Package org.dmd.dmc

Examples of org.dmd.dmc.DmcValueException

      eventName = value.substring(0, spacepos);
      int lbpos = value.indexOf("(", spacepos+1);
      int rbpos = value.indexOf(")", spacepos+1);
      if (lbpos == -1)
        throw(new DmcValueException("The argument vector must start with a ("));
      if (rbpos == -1)
        throw(new DmcValueException("The argument vector must end with a )"));
      argVector   = value.substring(lbpos,rbpos+1);
      imports   = new TreeSet<String>();
      if (value.length() > (rbpos+1)){
        // the remainder should be space separated fully qualified class names
        String remainder = value.substring(rbpos+1);
        String[] classes = remainder.split(" ");
        for(int i=0; i<classes.length; i++){
          if (classes[i].length() > 0){
    if (!eventName.endsWith("Event"))
      throw(new DmcValueException("The event name must end with `Event`)"));
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  public RequestWithOptions typeCheck(Object value) throws DmcValueException {
    if (value instanceof RequestWithOptions)
    if (value instanceof String)
      return(new RequestWithOptions((String)value));
    throw(new DmcValueException("Object of class: " + value.getClass().getName() + " passed where object compatible with RequestWithOptions or String expected."));
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    String value = v.trim();
    int  spacepos = value.indexOf(" ");
    int lbpos = value.indexOf("(");
    if (lbpos == -1)
      throw(new DmcValueException("You must specify the argument vector, even if it's empty i.e ()"));

    int rbpos = value.indexOf(")", lbpos+1);
    if (rbpos == -1)
      throw(new DmcValueException("Missing ) for the argument vector: " + v));
    if (spacepos == -1)
      throw(new DmcValueException("Missing return type: " + v));
    returnType  = value.substring(0,spacepos);
    if (spacepos+1 == lbpos)
      throw(new DmcValueException("Missing method name: " + v));
    if (spacepos > lbpos)
      throw(new DmcValueException("Missing return type: " + v));
    methodName = value.substring(spacepos+1, lbpos).trim();
    if (methodName.length() == 0)
      throw(new DmcValueException("Missing method name: " + v));

    argVector   = value.substring(lbpos,rbpos+1);
    comment = "";
    if (value.length() > (rbpos+1)){
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  public MethodWithArgs typeCheck(Object value) throws DmcValueException {
    if (value instanceof MethodWithArgs)
    if (value instanceof String)
      return(new MethodWithArgs((String)value));
    throw(new DmcValueException("Object of class: " + value.getClass().getName() + " passed where object compatible with MethodWithArgs or String expected."));
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  public GetWithOptions typeCheck(Object value) throws DmcValueException {
    if (value instanceof GetWithOptions)
    if (value instanceof String)
      return(new GetWithOptions((String)value));
    throw(new DmcValueException("Object of class: " + value.getClass().getName() + " passed where object compatible with GetWithOptions or String expected."));
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  public EditField(String v) throws DmcValueException{
    String value = v.replaceAll("\t", " ").trim();
    int spacepos = value.indexOf(" ");
    if (spacepos == -1){
      throw(new DmcValueException("Missing field editor: " + v + " - should be of the form: [attribute name] [field editor] <RO|MUST> <: label> <: tip>"));
      int colonpos = value.indexOf(":");
      if (colonpos == -1){
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        if (vals[i].equals("MUST")){
          must = true;
          haveOption = true;
        throw(new DmcValueException("Unknown field option: " + vals[i] + " - should be of the form: [attribute name] [field editor] <RO|MUST> <: label> <: tip>"));
      throw(new DmcValueException("Extraneous option: " + vals[i] + " - should be of the form: [attribute name] [field editor] <RO|MUST> <: label> <: tip>"));
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    boolean wantLabel   = false;
    boolean wantTip    = false;
    int colonCount = 0;
    if (tokens.size() == 1)
      throw(new DmcValueException("Missing label - value should be of the form: [attribute name] [field editor] <RO|MUST> <: label> <: tip>"));

    for(int i=0; i<tokens.size(); i++){
      if (tokens.get(i).equals(":")){
        if (colonCount == 1)
          wantLabel = true;
        else if (colonCount == 2)
          wantTip = true;
        else if (colonCount > 2)
          throw(new DmcValueException("Extraneous colons - value should be of the form: [attribute name] [field editor] <RO|MUST> <: label> <: tip>"));
      if (wantLabel){
        label = tokens.get(i);
        if (label.length() == 0)
          throw(new DmcValueException("Missing label - should be of the form: [attribute name] [field editor] <RO|MUST> <: label> <: tip>"));
        wantLabel = false;
      if (wantTip){
        tip = tokens.get(i);
        if (tip.length() == 0)
          throw(new DmcValueException("Missing tool tip - should be of the form: [attribute name] [field editor] <RO|MUST> <: label> <: tip>"));
        wantTip = false;
      String garbage = tokens.get(i);
      throw(new DmcValueException("Extraneous tokens/space: *" + garbage + "* [attribute name] [field editor] <RO|MUST> <: label> <: tip>"));
    if (wantLabel)
      throw(new DmcValueException("Missing label - should be of the form: [attribute name] [field editor] <RO|MUST> <: label> <: tip>"));
    if (wantTip)
      throw(new DmcValueException("Missing tool tip - should be of the form: [attribute name] [field editor] <RO|MUST> <: label> <: tip>"));
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  public RequestTypeWithOptions(String v) throws DmcValueException {
    ArrayList<String>  tokens = CheapSplitter.split(v.replaceAll("\t", " ").trim(), ' ', false, true);
    if (tokens.size() < 2){
      throw(new DmcValueException("Too few tokens. Value should be of the form: <request type> <function name> [className] [DMPERRORS RPCERRORS CENTRALDMPERRORS CENTRALRPCERRORS  CENTRALERRORS]"));
    requestType = tokens.get(0);
    if (requestType.endsWith("Request")){
      int pos = requestType.indexOf("Request");
      requestType = requestType.substring(0, pos);
    functionName = tokens.get(1);
    int optionStart = 2;
    if (requestType.equals("Set") || requestType.equals("Create")){
      optionStart = 3;
      if (tokens.size() < 3)
        throw(new DmcValueException("Too few tokens for a " + requestType + "Request. Value should be of the form: <request type> <function name> <className> [DMPERRORS RPCERRORS CENTRALDMPERRORS CENTRALRPCERRORS  CENTRALERRORS]"));       
      className = tokens.get(2);
      if (RequestOptionEnum.get(className) != null)
        throw(new DmcValueException("Missing class name for " + requestType + "Request. Value should be of the form: <request type> <function name> <className> [DMPERRORS RPCERRORS CENTRALDMPERRORS CENTRALRPCERRORS  CENTRALERRORS]"));       
    if (tokens.size() > optionStart){
      options = new HashSet<RequestOptionEnum>();
      for(int i=optionStart; i<tokens.size(); i++){
        RequestOptionEnum val = RequestOptionEnum.get(tokens.get(i));
        if (val == null)
          throw(new DmcValueException(tokens.get(i) + " is not a valid option."));
        if ( (val == RequestOptionEnum.CACHE) || (val == RequestOptionEnum.EVENTS)){
          if (!requestType.equals("Get"))
            throw(new DmcValueException("The " + val + " option is only valid with GetRequests"));
      if ((options.size()==1) && options.contains(RequestOptionEnum.DMPERRORS)){
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        else if (value instanceof String){
            rc = new RuleDefinitionREF();
            rc.setName(new StringName((String)value));
            throw(new DmcValueException("Object of class:" + value.getClass().getName() + " passed where a RuleDefinitionREF/DMO or DmcObjectName expected."));
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Related Classes of org.dmd.dmc.DmcValueException

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