Package org.geoserver.wms

Examples of org.geoserver.wms.GetFeatureInfoRequest


    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public Object read(Object req, Map kvp, Map rawKvp) throws Exception {
        GetFeatureInfoRequest request = (GetFeatureInfoRequest), kvp, rawKvp);

        request.setQueryLayers(new MapLayerInfoKvpParser("QUERY_LAYERS", wms).parse((String) rawKvp

        if (request.getQueryLayers() == null || request.getQueryLayers().size() == 0) {
            throw new ServiceException("No QUERY_LAYERS has been requested, or no "
                    + "queriable layer in the request anyways");

        GetMapRequest getMapPart = new GetMapRequest();
        try {
            getMapPart =, kvp, rawKvp);
        } catch (ServiceException se) {
            throw se;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ServiceException(e);


        // make sure they are a subset of layers
        List<MapLayerInfo> getMapLayers = getMapPart.getLayers();
        List<MapLayerInfo> queryLayers = new ArrayList<MapLayerInfo>(request.getQueryLayers());
        if (queryLayers.size() > 0) {
            // we've already expanded base layers so let's avoid list the names, they are not
            // the original ones anymore
            throw new ServiceException("QUERY_LAYERS contains layers not cited in LAYERS. "
                    + "It should be a proper subset of those instead");
        for (MapLayerInfo l : request.getQueryLayers()) {
            LayerInfo layerInfo = l.getLayerInfo();
            if (!wms.isQueryable(layerInfo)) {
                throw new ServiceException("Layer " + l.getName() + " is not queryable",
                    WMSErrorCode.LAYER_NOT_QUERYABLE.get(request.getVersion()), "QUERY_LAYERS");

        String format = (String) (kvp.containsKey("INFO_FORMAT") ? kvp.get("INFO_FORMAT") : null);

        if (format == null) {
            format = "text/plain";
        } else {
            List<String> infoFormats = wms.getAvailableFeatureInfoFormats();
            if (!infoFormats.contains(format)) {
                throw new ServiceException("Invalid format '" + format
                        + "', supported formats are " + infoFormats, "InvalidFormat", "info_format");


        request.setFeatureCount(1); // DJB: according to the WMS spec ( FEATURE_COUNT) this
                                    // should be 1. also tested for by cite
        try {
            int maxFeatures = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(kvp.get("FEATURE_COUNT")));
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            // do nothing, FEATURE_COUNT is optional

        Version version = wms.negotiateVersion(request.getVersion());
        //JD: most wms 1.3 client implementations still use x/y rather than i/j, so we support those
        // too when i/j not specified when not running in strict cite compliance mode
        String colPixel, rowPixel;
        if(version.compareTo(WMS.VERSION_1_3_0) >= 0) {
            colPixel = "I";
            rowPixel = "J";
            if (!kvp.containsKey(colPixel) && !kvp.containsKey(rowPixel)) {
                if (!wms.getServiceInfo().isCiteCompliant() && kvp.containsKey("X")
                    && kvp.containsKey("Y")) {
                    colPixel = "X";
                    rowPixel = "Y";
        else {
            colPixel = "X";
            rowPixel = "Y";
        try {
            String colParam = String.valueOf(kvp.get(colPixel));
            String rowParam = String.valueOf(kvp.get(rowPixel));
            int x = Integer.parseInt(colParam);
            int y = Integer.parseInt(rowParam);
            //ensure x/y in dimension of image
            if (x < 0 || x > getMapPart.getWidth() || y < 0 || y > getMapPart.getHeight()) {
                throw new ServiceException(
                    String.format("%d, %d not in dimensions of image: %d, %d", x, y,
                        getMapPart.getWidth(), getMapPart.getHeight()), "InvalidPoint");
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            String msg = colPixel + " and " + rowPixel + " incorrectly specified";
            throw new ServiceException(msg, "InvalidPoint");
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            throws ServiceException {
        Assert.notNull(value, "value is null");
        Assert.notNull(operation, "operation is null");
        Assert.isTrue(value instanceof FeatureCollectionType, "unrecognized result type:");

        GetFeatureInfoRequest request = (GetFeatureInfoRequest) OwsUtils.parameter(
                operation.getParameters(), GetFeatureInfoRequest.class);


        GetFeatureInfoOutputFormat outputFormat = getRequestedOutputFormat(request);
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        Assert.notNull(operation, "operation is null");
        Assert.isTrue(value instanceof FeatureCollectionType, "unrecognized result type:");
        Assert.isTrue(operation.getParameters() != null && operation.getParameters().length == 1
                && operation.getParameters()[0] instanceof GetFeatureInfoRequest);

        GetFeatureInfoRequest request = (GetFeatureInfoRequest) operation.getParameters()[0];
        FeatureCollectionType results = (FeatureCollectionType) value;
        GetFeatureInfoOutputFormat outputFormat = getRequestedOutputFormat(request);

        outputFormat.write(results, request, output);
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        assertEquals("acme:foo", data.getLayers().get(0));
    public void testWMSGetFeatureInfo() throws Exception {
        GetFeatureInfoRequest gfi = new GetFeatureInfoRequest();
        gfi.setQueryLayers(Arrays.asList(createMapLayer("foo", "acme"), createMapLayer("bar", "acme")));
        callback.operationDispatched(new Request(), op("GetFeatureInfo", "WMS", "1.1.1", gfi));
        assertEquals("acme:foo", data.getLayers().get(0));
        assertEquals("acme:bar", data.getLayers().get(1));
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    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public Object read(Object req, Map kvp, Map rawKvp) throws Exception {
        GetFeatureInfoRequest request = (GetFeatureInfoRequest), kvp, rawKvp);

        GetMapRequest getMapPart = new GetMapRequest();
        try {
            getMapPart =, kvp, rawKvp);
        } catch (ServiceException se) {
            throw se;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ServiceException(e);

        List<MapLayerInfo> getMapLayers = getMapPart.getLayers();
        if ((getMapPart.getSldBody() != null || getMapPart.getSld() != null)
                && (rawKvp.get("QUERY_LAYERS") == null || "".equals(rawKvp.get("QUERY_LAYERS")))) {
            // in this case we assume all layers in SLD body are to be queried (GS own extension)(
        } else {
            request.setQueryLayers(new MapLayerInfoKvpParser("QUERY_LAYERS", wms).parse((String) rawKvp
        if (request.getQueryLayers().isEmpty()) {
            throw new ServiceException("No QUERY_LAYERS has been requested, or no "
                    + "queriable layer in the request anyways");
        if(kvp.containsKey("propertyName")) {
            List<List<String>> propertyNames = (List<List<String>>) kvp.get("propertyName");
            if(propertyNames.size() == 1 && request.getQueryLayers().size() > 1) {
                // assume we asked the same list for all layers
                while(propertyNames.size() < request.getQueryLayers().size()) {
            if(propertyNames.size() != request.getQueryLayers().size()) {
                throw new ServiceException("Mismatch between the property name set count "
                        + propertyNames.size() + " and the query layers count " + request.getQueryLayers().size(),
                        "InvalidParameter", "propertyName");

        // make sure they are a subset of layers
        List<MapLayerInfo> queryLayers = new ArrayList<MapLayerInfo>(request.getQueryLayers());
        if (queryLayers.size() > 0) {
            // we've already expanded base layers so let's avoid list the names, they are not
            // the original ones anymore
            throw new ServiceException("QUERY_LAYERS contains layers not cited in LAYERS. "
                    + "It should be a proper subset of those instead");

        for (MapLayerInfo l : request.getQueryLayers()) {
            LayerInfo layerInfo = l.getLayerInfo();
            if (!wms.isQueryable(layerInfo)) {
                throw new ServiceException("Layer " + l.getName() + " is not queryable",
                    WMSErrorCode.LAYER_NOT_QUERYABLE.get(request.getVersion()), "QUERY_LAYERS");

        String format = (String) (kvp.containsKey("INFO_FORMAT") ? kvp.get("INFO_FORMAT") : null);

        if (format == null) {
            format = "text/plain";
        } else {
            List<String> infoFormats = wms.getAvailableFeatureInfoFormats();
            if (!infoFormats.contains(format)) {
                throw new ServiceException("Invalid format '" + format
                        + "', supported formats are " + infoFormats, "InvalidFormat", "info_format");
            if (wms.getAllowedFeatureInfoFormats().contains(format)==false)
                throw wms.unallowedGetFeatureInfoFormatException(format);


        request.setFeatureCount(1); // DJB: according to the WMS spec ( FEATURE_COUNT) this
                                    // should be 1. also tested for by cite
        try {
            int maxFeatures = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(kvp.get("FEATURE_COUNT")));
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            // do nothing, FEATURE_COUNT is optional

        Version version = wms.negotiateVersion(request.getVersion());
        //JD: most wms 1.3 client implementations still use x/y rather than i/j, so we support those
        // too when i/j not specified when not running in strict cite compliance mode
        String colPixel, rowPixel;
        if(version.compareTo(WMS.VERSION_1_3_0) >= 0) {
            colPixel = "I";
            rowPixel = "J";
            if (!kvp.containsKey(colPixel) && !kvp.containsKey(rowPixel)) {
                if (!wms.getServiceInfo().isCiteCompliant() && kvp.containsKey("X")
                    && kvp.containsKey("Y")) {
                    colPixel = "X";
                    rowPixel = "Y";
        else {
            colPixel = "X";
            rowPixel = "Y";
        try {
            String colParam = String.valueOf(kvp.get(colPixel));
            String rowParam = String.valueOf(kvp.get(rowPixel));
            int x = Integer.parseInt(colParam);
            int y = Integer.parseInt(rowParam);
            //ensure x/y in dimension of image
            if (x < 0 || x > getMapPart.getWidth() || y < 0 || y > getMapPart.getHeight()) {
                throw new ServiceException(
                    String.format("%d, %d not in dimensions of image: %d, %d", x, y,
                        getMapPart.getWidth(), getMapPart.getHeight()), "InvalidPoint");
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            String msg = colPixel + " and " + rowPixel + " incorrectly specified";
            throw new ServiceException(msg, "InvalidPoint");
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        MapLayerInfo mapLayerInfo = new MapLayerInfo(layerInfo);
        getFeatureInfoRequest = new GetFeatureInfoRequest();
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            throws ServiceException {
        Assert.notNull(value, "value is null");
        Assert.notNull(operation, "operation is null");
        Assert.isTrue(value instanceof FeatureCollectionType, "unrecognized result type:");

        GetFeatureInfoRequest request = (GetFeatureInfoRequest) OwsUtils.parameter(
                operation.getParameters(), GetFeatureInfoRequest.class);


        GetFeatureInfoOutputFormat outputFormat = getRequestedOutputFormat(request);
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        Assert.notNull(operation, "operation is null");
        Assert.isTrue(value instanceof FeatureCollectionType, "unrecognized result type:");
        Assert.isTrue(operation.getParameters() != null && operation.getParameters().length == 1
                && operation.getParameters()[0] instanceof GetFeatureInfoRequest);

        GetFeatureInfoRequest request = (GetFeatureInfoRequest) operation.getParameters()[0];
        FeatureCollectionType results = (FeatureCollectionType) value;
        GetFeatureInfoOutputFormat outputFormat = getRequestedOutputFormat(request);

        outputFormat.write(results, request, output);
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    public String getCharset(Operation operation) {
        Assert.notNull(operation, "operation is null");
        GetFeatureInfoRequest request = (GetFeatureInfoRequest) OwsUtils.parameter(
                operation.getParameters(), GetFeatureInfoRequest.class);
        GetFeatureInfoOutputFormat outputFormat = getRequestedOutputFormat(request);
        return outputFormat.getCharset();
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        assertEquals("acme:foo", data.getResources().get(0));
    public void testWMSGetFeatureInfo() throws Exception {
        GetFeatureInfoRequest gfi = new GetFeatureInfoRequest();
        GetMapRequest gm = new GetMapRequest();
        Envelope env = new ReferencedEnvelope(-126.81851,-115.818992,44.852958,49.5066,null);
        CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = CRS.decode("EPSG:4326",true);
        CoordinateReferenceSystem logCrs = CRS.decode("EPSG:4326",false);
        gfi.setQueryLayers(Arrays.asList(createMapLayer("foo", "acme"), createMapLayer("bar", "acme")));
        callback.operationDispatched(new Request(), op("GetFeatureInfo", "WMS", "1.1.1", gfi));
        assertEquals("acme:foo", data.getResources().get(0));
        assertEquals("acme:bar", data.getResources().get(1));
        BBoxAsserts.assertEqualsBbox(new ReferencedEnvelope(48.62,48.62,-123.15,-123.15,logCrs),data.getBbox(), 0.01);
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Related Classes of org.geoserver.wms.GetFeatureInfoRequest

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