Package org.geowebcache.diskquota

Examples of org.geowebcache.diskquota.DiskQuotaConfig

            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            protected DiskQuotaConfig load() {
                final GWC gwc = getGWC();
                DiskQuotaConfig quotaConfig = gwc.getDisQuotaConfig();
                if (quotaConfig == null) {
                    quotaConfig = new DiskQuotaConfig();// fake
                return quotaConfig;

        final IModel<GWC> gwcModel = new LoadableDetachableModel<GWC>() {

            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            protected GWC load() {
                return getGWC();

        PropertyModel<MetadataMap> metadataModel = new PropertyModel<MetadataMap>(wmsInfoModel,
        IModel<Boolean> wmsIntegrationEnabledModel = new MapModel(metadataModel,

        CheckBox wmsIntegration = checkbox("enableWMSIntegration", wmsIntegrationEnabledModel,

        final DiskQuotaConfig diskQuotaConfig = diskQuotaModel.getObject();
        Quota globalQuota = diskQuotaConfig.getGlobalQuota();
        if (globalQuota == null) {
  "There's no GWC global disk quota configured, setting a default of 100MiB");
            globalQuota = new Quota(100, StorageUnit.MiB);

        // use this two payload models to let the user configure the global
        // quota as a decimal value
        // plus a storage unit. Then at form sumbission we'll transform them
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    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
    private void addCleanUpFrequencyConfig(final IModel<DiskQuotaConfig> diskQuotaModel) {

        final DiskQuotaConfig diskQuotaConfig = diskQuotaModel.getObject();

        int frequency = diskQuotaConfig.getCacheCleanUpFrequency();
        TimeUnit unit = diskQuotaConfig.getCacheCleanUpUnits();
        if (TimeUnit.SECONDS != unit) {
            frequency = (int) TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(frequency, unit);

        IModel<Integer> cleanUpFreqModel;
        cleanUpFreqModel = new PropertyModel<Integer>(diskQuotaModel, "cacheCleanUpFrequency");
        TextField<Integer> cleanUpFreq = new TextField<Integer>("cleanUpFreq", cleanUpFreqModel);
        cleanUpFreq.add(new AttributeModifier("title", true, new StringResourceModel(
                "GWCSettingsPage.cleanUpFreq.title", (Component) null, null)));
            Date lastRun = diskQuotaConfig.getLastCleanUpTime();
            String resourceId;
            HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
            if (lastRun == null) {
                resourceId = "GWCSettingsPage.cleanUpLastRunNever";
            } else {
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public class CachedLayerProviderTest extends GeoServerTestSupport {

    public void testQuotaEnabled() throws ConfigurationException, IOException, InterruptedException {
        GWC gwc = GWC.get();
        DiskQuotaConfig config = gwc.getDiskQuotaConfig();
        gwc.saveDiskQuotaConfig(config, null);
        CachedLayerProvider provider = new CachedLayerProvider();
        List<TileLayer> layers = provider.getItems();
        for (TileLayer tileLayer : layers) {
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    public void testQuotaDisabled() throws ConfigurationException, IOException, InterruptedException {
        GWC gwc = GWC.get();
        DiskQuotaConfig config = gwc.getDiskQuotaConfig();
        gwc.saveDiskQuotaConfig(config, null);
        CachedLayerProvider provider = new CachedLayerProvider();
        List<TileLayer> layers = provider.getItems();
        for (TileLayer tileLayer : layers) {
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    public void testDiskQuotaStorage() throws Exception {
        // normal state, quota is not enabled by default
        GWC gwc = GWC.get();
        ConfigurableQuotaStoreProvider provider = GeoServerExtensions.bean(ConfigurableQuotaStoreProvider.class);
        DiskQuotaConfig quota = gwc.getDiskQuotaConfig();
        JDBCConfiguration jdbc = gwc.getJDBCDiskQuotaConfig();
        assertFalse("Disk quota is enabled??", quota.isEnabled());
        assertNull("jdbc quota config should be missing", jdbc);
        assertTrue(getActualStore(provider) instanceof DummyQuotaStore);
        // enable disk quota in H2 mode
        gwc.saveDiskQuotaConfig(quota, null);
        GeoServerDataDirectory dd = GeoServerExtensions.bean(GeoServerDataDirectory.class);
        File jdbcConfigFile = dd.findFile("gwc/geowebcache-diskquota-jdbc.xml");
        assertNull("jdbc config should not be there", jdbcConfigFile);
        File h2DefaultStore = dd.findFile("gwc/diskquota_page_store_h2");
        assertNotNull("jdbc store should be there", h2DefaultStore);
        assertTrue(getActualStore(provider) instanceof JDBCQuotaStore);
        // disable again and clean up
        gwc.saveDiskQuotaConfig(quota, null);
        // now enable it in JDBC mode, with H2 local storage
        jdbc = new JDBCConfiguration();
        ConnectionPoolConfiguration pool = new ConnectionPoolConfiguration();
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    public Quota getQuotaLimit(final String layerName) {
        if (!isDiskQuotaAvailable()) {
            return null;

        DiskQuotaConfig disQuotaConfig = getDiskQuotaConfig();
        List<LayerQuota> layerQuotas = disQuotaConfig.getLayerQuotas();
        if (layerQuotas == null) {
            return null;
        for (LayerQuota lq : layerQuotas) {
            if (layerName.equals(lq.getLayer())) {
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    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
    private void addCleanUpFrequencyConfig(final IModel<DiskQuotaConfig> diskQuotaModel) {

        final DiskQuotaConfig diskQuotaConfig = diskQuotaModel.getObject();

        int frequency = diskQuotaConfig.getCacheCleanUpFrequency();
        TimeUnit unit = diskQuotaConfig.getCacheCleanUpUnits();
        if (TimeUnit.SECONDS != unit) {
            frequency = (int) TimeUnit.SECONDS.convert(frequency, unit);

        IModel<Integer> cleanUpFreqModel;
        cleanUpFreqModel = new PropertyModel<Integer>(diskQuotaModel, "cacheCleanUpFrequency");
        TextField<Integer> cleanUpFreq = new TextField<Integer>("cleanUpFreq", cleanUpFreqModel);
        cleanUpFreq.add(new AttributeModifier("title", true, new StringResourceModel(
                "DiskQuotaConfigPanel.cleanUpFreq.title", (Component) null, null)));
            Date lastRun = diskQuotaConfig.getLastCleanUpTime();
            String resourceId;
            HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
            if (lastRun == null) {
                resourceId = "DiskQuotaConfigPanel.cleanUpLastRunNever";
            } else {
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            ParamResourceModel rm = new ParamResourceModel("GWC.diskQuotaLoadFailed", null, provider.getException().getMessage());

        // use a dettached copy of dq config to support the tabbed pane
        final DiskQuotaConfig diskQuotaConfig;
        if (diskQuotaModuleDisabled) {
            diskQuotaConfig = new DiskQuotaConfig(); // fake
        } else {
            diskQuotaConfig = gwc.getDiskQuotaConfig().clone();
        // same as above, but we don't need to create a copy of the JDBC quota config since
        // that config is just used to instantiate the quota store, and then gets promptly discarted
        final JDBCConfiguration jdbcQuotaConfiguration;
        if(gwc.getJDBCDiskQuotaConfig() == null) {
            jdbcQuotaConfiguration = new JDBCConfiguration();
            JDBCConfiguration.ConnectionPoolConfiguration configuration = new JDBCConfiguration.ConnectionPoolConfiguration();
        } else {
            jdbcQuotaConfiguration = gwc.getJDBCDiskQuotaConfig();

        final Form<Map<String, Serializable>> form;
        form = new Form<Map<String, Serializable>>("form");

        final IModel<DiskQuotaConfig> diskQuotaModel = new Model<DiskQuotaConfig>(diskQuotaConfig);
        final IModel<JDBCConfiguration> jdbcQuotaModel = new Model<JDBCConfiguration>(jdbcQuotaConfiguration);

        final DiskQuotaConfigPanel diskQuotaConfigPanel = new DiskQuotaConfigPanel(
                "diskQuotaPanel", diskQuotaModel, jdbcQuotaModel);
        if (diskQuotaModuleDisabled) {
            super.warn(new ResourceModel("DiskQuotaSettingsPage.disabledWarning").getObject());

        form.add(new Button("submit") {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            public void onSubmit() {
                GWC gwc = getGWC();
                if (!diskQuotaModuleDisabled) {
                    StorageUnit chosenUnit = diskQuotaConfigPanel.getStorageUnit();
                    // REVISIT: it seems Wicket is sending back a plain string instead of a
                    String chosenQuotaStr = String.valueOf(diskQuotaConfigPanel.getQuotaValue());
                    Double chosenQuota;
                    try {
                        chosenQuota = Double.valueOf(chosenQuotaStr);
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        form.error(chosenQuotaStr + " is not a valid floating point number");// TODO:
                        // localize
                    if (chosenQuota.doubleValue() <= 0D) {
                        form.error("Quota has to be > 0");
                    DiskQuotaConfig dqConfig = diskQuotaModel.getObject();
                    JDBCConfiguration jdbcConfig = jdbcQuotaModel.getObject();
                    if(dqConfig.getQuotaStore() != null && dqConfig.getQuotaStore().equals("JDBC")) {
                        try {
                        } catch(Exception e) {
                            LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error instantiating the JDBC configuration", e);
                            error("Failure occurred while saving the JDBC configuration"
                                    + e.getMessage() + " (see the logs for a full stack trace)");
                    dqConfig.getGlobalQuota().setValue(chosenQuota.doubleValue(), chosenUnit);
                    try {
                        gwc.saveDiskQuotaConfig(dqConfig, jdbcConfig);
                    } catch(Exception e) {
                        LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to save the JDBC configuration", e);
                        error("Failure occurred while saving the JDBC configuration"
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    public DiskQuotaConfigPanel(final String id, final IModel<DiskQuotaConfig> diskQuotaConfigModel,
            final IModel<JDBCConfiguration> jdbcQuotaConfigModel) {
        super(id, diskQuotaConfigModel);

        final DiskQuotaConfig diskQuotaConfig = diskQuotaConfigModel.getObject();

        Quota globalQuota = diskQuotaConfig.getGlobalQuota();
        if (globalQuota == null) {
  "There's no GWC global disk quota configured, setting a default of 100MiB");
            globalQuota = new Quota(100, StorageUnit.MiB);

        // use this two payload models to let the user configure the global quota as a decimal value
        // plus a storage unit. Then at form sumbission we'll transform them back to a BigInteger
        // representing the quota byte count
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            store = null;
        // get the quota store name
        DiskQuotaConfig config = loader.loadConfig();
        QuotaStore store  = null;
        if(!config.isEnabled()) {
            // it would be nice to just return null, but the other portions of the
            // disk quota system will throw exceptions if we did while the quota store
            // is not disable via system variable. Let's just give it a dummy quota store instead.
            store = new DummyQuotaStore(calculator);
        } else {
            String quotaStoreName = config.getQuotaStore();
            // in case it's null GeoServer defaults to H2 store, we don't have the
            // BDB store in the classpath
            if(quotaStoreName == null) {
                quotaStoreName = JDBCQuotaStoreFactory.H2_STORE;
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Related Classes of org.geowebcache.diskquota.DiskQuotaConfig

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