Package org.exist.dom

Examples of org.exist.dom.TextImpl

    private NodeImpl makeObject(short key) {
        switch (key) {
            case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                return new ElementImpl();
            case Node.TEXT_NODE:
                return new TextImpl();
            case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
                return new AttrImpl();
            case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
              return new CDATASectionImpl();
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        try {
            final StoredNode ql[] = selectAndLock(transaction);
            final IndexListener listener = new IndexListener(ql);
            final NotificationService notifier = broker.getBrokerPool().getNotificationService();
            Node temp;
            TextImpl text;
            AttrImpl attribute;
            ElementImpl parent;
            for (int i = 0; i < ql.length; i++) {
                final StoredNode node = ql[i];
                if (node == null) {
                    LOG.warn("select " + selectStmt + " returned empty node set");
                final DocumentImpl doc = (DocumentImpl)node.getOwnerDocument();
                if (!doc.getPermissions().validate(broker.getSubject(), Permission.WRITE)) {
                        throw new PermissionDeniedException("User '" + broker.getSubject().getName() + "' does not have permission to write to the document '" + doc.getDocumentURI() + "'!");
                parent = (ElementImpl) node.getParentStoredNode();
                if (parent == null)
                    {throw new EXistException("The root element of a document can not be replaced with 'xu:replace'. " +
                        "Please consider removing the document or use 'xu:update' to just replace the children of the root.");}
                switch (node.getNodeType()) {
                    case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                        if (modifications == 0) {modifications = 1;}
                        temp = children.item(0);
                        parent.replaceChild(transaction, temp, node);
                    case Node.TEXT_NODE:
                        temp = children.item(0);
                        text = new TextImpl(temp.getNodeValue());
                        modifications = 1;
                        parent.updateChild(transaction, node, text);
                    case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
                        final AttrImpl attr = (AttrImpl) node;
                        temp = children.item(0);
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        try {
          final NotificationService notifier = context.getBroker().getBrokerPool().getNotificationService();

                final StoredNode ql[] = selectAndLock(transaction, inSeq);
                final IndexListener listener = new IndexListener(ql);
                TextImpl text;
                AttrImpl attribute;
                ElementImpl parent;
                for (int i = 0; i < ql.length; i++) {
                    final StoredNode node = ql[i];
                    final DocumentImpl doc = (DocumentImpl)node.getOwnerDocument();
                    if (!doc.getPermissions().validate(context.getUser(),
                            throw new XPathException(this, "User '" + context.getSubject().getName() + "' does not have permission to write to the document '" + doc.getDocumentURI() + "'!");
                    //update the document
                    switch (node.getNodeType())
                        case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                final NodeListImpl content = new NodeListImpl();
                for (final SequenceIterator j = contentSeq.iterate(); j.hasNext(); ) {
                  final Item next = j.nextItem();
                  if (Type.subTypeOf(next.getType(), Type.NODE))
                  else {
                    text = new TextImpl(next.getStringValue());
                            ((ElementImpl) node).update(transaction, content);
                        case Node.TEXT_NODE:
                            parent = (ElementImpl) node.getParentNode();
                          text = new TextImpl(contentSeq.getStringValue());
                            parent.updateChild(transaction, node, text);
                        case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
                            parent = (ElementImpl) node.getParentNode();
                            if (parent == null) {
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                        " can not be invoked on constructed nodes");}
            NodeProxy proxy = (NodeProxy) node;
            // remember the first node, we need it later
            if (firstProxy == null)
                {firstProxy = proxy;}
            final TextImpl text = (TextImpl) proxy.getNode();
            Match next = proxy.getMatches();
            while (next != null) {
                if (next.getNodeId().equals(text.getNodeId())) {
                    if (offsets == null)
                        {offsets = new ArrayList<Match.Offset>();}
                    final int freq = next.getFrequency();
                    for (int j = 0; j < freq; j++) {
                        // translate the relative offset into an absolute offset and add it to the list
                        final Match.Offset offset = next.getOffset(j);
                        offset.setOffset(str.length() + offset.getOffset());
                next = next.getNextMatch();
            // append the string value of the node to the buffer
        // Second step: output the text
        ValueSequence result = new ValueSequence();
        final DocumentBuilderReceiver receiver = new DocumentBuilderReceiver(builder);
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    private final void processText(MemTreeBuilder builder, NodeProxy proxy, Sequence result,
            FunctionReference callback, Sequence extraArgs)
    throws DOMException, XPathException {
        final TextImpl text = (TextImpl) proxy.getNode();
        final Match match = proxy.getMatches();
        int nodeNr;
        if (match == null) {
            nodeNr = builder.characters(text.getXMLString());
        } else {
            List<Match.Offset> offsets = null;
            Match next = match;
            while (next != null) {
                if (next.getNodeId().equals(text.getNodeId())) {
                    if (offsets == null)
                        {offsets = new ArrayList<Match.Offset>();}
                    final int freq = next.getFrequency();
                    for (int i = 0; i < freq; i++) {
                next = next.getNextMatch();
            if (offsets != null) {
                FastQSort.sort(offsets, 0, offsets.size() - 1);
                final XMLString str = text.getXMLString();

                int pos = 0;
                for (final Match.Offset offset : offsets) {
                    if (offset.getOffset() > pos) {
                        nodeNr = builder.characters(str.substring(pos, offset.getOffset() - pos));
                    final Sequence params[] = {
                            new StringValue(str.substring(offset.getOffset(), offset.getLength())),
                    result.addAll(callback.evalFunction(null, null, params));
                    pos = offset.getOffset() + offset.getLength();
                if (pos < str.length()) {
                    nodeNr = builder.characters(str.substring(pos, str.length() - pos));
            } else {
                nodeNr = builder.characters(text.getXMLString());
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        try {
            final StoredNode ql[] = selectAndLock(transaction, inSeq);
            final IndexListener listener = new IndexListener(ql);
            final NotificationService notifier = context.getBroker().getBrokerPool().getNotificationService();
            Item temp;
            TextImpl text;
            AttrImpl attribute;
            ElementImpl parent;
            for (int i = 0; i < ql.length; i++) {
                final StoredNode node = ql[i];
                final DocumentImpl doc = (DocumentImpl)node.getOwnerDocument();
                if (!doc.getPermissions().validate(context.getUser(), Permission.WRITE)) {
                        throw new PermissionDeniedException("User '" + context.getSubject().getName() + "' does not have permission to write to the document '" + doc.getDocumentURI() + "'!");
                //update the document
                parent = (ElementImpl) node.getParentStoredNode();
                if (parent == null)
                    {throw new XPathException(this, "The root element of a document can not be replaced with 'update replace'. " +
                            "Please consider removing the document or use 'update value' to just replace the children of the root.");}
                switch (node.getNodeType()) {
                    case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
                        temp = contentSeq.itemAt(0);
            if (!Type.subTypeOf(temp.getType(), Type.NODE))
              {throw new XPathException(this,
                        parent.replaceChild(transaction, ((NodeValue)temp).getNode(), node);
                    case Node.TEXT_NODE:
                        text = new TextImpl(contentSeq.getStringValue());
                        parent.updateChild(transaction, node, text);
                    case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
                        final AttrImpl attr = (AttrImpl) node;
                        attribute = new AttrImpl(attr.getQName(), contentSeq.getStringValue(), context.getBroker().getBrokerPool().getSymbols());
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Related Classes of org.exist.dom.TextImpl

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