Package org.cytoscape.model

Examples of org.cytoscape.model.CyEdge

          Iterator edges=inputNetwork.getEdgeList().iterator();
          while(edges.hasNext()&&!cancelled){  //for each edge, cal the weight
            int common=0;
            CyEdge e=(CyEdge);
            Long nFrom=e.getSource().getSUID();
            Long nTo=e.getTarget().getSUID();
            //cal the edge weght
            List<CyNode> listneighbors1 = inputNetwork.getNeighborList(inputNetwork.getNode(nFrom), CyEdge.Type.ANY);
            List<CyNode> listneighbors2 = inputNetwork.getNeighborList(inputNetwork.getNode(nTo), CyEdge.Type.ANY);

            // Get neighborhood of this node (including the node)
            if (listneighbors1.size() < 2) {
              // If there are no neighbors or just one neighbor, nodeInfo calculation is trivial
              NodeInfo nodeInfo = new NodeInfo();

              if (listneighbors1.size() == 1) {
                nodeInfo.coreLevel = 1;
                nodeInfo.coreDensity = 1.0;
                nodeInfo.density = 1.0;

              return nodeInfo;

            Long[] neighbors1 = new Long[listneighbors1.size()];
            int i = 0;

            for (CyNode n : listneighbors1) {
              neighbors1[i++] = n.getSUID();

            // Add original node to extract complete neighborhood
//           Long[] neighbors1=getNeighborArray(inputNetwork,nFrom);
//          Long[] neighbors2=getNeighborArray(inputNetwork,nTo);
            for(int j=0;j<listneighbors2.size();j++){
              Long key=listneighbors2.get(j).getSUID();
              if(Arrays.binarySearch(neighbors1, key)>=0)//exist a common neighbor of both nodes
            degree1 = inputNetwork.getAdjacentEdgeList(e.getSource(), CyEdge.Type.ANY).size();
            degree2 = inputNetwork.getAdjacentEdgeList(e.getTarget(), CyEdge.Type.ANY).size();

//            degree1=super.getNodeDegree(inputNetwork,e.getSource().getSUID());
//            degree2=getNodeDegree(inputNetwork,e.getTarget().getSUID());
/*            degree1=inputNetwork.getDegree(e.getSource());
            min=degree1<degree2 ? degree1:degree2;
            //add to the edge weights map
            if(edgeWeightsMap.containsKey(new Double(weight))) {
              al=(ArrayList)edgeWeightsMap.get(new Double(weight));
              al=new ArrayList();
              edgeWeightsMap.put(new Double(weight), al);
          edgeWeightNetworkMap.put(networkID, edgeWeightsMap);
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      Then, Operation UNION:  according to different situation, in which the two nodes consisting
        this arc may belong to different Complexes or an identical Complex and that the
        attributes of the Complexes varies, we take on different action
        ArrayList alEdgeWithSameWeight; 
        CyEdge curEdge;                                                                                                                         
        for (Iterator iterator = values.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            //each weight may be associated with multiple edges, iterate over these lists
          alEdgeWithSameWeight = (ArrayList);
            for (int j = 0; j < alEdgeWithSameWeight.size(); j++) {//for each edge
                Long edgeIndex = ((Long) alEdgeWithSameWeight.get(j)).longValue();
            Long inFrom = curEdge.getSource().getSUID();
            Long inTo   = curEdge.getTarget().getSUID();
            NodeInfo fromNI=(NodeInfo)curNodeInfos.get(inFrom)//source node info
            NodeInfo toNI=(NodeInfo)curNodeInfos.get(inTo)//target node info
            int icFrom=fromNI.iComplex;  //complex that the source node belongs to
            int icTo=toNI.iComplex;    //complex that the target node belongs to
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Related Classes of org.cytoscape.model.CyEdge

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