Package org.drools.spi

Examples of org.drools.spi.RuleFlowGroup

        return activationGroup;

    public RuleFlowGroup getRuleFlowGroup(final String name) {
        RuleFlowGroup ruleFlowGroup = this.ruleFlowGroups.get( name );
        if ( ruleFlowGroup == null ) {
            ruleFlowGroup = new RuleFlowGroupImpl( name );
            ((InternalRuleFlowGroup) ruleFlowGroup).setWorkingMemory( (InternalWorkingMemory) getWorkingMemory() );
            this.ruleFlowGroups.put( name,
                                     ruleFlowGroup );
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    public void clearAndCancelRuleFlowGroup(final String name) {
        final RuleFlowGroup ruleFlowGrlup = this.ruleFlowGroups.get( name );
        if ( ruleFlowGrlup != null ) {
            clearAndCancelAndCancel( ruleFlowGrlup );
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    public boolean isRuleActiveInRuleFlowGroup(String ruleflowGroupName,
                                               String ruleName,
                                               long processInstanceId) {

        RuleFlowGroup systemRuleFlowGroup = this.getRuleFlowGroup( ruleflowGroupName );

        for (ActivationNode aSystemRuleFlowGroup : systemRuleFlowGroup) {
            Activation activation = aSystemRuleFlowGroup.getActivation();
            if (ruleName.equals(activation.getRule().getName())) {
                if (checkProcessInstance(activation, processInstanceId)) {
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        return activationGroup;

    public RuleFlowGroup getRuleFlowGroup(final String name) {
        RuleFlowGroup ruleFlowGroup = this.ruleFlowGroups.get( name );
        if ( ruleFlowGroup == null ) {
            ruleFlowGroup = new RuleFlowGroupImpl( name );
            ((InternalRuleFlowGroup) ruleFlowGroup).setWorkingMemory( (InternalWorkingMemory) getWorkingMemory() );
            this.ruleFlowGroups.put( name,
                                     ruleFlowGroup );
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    public void clearAndCancelRuleFlowGroup(final String name) {
        final RuleFlowGroup ruleFlowGrlup = this.ruleFlowGroups.get( name );
        if ( ruleFlowGrlup != null ) {
            clearAndCancelAndCancel( ruleFlowGrlup );
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    public boolean isRuleActiveInRuleFlowGroup(String ruleflowGroupName,
                                               String ruleName,
                                               long processInstanceId) {

        RuleFlowGroup systemRuleFlowGroup = this.getRuleFlowGroup( ruleflowGroupName );

        for (ActivationNode aSystemRuleFlowGroup : systemRuleFlowGroup) {
            Activation activation = aSystemRuleFlowGroup.getActivation();
            if (ruleName.equals(activation.getRule().getName())) {
                if (checkProcessInstance(activation, processInstanceId)) {
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                                                                        new DefaultFactHandle() );

        final RuleFlowGroup ruleFlowGroup0 = agenda.getRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );
        final RuleFlowGroup ruleFlowGroup1 = agenda.getRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-1" );
        final RuleFlowGroup ruleFlowGroup2 = agenda.getRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-2" );

        final LeftTupleImpl tuple0 = new LeftTupleImpl( new DefaultFactHandle( 1,
                                                                       "cheese" ),
                                                true );
        node0.assertLeftTuple( tuple0,
                               workingMemory );

        final LeftTupleImpl tuple1 = new LeftTupleImpl( new DefaultFactHandle( 1,
                                                                       "cheese" ),
                                                true );
        node0.assertLeftTuple( tuple1,
                               workingMemory );

        final LeftTupleImpl tuple2 = new LeftTupleImpl( new DefaultFactHandle( 1,
                                                                       "cheese" ),
                                                true );
        node1.assertLeftTuple( tuple2,
                               workingMemory );

        final LeftTupleImpl tuple3 = new LeftTupleImpl( new DefaultFactHandle( 1,
                                                                       "cheese" ),
                                                true );
        node2.assertLeftTuple( tuple3,
                               workingMemory );

        // RuleFlowGroups should be populated, but the agenda shouldn't be
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      ruleFlowGroup1.size() );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      ruleFlowGroup2.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // Activate the RuleFlowGroup, the nodes stay in the group, but should now also be in the Agenda
        agenda.activateRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // As we fire each rule they are removed from both the Agenda and the RuleFlowGroup
        agenda.fireNextItem( null );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // After firing all activations of RuleFlowGroup 0, the agenda is empty
        agenda.fireNextItem( null );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // Now we activate two RuleFlowGroups together
        // All their activations should be added to the agenda.
        agenda.activateRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-1" );
        agenda.activateRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-2" );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      ruleFlowGroup1.size() );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      ruleFlowGroup2.size() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // we set the salience higher on rule2, so it sould fire first and empty ruleFlowGroup2
        agenda.fireNextItem( null );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      ruleFlowGroup1.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      ruleFlowGroup2.size() );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // this is the last activation, so everything should be empty after this
        agenda.fireNextItem( null );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      ruleFlowGroup1.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      ruleFlowGroup2.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );
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                                                             buildContext );

        final RuleFlowGroup ruleFlowGroup0 = agenda.getRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );

        // Create one activation for rule0 only
        final LeftTupleImpl tuple0 = new LeftTupleImpl( new DefaultFactHandle( 1,
                                                                       "cheese" ),
                                                true );
        node0.assertLeftTuple( tuple0,
                               workingMemory );

        // RuleFlowGroup should be populated, but the agenda shouldn't be
        assertEquals( 1,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // Activate the RuleFlowGroup, the activation stays in the group, but should now also be in the Agenda
        agenda.activateRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // As we fire the rule, an new activation is created for rule1, and it should be added to group AND the agenda.
        agenda.fireNextItem( null );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // After firing all activations of RuleFlowGroup 0, the agenda is empty
        agenda.fireNextItem( null );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );
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                                                             buildContext );

        final RuleFlowGroup ruleFlowGroup0 = agenda.getRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );

        // Create an activation for both rules
        final LeftTupleImpl tuple0 = new LeftTupleImpl( new DefaultFactHandle( 1,
                                                                       "cheese" ),
                                                true );
        node0.assertLeftTuple( tuple0,
                               workingMemory );

        node1.assertLeftTuple( tuple1,
                               workingMemory );

        // RuleFlowGroup should be populated, but the agenda shouldn't be
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // Activate the RuleFlowGroup, the activations stay in the group, but should now also be in the Agenda
        agenda.activateRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // As we fire the rule, rule0 should execute first, as it has higher salience.
        // Rule0 should deactivate rule1 as well, so the everything should be empty
        agenda.fireNextItem( null );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

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                                                             buildContext );

        final RuleFlowGroup ruleFlowGroup0 = agenda.getRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );

        // create context
        final PropagationContext context0 = new PropagationContextImpl( 0,
                                                                        new DefaultFactHandle() );

        // Create two activation for this rule
        final LeftTupleImpl tuple0 = new LeftTupleImpl( new DefaultFactHandle( 1,
                                                                       "cheese" ),
                                                true );
        node0.assertLeftTuple( tuple0,
                               workingMemory );
        final LeftTupleImpl tuple1 = new LeftTupleImpl( new DefaultFactHandle( 1,
                                                                       "cheese" ),
                                                true );
        node0.assertLeftTuple( tuple1,
                               workingMemory );

        // RuleFlowGroup should be populated, but the agenda shouldn't be
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // Activate the RuleFlowGroup, the activations stay in the group, but
        // should now also be in the Agenda
        agenda.activateRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // Reactivate an already active RuleFlowGroup should not have any effect
        agenda.activateRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // Deactivate the RuleFlowGroup, the activations should be removed from
        // the agenda but still in the RuleFlowGroup
        agenda.deactivateRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 0,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

        // Reactivate the RuleFlowGroup, the activations stay in the group, but
        // should now also be in the Agenda again
        agenda.activateRuleFlowGroup( "rule-flow-group-0" );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      ruleFlowGroup0.size() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      agenda.agendaSize() );

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Related Classes of org.drools.spi.RuleFlowGroup

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