Package org.drools.runtime.rule

Examples of org.drools.runtime.rule.QueryResultsRow

        FlatQueryResults personsQuery = (FlatQueryResults) resp.getValue( "persons" );
        assertEquals( 5,
                      personsQuery.size() );

        Iterator<QueryResultsRow> iterator = personQuery.iterator();
        QueryResultsRow row =;
        Person person = (Person) row.get( "$p" );

        assertEquals( "baunax",
                      person.getName() );
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                String.class );

        Iterator<QueryResultsRow> it1 = ksession.getQueryResults( "cheeses" ).iterator();
        Iterator<QueryResultsRow> it2 = ksession.getQueryResults( "cheesesWithParams",
                new String[]{"stilton", "cheddar"} ).iterator();
        QueryResultsRow row = null;

        String expectedXml = "";
        expectedXml += "<execution-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  <result identifier='cheeses'>\n";
        expectedXml += "    <query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>stilton</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>cheddar</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "      </identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.camel.testdomain.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>stilton</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>1</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.camel.testdomain.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.camel.testdomain.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>cheddar</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>1</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.camel.testdomain.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.camel.testdomain.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>stilton</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>2</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.camel.testdomain.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.camel.testdomain.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>cheddar</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>2</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.camel.testdomain.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "    </query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  </result>\n";
        expectedXml += "  <result identifier='cheeses2'>\n";
        expectedXml += "    <query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>stilton</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>cheddar</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "      </identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.camel.testdomain.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row/org.drools.camel.testdomain.Cheese\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.camel.testdomain.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row/org.drools.camel.testdomain.Cheese[2]\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.camel.testdomain.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row[2]/org.drools.camel.testdomain.Cheese\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.camel.testdomain.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row[2]/org.drools.camel.testdomain.Cheese[2]\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "    </query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  </result>\n";
        expectedXml += "</execution-results>\n";
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        results = ksession.getQueryResults( "isContainedIn",
                                            new Object[]{"key", "office"} );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      results.size() );
        QueryResultsRow result = results.iterator().next();
        assertEquals( "key",
                      result.get( "x" ) );
        assertEquals( "office",
                      result.get( "y" ) );

        results = ksession.getQueryResults( "isContainedIn",
                                            new Object[]{"key", Variable.v} );
        List<List<String>> l = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
        for ( QueryResultsRow r : results ) {
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        String outXml = (String) resultHandler.getObject();

        Iterator<QueryResultsRow> it1 = ksession.getQueryResults( "cheeses" ).iterator();
        Iterator<QueryResultsRow> it2 = ksession.getQueryResults( "cheesesWithParams",
                                                                  new String[]{"stilton", "cheddar"} ).iterator();
        QueryResultsRow row = null;

        String expectedXml = "";
        expectedXml += "<execution-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  <result identifier='cheeses'>\n";
        expectedXml += "    <query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>stilton</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>cheddar</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "      </identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>stilton</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>1</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>cheddar</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>1</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>stilton</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>2</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>cheddar</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>2</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "    </query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  </result>\n";
        expectedXml += "  <result identifier='cheeses2'>\n";
        expectedXml += "    <query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>stilton</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>cheddar</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "      </identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row/org.drools.Cheese\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row/org.drools.Cheese[2]\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row[2]/org.drools.Cheese\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row[2]/org.drools.Cheese[2]\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "    </query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  </result>\n";
        expectedXml += "</execution-results>\n";
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        String outXml = (String) resultHandler.getObject();

        Iterator<QueryResultsRow> it1 = ksession.getQueryResults( "cheeses" ).iterator();
        Iterator<QueryResultsRow> it2 = ksession.getQueryResults( "cheesesWithParams",
                                                                  new String[]{"stilton", "cheddar"} ).iterator();
        QueryResultsRow row = null;

        String expectedXml = "";
        expectedXml += "<execution-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  <result identifier='cheeses'>\n";
        expectedXml += "    <query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>stilton</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>cheddar</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "      </identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>stilton</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>1</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>cheddar</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>1</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>stilton</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>2</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>cheddar</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>2</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "    </query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  </result>\n";
        expectedXml += "  <result identifier='cheeses2'>\n";
        expectedXml += "    <query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>stilton</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>cheddar</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "      </identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row/org.drools.Cheese\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row/org.drools.Cheese[2]\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row[2]/org.drools.Cheese\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row[2]/org.drools.Cheese[2]\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "    </query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  </result>\n";
        expectedXml += "</execution-results>\n";
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                String.class );

        Iterator<QueryResultsRow> it1 = ksession.getQueryResults( "cheeses" ).iterator();
        Iterator<QueryResultsRow> it2 = ksession.getQueryResults( "cheesesWithParams",
                new String[]{"stilton", "cheddar"} ).iterator();
        QueryResultsRow row = null;

        String expectedXml = "";
        expectedXml += "<execution-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  <result identifier='cheeses'>\n";
        expectedXml += "    <query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>stilton</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>cheddar</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "      </identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>stilton</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>1</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>cheddar</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>1</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>stilton</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>2</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>cheddar</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>2</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "    </query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  </result>\n";
        expectedXml += "  <result identifier='cheeses2'>\n";
        expectedXml += "    <query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>stilton</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>cheddar</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "      </identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row/org.drools.Cheese\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row/org.drools.Cheese[2]\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row[2]/org.drools.Cheese\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row[2]/org.drools.Cheese[2]\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "    </query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  </result>\n";
        expectedXml += "</execution-results>\n";
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        String outXml = (String) resultHandler.getObject();

        Iterator<QueryResultsRow> it1 = ksession.getQueryResults( "cheeses" ).iterator();
        Iterator<QueryResultsRow> it2 = ksession.getQueryResults( "cheesesWithParams",
                                                                  new String[]{"stilton", "cheddar"} ).iterator();
        QueryResultsRow row = null;

        String expectedXml = "";
        expectedXml += "<execution-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  <result identifier='cheeses'>\n";
        expectedXml += "    <query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>stilton</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>cheddar</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "      </identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>stilton</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>1</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>cheddar</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>1</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>stilton</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>2</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>cheddar</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>2</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "    </query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  </result>\n";
        expectedXml += "  <result identifier='cheeses2'>\n";
        expectedXml += "    <query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>stilton</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>cheddar</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "      </identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row/org.drools.Cheese\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row/org.drools.Cheese[2]\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row[2]/org.drools.Cheese\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row[2]/org.drools.Cheese[2]\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "    </query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  </result>\n";
        expectedXml += "</execution-results>\n";
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        this.queryResultsId = this.localId + this.queryName;
    public String execute(Context context) {
        String rowId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        QueryResultsRow row = ((Iterator<QueryResultsRow>) context.getContextManager().getDefaultContext().get( "Iterator - "+this.queryResultsId)).next();
        context.getContextManager().getDefaultContext().set("Row - "+rowId+" - "+this.queryResultsId, row);
        return rowId;
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                                              String.class );

        Iterator<QueryResultsRow> it1 = ksession.getQueryResults( "cheeses" ).iterator();
        Iterator<QueryResultsRow> it2 = ksession.getQueryResults( "cheesesWithParams",
                                                                  new String[]{"stilton", "cheddar"} ).iterator();
        QueryResultsRow row = null;

        String expectedXml = "";
        expectedXml += "<execution-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  <result identifier='cheeses'>\n";
        expectedXml += "    <query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>stilton</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>cheddar</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "      </identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>stilton</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>1</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>cheddar</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>1</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>stilton</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>2</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>cheddar</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>2</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "    </query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  </result>\n";
        expectedXml += "  <result identifier='cheeses2'>\n";
        expectedXml += "    <query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>stilton</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>cheddar</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "      </identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row/org.drools.Cheese\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row/org.drools.Cheese[2]\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row[2]/org.drools.Cheese\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row[2]/org.drools.Cheese[2]\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle external-form='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "    </query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  </result>\n";
        expectedXml += "</execution-results>\n";
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        String outXml = (String) resultHandler.getObject();

        Iterator<QueryResultsRow> it1 = ksession.getQueryResults( "cheeses" ).iterator();
        Iterator<QueryResultsRow> it2 = ksession.getQueryResults( "cheesesWithParams",
                                                                  new String[]{"stilton", "cheddar"} ).iterator();
        QueryResultsRow row = null;

        String expectedXml = "";
        expectedXml += "<execution-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  <result identifier='cheeses'>\n";
        expectedXml += "    <query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>stilton</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>cheddar</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "      </identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>stilton</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>1</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle externalForm='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>cheddar</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>1</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle externalForm='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>stilton</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>2</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle externalForm='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <type>cheddar</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <price>2</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "          <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "        </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle externalForm='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "    </query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  </result>\n";
        expectedXml += "  <result identifier='cheeses2'>\n";
        expectedXml += "    <query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>stilton</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <identifier>cheddar</identifier>\n";
        expectedXml += "      </identifiers>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row/org.drools.Cheese\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle externalForm='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row/org.drools.Cheese[2]\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle externalForm='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <row>\n";
        row =;
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row[2]/org.drools.Cheese\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle externalForm='" + row.getFactHandle( "stilton" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "        <org.drools.Cheese reference=\"../../../../result/query-results/row[2]/org.drools.Cheese[2]\"/>\n";
        expectedXml += "        <fact-handle externalForm='" + row.getFactHandle( "cheddar" ).toExternalForm() + "' />";
        expectedXml += "      </row>\n";
        expectedXml += "    </query-results>\n";
        expectedXml += "  </result>\n";
        expectedXml += "</execution-results>\n";
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Related Classes of org.drools.runtime.rule.QueryResultsRow

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