Package org.drools

Examples of org.drools.Person$Nested1$Nested2

                                 list );

        // Adding person in advance. There is no Person() object
        // type node in memory yet, but the rule engine is supposed
        // to handle that correctly
        final PersonInterface bob = new Person( "bob",
                                                "stilton" );
        bob.setStatus( "Not evaluated" );
        workingMemory.insert( bob );

        final Cheese stilton = new Cheese( "stilton",
                                           5 );
        workingMemory.insert( stilton );

        final Cheese cheddar = new Cheese( "cheddar",
                                           5 );
        workingMemory.insert( cheddar );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      list.size() );

        assertEquals( "stilton",
                      list.get( 0 ) );

        reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_Dynamic2.drl" ) );
        builder = new PackageBuilder();
        builder.addPackageFromDrl( reader );
        final Package pkg2 = serialisePackage( builder.getPackage() );
        ruleBase.addPackage( pkg2 );

        assertEquals( 3,
                      list.size() );

        assertEquals( "stilton",
                      list.get( 0 ) );

        assertTrue( "cheddar".equals( list.get( 1 ) ) || "cheddar".equals( list.get( 2 ) ) );

        assertTrue( "stilton".equals( list.get( 1 ) ) || "stilton".equals( list.get( 2 ) ) );


        reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_Dynamic3.drl" ) );
        builder = new PackageBuilder();
        builder.addPackageFromDrl( reader );
        final Package pkg3 = serialisePackage( builder.getPackage() );
        ruleBase.addPackage( pkg3 );

        // Package 3 has a rule working on Person instances.
        // As we added person instance in advance, rule should fire now      

        Assert.assertEquals( "Rule from package 3 should have been fired",
                             "match Person ok",
                             bob.getStatus() );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      list.size() );

        assertEquals( bob,
                      list.get( 0 ) );

        reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "test_Dynamic4.drl" ) );
        builder = new PackageBuilder();
        builder.addPackageFromDrl( reader );
        final Package pkg4 = serialisePackage( builder.getPackage() );
        ruleBase.addPackage( pkg4 );

        Assert.assertEquals( "Rule from package 4 should have been fired",
                             "Who likes Stilton ok",
                             bob.getStatus() );

        assertEquals( 2,
                      list.size() );

        assertEquals( bob,
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        final List list = new ArrayList();
        workingMemory.setGlobal( "list",
                                 list );

        final PersonInterface bob = new Person( "bob",
                                                "stilton" );
        bob.setStatus( "Not evaluated" );
        workingMemory.insert( bob );

        final Cheese stilton1 = new Cheese( "stilton",
                                            5 );
        workingMemory.insert( stilton1 );
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            StatefulSession session = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
            List results = new ArrayList();
            session.setGlobal( "results", results );
            InternalFactHandle h1 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( new Person( "tom", 1 ) );
            InternalFactHandle h2 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( new Person( "fred", 2 ) );
            InternalFactHandle h3 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( new Person( "harry", 3 ) );
            InternalFactHandle h4 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( new Person( "fred", 4 ) );
            InternalFactHandle h5 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( new Person( "ed", 5 ) );
            InternalFactHandle h6 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( new Person( "tom", 6 ) );
            InternalFactHandle h7 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( new Person( "sreeni", 7 ) );
            InternalFactHandle h8 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( new Person( "jill", 8 ) );
            InternalFactHandle h9 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( new Person( "ed", 9 ) );
            InternalFactHandle h10 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( new Person( "tom", 10 ) );
            assertEquals( 3, results.size() );
            assertTrue( results.contains( h1.getObject() ) );
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        pkg = serialisePackage( builder.getPackage() );
        ruleBase.addPackage( pkg );
        InternalFactHandle stilton2 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( new Cheese( "stilton", 10 ) );
        InternalFactHandle brie2 = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( new Cheese( "brie", 10 ) );
        InternalFactHandle bob = (InternalFactHandle) session.insert( new Person( "bob", 30 ) );
        assertEquals( list.size(), 3 );
        assertEquals( bob.getObject(), list.get( 1 ));
        assertEquals( "stilton", list.get( 2 ));
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            cheesery.addCheese( cheese[i] );

        FactHandle cheeseryHandle = wm.insert( cheesery );

        final Person bob = new Person( "Bob",
                                       "stilton" );

        final FactHandle bobHandle = wm.insert( bob );

        // ---------------- 1st scenario
        // one fire, as per rule constraints
        Assert.assertEquals( 1,
                             results.size() );
        Assert.assertEquals( 3,
                             ((List) results.get( results.size() - 1 )).size() );

        // ---------------- 2nd scenario
        final int index = 1;
        cheese[index].setType( "brie" );
        wm.update( cheeseryHandle,
                   cheesery );

        // no fire
        Assert.assertEquals( 1,
                             results.size() );

        // ---------------- 3rd scenario
        bob.setLikes( "brie" );
        wm.update( bobHandle,
                   bob );

        // 2 fires
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        final List results2 = new ArrayList();

        wm2.setGlobal( "results",
                       results2 );

        wm1.insert( new Person( "Bob",
                                20 ) );
        wm1.insert( new Person( "Mark",
                                "provolone" ) );

        wm2.insert( new Person( "Bob",
                                20 ) );
        wm2.insert( new Person( "Mark",
                                "provolone" ) );

        wm1.insert( new Cheese( "stilton",
                                10 ) );
        wm1.insert( new Cheese( "brie",
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                                                                          10 ), new Cheese( "stilton",
                                                                                            9 ), new Cheese( "brie",
                                                                                                             11 ), new Cheese( "brie",
                                                                                                                               4 ), new Cheese( "provolone",
                                                                                                                                                8 )};
        final Person bob = new Person( "Bob",
                                       "stilton" );

        final FactHandle[] cheeseHandles = new FactHandle[cheese.length];
        for ( int i = 0; i < cheese.length; i++ ) {
            cheeseHandles[i] = wm.insert( cheese[i] );
        final FactHandle bobHandle = wm.insert( bob );

        // ---------------- 1st scenario
        Assert.assertEquals( 1,
                             results.size() );
        Assert.assertEquals( 27,
                             ((Number) results.get( results.size() - 1 )).intValue() );

        // ---------------- 2nd scenario
        final int index = 1;
        cheese[index].setPrice( 3 );
        wm.update( cheeseHandles[index],
                   cheese[index] );

        Assert.assertEquals( 2,
                             results.size() );
        Assert.assertEquals( 20,
                             ((Number) results.get( results.size() - 1 )).intValue() );

        // ---------------- 3rd scenario
        bob.setLikes( "brie" );
        wm.update( bobHandle,
                   bob );

        Assert.assertEquals( 3,
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                                                                          10 ), new Cheese( "stilton",
                                                                                            9 ), new Cheese( "brie",
                                                                                                             4 ), new Cheese( "brie",
                                                                                                                              1 ), new Cheese( "provolone",
                                                                                                                                               8 )};
        final Person bob = new Person( "Bob",
                                       "stilton" );

        final FactHandle[] cheeseHandles = new FactHandle[cheese.length];
        for ( int i = 0; i < cheese.length; i++ ) {
            cheeseHandles[i] = wm.insert( cheese[i] );
        final FactHandle bobHandle = wm.insert( bob );

        // ---------------- 1st scenario
        // no fire, as per rule constraints
        Assert.assertEquals( 1,
                             results.size() );
        Assert.assertEquals( 3,
                             ((Number) results.get( results.size() - 1 )).intValue() );

        // ---------------- 2nd scenario
        final int index = 1;
        cheese[index].setPrice( 3 );
        wm.update( cheeseHandles[index],
                   cheese[index] );

        // 1 fire
        Assert.assertEquals( 2,
                             results.size() );
        Assert.assertEquals( 3,
                             ((Number) results.get( results.size() - 1 )).intValue() );

        // ---------------- 3rd scenario
        bob.setLikes( "brie" );
        wm.update( bobHandle,
                   bob );

        // 2 fires
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                                                                           2 ), new Cheese( "stilton",
                                                                                            11 ), new Cheese( "brie",
                                                                                                              15 ), new Cheese( "brie",
                                                                                                                                17 ), new Cheese( "provolone",
                                                                                                                                                  8 )};
        final Person bob = new Person( "Bob",
                                       "stilton" );

        final FactHandle[] cheeseHandles = new FactHandle[cheese.length];
        for ( int i = 0; i < cheese.length; i++ ) {
            cheeseHandles[i] = wm.insert( cheese[i] );
        final FactHandle bobHandle = wm.insert( bob );

        // ---------------- 1st scenario
        // no fire, as per rule constraints
        Assert.assertEquals( 0,
                             results.size() );

        // ---------------- 2nd scenario
        final int index = 1;
        cheese[index].setPrice( 9 );
        wm.update( cheeseHandles[index],
                   cheese[index] );

        // 1 fire
        Assert.assertEquals( 1,
                             results.size() );
        Assert.assertEquals( 10,
                             ((Number) results.get( results.size() - 1 )).intValue() );

        // ---------------- 3rd scenario
        bob.setLikes( "brie" );
        wm.update( bobHandle,
                   bob );

        // 2 fires
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                                                                          10 ), new Cheese( "stilton",
                                                                                            9 ), new Cheese( "brie",
                                                                                                             4 ), new Cheese( "brie",
                                                                                                                              1 ), new Cheese( "provolone",
                                                                                                                                               8 )};
        final Person bob = new Person( "Bob",
                                       "stilton" );

        final FactHandle[] cheeseHandles = new FactHandle[cheese.length];
        for ( int i = 0; i < cheese.length; i++ ) {
            cheeseHandles[i] = wm.insert( cheese[i] );
        final FactHandle bobHandle = wm.insert( bob );

        // ---------------- 1st scenario
        // no fire, as per rule constraints
        Assert.assertEquals( 0,
                             results.size() );

        // ---------------- 2nd scenario
        final int index = 1;
        cheese[index].setPrice( 3 );
        wm.update( cheeseHandles[index],
                   cheese[index] );

        // 1 fire
        Assert.assertEquals( 1,
                             results.size() );
        Assert.assertEquals( 3,
                             ((Number) results.get( results.size() - 1 )).intValue() );

        // ---------------- 3rd scenario
        bob.setLikes( "brie" );
        wm.update( bobHandle,
                   bob );

        // 2 fires
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Related Classes of org.drools.Person$Nested1$Nested2

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