Package org.jasig.portal

Examples of org.jasig.portal.UserPreferences

    String activeTab = "none";

      // Get the profile associated with the layout currently being modified
      UserPreferences userPrefsFromStore = context.getUserPreferencesFromStore(context.getCurrentUserPreferences().getProfile());
      activeTab = userPrefsFromStore.getStructureStylesheetUserPreferences().getParameterValue("activeTab");
    catch (Exception e)
      log.error( "TabColumnPrefsState::getAcctiveTab : Unable to retrieve active tab.");
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            return null;

  public UserPreferences getUserPreferences (IPerson person, String profileFname) throws Exception {
    UserPreferences up = null;
    UserProfile profile = this.getUserProfileByFname(person, profileFname);
    if (profile != null) {
      up = getUserPreferences(person, profile);
    return  (up);
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    return  (up);

  public UserPreferences getUserPreferences (IPerson person, UserProfile profile) throws Exception {
    int profileId = profile.getProfileId();
    UserPreferences up = new UserPreferences(profile);
    up.setStructureStylesheetUserPreferences(getStructureStylesheetUserPreferences(person, profileId, profile.getStructureStylesheetId()));
    up.setThemeStylesheetUserPreferences(getThemeStylesheetUserPreferences(person, profileId, profile.getThemeStylesheetId()));
    return  up;
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    String activeTab = "none";

      // Get the profile associated with the layout currently being modified
      UserPreferences userPrefsFromStore = context.getUserPreferencesFromStore(context.getCurrentUserPreferences().getProfile());
      activeTab = userPrefsFromStore.getStructureStylesheetUserPreferences().getParameterValue("activeTab");
    catch (Exception e)
      log.error( "Unable to retrieve active tab.");
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        if (!layoutExistsForUser(person)) {
            return null;

        org.dom4j.Document layoutDoc = null;
        UserPreferences up = null;
        try {
            Document layoutDom = _safeGetUserLayout(person, profile);
            person.setAttribute(Constants.PLF, layoutDom);
            layoutDoc =;
            up = this.getUserPreferences(person, profile);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            String msg = "Unable to obtain layout & profile for user '"
                            + person.getUserName() + "', profileId "
                            + profile.getProfileId();
            throw new RuntimeException(msg, t);
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            // Write out this version of the layout to the log for dev purposes...
            StringWriter str = new StringWriter();
            XMLWriter xml = new XMLWriter(str, new OutputFormat("  ", true));
            try {
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Failed to write the layout for user '"
                            + person.getUserName() + "' to the DEBUG log", t);
            log.debug("Layout for user:  " + person.getUserName()
                        + "\n" + str.getBuffer().toString());

         * Clean up the DOM for export.
        // (1) Add structure & theme attributes...
        StructureStylesheetUserPreferences ssup = up.getStructureStylesheetUserPreferences();
        // The structure transform supports both 'folder' and 'channel' attributes...
        List<String> structFolderAttrNames = Collections.list(ssup.getFolderAttributeNames());
        for (Iterator<org.dom4j.Element> fldrs = (Iterator<org.dom4j.Element>) layoutDoc.selectNodes("//folder").iterator(); fldrs.hasNext();) {
            org.dom4j.Element fld =;
            for (String attr : structFolderAttrNames) {
                String val = ssup.getDefinedFolderAttributeValue(fld.valueOf("@ID"), attr);
                if (val != null) {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("Adding structure folder attribute:  name=" + attr + ", value=" + val);
                    org.dom4j.Element sa = fac.createElement("structure-attribute");
                    org.dom4j.Element n = sa.addElement("name");
                    org.dom4j.Element v = sa.addElement("value");
                    fld.elements().add(0, sa);
        List<String> structChannelAttrNames = Collections.list(ssup.getChannelAttributeNames());
        for (Iterator<org.dom4j.Element> chnls = (Iterator<org.dom4j.Element>) layoutDoc.selectNodes("//channel").iterator(); chnls.hasNext();) {
            org.dom4j.Element chnl =;
            for (String attr : structChannelAttrNames) {
                String val = ssup.getDefinedChannelAttributeValue(chnl.valueOf("@ID"), attr);
                if (val != null) {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("Adding structure channel attribute:  name=" + attr + ", value=" + val);
                    org.dom4j.Element sa = fac.createElement("structure-attribute");
                    org.dom4j.Element n = sa.addElement("name");
                    org.dom4j.Element v = sa.addElement("value");
                    chnl.elements().add(0, sa);
        // The theme transform supports only 'channel' attributes...
        ThemeStylesheetUserPreferences tsup = up.getThemeStylesheetUserPreferences();
        List<String> themeChannelAttrNames = Collections.list(tsup.getChannelAttributeNames());
        for (Iterator<org.dom4j.Element> chnls = (Iterator<org.dom4j.Element>) layoutDoc.selectNodes("//channel").iterator(); chnls.hasNext();) {
            org.dom4j.Element chnl =;
            for (String attr : themeChannelAttrNames) {
                String val = tsup.getDefinedChannelAttributeValue(chnl.valueOf("@ID"), attr);
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        // (1) Process structure & theme attributes...
        Document layoutDom = null;
        try {

//            UserPreferences up = this.getUserPreferences(person, profile);
            UserPreferences up = new UserPreferences(profile);
                        profile.getProfileId(), profile.getStructureStylesheetId()));
                        profile.getProfileId(), profile.getThemeStylesheetId()));
            // Structure Attributes.
            boolean saSet = false;
            StructureStylesheetUserPreferences ssup = up.getStructureStylesheetUserPreferences();
            // ssup must be manually cleaned out.
            for (Enumeration<String> names = (Enumeration<String>) ssup.getFolderAttributeNames(); names.hasMoreElements();) {
                String n = names.nextElement();
                for (Enumeration<String> fIds = (Enumeration<String>) ssup.getFolders(); fIds.hasMoreElements();) {
                    String f = fIds.nextElement();
                    if (ssup.getDefinedFolderAttributeValue(f, n) != null) {
            for (Enumeration<String> names = (Enumeration<String>) ssup.getChannelAttributeNames(); names.hasMoreElements();) {
                String n = names.nextElement();
                for (Enumeration<String> chds = (Enumeration<String>) ssup.getChannels(); chds.hasMoreElements();) {
                    String c = chds.nextElement();
                    if (ssup.getDefinedChannelAttributeValue(c, n) != null) {
            for (Iterator<org.dom4j.Element> it = (Iterator<org.dom4j.Element>) layout.selectNodes("//structure-attribute").iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                org.dom4j.Element sa = (org.dom4j.Element);
                String idAttr = sa.getParent().valueOf("@ID");
                if (sa.getParent().getName().equals("folder")) {
                    ssup.setFolderAttributeValue(idAttr, sa.valueOf("name"), sa.valueOf("value"));
                    saSet = true;
                } else if (sa.getParent().getName().equals("channel")) {
                    ssup.setChannelAttributeValue(idAttr, sa.valueOf("name"), sa.valueOf("value"));
                    saSet = true;
                } else {
                    String msg = "Unrecognized parent element for user preferences attribute:  " + sa.getParent().getName();
                    throw new RuntimeException(msg);
                // Remove these elements or else DLM will choke...
            // Theme Attributes.
            boolean taSet = false;
            ThemeStylesheetUserPreferences tsup = up.getThemeStylesheetUserPreferences();
            // tsup must be manually cleaned out.
            for (Enumeration<String> names = (Enumeration<String>) tsup.getChannelAttributeNames(); names.hasMoreElements();) {
                String n = names.nextElement();
                for (Enumeration<String> chds = (Enumeration<String>) tsup.getChannels(); chds.hasMoreElements();) {
                    String c = chds.nextElement();
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                channelManager.startRenderingCycle(req, res, uPElement);

                // after this point the layout is determined

                UserPreferences userPreferences = uPreferencesManager.getUserPreferences();
                StructureStylesheetDescription ssd = uPreferencesManager.getStructureStylesheetDescription();
                ThemeStylesheetDescription tsd = uPreferencesManager.getThemeStylesheetDescription();

                // verify upElement and determine rendering root --begin
                if (newRootNodeId != null && (!newRootNodeId.equals(rootNodeId))) {
                    // see if the new detach traget is valid
                    try {
                        rElement = ulm.getNode(newRootNodeId);
                    catch (PortalException e) {
                        rElement = null;

                    if (rElement != null) {
                        // valid new root id was specified. need to redirect
                        // peterk: should we worry about forwarding
                        // parameters here ? or those passed with detach
                        // always get sacked ?
                        // Andreas: Forwarding parameters with detach
                        // are not lost anymore with the URLUtil class.

                        // Skip the uP_detach_target parameter since
                        // it has already been processed
                        String[] skipParams = new String[] { "uP_detach_target" };

                        try {
                            URLUtil.redirect(req, res, newRootNodeId, true, skipParams, CHARACTER_SET);
                        catch (PortalException pe) {
                            log.error("PortalException occurred while redirecting",

                // LogService.log(LogService.DEBUG,"uP_detach_target=\""+rootNodeId+"\".");
                try {
                    rElement = ulm.getNode(rootNodeId);
                catch (PortalException e) {
                    rElement = null;
                // if we haven't found root node so far, set it to the userLayoutRoot
                if (rElement == null) {
                    rootNodeId = UPFileSpec.USER_LAYOUT_ROOT_NODE;

                // update the render target

                // inform channel manager about the new uPElement value
                // verify upElement and determine rendering root --begin
                // Increase output buffer size, buffer will be flushed before and after every <channel>
                res.setBufferSize(16 * 1024);

                // Disable page caching
                res.setHeader("pragma", "no-cache");
                res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate");
                res.setDateHeader("Expires", 0);
                // set the response mime type
                res.setContentType(tsd.getMimeType() + "; charset=" + CHARACTER_SET);
                // obtain the writer - res.getWriter() must occur after res.setContentType()
                Writer out = new BufferedWriter(res.getWriter(), 1024);
                // get a serializer appropriate for the target media
                BaseMarkupSerializer markupSerializer =
                        new ChannelTitleIncorporationWiterFilter(out, channelManager, ulm));
                // set up the serializer
                // see if we can use character caching
                boolean ccaching = (CHARACTER_CACHE_ENABLED && (markupSerializer instanceof CachingSerializer));
                // pass along the serializer name
                // initialize ChannelIncorporationFilter
                CharacterCachingChannelIncorporationFilter cif = new CharacterCachingChannelIncorporationFilter(markupSerializer, channelManager, CACHE_ENABLED && CHARACTER_CACHE_ENABLED, req, res);

                String cacheKey = null;
                boolean output_produced = false;
                if (CACHE_ENABLED) {
                    boolean ccache_exists = false;
                    // obtain the cache key
                    cacheKey = constructCacheKey(uPreferencesManager, rootNodeId);
                    if (ccaching) {
                        // obtain character cache
                        List<CacheEntry> cacheEntries = systemCharacterCache.get(cacheKey);
                        if(cacheEntries!=null && cacheEntries.size()>0) {
                            ccache_exists = true;
                            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                                        .debug("retreived transformation character block cache for a key \""
                                                + cacheKey + "\"");
                            // start channel threads
                            for(int i=0;i<cacheEntries.size();i++) {
                                CacheEntry ce = cacheEntries.get(i);
                                if (ce.getCacheType().equals(CacheType.CHANNEL_CONTENT)) {
                                    String channelSubscribeId = ((ChannelContentCacheEntry)ce).getChannelId();
                                    if(channelSubscribeId!=null) {
                                        try {
                                            channelManager.startChannelRendering(req, res, channelSubscribeId);
                                        } catch (PortalException e) {
                                            log.error("UserInstance::renderState() : unable to start rendering channel (subscribeId=\""+channelSubscribeId+"\", user="+person.getID()+" layoutId="+uPreferencesManager.getCurrentProfile().getLayoutId(),e);
                                    } else {
                                        log.error("channel entry " + Integer.toString(i)
                                            + " in character cache is invalid (user=" + person.getID() + ")!");

                            // go through the output loop
                            CachingSerializer cSerializer = (CachingSerializer) markupSerializer;

                            for(int sb=0; sb<cacheEntries.size();sb++) {
                                CacheEntry ce = cacheEntries.get(sb);
                                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                    DebugCachingSerializer dcs = new DebugCachingSerializer();
                                    log.debug("----------printing " + ce.getCacheType() + " cache block "+Integer.toString(sb));
                                    ce.replayCache(dcs, channelManager, req, res);

                                // get cache block output
                                ce.replayCache(cSerializer, channelManager, req, res);

                            output_produced = true;
                    // if this failed, try XSLT cache
                    if ((!ccaching) || (!ccache_exists)) {
                        // obtain XSLT cache

                        SAX2BufferImpl cachedBuffer = systemCache.get(cacheKey);
                        if (cachedBuffer != null) {
                            // replay the buffer to channel incorporation filter
                            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                log.debug("retreived XSLT transformation cache for a key '" + cacheKey + "'");
                            // attach rendering buffer downstream of the cached buffer
                            ChannelRenderingBuffer crb = new ChannelRenderingBuffer(cachedBuffer, channelManager, ccaching, req, res);
                            // attach channel incorporation filter downstream of the channel rendering buffer

                            output_produced = true;
                // fallback on the regular rendering procedure
                if (!output_produced) {

                    // obtain transformer handlers for both structure and theme stylesheets
                    TransformerHandler ssth = XSLT.getTransformerHandler(ResourceLoader.getResourceAsURL(this.getClass(), ssd.getStylesheetURI()).toString());
                    TransformerHandler tsth = XSLT.getTransformerHandler(tsd.getStylesheetURI(), localeManager
                            .getLocales(), this);

                    // obtain transformer references from the handlers
                    Transformer sst = ssth.getTransformer();
                    Transformer tst = tsth.getTransformer();
                    // pass resourcesDao into transformer
                    tst.setParameter(ResourcesXalanElements.SKIN_RESOURCESDAO_PARAMETER_NAME, resourcesElementsProvider);
                    tst.setParameter(ResourcesXalanElements.CURRENT_REQUEST, req);

                    // initialize ChannelRenderingBuffer and attach it downstream of the structure transformer
                    ChannelRenderingBuffer crb = new ChannelRenderingBuffer(channelManager, ccaching, req, res);
                    ssth.setResult(new SAXResult(crb));

                    // determine and set the stylesheet params
                    // prepare .uP element and detach flag to be passed to the stylesheets
                    // Including the context path in front of uPElement is necessary for browsers to work
                    sst.setParameter("baseActionURL", uPElement.getUPFile());
                    // construct idempotent version of the uPElement
                    UPFileSpec uPIdempotentElement = new UPFileSpec(uPElement);
                    sst.setParameter("baseIdempotentActionURL", uPElement.getUPFile());

                    Hashtable<String, String> supTable = userPreferences.getStructureStylesheetUserPreferences()
                    for (Map.Entry<String, String> param : supTable.entrySet()) {
                        String pName = param.getKey();
                        String pValue = param.getValue();
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                            log.debug("setting sparam \"" + pName + "\"=\"" + pValue
                                    + "\".");
                        sst.setParameter(pName, pValue);

                    // all the parameters are set up, fire up structure transformation

                    // filter to fill in channel/folder attributes for the "structure" transformation.
                    StructureAttributesIncorporationFilter saif = new StructureAttributesIncorporationFilter(ssth,

                    // This is a debug statement that will print out XML incoming to the
                    // structure transformation to a log file serializer to a printstream
                    StringWriter dbwr1 = null;
                    OutputFormat outputFormat = null;
                    if (logXMLBeforeStructureTransformation && log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        dbwr1 = new StringWriter();
                        outputFormat = new OutputFormat();
                        XMLSerializer dbser1 = new XMLSerializer(dbwr1, outputFormat);
                        SAX2DuplicatingFilterImpl dupl1 = new SAX2DuplicatingFilterImpl(ssth, dbser1);

                    // if operating in the detach mode, need wrap everything
                    // in a document node and a <layout_fragment> node
                    boolean detachMode = !rootNodeId.equals(UPFileSpec.USER_LAYOUT_ROOT_NODE);
                    if (detachMode) {
                                new org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl());

                        //                            emptyt.transform(new DOMSource(rElement),new SAXResult(new ChannelSAXStreamFilter((ContentHandler)saif)));
                        if (rElement == null) {
                            ulm.getUserLayout(new ChannelSAXStreamFilter((ContentHandler) saif));
                        else {
                            ulm.getUserLayout(rElement.getId(), new ChannelSAXStreamFilter((ContentHandler) saif));

                        saif.endElement("", "layout_fragment", "layout_fragment");
                    else {
                        if (rElement == null) {
                        else {
                            ulm.getUserLayout(rElement.getId(), saif);
                        //                            emptyt.transform(new DOMSource(rElement),new SAXResult((ContentHandler)saif));
                    // all channels should be rendering now

                    // Debug piece to print out the recorded pre-structure transformation XML
                    if (logXMLBeforeStructureTransformation && log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            log.debug("XML incoming to the structure transformation :\n\n"
                                            + dbwr1.toString() + "\n\n");

                    // prepare for the theme transformation

                    // set up of the parameters
                    tst.setParameter("baseActionURL", uPElement.getUPFile());
                    tst.setParameter("baseIdempotentActionURL", uPIdempotentElement.getUPFile());
                    if (externalLoginUrl != null) {
                        tst.setParameter("EXTERNAL_LOGIN_URL", externalLoginUrl);

                    Hashtable<String, String> tupTable = userPreferences.getThemeStylesheetUserPreferences()
                    for (Map.Entry<String, String> param : tupTable.entrySet()) {
                        String pName = param.getKey();
                        String pValue = param.getValue();
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                            log.debug("setting tparam \"" + pName + "\"=\"" + pValue
                                    + "\".");
                        tst.setParameter(pName, pValue);

                    VersionsManager versionsManager = VersionsManager.getInstance();
                    Version[] versions = versionsManager.getVersions();

                    for (Version version : versions) {
                        String paramName = "version-" + version.getFname();
                        tst.setParameter(paramName, version.dottedTriple());

                    // the uP_productAndVersion stylesheet parameter is deprecated
                    // instead use the more generic "version-UP_VERSION" generated from the
                    // framework's functional name when all versions are pulled immediately
                    // above.
                    Version uPortalVersion = versionsManager.getVersion(IPermission.PORTAL_FRAMEWORK);
                    tst.setParameter("uP_productAndVersion", "uPortal " + uPortalVersion.dottedTriple());

                    final Locale[] locales = localeManager.getLocales();
                    if (locales != null && locales.length > 0 && locales[0] != null) {
                        tst.setParameter("USER_LANG", locales[0].toString().replace('_', '-'));

                    // initialize a filter to fill in channel attributes for the "theme" (second) transformation.
                    // attach it downstream of the channel rendering buffer
                    ThemeAttributesIncorporationFilter taif = new ThemeAttributesIncorporationFilter(
                            (XMLReader) crb, userPreferences.getThemeStylesheetUserPreferences());
                    // attach theme transformation downstream of the theme attribute incorporation filter

                    // This is a debug statement that will print out XML incoming to the
                    // theme transformation to a log file serializer to a printstream
                    StringWriter dbwr2 = null;
                    if (logXMLBeforeThemeTransformation && log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        dbwr2 = new StringWriter();
                        XMLSerializer dbser2 = new XMLSerializer(dbwr2, outputFormat);
                        SAX2DuplicatingFilterImpl dupl2 = new SAX2DuplicatingFilterImpl(tsth, dbser2);

                    if (CACHE_ENABLED && !ccaching) {
                        // record cache
                        // attach caching buffer downstream of the theme transformer
                        SAX2BufferImpl newCache = new SAX2BufferImpl();
                        tsth.setResult(new SAXResult(newCache));

                        // attach channel incorporation filter downstream of the caching buffer

                        systemCache.put(cacheKey, newCache);
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                            log.debug("recorded transformation cache with key \""
                                    + cacheKey + "\"");
                    else {
                        // attach channel incorporation filter downstream of the theme transformer
                        tsth.setResult(new SAXResult(cif));
                    // fire up theme transformation

                    // Debug piece to print out the recorded pre-theme transformation XML
                    if (logXMLBeforeThemeTransformation && log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug("XML incoming to the theme transformation :\n\n"
                                + dbwr2.toString() + "\n\n");

                    if (CACHE_ENABLED && ccaching) {
                        // save character block cache
                        List<CacheEntry> cacheBlocks = cif.getCacheBlocks();
                        if(cacheBlocks == null) {
                                    .error("CharacterCachingChannelIncorporationFilter returned invalid cache entries!");
                        else {
                            // record cache
                            systemCharacterCache.put(cacheKey, cacheBlocks);
                            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                        .debug("recorded transformation character block cache with key \""
                                                + cacheKey + "\"");

                                log.debug("Printing transformation cache blocks:");
                                for (int i=0; i<cacheBlocks.size(); i++) {
                                    CacheEntry ce = cacheBlocks.get(i);
                                    if (ce.getCacheType().equals(CacheType.CHARACTERS)) {
                                        log.debug("----------piece "+Integer.toString(i));
                                    } else if (ce.getCacheType().equals(CacheType.CHANNEL_CONTENT)) {
                                        log.debug("----------channel content entry "+Integer.toString(i));
                                    DebugCachingSerializer dcs = new DebugCachingSerializer();
                                    ce.replayCache(dcs, channelManager, req, res);

                // signal the end of the rendering round
            catch (PortalException pe) {
                throw pe;
            catch (Exception e) {
                throw new PortalException(e);
            finally {
                final long pageRenderTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
                lastRender = renderTimes.add(pageRenderTime);
                //Get the user's profile
                final UserProfile userProfile = uPreferencesManager.getCurrentProfile();
                //Find the activeTab index
                final UserPreferences userPreferences = uPreferencesManager.getUserPreferences();
                final StructureStylesheetUserPreferences structureStylesheetUserPreferences = userPreferences.getStructureStylesheetUserPreferences();
                final String activeTab = structureStylesheetUserPreferences.getParameterValue("activeTab");
                final int activeTabIndex = org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils.toInt(activeTab, 1);
                //Get the user's layout and find the targeted folder (tab)
                final IUserLayoutManager userLayoutManager = uPreferencesManager.getUserLayoutManager();
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        return false;
    protected String constructCacheKey(IUserPreferencesManager uPreferencesManager, String rootNodeId) throws PortalException {
        final UserPreferences userPreferences = uPreferencesManager.getUserPreferences();
        final IUserLayoutManager userLayoutManager = uPreferencesManager.getUserLayoutManager();
        return rootNodeId + "," + userPreferences.getCacheKey() + userLayoutManager.getCacheKey();
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        final IUserInstance userInstance = this.userInstanceManager.getUserInstance(request);
        final IUserPreferencesManager preferencesManager = userInstance.getPreferencesManager();
        final UserPreferences userPreferences = preferencesManager.getUserPreferences();
        final ThemeStylesheetUserPreferences themeStylesheetUserPreferences = userPreferences.getThemeStylesheetUserPreferences();
        final IPortletEntity portletEntity = this.portletEntityRegistry.getPortletEntity(portletEntityId);
        final String channelSubscribeId = portletEntity.getChannelSubscribeId();
        final String minimized = themeStylesheetUserPreferences.getChannelAttributeValue(channelSubscribeId, "minimized");
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        runtimeData = rd;
        String action = runtimeData.getParameter("action");
        if (action != null) {
         if (runtimeData.getParameter("submitSave")!=null) {
                String skinName = runtimeData.getParameter("skinName");
                UserPreferences userPrefs = upm.getUserPreferences();
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Related Classes of org.jasig.portal.UserPreferences

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