass(), ssd.getStylesheetURI()).toString());
                    TransformerHandler tsth = XSLT.getTransformerHandler(tsd.getStylesheetURI(), localeManager
                            .getLocales(), this);

                    // obtain transformer references from the handlers
                    Transformer sst = ssth.getTransformer();
                    Transformer tst = tsth.getTransformer();
                    // pass resourcesDao into transformer
                    tst.setParameter(ResourcesXalanElements.SKIN_RESOURCESDAO_PARAMETER_NAME, resourcesElementsProvider);
                    tst.setParameter(ResourcesXalanElements.CURRENT_REQUEST, req);

                    // initialize ChannelRenderingBuffer and attach it downstream of the structure transformer
                    ChannelRenderingBuffer crb = new ChannelRenderingBuffer(channelManager, ccaching, req, res);
                    ssth.setResult(new SAXResult(crb));

                    // determine and set the stylesheet params
                    // prepare .uP element and detach flag to be passed to the stylesheets
                    // Including the context path in front of uPElement is necessary for browsers to work
                    sst.setParameter("baseActionURL", uPElement.getUPFile());
                    // construct idempotent version of the uPElement
                    UPFileSpec uPIdempotentElement = new UPFileSpec(uPElement);
                    sst.setParameter("baseIdempotentActionURL", uPElement.getUPFile());

                    Hashtable<String, String> supTable = userPreferences.getStructureStylesheetUserPreferences()
                    for (Map.Entry<String, String> param : supTable.entrySet()) {
                        String pName = param.getKey();
                        String pValue = param.getValue();
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                            log.debug("setting sparam \"" + pName + "\"=\"" + pValue
                                    + "\".");
                        sst.setParameter(pName, pValue);

                    // all the parameters are set up, fire up structure transformation

                    // filter to fill in channel/folder attributes for the "structure" transformation.
                    StructureAttributesIncorporationFilter saif = new StructureAttributesIncorporationFilter(ssth,

                    // This is a debug statement that will print out XML incoming to the
                    // structure transformation to a log file serializer to a printstream
                    StringWriter dbwr1 = null;
                    OutputFormat outputFormat = null;
                    if (logXMLBeforeStructureTransformation && log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        dbwr1 = new StringWriter();
                        outputFormat = new OutputFormat();
                        XMLSerializer dbser1 = new XMLSerializer(dbwr1, outputFormat);
                        SAX2DuplicatingFilterImpl dupl1 = new SAX2DuplicatingFilterImpl(ssth, dbser1);

                    // if operating in the detach mode, need wrap everything
                    // in a document node and a <layout_fragment> node
                    boolean detachMode = !rootNodeId.equals(UPFileSpec.USER_LAYOUT_ROOT_NODE);
                    if (detachMode) {
                                new org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl());

                        //                            emptyt.transform(new DOMSource(rElement),new SAXResult(new ChannelSAXStreamFilter((ContentHandler)saif)));
                        if (rElement == null) {
                            ulm.getUserLayout(new ChannelSAXStreamFilter((ContentHandler) saif));
                        else {
                            ulm.getUserLayout(rElement.getId(), new ChannelSAXStreamFilter((ContentHandler) saif));

                        saif.endElement("", "layout_fragment", "layout_fragment");
                    else {
                        if (rElement == null) {
                        else {
                            ulm.getUserLayout(rElement.getId(), saif);
                        //                            emptyt.transform(new DOMSource(rElement),new SAXResult((ContentHandler)saif));
                    // all channels should be rendering now

                    // Debug piece to print out the recorded pre-structure transformation XML
                    if (logXMLBeforeStructureTransformation && log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            log.debug("XML incoming to the structure transformation :\n\n"
                                            + dbwr1.toString() + "\n\n");

                    // prepare for the theme transformation

                    // set up of the parameters
                    tst.setParameter("baseActionURL", uPElement.getUPFile());
                    tst.setParameter("baseIdempotentActionURL", uPIdempotentElement.getUPFile());
                    if (externalLoginUrl != null) {
                        tst.setParameter("EXTERNAL_LOGIN_URL", externalLoginUrl);

                    Hashtable<String, String> tupTable = userPreferences.getThemeStylesheetUserPreferences()
                    for (Map.Entry<String, String> param : tupTable.entrySet()) {
                        String pName = param.getKey();
                        String pValue = param.getValue();
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                            log.debug("setting tparam \"" + pName + "\"=\"" + pValue
                                    + "\".");
                        tst.setParameter(pName, pValue);

                    VersionsManager versionsManager = VersionsManager.getInstance();
                    Version[] versions = versionsManager.getVersions();

                    for (Version version : versions) {
                        String paramName = "version-" + version.getFname();
                        tst.setParameter(paramName, version.dottedTriple());

                    // the uP_productAndVersion stylesheet parameter is deprecated
                    // instead use the more generic "version-UP_VERSION" generated from the
                    // framework's functional name when all versions are pulled immediately
                    // above.
                    Version uPortalVersion = versionsManager.getVersion(IPermission.PORTAL_FRAMEWORK);
                    tst.setParameter("uP_productAndVersion", "uPortal " + uPortalVersion.dottedTriple());

                    final Locale[] locales = localeManager.getLocales();
                    if (locales != null && locales.length > 0 && locales[0] != null) {
                        tst.setParameter("USER_LANG", locales[0].toString().replace('_', '-'));

                    // initialize a filter to fill in channel attributes for the "theme" (second) transformation.
                    // attach it downstream of the channel rendering buffer
                    ThemeAttributesIncorporationFilter taif = new ThemeAttributesIncorporationFilter(
                            (XMLReader) crb, userPreferences.getThemeStylesheetUserPreferences());
                    // attach theme transformation downstream of the theme attribute incorporation filter

                    // This is a debug statement that will print out XML incoming to the
                    // theme transformation to a log file serializer to a printstream
                    StringWriter dbwr2 = null;
                    if (logXMLBeforeThemeTransformation && log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        dbwr2 = new StringWriter();
                        XMLSerializer dbser2 = new XMLSerializer(dbwr2, outputFormat);
                        SAX2DuplicatingFilterImpl dupl2 = new SAX2DuplicatingFilterImpl(tsth, dbser2);

                    if (CACHE_ENABLED && !ccaching) {
                        // record cache
                        // attach caching buffer downstream of the theme transformer
                        SAX2BufferImpl newCache = new SAX2BufferImpl();
                        tsth.setResult(new SAXResult(newCache));

                        // attach channel incorporation filter downstream of the caching buffer

                        systemCache.put(cacheKey, newCache);
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                            log.debug("recorded transformation cache with key \""
                                    + cacheKey + "\"");
                    else {
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                CachingSerializer cs=(CachingSerializer) contentHandler;
                // need to get characters
                String characterContent=cr.getCharacters();
                if(characterContent==null) {
                    // obtain a SAX Buffer content then
                    SAX2BufferImpl bufferedContent=cr.getBuffer();
                    if(bufferedContent!=null) {
                        // translate SAX Buffer into the character version
                        try {
                            if(!cs.startCaching()) {
                                log.error("unable to restart character cache while compiling character cache for channel '"+channelSubscribeId+"' !");
                            // dump SAX buffer into the serializer
                            // extract compiled character cache
                            if(cs.stopCaching()) {
                                try {
                                  log.debug("outputChannel 2: "+characterContent);
                                    if(characterContent!=null) {
                                        // save compiled character cache
                                    } else {
                                        log.error("character caching serializer returned NULL character cache for channel '"+channelSubscribeId+"' !");
                                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                                    log.error("unable to compile character cache for channel '"+channelSubscribeId+"'! Invalid encoding specified.",e);
                                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                                    log.error("IO exception occurred while compiling character cache for channel '"+channelSubscribeId+"' !",ioe);
                            } else {
                                log.error("unable to reset cache state while compiling character cache for channel '"+channelSubscribeId+"' ! Serializer was not caching when it should've been ! Partial output possible!");
                        } catch (IOException ioe) {
                            handleRenderingError(request, response, channelSubscribeId,contentHandler,ioe,renderingStatus,"encountered a problem compiling channel character content","Encountered IO exception while trying to output channel content SAX to the character caching serializer",true);
                        } catch (org.xml.sax.SAXException se) {
                            handleRenderingError(request, response, channelSubscribeId,contentHandler,se,renderingStatus,"encountered a problem compiling channel character content","Encountered SAX exception while trying to output channel content SAX to the character caching serializer",true);

                    } else {
                        handleRenderingError(request, response, channelSubscribeId,contentHandler,null,renderingStatus,"unable to obtain channel rendering","IChannelRenderer.getBuffer() returned null",false);
                } else { // non-null characterContent case
                    // output character content
                    try {
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            log.debug("Getting output - Writing " + characterContent.length() + " characters for " + cr.toString() + " for subscribe id: " + channelSubscribeId);
                    } catch (IOException ioe) {
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                            log.debug("" +
                                    "exception thrown while trying to output character " +
                                    "cache for channelSubscribeId=" +
                                    "'"+channelSubscribeId + "'", ioe);
            } else { // regular serializer case
                // need to output straight
                SAX2BufferImpl bufferedContent=cr.getBuffer();
                if(bufferedContent!=null) {
                    try {
                        // output to the serializer
                        ChannelSAXStreamFilter custodian = new ChannelSAXStreamFilter(contentHandler);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        log.error("encountered an exception while trying to output SAX2 content of channel '"+channelSubscribeId+"' to a regular serializer. Partial output possible !",e);
                } else {
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          // channel failed to accept portal control structures
          LOG.error("channel failed to accept portal control structures.",e);
      // start rendering in a separate thread
      SAX2BufferImpl buffer = new SAX2BufferImpl();
      Worker worker = new Worker(channel, rd, buffer);
      Thread workerThread = new Thread(PortalSessionManager.getThreadGroup(), worker, "servlet renderer");
      long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      // set the mime type
      // set up the serializer
      BaseMarkupSerializer ser = mediaM.getSerializer(mediaM.getMedia(req), res.getWriter());
      // get the framing stylesheet
      String xslURI = null;
        xslURI = set.getStylesheetURI(req);
      catch(PortalException pe)
        throw new ServletException(pe);
      try {
          TransformerHandler th=XSLT.getTransformerHandler(xslURI);
          th.setResult(new SAXResult(ser));
          try {
              long wait = timeOut - System.currentTimeMillis() + startTime;
              if (wait > 0)
          } catch (InterruptedException e) {
              // thread waiting on the worker has been interrupted
              LOG.error("thread waiting on the worker has been interrupted.",e);
          // kill the working thread
          // yes, this is terribly crude and unsafe, but I don't see an alternative
          if (worker.done()) {
              if (worker.successful()) {
                  // unplug the buffer
                  try {
                      org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl atl = new org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl();
                      atl.addAttribute("","name","name", "CDATA", channelName);
                      // add other attributes: hasHelp, hasAbout, hasEdit
                      th.startElement("","channel","channel", atl);
                      ChannelSAXStreamFilter custodian = new ChannelSAXStreamFilter(th);
                      buffer.stopBuffering(); buffer.outputBuffer();
                  } catch (SAXException e) {
                      // worst case scenario: partial content output :(
                      LOG.error("error during unbuffering",e);
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   * @return error code. 0 - successful rendering; 1 - rendering failed; 2 - rendering timedOut;
    public int outputRendering (ContentHandler out) throws Throwable {
        int renderingStatus=completeRendering();
        if(renderingStatus==RENDERING_SUCCESSFUL) {
            SAX2BufferImpl buffer;
            if ((buffer=this.worker.getBuffer())!=null) {
                // unplug the buffer :)
                try {
                    return RENDERING_SUCCESSFUL;
                } catch (SAXException e) {
                    // worst case scenario: partial content output :(
                    log.error( "outputRendering() : following SAX exception occured : "+e);
                    throw e;
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                            } else {
                                // need to render again and cache the output
                                buffer = new SAX2BufferImpl ();


                                // save cache
                                if(key!=null) {

                                    if(key.getKeyScope()==ChannelCacheKey.SYSTEM_KEY_SCOPE) {
                                        systemCache.put(key.getKey(),new ChannelCacheEntry(buffer, this.channelTitle, key.getKeyValidity()));
                                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                            log.debug("recorded system cache based on a key \""+key.getKey()+"\"");
                                    } else {
                                        getChannelCache().put(key.getKey(),new ChannelCacheEntry(buffer, this.channelTitle, key.getKeyValidity()));
                                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                            log.debug("recorded instance cache based on a key \""+key.getKey()+"\"");
                    } else {
                        if (ccacheable && channel instanceof ICharacterChannel) {
                            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(100);
                            PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
                            cbuffer = sw.toString();
                        } else {
                            buffer = new SAX2BufferImpl ();
                } else  {
                    // in the case when channel cache is not enabled
                    buffer = new SAX2BufferImpl ();
                    channel.renderXML (buffer);
                successful = true;
            } catch (Exception e) {
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                CachingSerializer cs=(CachingSerializer) contentHandler;
                // need to get characters
                String characterContent=cr.getCharacters();
                if(characterContent==null) {
                    // obtain a SAX Buffer content then
                    SAX2BufferImpl bufferedContent=cr.getBuffer();
                    if(bufferedContent!=null) {
                        // translate SAX Buffer into the character version
                        try {
                            if(!cs.startCaching()) {
                                log.error("ChannelManager::outputChannel() : unable to restart character cache while compiling character cache for channel \""+channelSubscribeId+"\" !");
                            // dump SAX buffer into the serializer
                            // extract compiled character cache
                            if(cs.stopCaching()) {
                                try {
                                  log.debug("outputChannel 2: "+characterContent);
                                    if(characterContent!=null) {
                                        // save compiled character cache
                                    } else {
                                        log.error("ChannelManager::outputChannel() : character caching serializer returned NULL character cache for channel \""+channelSubscribeId+"\" !");
                                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                                    log.error("ChannelManager::outputChannel() :unable to compile character cache for channel \""+channelSubscribeId+"\"! Invalid encoding specified.",e);
                                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                                    log.error("ChannelManager::outputChannel() :IO exception occurred while compiling character cache for channel \""+channelSubscribeId+"\" !",ioe);
                            } else {
                                log.error("ChannelManager::outputChannel() : unable to reset cache state while compiling character cache for channel \""+channelSubscribeId+"\" ! Serializer was not caching when it should've been ! Partial output possible!");
                        } catch (IOException ioe) {
                            handleRenderingError(channelSubscribeId,contentHandler,ioe,renderingStatus,"encountered a problem compiling channel character content","Encountered IO exception while trying to output channel content SAX to the character caching serializer",true);
                        } catch (org.xml.sax.SAXException se) {
                            handleRenderingError(channelSubscribeId,contentHandler,se,renderingStatus,"encountered a problem compiling channel character content","Encountered SAX exception while trying to output channel content SAX to the character caching serializer",true);

                    } else {
                        handleRenderingError(channelSubscribeId,contentHandler,null,renderingStatus,"unable to obtain channel rendering","IChannelRenderer.getBuffer() returned null",false);
                } else { // non-null characterContent case
                    // output character content
                    try {
                        // LogService.log(LogService.DEBUG,"------ channel "+channelSubscribeId+" character block (retrieved):");
                        // LogService.log(LogService.DEBUG,characterContent);
                    } catch (IOException ioe) {
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                            log.debug("ChannelManager::outputChannel() : " +
                                    "exception thrown while trying to output character " +
                                    "cache for channelSubscribeId=" +
                                    "\""+channelSubscribeId + "\"", ioe);
            } else { // regular serializer case
                // need to output straight
                SAX2BufferImpl bufferedContent=cr.getBuffer();
                if(bufferedContent!=null) {
                    try {
                        // output to the serializer
                        ChannelSAXStreamFilter custodian = new ChannelSAXStreamFilter(contentHandler);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        log.error("ChannelManager::outputChannel() : encountered an exception while trying to output SAX2 content of channel \""+channelSubscribeId+"\" to a regular serializer. Partial output possible !",e);
                } else {
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          // channel failed to accept portal control structures
          LOG.error("channel failed to accept portal control structures.",e);
      // start rendering in a separate thread
      SAX2BufferImpl buffer = new SAX2BufferImpl();
      Worker worker = new Worker(channel, rd, buffer);
      Thread workerThread = new Thread(worker);
      long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      // set the mime type
      // set up the serializer
      BaseMarkupSerializer ser = mediaM.getSerializer(mediaM.getMedia(req), res.getWriter());
      // get the framing stylesheet
      String xslURI = null;
        xslURI = set.getStylesheetURI(req);
      catch(PortalException pe)
        throw new ServletException(pe);
      try {
          TransformerHandler th=XSLT.getTransformerHandler(xslURI);
          th.setResult(new SAXResult(ser));
          try {
              long wait = timeOut - System.currentTimeMillis() + startTime;
              if (wait > 0)
          } catch (InterruptedException e) {
              // thread waiting on the worker has been interrupted
              LOG.error("thread waiting on the worker has been interrupted.",e);
          // kill the working thread
          // yes, this is terribly crude and unsafe, but I don't see an alternative
          if (worker.done()) {
              if (worker.successful()) {
                  // unplug the buffer
                  try {
                      org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl atl = new org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl();
                      atl.addAttribute("","name","name", "CDATA", channelName);
                      // add other attributes: hasHelp, hasAbout, hasEdit
                      th.startElement("","channel","channel", atl);
                      ChannelSAXStreamFilter custodian = new ChannelSAXStreamFilter(th);
                      buffer.stopBuffering(); buffer.outputBuffer();
                  } catch (SAXException e) {
                      // worst case scenario: partial content output :(
                      LOG.error("error during unbuffering",e);
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                        // if this failed, try XSLT cache
                        if((!ccaching) || (!ccache_exists)) {
                            // obtain XSLT cache

                            SAX2BufferImpl cachedBuffer=(SAX2BufferImpl) this.systemCache.get(cacheKey);
                            if(cachedBuffer!=null) {
                                // replay the buffer to channel incorporation filter
                                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                                    log.debug("UserInstance::renderState() : retreived XSLT transformation cache for a key \""+cacheKey+"\"");
                                // attach rendering buffer downstream of the cached buffer
                                ChannelRenderingBuffer crb = new ChannelRenderingBuffer((XMLReader)cachedBuffer,channelManager,ccaching);
                                // attach channel incorporation filter downstream of the channel rendering buffer

                    // fallback on the regular rendering procedure
                    if(!output_produced) {

                        // obtain transformer handlers for both structure and theme stylesheets
                        TransformerHandler ssth = XSLT.getTransformerHandler(ResourceLoader.getResourceAsURL(UserInstance.class, ssd.getStylesheetURI()).toString());
                        TransformerHandler tsth = XSLT.getTransformerHandler(tsd.getStylesheetURI(), localeManager.getLocales(), this);

                        // obtain transformer references from the handlers
                        Transformer sst=ssth.getTransformer();
                        Transformer tst=tsth.getTransformer();

                        // initialize ChannelRenderingBuffer and attach it downstream of the structure transformer
                        ChannelRenderingBuffer crb = new ChannelRenderingBuffer(channelManager,ccaching);
                        ssth.setResult(new SAXResult(crb));

                        // determine and set the stylesheet params
                        // prepare .uP element and detach flag to be passed to the stylesheets
                        // Including the context path in front of uPElement is necessary for browsers to work
                        sst.setParameter("baseActionURL", uPElement.getUPFile());
                        // construct idempotent version of the uPElement
                        UPFileSpec uPIdempotentElement=new UPFileSpec(uPElement);

                        Hashtable supTable = userPreferences.getStructureStylesheetUserPreferences().getParameterValues();
                        for (Enumeration e = supTable.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
                            String pName = (String)e.nextElement();
                            String pValue = (String)supTable.get(pName);
                            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                                log.debug("UserInstance::renderState() : setting sparam \"" + pName + "\"=\"" + pValue + "\".");
                            sst.setParameter(pName, pValue);

                        // all the parameters are set up, fire up structure transformation

                        // filter to fill in channel/folder attributes for the "structure" transformation.
                        StructureAttributesIncorporationFilter saif = new StructureAttributesIncorporationFilter(ssth, userPreferences.getStructureStylesheetUserPreferences());

                        // This is a debug statement that will print out XML incoming to the
                        // structure transformation to a log file serializer to a printstream
                        StringWriter dbwr1 = null;
                        OutputFormat outputFormat = null;
                        if (logXMLBeforeStructureTransformation) {
                            dbwr1 = new StringWriter();
                            outputFormat = new OutputFormat();
                            XMLSerializer dbser1 = new XMLSerializer(dbwr1, outputFormat);
                            SAX2DuplicatingFilterImpl dupl1 = new SAX2DuplicatingFilterImpl(ssth, dbser1);

                        // if operating in the detach mode, need wrap everything
                        // in a document node and a <layout_fragment> node
                        boolean detachMode=!rootNodeId.equals(USER_LAYOUT_ROOT_NODE);
                        if (detachMode) {
                            saif.startElement("","layout_fragment","layout_fragment", new org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl());

                            //                            emptyt.transform(new DOMSource(rElement),new SAXResult(new ChannelSAXStreamFilter((ContentHandler)saif)));
                            if(rElement==null) {
                                ulm.getUserLayout(new ChannelSAXStreamFilter((ContentHandler)saif));
                            } else {
                                ulm.getUserLayout(rElement.getId(),new ChannelSAXStreamFilter((ContentHandler)saif));

                        } else {
                            if(rElement==null) {
                            } else {
                            //                            emptyt.transform(new DOMSource(rElement),new SAXResult((ContentHandler)saif));
                        // all channels should be rendering now

                        // Debug piece to print out the recorded pre-structure transformation XML
                        if (logXMLBeforeStructureTransformation) {
                            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                                log.debug("UserInstance::renderState() : XML incoming to the structure transformation :\n\n" + dbwr1.toString() + "\n\n");

                        // prepare for the theme transformation

                        // set up of the parameters
                        tst.setParameter("baseActionURL", uPElement.getUPFile());

                        Hashtable tupTable = userPreferences.getThemeStylesheetUserPreferences().getParameterValues();
                        for (Enumeration e = tupTable.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
                            String pName = (String)e.nextElement();
                            String pValue = (String)tupTable.get(pName);
                            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                                log.debug("UserInstance::renderState() : setting tparam \"" + pName + "\"=\"" + pValue + "\".");
                            tst.setParameter(pName, pValue);
                        tst.setParameter("uP_productAndVersion", Version.getProductAndVersion());
                        // tst.setParameter("locale", localeManager.getLocaleFromSessionParameter());

                        // initialize a filter to fill in channel attributes for the "theme" (second) transformation.
                        // attach it downstream of the channel rendering buffer
                        ThemeAttributesIncorporationFilter taif = new ThemeAttributesIncorporationFilter((XMLReader)crb, userPreferences.getThemeStylesheetUserPreferences());
                        // attach theme transformation downstream of the theme attribute incorporation filter

                        // This is a debug statement that will print out XML incoming to the
                        // theme transformation to a log file serializer to a printstream
                        StringWriter dbwr2 = null;
                        if (logXMLBeforeThemeTransformation) {
                            dbwr2 = new StringWriter();
                            XMLSerializer dbser2 = new XMLSerializer(dbwr2, outputFormat);
                            SAX2DuplicatingFilterImpl dupl2 = new SAX2DuplicatingFilterImpl(tsth, dbser2);

                        if(UserInstance.CACHE_ENABLED && !ccaching) {
                            // record cache
                            // attach caching buffer downstream of the theme transformer
                            SAX2BufferImpl newCache=new SAX2BufferImpl();
                            tsth.setResult(new SAXResult(newCache));

                            // attach channel incorporation filter downstream of the caching buffer

                            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                                log.debug("UserInstance::renderState() : recorded transformation cache with key \""+cacheKey+"\"");
                        } else {
                            // attach channel incorporation filter downstream of the theme transformer
                            tsth.setResult(new SAXResult(cif));
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   * @return error code. 0 - successful rendering; 1 - rendering failed; 2 - rendering timedOut;
    public int outputRendering (ContentHandler out) throws Throwable {
        int renderingStatus=completeRendering();
        if(renderingStatus==RENDERING_SUCCESSFUL) {
            SAX2BufferImpl buffer;
            if ((buffer=this.worker.getBuffer())!=null) {
                // unplug the buffer :)
                try {
                    return RENDERING_SUCCESSFUL;
                } catch (SAXException e) {
                    // worst case scenario: partial content output :(
                    log.error( "ChannelRenderer::outputRendering() : following SAX exception occured : "+e, e);
                    throw e;
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